Yeah over at we've deduced that the ASIC Quality directly correlates to how well a GPU can overclock. The higher % the better.
So seeing that your GPU Quality is 92.6%, I can assume that a GPU of equal quality would overclock just as well or slightly less.![]()
My 460M rates in at 74%.![]()
Hey there!
I'm a MSI GT780DX user with an additional Crucial m4 128gb SSD.
I've been looking on this thread when I heard that when you "overclock" your GPU, there may be an increase of fps in various of games.
However, I have NO competence in computers. I have neither any idea what Core, Memory and Shader clock does.
I've a cooling pad under my GT780DX and ingame my temperatures (TERA MMROPG) are with ORIGINAL FACTORY CLOCKING;
Without max speed fan - 75~*C
With Max speed fan -70~*C
This is without P1.
So....I'd LOVE getting any FPS increase in MMORPGs and Battlefield 3 for an example. But like I mentioned above, I've no idea what to do with "TechPowerUp GPU-Z" and "MSI Afterburner" programs.
Is there a guide for retards out there to like...overclock without any experience before? Or would you not recommend it?
Thanks. -
I uh...."clocked" from default to;
Core: 690
Memory: 1530/765
Shader: 1380
but the GPU-Z program shows me;
Is it legit? Or is something wrong? -
let's see how this works out >_<
That's so cool! 2-3 fps increase in TERA
What is the decent "max" temperature you shouldn't cross when overclocking? And should you keep overclocking until you reach a good temperature? -
Max temperature for a mobile GPU and CPU are generally around 105*C on average. So going above 95*C is the point you don't want to go beyond. However, if you can keep your GPU around 75-85*C then you should be good to go.
Ah cool. I'm doing 700/1400/1700 atm around 67-72*C without max speed on fans. Time to go up then.
By how many digits is it recommended that I increase each time? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well you will notice that there are jumps built into the clocking system. You can't actually set it Mhz by Mhz if you read the real clock.
For the life of me with the barebones 16f2 and the svet tools I cant seem to get this p1 button .9v OC thing figured out.
It looks like I have the flash for p1 mode set to .9v correctly but I cant figure out the button even after installing system control manager. I hit the button and it maps to nothing at the moment.. hmm -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You can access P0 by starting Nvidia inspector.
Im assuming the P1 Turbo is ONLY FOR RETAIL then correct?
Ive managed to get my p0 state to my .9v OC settings now actually.. was just curious about the p1 button though but all good.
Stable at .9v ic diamond paste
3dmark p3853 not too bad 69c highest ftw
Thats the most I was able to get -
I7-920XM @ 3.5GHZ
GTX570M @ 840MHZ / 914MHZ ,0.9v
3DV P15400+
3D11 P4200+
I'm pretty sure the OCed 570M will outperform an OCed 6970M
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
That is an impressive clock/score. tomorrow i aim to beat it
The benchmarks are nice.. I had to decrease a bit to get BF3 to play stable though.. Meh..
Still low 570M Vantage score due to the low bandwith...dont know how it reflects in gaming
Wow thats some nice oc, impressive!
Btw guys is there a way to force the gpu to run @ max clocks all the time? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes, choose maximum performance in the nvidia control panel rather than adaptive.
Of course it will still clock down on battery so your battery wont explode. -
I've done Furmark 1920x1080 no AA with;
700 / 1400 / 1700
Core / Shader / Memory
with Turbo Fan on;
Got min fps 14, max 22, avg: 18
I'm doing about 86*C~
is that fine? Have had about 67-75 in BF3 with 1920x1080 and so on. -
So, let me see if I understood things correctly.
1. in order to be able to overclock my 570m above 750/1500/1950 with enough stability I have to raise the voltage.
2. in order to raise the voltage I have to change the vbios
3. the only way to change the vbios is to use svet's vbios tuner.
Correct me if I'm wrong please. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
3. There is nibitor, not sure if the free version supports the 570m yet.
how did you guys oc over 740 ?
I oced my 580 at 745 and it crash -
It depends on the GPU, but @ stock voltage 740mhz is perfectly fine.
Use the overvolted vbios to increase the voltage and so the overclocking capability to reach over 800mhz. -
I don't see any differences between 700 clocking and 740
Should I? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Depends on the game and settings, but at best it will be a 5.4% increase.
you should test it this way:
1. run the thingy for fps in game display that comes with afterburner
2. run the game and keep the camera still (unplug the mouse so it won't move by mistake)
3. let the fps stabilize, memorize the maxim and min in a 5 seconds time frame
4. alt + tab, overclock to 740, apply, alt + tab again in the game
5. compare the max and min in a 5 seconds time frame
This way I'm able to spot even a 10 mhz increase. To do that you should stop the camera to a wall where the differences between min and max fps can be at minimum, or to something that's not "dynamic". -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Hmz but after all that you are trying to find a small increase and looking at a wall is not really representative of gameplay.
Unless you are looking at a 10% increase/decrease in performance its usually not worth it. -
Of course it is not. I guess he asked that in order to find out if something is "wrong" with his gpu or overclocking software etc.
afterburner>settings>monitoring>active hardware monitoring graphs>framerate and check "show in on-screen display" (if it's not checked already).
how to make the text larger ?
Is there any gaming fps improvements from ocing the memory clock? No right..?
crysis 2, hi res textures, dx11
CORE - 575, SHADER - 1150, MEMORY - 1500 Mhz - 38,4 fps
CORE - 575, SHADER - 1150, MEMORY - 1950 Mhz - 40,4 fps
CORE - 750, SHADER - 1500, MEMORY - 1500 Mhz - 50,2 fps
CORE - 750, SHADER - 1500, MEMORY - 1950 Mhz - 57,1 fpsJames D likes this. -
damn, any idea what the scale/ratio optimally should be?
what temps are you getting in occt with 750/1500/1950? mine hit 90C after 4min 30
.85v -
81c but i'm with 0.8 (stock paste)
I don't understand how some can use the 570m safely with 0,92. ic diamond can only do so much. -
well damn
nvidia inspector auto sets my voltage to 0.85 every time i try to oc now
lol.. -
ah lol, now i see that this happens to my card too. didn't know that. so, why the temp dif. then?
not sure, i even cleaned up stock paste and reapplied some arctic mx-4
the stock paste was a mess...
I got better temps after reapplying mx-4, but still not as good as yours i guess
what's your ASIC quality %? mine is 82.6
how long did you run occt for, does the temperature stabilize at 81C? -
sorry i didn't see you ask me about my occt temps, i assumed you talked about crysis 2 temps.
here are my occt temps:
turbo fan off
asic 82,9 -
ugh, dunno why my temps are so high.
if you check your settings and make it auto stop at a higher temp, say 95, see if you ever reach it. mine actually does after a bit
dunno if i should reseat my heatsinks again ugh -
don't know why but this time it stabilized at 83, with the same overclock.
turbo off:
turbo on:
something is definitely wrong with your gpu or paste. you should rma it if you can't solve the problem. -
Mine stabilizes at 83 on default clock. It seems whenever I raise the shader/core clock higher, the temperature increases linearly.
When I opened my laptop, I did note that the heatsink surface was very poor. It had small chips/holes which was unfortunate.
I'm going to try to reapply the paste again, might have to just play with default clocks (against everything I stand for) instead of oc.
Gonna go pick up a laptop cooler, heard the CM notepal u2 was pretty good. -
So I upgraded Nvidia driver today... 15.8% better!!!
Both results with GTX 570M 575/750mhz @ 725/800mhz
Nvidia 268.90 - P3043
Nvidia 296.10 - P3524
Best Regards. -
Yeah, the drivers do that for ya.
Also, see if you can clock your memory higher too. As far as I've seen the memory bandwidth matters the most when it comes to the GTX 560M and GTX 570M.
And use Nvidia Inspector for overclocking. -
Why do I crash beyond 745
570m Overclock
Discussion in 'MSI' started by anurag1910, Nov 6, 2011.