I use 690/1380/1530 with no voltage changes. These settings run Battlefield on Ultra Settings.
and how is the temp this setting?
hope it wont decrease the life of the gpu chip...??? -
got 14 avg fps(min-10..max-17) -
Overclock your card and play your game of choice. Keep Hardware Monitor open and when your done playing, you can see how hot your card got. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
With MSI it will start with the clocks you choose if you press the button, with Nvidia inspector you create a clocks shortcut and place that in your startup folder if you want it to set clocks/set turbo on startup.
http://www.nvidia.com/object/nvidia-system-tools-6.08-driver.html -
Actually i want that when my laptop restarts it has the normal stock settings of the gpu...cuz i seriously think that it ll help me conserve battery,,as a overclocked gpu tends to be a bit hard on the battery...
But then i have also heard(i may be wrong) that overclocking and under-clocking gpu over and over results in degraded performance and quicker wear out of the gpu.. -
My avg fps improved though,,it was 19fps(as compared to the 14fps previously)..obviously
what do u suggest?? -
What version drivers are most people using?
1. 285.63 latest official nvidia release Latest Official 285.63
2. 290.53 Beta Nvidia release Beta 290.53
3. 295.18 Laptopvideo2go latest release laptopvideo2go.com
FHD Burn in test (15mins) @ stock 575/1150/1500, power cooler off = 16fps avg, max temp 81C (ambient temp 21C in room)
FHD Burn in test (15mins) @ 650/1300/1650, power cooler off = 19fps avg, max temp 84C (ambient temp 21C in room)
FHD Burn in test (15mins) @ 700/1300/1700, power cooler off = 19fps avg, max temp 90C! (ambient temp 21C in room) -
So either there is something wrong with my laptop....or u r using some other thermal paste than the stock one... -
HERES THE CASE: when i bought it i got temperatures up to 91c with 720 core overclock. i was worried but just decided i was gonna change to IC diamond in a month. on day i lend my computer to my GF and she uses it for a while and the she puts in in the bag WHILE IT STILL WAS ON. she then handled me the bag after couple of hours and i noticed the bag was HOT, then i checked the laptop and it was off (hibernated) due to depletion of battery. i was worried something wrong had happened BUT TO MY SURPRISE i started gaming the next day and temps with 720 core OC didnt exceed 82c degrees. i rechecked for weeks and the results remained.
3 months later and my laptop is still as good as new and temps with 720 core oc dont exceed 82c. NOTE TO SELF: THIS IS ON STOCK THERMAL PASTE. I NOW HAVE IC DIAMOND AND USE 820 CORE OC OVERVOLTED TO 0.90 V AND TEMP DOESNT EXCEED 84C -
Also i was wondering if i ask at the msi service centre to upgrade the thermal paste..will they do it...
and for running bf3 at ultra settings ,will some lower clocking work? if yes then what are those settings supposed to be??. -
in ur case i guess somehow the thermal paste melted and rearranged itself.. -
Hmmm,,i cant believe what i noticed....well playing withcer 2 at medium settings makes the temp go to 77C max.....while left 4 dead 2 which is almost 2 years old game makes temp go upto 87C...
i think that is due to poor optimisation or something,,,
And i believe i am suffering from the same problem as Flapo.. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Left 4 dead 2 is a very demanding game, it places equally large loads on CPUs and GPUs. I used to have to scale my Q9200 back to 2.66ghz at the lowest possible voltage the motherboard could handle for an extended session of it.
How high can you usually overclock the core to without bumping voltage? The reason I ask is because I'm currently at 710 core and after playing Battlefield 3 on a mix of high and ultra for two hours straight, my GPU maxed out at 67 Celsius. I just basically want to know how high I should take the core too with the stock voltage.
what do u think about using a cooling pad?...according to me even a good cooling pad will make a difference of 3-4C at max.. nothing more,, i dont know what to do about this heating prob of my gpu(if it really is a prob).. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Witcher 2 is likely more graphically demanding which means your CPU wont be working as hard to feed it data therefore overall the power consumption goes down. There is a lot of group AI too. Counter-intuitive but there you go.
hey guys... gonna start to tinker with overclocking my 570 in my GT780 and will start with JRWingate6's advice of 690/1380/1530 and maybe head north to 700/1400 if the temps stay under my comfort level... I am used to using Furmurk for the stress tests but has anybody compared MSI Kombustor to Furmarks regular burn in program.... I figure it has to be the same since Furmark made it but wanted to check with the more experience users... I downloaded it when I got Aterburner and figured I would just stick with it... if it pushes the GPU as hard as the regular one... thanks.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
AFAIK its just an MSI branded furmark.
Hi folks,
My VBIOS will not allow me to bump the voltage to 0.9v. Would someone be able to post their original backup BIOS that can be bumped, so I can work with that for my OC. I am on a barebones 16F2, so I assume a BIOS from one of those would be best?
Scott -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well flashing from another card is very dangerous. Where is it from?
My card? It's the stock GTX 570m from the MSI 16F2 barebones. Its from Nexoc.de in Germany, but its completely unbranded. I dont get why Svet's BIOS tool wont let me up the voltage, so I assume that it is the exact VBIOS I have that is giving me the trouble.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Strange, have you tried re-extracting the bios?
For any of you thinking of re-pasting you CPU/GPU.... I was getting pretty good temps with various benchmarks so I was not sure I needed to re-paste but curiosity got the best of me.... I wish I would have taken a picture of it before I started to remove the old paste.... it looked like they used an entire syringe on both my CPU and GPU... I have never see that much paste applied (I could have pasted 5 cpu/gpus with the amount they used). Once I re-pasted with the proper amount of AS5 the idle temps dropped by 3-4c and load temps dropped by 5-6c. I ran Furmark for 15 minutes w/TDE and had the manual fan control turned off and the max was 71c.
** just food for thought ** I am very happy that I decided to take a look and would recommend anyone else thinking about it to go ahead and do it... they are using a caulk gun at the factory. -
I am about to buy a 17" MSI 570M Tomorrow from Xoticpc, or either a 6990M Sager. If it wasn't for this thread, I wouldn't be considering the 570M, but since it matches the 6990M in bechmarks w/ the OC it has my interest.
Anyways, I have this question about the process of Flashing and OCing, as I am somewhat confused and want it cleared up before I buy. I see that most of you use NVFlash to back up your old Bios, and use Svets tool to set the overclock, but what I am curious about, is where to get the modified Vbios roms to flash back to your Video card. Or is it your original ROM that you modify with the Svets tool to set your Voltage and bios. Also is there a way to just use MSI AB to set a modest OC w/o bumping the voltages?
Any help would be appreciated. -
as for svvet tool u do the folowing:
first backup ur vbios using gpuz or any other program that lets u back up the flash bios.
second save this backup and make a copy of it. the copy will the the one u MODIFY, save the first in case u need original settings.
load to copy in svet tools and make changes as u wish, such as voltage and freqs.
forth, save changes in copy of vbios and then its recommended u rename it to something like "mod.rom" in order to tell it apart from the original.
fifth use nvflash to upload bios. and ur done
note: even after changing setting such as voltage and freqs with this tool. u can still use msi afterburner to control freqs for like downclocking or whatever u want. voltage CANNOT be controlled in AB though.
hope this helps -
Hey guys, me again, I apologize for the constantly repeating thread line, asking the same question over and over again... However, I found a machine that fits my new budget PERFECTLY and it just so happens to be the MSI GT683DXR.
Now, coming from an 18.4" screen, this thing is TINY by comparison. I could fit this new thing into my current machine and it would completely conceal it.But the thing that really grabbed my attention was the ability to install dual HDDs and really, that seals the deal for a 15" machine.
However, for overclocking and vBIOS flashing, how far can I expect to get before and after?
What's the general increase I would see after overclocking to such levels? Would they position the GPU closer to something like a stock 580M?
If so, this is a done deal. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
40% ish overclock takes you over a stock 580M easily.
Anyone installed the new Nvidia drivers? I got a pop up in my system tray last night to go get em.
Graphics Driver - Verde 295.73 Driver - GeForce
they claim a FPS boost for skyrim. I fired up skyrim, took a screenshot, quicksaved, installed drivers, rebooted then went back into skyrim and about 8~10 FPS boost. -
Had 2 questions regarding stock voltage and the relationship between core/shader and memory clock and unigine heaven benchmark... I am able to get my core/shader up to 675/1350 without any artifacts in unigine Heaven but that is the max on stock voltage. My mem clock is set at 1600. (also note that I get no artifacts in BF3 or 3DM vantage at slightly higher core/shader clocks) Here are my questions.... is there a formula or ratio for the memory clock compared to the core/shader? Is there a "too fast or too slow" memory clock compared to the core/shader setting?
2nd question...I have tried 700/1400/1700 and unigine is the only benchmark that causes artifacts... When gaming I have no issues (artifacts) and the temps are fine... what would be the consensus be of keeping those settings while gaming? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
For the sake of stability I would just run it at where you know it's stable.
There is no ratio you have to set the core/mem to. -
quick question, what is the default clock ?
I am about to buy the MSI GT683DX and would like to add some perspective to the (impressives)OCs from this thread. -
575/1150/1500 -
So, with research gathered from before, the general overclock I should be able to reach, without flashing the vBIOS is 700/1400/1700. Provided I don't get a below average card like I got with my 460M.
Does this sound about right?
Also, can a couple of you check the ASIC Quality on your 570Ms and post those up here? The really high clocker ones are the important ones since a higher percentage means a higher general overclock. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
What's the maximum overvoltage of this card? I overvolted the card to 0.90v can i overvolt it to 0.92v?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Nope, does not set and defaults to a lower voltage when you try.
Meaker, can you elaborate on what the ASIC is? I just checked mine on my 580M and it's at 79.1%. Is that good/bad/indifferent?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
No one is quite sure yet. It seems that the higher the quality the less power it uses, the higher it clocks on air and the cooler it runs. Low quality samples do better under dry ice and water though.
570m Overclock
Discussion in 'MSI' started by anurag1910, Nov 6, 2011.