I still see john's GTX as being somewhat ahead. Something along the lines of 5 fps or 15% on average for the FC2 runs at least. That may change in the future as drivers mature, but I wouldn't call it equaled performance yet.
It is, however, performance that is excellent for the pricepoint.
Does this mean that you're going to keep it? ;D
It might be ahead, but it's also more expensive...
For me, I'm still trying to track down the guy on IRC that was telling that his ATI card plus whatever driver that he was using were OK under linux. (My primary reason for sticking with nVidia to date, as I usually have little interest in going beyond mid-range GPUs because of their excessive cost, although I am kicking myself for not buying one of those PCIe 9800s or 4850s in December when they were around $110.) -
I think all of us have to say thank you to FAISALHERO and all the owners of the gt725 that post a lot of bench for us to realize the power of the mobile hd4850. thank you faisal for all these intensive days of benchs
How is the build quality of the GT725? If you press down on the keyboard with some force, does it flex inward?
Thanks in advance! -
Have to say, it is good. Decent response on all ranges. Lots of nice bangs. Quite immersive actually. Happy as hell, pissed off the neighbours ^_^ Volume is insanely strong, remember to crank it down REALLY low.
The plan is, in a couple of weeks time, to bag me a Antec 200 laptop cooler, which will give a good 10 degrees C leeway, and then slap up the overclock further using a third party program. On 540MHz GPU and 890MHz Memory through Overdrive atm, 45 degrees C on rest, 72 max at full tilt. Won't let you bang it up past 550 GPU and 900 Memory as was said before.
P.S If anyone has ANY questions about the 725, just throw them on here. Happy to answer. -
But to call the Mobility 4850 better than the 9800M may be premature. -
so this is out in the UK? when does it hit the shelves in the US? (sorry I paged through about 15page and didnt see a date)
Can somebody please check if GT725 offers a possibility to install a second HDD?
Like on Packard Bell iPower notebooks you can install a second hard disk and then there appears a RAID0/1 setting in the Bios after this. -
It looks like these notebooks are going to take a while to get to the Us/Canada. Xoticpc moved their date from early Feb to early/mid Feb. Now Frostys has a 4-6 week estimate.
Don't you love us British ^^
When I ever get round to turning it off, I might have a crack at checking for the possibility of a second HDD. Not promising anything though. -
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
No reviews on this bad boy yet?
I wonder if Frosty gave anyone their money back yet...
I'm going to hazard a guess that the max clocks of the GPU in this notebook are locked because of the CPU overclocking utiity. It's comparable to using SetFSB for your CPU and trying to overclock the GPU at the same time. So maybe something was done to ensure that the front side bus can't be overloaded if the clocks of the GPU are raised above stock frequencies.
I'll bet that an aftermarket 4850 will be much more overclockable than the one in the MSI. Thoughts? -
anyone with Crysis or Crysis Warhead, how much FPS do you get on it with these settings?
Texture: High
Objects: High
Shadows: High (maybe very high)
Physics: High
Shaders: Very High
Volumetric Effects: High
Game Effects: High (maybe very high)
Post Processing: Very High
Particles: High
Water Quality: Very High -
How were you guys able to overclock the card? Every time I try to change the clock speed it automatically returns to the previous one after a few seconds.
on the msi website it says 3.2kg weigth incl. battery but on several pricecomparionpages i see 3.8kg w/ battery...
what is right now? -
i can bench pretty much any program with a benchmark tool. so when faisalhero is ready, we can all get right down to it. i have been working with him to get him up to speed with this stuff. of course we all want to know the real question...where does the 4850 sit.., so in the next few days, hopefully we will all see some concrete evidence as to it's performance.
i just ran this dtwn83 with one core to prove that it doesn't matter how many cores one uses to bench vantage mark.
side note:
people are killing me with this benchmark stuff doesn't matter. if it didn't matter, then they wouldn't bother investing money or time or even bothering putting it into games. give it a rest already. it's here to stay and gaining speed each year...
1 core only / 1 9800m gtx
2 cores only
http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm06=9906962 -
I might actually think of picking up the GT 725, except ATI's support for drivers still leaves me hesitant. Plus, I'm not even gaming much. 45 mins of L4D left me nauseous. -
what, so you finally got around to playing a game??
as for the 4800 driver support...pretty much up in the air there. maybe these 9.1 we're ment for 4800 cards and not 3870 cards. when faisalhero switched to that driver...all his scores took a turn for the better..where as most with 3870 cards took a turn for the worse.... -
Yea, installed L4D and played maybe 45 mins. Wanted to throw up after.
That's an interesting view, perhaps ATI takes a very different approach towards drivers. -
that's because you didn't.
but you know how some like to say more cores always matter...that was just to say....with vantage..it's not the case.
still in the speculation stage of things, but i think everyone went back to 8.12 or 8.10... something about those over clock better and seem to be stable...for them. they are still testing them out though. -
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
i never mentioned this earlier but im almost 100% sure that the mouse that comes with this notebook is either a MX518 or a G5 i love RED its the greatest color thats another thing that interests me about this notebook.
3d06 and Vantage, Crysis, Far Cry 2, Devil May Cry 4, Call of Duty 4 and other common ones. So far, we kinda have an idea on where it stands in 3dmarks (06 and Vantage) and Far Cry 2. Crysis will be the next big one, even though no one plays it anymore, lol (after you get past the nice graphics, it's an average fps IMO).
It would be awesome if companies like XFX and Gainward made Aftermarket MXM nVidia and ATi cards. Powercolor were supposed to introduce aftermarket ATi cards Q4 of 2008, but don't know what happened. -
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
you aren't getting off easy either buddy...your in on the benching as well...when you get some free time as well... -
anybody has any news on microanvika ? if they had offer any sort of discount because of misleading info ??
Well from what i have seen of the limited testig the 4850 is close to GTX but doesnt seem to beat it (5fps dx10 overall difference 34fps vs 39.9) which is almost a 15% difference. which from synthetic testing lands it where they kinda expected it. I regret calling people buying a GTX at its price point foolish. What i was trying to convey is Nvidia will be foolish to keep the prices of its current Nvidia line at its current price point. My apologies to the forum if I unintentionally offended anyone I should have conveyed my point clearer. However after reading the reviews 71c under load without a notebook cooler is what I wanted to hear. This baby will be mine soon (come on tax refund 2 weeks to go) unless Asus releases a 4850 17incher ala G2P or M70. Cmon asus i want yer 2 year warranty
tax return huh...they are handing out IOU's in california. seriously!.
and yes, this should push nvidia into a realistic price range, unless they watch dummy's like "ME" keep pushing these cards further up the line in performance/quality... -
http://i43.tinypic.com/j67n06.jpg -
well i used the laptop 10 hours straight in which i run many bunchmark06 vanatge played farcar 2 a bit rung turbo mode, overlock the gpu aswell etc,
after finishing my last bunch on far cary2 dx10 ultra high 3 loops longrunch and i did this about 3 time so each time took about 20 min. after that i did the temp and tehpower screen shot hope this help -
those kind of needed to be taken either during or right after it finished....
ichime, now i know you have that long list of trial version games...i sort of lost my link to it. this would be a good way to run through a few games with out having to buy them. ill look some up in a bit..feeling really lazy at the moment...and sleepy...
asldfjk;jadsjgoeijg, xoticpc now has the eta for the gt725 as late feb to early march..........................
Run hwmonitor, have it save the values to a file in CSV format while playing Far Cry 2.
Open and import the CSV file into either Excel or the Open Office spreadsheet and graph the values...
Also is one of those values supposed to be the GPU temp? It looks like he's missing some sensors... -
Guy just got a GT627-218US. Said that he'd do 3DMark06 later on tonight, and will likely pick up Far Cry 2, so we'll be able to see how these two models stack up.
Overclocking the 9800M GS will be a little trickier, as I think that they may have to tinker with the actual BIOS to do it. -
Forget if I've read this yet or not in this thread but how is the keyboard in terms of flexibility? The guy with the 627 mentioned how it's pretty bad and I'm curious how it is on this model.
Honest to god the worst keyboard I have ever seen anywhere. -
gotta redo them, i forgot it was dual cards and not one.
qx9650@ 3.0 ghz
ran on 2 cores only
gpu's stock
and seemed to grab about 23 fps on average@1680x1050@ everything set to "high"
qx9650@ 3.0 ghz
ran on 2 cores only
gpu's over clocked
and seemed to grab about 27 fps on average@1680x1050@ everything set to "high"
edit: ichime that far cry 2 run was dual core mode as well. i just checked. -
But gpu is reported as generic vga. Which wouldn't get that score. So I take it the score is about right. -
im running crysis now and my far cry 2 is 40 fps -
(The overclocking bit, I mean overclocking the GPU/shaders/memory. There's a thread in the ASUS forum abotu overclocking the 9800M GS in the G50VT. A guy had it at 9800M GTS speeds and got 9703 in 3DMark 06, temps @ 87C. Really need game/app benchs though as I don't trust synthetic benchs as in many cases they do not correlate well to real world games/apps.) -
-->*OFFICIAL: MSI GT725 Owner's Lounge*<--
Discussion in 'MSI' started by faisalhero, Feb 4, 2009.