I had that problem too - to fix it just reinstall the nVidia drivers (and the Intel ones too, if you haven't).
I'm looking forward to getting the 3k version of the gt60 770m series. I know the 780m 2OD version is already available with the 2880x1620 resolution display; do any of you know the expected release date for the 770m version? (There is a promo page on msi's website already)
I was planning on getting the gigabyte p35k but the higher def screen, stronger videocard, and 3 monitor support have won me over.
Still a little bit on the fence, as I know there are atleast 2-3 other 1400p+ laptops launching within the next few weeks like toshiba, acer, etc.
Are there any standout issues with this laptop that a potential buyer should know beforehand?
Thanks -
95c is unrealistic, quite possibily, it maybe an issue with the specific system. Dont go on calling "unaccepltable, i wont by it for this reason" stuff. I gives the users here the wrong info about a perfectly good system. I've had mine for few months now, and im very much satisfied. I've run many intense games on my notebook, and i've never seen the temps go over 80c (if i remember correctly). Most of the time it would stay somewhere between 70-75c. Temparatures are hot where i live, 32c here today. So do your research, and dont let one youtube video decide for you.
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk -
My CPU did reach 96c at its most in some games (turbo fan off, of course). The GPU temps have been pretty good, though. No throttling issues either. Maybe MSI did some bad paste job for the CPU...
This is all stock, since the warranty would probably be void if I opened it up (as discussed previously on this forum, it's only in the US where you're assured it won't void it). -
For those you who use Intel RST for ssd caching, which caching mode did you select? Enhanced or Maximized. Does Maximized use more battery?
no i wouldnt imagine so.
either will work enhanced just has less chance at breaking is all if something crashes on you.
for a laptop there is less risk of crashes due to power outage ect so there is little risk anything can happen.
either way the performance difference between enhanced and maximized is small. -
and the detail is very fine also at 1080p at this screen size so that also i don't see the need for 1440p for gaming either.
now for instance i have setup a small desk and a 27inch samsung led backlit lcd at my partents house in my old room for when i stay. also with a gaming kbd and mouse / big mouse pad so i can use the laptop like a desktop replacement for instance when visiting. now on this 27 inch monitor i can see 1440p being a nice upgrade because at 27 inch it starts to get a bit more stretched.
but even at this screen size its still pretty detailed realistically so id say at 27 and above is the only time a person really needs that 1440P and greater resolutions.
my 55" tv at home could for instance benefit from it as 1080p even from a fairly distant couch is getting kind of stretched out @ 55 inches.
just my thoughts on the marketing of 1440p screens on laptops. -
I agree with solarflare. Also, I believe that 1080p is perfect for our current mobile gpus. UHD gaming is around the corner, but atm, current gpus doesnt do good at that high res.
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Oh with some tweaking the 780m has a lot of room to spare though depending on the title.
aban714 likes this. -
Nah, 1080p is the best even for the 780M in the long run, because requirements will keep growing. I just don't see the point of gaming at higher resolutions on a laptop.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
I know, but those aiming to run games at very high/max for a few years shouldn't really go for that one. The 1080p version is much more future proof in that regard. Also, I don't mean max as in insane amounts of Anti-Aliasing, but as in all modern effects enabled, which can put quite a pressure on the GPU. The higher resolution will definitely help diminish the jaggies by itself, though.
When i was using this laptop in the hospital to game i found myself using lower resolutions so i could see things better in FPS games anyways lol not even to increase fps. and i have 20/20 vision.
It really makes me laugh sometimes though how marketing gimmick's's influence things.
3k, 4k - 3D 1ms gtg vs 4ms gtg "no difference really" I have a 3D monitor at home XL2420TX and I've used the 3D function like 1 time just to say i did basically as i didn't like it and to be honest it made me play worse than without it on, I'm not sure how many gamer's will use a function that makes them play worse esp in FPS games. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
But first bay can be either a standard SATA connection, or mSATA daughter board.
Second bay is always a standard SATA connection.
All of the bays in GT60/GT70 2O series are SATA III (6.0Gbps) connectivity.severusss likes this. -
I disagree with 1080p being a good stopping point for resolution on laptops.
Increased resolution gives you a lot of different options.
Just because the panel is 1440p, 1620p, 1800p, etc. doesn't mean you have to game at that resolution.
Fortunately you can game at 1080p and enable Anti-Aliasing (AA 8x,etc) and keep a very sharp and impressive image. Essentially, years ago it was a pain to play at non-native resolutions due to the performance drop from enabling it to avoid the jagged edges, but that is no longer a concern on the 770m/780m.
It will be great to have that extra screen real estate when I am using excel, browsing multiple windows, multitasking, etc.
Also, with windows 8.1, you can choose to keep your desktop real estate scaling at a lower resolution (or use text scaling) while preserving a sharper-looking image due to the increased number of pixels being used to convey the lower-dpi dimensions. (Aka, 'reading' text on a 3k display with higher number of pixels scaled to the same size as 1080p will result in an easier to read and finer result on the 3k display.)
So yes, years ago it was a mixed bag going to higher resolutions for some individuals- but now it appears the more pixels, the merrier, regardless your usage.
And the fact it is IPS and not TN like the current models also just means better colors and overall better image. The only downside is no matte option.aban714 likes this. -
So I have the money basically on hand for a gt70 2oc, meaning I can place the order for one right now, but I was wondering if I should wait for a Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal? If I could save a hundred bucks or so that'd be awesome, but if it's not going to be anything then I might as well order it now.
Hello guys! I got this problem on my Msi gt60 20C the past two days...I can't adjust my brightness anymore. I tried using FN, Control Panel, S-bar but it won't do anything. Bought this on Aug. I'm using the latest update of Windows 8.1, I'm not sure if this is some OS bug but the last time I updated my windows was like 2-3 weeks before this problem occur.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
I have to agree with you, the real estate that you get with the 3k screen would definitely help. Office and other production tools would benefit from it too.
Would like to ask, how does a non native resoluton look n the 3k screen? Wouldnt it look, like, jagged and out of picture? My last 1080p monitor that i had, looked odd when resolution it not at native. Most likely this issue will not exist on these newer panels. Tech improves sooooo fast. Im home with a new phone, and i see an advertisement that the sucessor of the phone is out, and im like, fffuuuuuuuuuuu! Lol, that was a stupid example!
Would like to know your thoughts!
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk -
Hi everybody
I am the lucky owner of this MSI GT70 2OC-059US;9S7-176312-059 17.3-Inch Laptop, actually I have bought a new Crucial CT240M500SSD1 2.5-inch 240GB M500 SATA 6Gb/s Internal Solid State Drive HD.
Now my problem is how to reinstall everything using my new SSD drive as main boot disk for Windows 8.
Because in my papers and disks found in the box I have not received any Windows 8 install disks.
But I have burned the 4 dvds torestore everything.
Could anybody help me gimme all the hints.....PLease be simple and step by step, so i can re-install everything. :think:
Use my ssd as storage is such a waste.......... :bonk:
Thank you in advance. -
I wish there was someone to answer for the state of MSI's very poor Support of their laptop's as far as Bios updates firmware updater's ect on their website.
I mean for one the bios's haven't been able to be downloaded for like a month now.
The firm ware updater doesn't seem to work when i run it , it just locks up the laptop then i have to force a shut down which let me tell you. at first scared the heck out of me.
I mean its a giant freaking mess and i dont understand why its so common to see this msi isnt the only company that leaves their bios/updates side of support on their websites absolutely in peices its like they want customers to brick their machines.
This is coming from someone whos been updating bios's since the mid 90's ive done thousands of them in my line of work we practically update every single intel mobo that runs though the shop and i've never seen such a mess of what to get or where the files are ect.
and then the bios's you get on these laptops are all locked down as well to the core features on a gaming grade laptop its ridiculous.
Do not get me wrong i love my GT70 2OC 096us But ill be damned if i can update it without this nagging wondering feeling if i even have the proper files.
And the craziest thing is MSI makes amazing overclocking boards with tons of features and most of all perfectly usable Bios upgrades its crazy how far from the tree the support side of their high end laptop market falls.
Id love to see their Laptop end of the MSI website cleaned up and provide clean Drivers and Bios's you can actually download the laptop has a perfectly good bios update function in the bios itself we can be using and the firmware updater also needs a rework.
Also to Add I Want a Fully unlocked Bios for my laptop as a option in the bios downloads page i don't want to have to track down some black market hacked bios someone unlocked and accidentally get a bricked laptop because woops i got the wrong one. no i want MSI to freaking add it to their website just a bios file i can stick on a USB boot to bios use the flash tool and flash the bios without worry of a windows issue or 3rd party mistake. Why is this so much to ask? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Press F11 key to boot from the first disc of Recovery DVD set that you created, if you receive error message about Secureboot, then press DEL to go to BIOS, and then disable Secureboot.
Proceed with OS recovery.
Once completed, verify the newly restored OS with your SSD.
If everything's working, re-enable Secureboot, and verify again.
Finally, install the other drive back into the system.
If the other drive has boot OS on it then it may cause boot conflict, then check your boot priority setting to make sure the intended Crucial SSD is selected as your first boot device. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
GT70 2OC downloads
Please note that you can only update to the same series as what you currently have.
For example, if you have E1763IMS.50B then you can upgrade all the way to E1763IMS.50K, but not others.
If your EC is 1763EMS2.502 then you can update it to 1763EMS2.506.
It's common to see laptop BIOS with limited options except a very few brands.
Gaming laptops were built with limited resources compared to motherboard division therefore laptop R&D tend to have a slightly close-minded design environment.
Sometimes, some options weren't even untested in the BIOS.
An unlocked BIOS can be dangerous/troublesome if you set the wrong options and you can't even clear CMOS without opening up the entire laptop to get to its CMOS battery.
However, you can still use Intel XTU software (still dangerous), ThrottleStop, MSI Afterburner to overclock your system.
Finally, if you MUST have such BIOS, then you can ask Svet at MSI forum to help you to make one for your system as he has a great reputation tweaking BIOS. -
Hello guys, it is Black Friday and I am dying to buy a laptop, It seems the gt60 2oc has very little negative reviews but its identical gtx 780 neighbor has had lots of complaints about dead hard disks or sound or bloatware taking nearly 50/120gb SSD. This makes me worried that some of these may be potential problems for the gt60 2oc later on.Do I go for the factory set laptop from amazon or do I use a reseller like gentech or hidevolution to ensure their testing would eliminate any future problems?
Wasn't much bloatware on my gt70 2oc mostly just software to use the hardware they included in the laptop people need to understand some of the software is necessary 50gb is normal with windows 7 or 8 as that OS takes up a-lot of space on its own after updates /drivers ect.
And as far as hdd's dying thats the most random thing ever. MSI doesn't make the HDD's that go into the laptop and frankly every HDD manufacture has drives that fail HDD's have a % chance to fail reguardless of who makes them due to being moving parts ect.
As far as gentech check out the current sales and choose for yourself best thing they offer is ability to do some small upgrades to the laptop before you buy it. -
Hey guys, I've been having a problem with my 770m being locked to 405 MHz for the core clock for playing games. I have the power management set to high performance, the laptop is plugged in, and in the Nvidia control settings I set the power management mode set to prefer maximum performance but nothing is working. It happens for any game I run. Any advice?
What drivers are you using? Perhaps you can try another one.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
What program are you using to measure the clocks? Have you checked with another?
I'm really wondering what you owners are doing with the overheat of the CPU (95°c + without cooler boost) does a repaste make the laptop cool again ?
by cool i mean 85°c max for the cpu and 75° max for the gpu..
going to UV the cpu anyway -90mV in order to gain some °C's ^^ -
I'm not, b/c no one here has that problem. Please stop spreading that around the forum, as you do not know what you're talking about, nor do you own the product.
10 charand as far as i've read, MSI's does overheat, the fact is, if you buy it from a custom notebook reseller, they will most likely repaste it to avoid problems with customers
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
http://forum.notebookreview.com/msi...nother-gaming-laptop-again-3.html#post8564989sasuke256 likes this. -
How well does the GT70 work with windows 8 trackpad gestures?
I think things will stay sharp and unpixelated at non-native resolutions as long as you enable plenty of Anti-Aliasing.
Fortunately, these gpus can easily accomodate AA 4x+ so there shouldn't be any problems with things looking great regardless. -
BiOS version: American Megatrends Inc. E16F4IMS.506, 5/22/2013
EC version you mean Embedded controller? It is 255.255
Edit: woah, After I change my power option to balance the brightness adjustment works. I really don't know what causing this to happen. Hmm...but now it works fine. -
Hello, I'm about to purchase a GT60 2OC, on another website for gaming laptops some users reported that they can't use ethernet due to the Bigfoot Killer network card.
Has anyone experienced this issue? Is it rare?
I'm a hesitating now.
Edit: Nevermind apparently there is a fix.
sasuke256 likes this. -
Whats this blasphemy of overheatin you guys talking about?....
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalksasuke256 likes this. -
Well, I live in a hot country (37° ambiant in the summer) and i'm very worried about temp, so i read until now 60 pages of this topic and read a lot of reviews arround the net + commented on youtube videos of owners but the answers are mixed.. some said it's okey..some didn't..
I am extremely frustrated, as I know very little about opening laptops and adjusting internal components. This means if I face any thermal paste issues I will not be able to fix them myself. Now can an expert tell me, would a laptop sold directly through the manufacturer require re-pasting to avoid heating issues?Or will it work smoothly straight out of the box? If it requires a re-paste, then I will have to buy through a re-seller right? Please let an expert provide a straight forward answer, thank you very much and forgive my hardware incompetence
As above, I'm also experiencing the same issue and didn't actually realize until reading the above that the CPU temp is hovering around 75C when this is happening, tried with razer naga, logitech m950, or even with the stock mouspad I'm getting the same stutter/lag/delay.
Has anyone experiencing this as well? And is the there a solution for this problem? -
Also it's not overheating at 95, the CPU is stable and there are no BSODs, freezing, shutdowns, etc.sasuke256 likes this. -
still a repaste is more logical and interesting that activating hair dry mode
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
We understand that some users don't like to open the machines which is why most resellers offer a repasting service or include it as default with certain options.
sasuke256 likes this. -
i was wondering, does the GT70-2OC 096US comes with 2 HDD slots ? i dont want or need that Raid Msata card, i just wanna put a simple 2.5 inch drive in there
edit: found the answer at page 62
think i'm gonna go for the MSI + Artic silver 5 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Just be careful with AS5 if applying it yourself.
Got no other choice
There is no customized msi reseller in canada
edit : is there any way to deactivate that hybrid power thing (it would kill my battery which i cant replace after i get this laptop from abroad)
- The Official MSI GT60 & GT70-2OC (770m) Owner's Lounge -
Discussion in 'MSI' started by IronSheik, Jun 14, 2013.