The unlocked bios would have this option. Make sure your cpu supports it. Also you should be able to virtualise its just vt-d and that's not really used in home virtual setups.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
there you go
make sure you have downloaded rw everything as well - however you dont need to access it - just use the control tools then -
Hi everyone.
I just re-pasted the CPU and now during stress test I am getting very different temperatures on different cores.
Core #1 has the highest temp 91C during prime95 and core 3 has the lowest 79C. Is this normal or did I do a bad paste job? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It could be your paste job is not very even. You will always see variations due to the fact some cores will always work harder than others and that the probes are not all calibrated the same.
Hey guys I'm looking to increase startup speed and overall responsiveness of my gt60 and am deciding to go with an sad cache along with my HDD. I found this SanDisk 64 GB Solid State Drive with Low Power Consumption SDSSDP-064G-G25:Amazon:Computers & Accessories Can someone tell me if it will work? Also do I have to change bios settings for it to function?
by the way, guys, can someone clarify, how do I identify which firmware to chose if the laptop came with windows 8 pre installed, since my temperatures are still on the high side.
Can anyone tell me how to change the wireless card?
Is it just under the Touch Panel, pop that up and change it? The only thing online I could find is a guy changing his Keyboard of the GT60 (I have GT70 20C) and I saw the card there, but he didn't say anything about it.
Please help.... I have dropping issues and ProStar want's to charge me to ship the computer to them to put the original Bigfoot Killer Wireless-N 1202 + Bluetooth card in (I got the Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 AC + Bluetooth).
They say this is MSI policy, is that true? I'm within 30 days. Also, the reason other than the money (which is big because I'm unemployed) I'm resisting shipping it back is because, the problem may not be fixed. This is a wide known issue of most newer gen cards and certain routers. This is my third computer manufaturer and third different wireless card (2nd wireless manufacturer) that has serious dropping issues.
Also, is it normal for there to be an "echo" when making VOIP calls using the Microphone, i.e. using Google Voice? (even when I use headphones for audio out)
Is there an easy setting that fixes that, or is it a bug, or maybe just the bad wireless card? (echo to me seems more hardware?)
Thanks -
As for the mic echo issue - try to reduce the mic boost - found under playback devices and then properties - this helped me with the echo issue. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Hello Guyz, :hi2:
Just wanted to know about the battery of this gaming beast....???
1. Does the battery gets damaged while gaming and on ac power...??
2. From where the charge is been taken while on ac plug inn....battery or power adapter..???
3. Can I game or run laptop normally if my battery is fully charged and ac plug in....cause as if i would require ac adapter for better fps.. or should I remove the battery while plug inn???
4. In short.. whats the best way to game keeping the battery life and cycle intact..???
This question are very general and not restraint to this laptop but for all the li-ion batteries of modern laptops. But I didn't got a concrete answer anywhere on the web and users can different answers and opinions...
As my laptop is new I don't want to ruin its battery early while gaming...and as its a gaming laptop I would obviously game on this machine...
I hope I will get my answer from this forum....Thanks a lot in advance... -
It`s not gonna hurt your battery if you run games while plugged in, but only if your battery doesn`t get hot, because if it do, you`ll shorten the life cycle of your battery.
The best way to take care of the battery is not let it discharged completely every time. Your battery will lost about 20% of its life cycle within one year, and there is nothing that you can do to avoid it. The only thing you can do is calibrate the battery after charging it 30 times.
I have a GT70 with the 770m since last week, and I'll tell you, this laptop doesn't get hot while gaming on battery fully charged and plugged in, even after 2 hours of playing the most demand games on maximum settings -
I'm planning on getting a 128gb samsung ssd as a primary drive for my gt60 and use the HDD for data. I know this was posted somewhere but what are the steps to installing the os on the ssd.
Also which ssd do u guys recommend? I am looking for the best ssd under $100. -
is down again ???
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Should be back up again now, I see they were making some edits.
The 3k editions are now known as 3k IPS editions. -
Hey guys,
It's been a week since my partner and I have owned our laptops and so far we're loving it. I'll try give you a quick, brief review, keep in mind that we're no laptop enthusiasts, and you can consider us "casual" users.
We bought these laptops to game on the go, as we're going to be constantly on the move from country to country. We also prefer to lay in bed with our laptops, than sit at a desk all the time. I will be buying desktops in the near future (far higher spec'd than these guys), but for the time being, these are perfect. We also needed laptops for Uni, I'm a computer science student, so I have to do more intensive multitasking. My partner wanted to get matching laptops so we both got this.
We bought the 17in MSI GT70 from Amazon with the 770m and 5400rpm drive. We had a tight budget, and I will be throwing in a bunch of upgrades later in the year. Will give details below. Anyway, here goes with my quick review.
We both play a lot of games, but we haven't tested anything too intensive. I think the most taxing game I've played has to be Feed the Beast (A massive Minecraft Modpack), I get roughly 30 FPS (fluctuate between 20 and 60) with it almost maxed out. I could take it further but I don't want to compromise my frames. I know for a fact that the reason It's running so slow is because I'm still using the stock standard 5400rpm drive. My old Asus G53 ran Tekkit better because I had a SSD to load up all the mods.
Batman Arkham Asylum and L.A. Noire would be next up. They run butter smooth, L.A. Noire has frame issues because it's a bad port (Rockstar ports, oh gad) but it's more than playable. Everything else I've run is silky smooth. Next up will be Skyrim Vanilla and modded (I can give people a decent idea of FPS if you'd like when I test), Borderlands 2 and Anno 2070 - Three games I absolutely adore.
Crysis runs maxed at around 50-60FPS.
temps are fine, the keyboard and touchpad are always cool, and the laptop never really gets hot.
I have to say, the speakers are amazing, they are better than any laptop speakers I've ever heard, and even better than a lot of desktop speakers as well. Still trying to figure out the audio software so I can use custom settings, but other that that, I love em.
The display is great, the graininess doesn't bother me, though I would probably appreciate a gloss screen that much more. What I'd really, REALLY like is a 120hz screen. Overall, it's a fantastic display, no issues at all.
The keyboard is also amazing. My partner loves the color settings, and we're both fond of the keyboard itself. I've owned a couple of mechanical keyboards before, and my previous gaming laptop had a decent keyboard. This keyboard however is one of the best I've used (desktop), it's by far the best laptop keyboard I've used. The software you get with the laptop is really simple, so we were happy with that.
The network card gave us some troubles the first few days, I later found out it was just the traffic in our apartment. We have about 80 people living around, so the laptop detects around 50 different wireless networks, all are 2.4ghz. We've decided to grab a 5ghz router bridge so we have a clearer connection.
I don't know what else to mention, but I can say the only thing that bothers me is this HDD. I'm getting two Samsung 840 Pro 512gb SSD's later this year for each of us, so I'm really looking forward to that upgrade. I will also change the thermal paste to IC diamond, and upgrade the ram on each laptop to Corsair Vengeance 16gb. The only other things we'll get are Steelseries Siberia Elites and Roccat Kone XTD's for each of us.
Overall, this laptop is absolutely amazing, and I couldn't have asked for more. I chose to get the GT70 2OC for a few reasons.
We chose the 17 inch version cause my partner insisted it would be better for movies, games and other media.
I chose to get us the 2OC because a) we don't play too many graphic intensive games like Crysis 3 and Bf4, and if we do play them, we're fine with playing on High-Ultra without AA
And B) The 770m consumes less power and creates less heat. That means I can keep these laptops for far longer. We plan on having these guys for at least the next 5 years, so I had to ensure the hardware matched that as it was probably the top priority. -
Hi everyone. I got my MSI GT60 2oc-077 a week ago. I am happy with the laptop except for one thing - the wireless. There is no problem connecting laptop to wifi networks and the speed is usually pretty good. However quite frequently the connection drops (i.e. I can't open new websites, skype going offline, disconnect in games etc.). Surprisingly when this happens Windows (I am using Win7 ultimate 64bit) usually shows wifi network as connected even when nothing actually works. A simple reconnect to the network immediately solves the problem for a time. This happens several times an hour so gets pretty annoying. I have the same issues on 3 different networks (home, university, friend's house) so it is likely to be a laptop and not a router issue. The only thing that MSI support offered me besides updating the Killer wifi drivers to the version (which didn't help) is to ship the laptop to them for RMA. I really don't want to take that option both because apparently I have to pay for the shipping according to the MSI policy and because it may take over a month for them to repair the laptop. So has anyone experienced a similar issue or has any idea how to fix it? Thanks
I know you have the Killer, there is a thread here also for the killer card (though maybe a different model card?, and different computers), I think they found a working driver to fix the problem for most.
This is a known issue across several brands and manufacturers with certain routers, and it varies. One driver works, but won't work for another because of different routers, OS version etc..
My solution was to do the driver and settings as I mentioned, and use a program that pings a website every second, and I don't usually disconnect.
Of course, that's just a workaround, and you having a Killer will have to find your own solution, but we are stuck really.
The only more reasonable solution is to get a better router or find a card that works. The MSI is actually my THIRD computer manufacturer and THIRD different wireless card (total of two wireless manufacturers) that have constant dropping issues with my router. I'm on CenturyLink and they are using apparently a junk, cheaply made router that get's really hot. But still, every other computer works.... It's just these new gen wireless cards that are having problems. But, it does seem the quality routers don't have this issue. I've heard D-Links are good. -
So, can someone tell me am I able to change my wireless card by popping the TouchPad Panel???
I've got a GT70 2OC.
Also, as to the previous response. No, I'm not returning the computer, and I'm not even going to send it back for repairs now.
This is my THIRD different computer & manufacturer with this problem and third different wireless card (two different manufactures), it's a known issue with certain routers and these new generation cards, mass industry wide.
It's believed to be something with the "N" configuration in them, but even the "g" doesn't connect well on them.
I at least have a working internet by "pinging" it with a internet connection program that pings a site every second. So, I'm going to keep it as it is until I either get a new router, new/different wireless card, finally working drivers, or otherwise.
I love this computer, and I've had enough. A month and a half of dealing with this some 8 hours a day of direct work. If I hadn't been unemployed at the moment, I would have been in crapola!!! -
MSI Notebook GT60 --- Disassembling - YouTube
What you are looking for is WLAN Module(3:50)...
I am still not owner of this machine but as I see you must remove backpanel and some screws to get to the wlan module on the other side... -
Thanks for pointing out that video. I had seen it in my searching but had forgot about it, and didn't find it again. That looks like the exact info I needed. Thanks much?
You know.... I'm watching another GT60 video, and it has more closeup of the panel, and while it's a different design, I actually don't think those latches she popped under the fan is actually related to the Touch Panel removal?
Can someone please verify on the GT70 if you just have to do the screwdriver on the little slot's on the bottom of the panel above the keyboard and pop it, or if you have to also pop those latches under the fan???
Any of you MSI resellers would know this, please help? Thanks
So, this looks like the way it's really done on this video below, so I'm going with that, and the wireless card per the other video above is definitely accessible there, so that's it. This IS the method for accessing the Wireless card. -
Guys I have a problem, I bought MSI GT60 2oc-022us two weeks ago, this machines is really bast and handling all my needs for gaming very problem with the disks, I have 1TB + 32 SSD ; using SSD as cache drive because I cannot install the windows on or change it due to lack of money nowadays. For HDD it has 5 drives ; I need to create a new drive for my games out of the big C drive ..but due to lack of MBR I can't ...can any one who really knows how to do it because I have 3 recovery partitions
Thanks leeuniverse. I will try the workaround when i get home in the evening. Has anybody tried using an external wireless card with this laptop? I think of buying one because aside from the wireless i like the laptop so far. Sorry for double post. The first one didn't show up when I originally posted it.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you have issues with the killer you are better off going with the intel card instead (7260AC).
Ya, but I'm on the Intel 7260 and it has the same problems. But true some people one might work when the other one doesn't and vice versa.
Though, in my case 3 different cards with three different computers had the dropping issues, 2 Intel one Atheros which is the Killer chipset.
But, I'm one of only of a few who's had that happen. Most have been able to fix their problem by getting a different card, either Intel, Killer, or otherwise. I might eventually try going to the Killer myself, or try one of the other brands. -
Yeah trying another internal wireless card might be a good option but I fear that it might void the laptop warranty (please correct me if I am wrong here) and this is something I prefer not to do with a brand new laptop.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Killer e2200, Wireless-N 1102, 1103 and 1202
Killer Gaming :: Support :: Driver Download Support
If problem persists with the new package, uninstall the whole thing and try the driver-only solution and see if it helps at all. -
Is it worth downloading the 326.80 nvidia drivers from the MSI website Win8.1 tab, posted today? I'm still using the 311.91 from the Win8 tab and they're fine. I've also read about desktop users having some issues after 314 driver series.
nVidia 331.40 Beta Win7/Win8 x64 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Give the latest betas a try, revert if you have issues.
Ya, I'm using the official Win8.1 drivers from Nvidia, and they work fine as far as I can see...
can you tell me the fps in battlefield 4 in ultra at 1080p with the new nvidias`s drivers plz ._.
Hey guys would this SanDisk Desktop Caching SSD - ReadyCache 32 GB SATA 3 Solid State Drive SDSSDRC-032G-G26: Computers & Accessories fit in the gt60's second sata port.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Save the money up and go for a 120GB size SSD IMO for the OS and important applications.
Also even if I do get an ssd, should I clone my hdd to the ssd, because many people are saying that cloning HDD files to an ssd causes a 50% performance decrease? What are the best steps to installing the ssd with windows 8. I'm kind of a noob. I need to learn how to setup a new ssd as a boot drive. (I don't mind doing a factory reset/fresh install) Also would I need a transfer cable or can I do all of my data migration using the two sata ports? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Best to go with Samsung for highest compatibility, performance, and reliability.
You can also check benchmarks between SSDs on Anandtech.
AnandTech | Bench - SSD -
My CPU core temperatures are reaching 90 degree Celsius. Is it fine gaming at such temperature.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Depends on the game and load but a good repaste wont hurt I agree.
hi guys, anyone can post normally temp of gt 60 when loading an intensive game and in idle mode? i would to evalutate if i change my heatsink of gt780dxr if run good or with heatsink with bridge new model msi can lower ° C
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Fan Control Tools by Pherein v1.0.4
- The Official MSI GT60 & GT70-2OC (770m) Owner's Lounge -
Discussion in 'MSI' started by IronSheik, Jun 14, 2013.