Hi, fellow MSI owners.
I dont post much on this forum but i've been following it since the beggining.
I absolutely love my MSI GT70 2OC 065-US, but ive had some really frustating problems and i would like to speak a bit about them so you dont stumble with the same issues that i did.
The first one is the on with the windows updates (im sure a lot of you guys experienced it) when windows is doing some installs and stays on 15% for 20 minutes and same for 30%. Thats a problem with a logs that you could easily fix running sfc /scannow on cmd (administrator). All of the others (and maybe the previous one too ) are due to windows 8 and in really odd scenarios. But one thing is important if you decide to patch your computer so you can install a custom them, something like the UXpatcher BEWARE as if for instance, you restart the system on fastboot everything on the OS will collapse. I had to factory reset the laptop and lost about 80 gigs of music that ive gathered for the last 7 years.
And now that ive shared a bit with you guys i would like to know if any of you have tried the 327.23 Nvidia Driver as GeForce Experience allowed me to download it, even tough on the Nvidia website clearly states that is not available for notebooks running hybrid power (like our model). I already installed it (YOLO) but im not raring to run anything too demanding for the moment.
Has anyone tried this driver is it any good? or should i go back to the beta driver that out there?
I'll stick with IC Diamond, we had Artic Silver but it had leak issues with high-end GPUs so we don't use it anymore. -
Hey guys, Long time no post!!
Just been reading the last 20 pages or so (pages which I have missed, havent visited NBR in a while), gotta thank Meaker and Ken, for answering so many questions from NBR users. Always love to see we help each other here on the forum.
Have been playing with my new G2 last few days. Always was a HTC fan.... but somehow the G2 manage to grab my money.... loving it so far.
I'm still loving the battery life of my GT60, never thought a notebook so powerful can last this long on battery. Thank you optimus tech.
On side note, anybody know if the GTA5 will come to pc anytime soon? Rumors aint helping much, but I do believe rockstar will eventually release a GTA5 pc version. Just hope its not a bad port, (cough**GTA4**cough) -
Yeah, I was also impressed with the battery life obtained not only with optimus but with haswell too. We get 4 or more hours of battery which is amazing for such a powerful computer.
The G2 is the new LG phone? It packs the S800 SoC but the 2.2ghz version right? I want a Snapdragon 800 phone but the 2.3ghz version. And it better be a huge screen oneI am eyeing the Note 3.
As for the GTA5 I think it is speculation and rumors at this point, but it is likely that there will be a port of GTA5. Considering GTA4 was also on the same platforms, I am not sure we will see a massive upgrade in the porting process. If you could play GTA4 you should be able to play GTA5. -
whats this
Hello guyz, want to know whether the GT60 model klm software has the audio mode like gs70 model...????
Also can I update the video drivers from nvidia site rather than the msi's one cause nvidia launches the latest drivers frequently which is more compatible with the current games...
Thanks for your help guyz... -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes you can use the latest from nvidia.
Thank you for the reply...I also want to know whether the GT60 models klm software has the audio mode like gs70 model were it beat according to the music played...????
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I don't think so.
anyone tried the new Killer drivers listed at Killer Gaming :: Support :: Driver Download Support ?
MSI GT780DX - Hacked MSI Keyboard Led Manager - YouTube
Thank You. -
Here is another video on youtube with the audio effect on the keyboard....guyz does this really work on msi gt60...is there any way around to get this thing...its super cool...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK5BxaNSdkg -
Hello guyz,
I went through the post on the msata description in this forum and thought you guyz can help me out with my query. I am about to buy MSI GT60-20C model from xoticpc which has 2 hdd by default as you mentioned. But I customized the primary bay in this model to msata adapter which will have 3x msata drives in the primary bay along with 1x hdd in the secondary bay.
My concern is:
1. Is it possible to do so practically as the told they will replace the adapter in the primary slot?
2. Are there any compatibility issues doing the same?
3. Do i need to reinstall the windows or bios setting if i upgrade any msata drive in future. I know if i am doing raid 0 i will have to reinstall but what if its not raid 0.
please let me know asap so that according I can converse and confirm with xoticpc...
Thanks a lot in advance... -
Hello guyz,
I went through your post on the msata description in this forum and thought you can help me out with my query. I am about to buy MSI GT60-20C model from xoticpc which has 2 hdd by default as you mentioned. But I customized the primary bay in this model to msata adapter which will have 3x msata drives in the primary bay along with 1x hdd in the secondary bay. I have configured 1 msata in primary using adapter and the other 1tb sata 3 hdd in secondary through xoticpc.
My concern is:
1. Is it possible to do so practically as the told they will replace the adapter in the primary slot?
2. Are there any compatibility issues doing the same?
3. Do i need to reinstall the windows or bios setting if i upgrade any msata drive in future. I know if i am doing raid 0 i will have to reinstall but what if its not raid 0.
please let me know asap so that according I can converse and confirm with xoticpc...
Thanks a lot in advance... -
What about GT60...any idea about the same....did you updated your klm software for gt70...??? if so was the audio mode before the update...???
Thanks for the reply... -
I hope so....Thanks a lot ryzeki please update me if it works..:thumbsup:
Does it matter which IC Diamond thermal you grab?
The 7 carat vs 24carat (I will likely be wrong with the figures)
I'm gonna ask one of the resellers in NZ about thermal paste and how much it costs/where to buy. -
They're both the same compound. The only difference is how much of it is in the tube. The 7 carat version should be enough for a couple repastes.
Woah thanks that was quick.....what the version of your klm software...
Hi guys
After a long time searching about the best gaming laptop to buy, I decide to go with GT70, with the 770m.
I was worried about carrying it to college, but I just found that it is not that heavy for me. I was between this laptop and the GS70, and I the GT70 was the better choice to me.
I bought this yesterday, and after 3 hours of Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 and Saints Row the third at maximum specs it didn`t got hot for the touch.
I`m loving this laptop, and I recommend it to anyone that is deciding what notebook to buy.
The only one thing that I`m thinking to do is put a Plextor PX-256M5M on it. -
Hey guys. Got our laptops today and love em. Still need to test out games, but as of now, we've almost finished setting up. We noticed that our laptops are quite slow wirelessly, and I'm thinking it could be an old driver. I tried downloading the driver from the Killer website, but had no luck.
Where can I find the latest driver for all the connection and stuffs -
Plextor mSATA is one of the best, however, depends on which GT70 you got you might need to buy the mSATA module.
I've compared it to my 8 year old laptop. The Dell (8 year old) gets 10Mbps, both GT70's (mine and my partners) get around 2Mbps.
I'm from New Zealand, and we have the worse internet in the world (no joke), so I'm damn positive it's a 2.4ghz.
I'm gonna try download the drivers again and try again. Loving the laptop, hating the internet speed.
Side note: This laptop is from the US, and it's using stock drivers. It shouldn't make a difference (most of my laptops have been from Hong Kong or USA) but yeah
Each time we launch the EXE we get an "error launching setup.xml" -
Make sure your Killer software is not hardcapping your speed, on the bandwidth settings. I once made the mistake of putting small numbers there and was always browsing at lower speeds.
I hope you enjoy your laptop as much as I enjoy mine
as for the SSD I recommend waiting it a bit. Plextors and mushkins are great options for performance msata ssds, but they also cost enough to make you consider if you need them right now haha.
Oh man, did I do a booboo...
So, I downloaded the drivers directly from killers website, uninstalled current drivers, and went to instll new ones.
Apparently the sofware can't detect the hardware. So now I have 2 laptops the cannot access the internet. So I grab the msi cds, and go to install the drivers from there. I get a 1603 error.
What the fudge do I do now...
So I restarted the laptop this morning, and tried to install from the CD again, thinking a boot would clear the registry. It worked! So now I have old drivers.
Being absolutely terrified of screwing up, what should I do? Install from Killer website, install from MSI website, or download elsewhere.
Still makes no sense why it wouldn't detect hardware :/ -
I'm actually using the drivers from here: http://www.msi.com/product/nb/GT70-0ND.html#/?div=Driver&os=Win8 64
(Not the beta ones)
Make sure after you've uninstalled than reboot, run the cleaner, reboot and then install the new ones.
Mine had no wireless speed problems with the stock drivers though - did have a problem connecting to my router which drivers didn't fix (ended up getting a new one).
I did try the latest drivers from the Killer site a few days ago, but every so often the speed dropped down to zero so I went back to my previous one (from the site) and it seemed to fix it.
Also make sure to check this:
I'm currently downloading them, and it's taking ages to download with web browser. Steam is downloading at a mere 1MB/s
How do I check if it's Hardcapping my speed? -
I think the drivers on the 2OC driver page have been updated recently - so yeah, try those out they might be good.
Is 1MB/s what Steam tells you - as in one megabyte a second? I'm in NZ and my max download speed is 1.5MB/s with ASDL 2+
On my version, in the Killer Manager program, it's under Network and then it has ISP Speed. -
I notice the KLM on audio mode only lights up the keyboard if the Windows volume is set above 10. Sucks for me since my headset has no volume control, so I end up having the Windows volume below 10
Is there a better audio driver to let you play around with sound settings. Mine doesn't have the option in Reaktek Audio Manager.
To be honest, IC Diamond dont satisfy me, especially with their p/p. My gt60 cpu got around 43 to 48 when surfing web, sometimes over 50. When gaming without TurboFan it got about 80 - 83. I tried CM Fusion X1, kind of non-famous paste, got it for 3.5usd and it just gave me the same result, may be 1 or 2 degree higher. Gonna try the new ones, any suggestion? anybody try Thermalright CF3 or Prolimatech PK3?
[Tuto] Comment Utiliser Le "fan Control Tools By Pherein" - MSI - Portables 4 Gamers
You can set the fan to your choice then - and then dont have to use the turbo fan - it works really well for me -
Can you post the fan controls tool made by Pherein? or upload it in other uploading sites I can't download it via media fire.
Thanks -
Hey Guyz, :hi2:
I just ordered the the MSI GT60-20C-022US model instead of MSI GT60-20C-024US because xotipc offer me better configuration upgrade with less price for this model...Also I upgraded my ram to 16gb instead of 12gb and the hdd in secondary bay is 1tb 7200rpm. I got all this for $1617.98 with student discount and pricematch instead of $1699 model which is with blu-ray and 1tb 5400rpm hdd. The following are my concern if you can help me out..??
1. Is it possible to install a msi msata original adapter which allows 3 msata drives on MSI GT-20C-022US i.e $1399 model.... cause by default it has 2 hdd bay????
I spoke with xotic pc and they told they will do so and you will be able to install 2 msata drives in future as I already have 1 128gb plextor msata ssd configured on the installed adapter...but when u will install msata u will have to reinstall the windows...I know that sounds lame as the windows in installed on one ssd so it wont bother other msata drives unless it is raid mode.
2. Are there any issue with 7200rpm hdd with batttery consumption and heating...as compared to 5400rpm....does it make difference in terms of speed when comparing to the 5400rpm hdd???
3. How the battey life in idle and gaming scenario...as it has 9cell battery. Also is there any fps drop while gaming only on battery..
4. How the audio quality of dynaudio...as i have heard a lot from the forum about the audio..???
5. Is the power adapter for the machine to heavy and big to carry around..i mean is the overall machine to hefty to move with if you have a good backpack???
I know I am asking lot of question but I think I can get perfect answers of my question from you guyz and help me solve my ambiguity....Again thanks a tons in advance...:thumbsup: -
Hey guys. I've trying to enable Intel-VT virtualization but I don't see an option. Has anyone been able to do it?
Thanks. -
Greetings! Sorry to add to the many questions!
I normally don't make an appearance on forums, but I've been searching for the past 12 hours or so for anyone with a similar problem, and haven't seemed to come across any! So please forgive me if this has already been solved.
I know very little about the technology that I use, so go easy on me here. I just purchased the MSI GT60 20C-22us stock version. It arrived yesterday and I've been trying to get it set up ever since! I know very little about drivers/bios, but I installed the drivers that came with my GT60 and even updated the GPU drivers. But my temps at IDLE (web browsing/installing/steam) are usually in the low 60c. I don't know but that seems very high to me. And then I tried to play Bioshock Infinite at High settings, 1080p. I don't know what my frames were, but they weren't great. But in the matter of 1-2 minutes my temps shot right up to 90-95c. I haven't ever heard of temps rising so quickly. And everything seems to perform hotter and not as well as I had hoped. I see a lot of users posting their temps/fps and they are incredibly better.
Anyway - I am wondering if I just missed something? If there is something incredibly obvious that I did not do? Maybe with Bios or Drivers or some software? (the light IS orange - so my dedicated card is activated. It's a GTX 770m and should be doing a lot better.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated - and I can answer any further questions you need! Thanks! (Would love to not have to send it back. And am scared to apply thermal paste as I don't want to ruin it and void warranty.) -
Ok this might be a strange question but i am getting somewhat very hot CPU temperatures as of late. When I play Dota 2 they go as high as 100C. Has anyone experienced similar problem?
2. Dont waste on 7k2 rpm HDD, u cant realize the different in speed for them but u can easily feel the higher teamp of the 7k2 rpm.
3. In idle it's about 5 hours if only office stuffs, haven't try gaming on battery yet but dont expect anything far form 2h30' i think.
4. It's definitely nothing compare to your speakers theater but it's kind of best laptop audio that I'v heard.
5. Just a backpack is ok. Total is about 5 or 6kg i think (backpack included).
good luck.
Thanks vdhiep92!
My room temperatures are normal! In fact a little cold. It's about 65-70 F ...
I will see if I can't do the repaste! I just figured the product would come playable! xD I'm just scared because I am not experienced messing with computers and I don't want to void the warranty! Thanks for the help. -
also get a cooling pad is a good idea i think
- The Official MSI GT60 & GT70-2OC (770m) Owner's Lounge -
Discussion in 'MSI' started by IronSheik, Jun 14, 2013.