Ok... thats weird..... Gonna need some expert views of this one.
Heres what I just found kinda funny. Its been a few days I've been playing Crysis 3. On Monday night, I ran the msi afterburner, HWmonitor and ran crysis. Was playing at high/ultra settings. Was going fairly smoothly. After, like, maybe 30 mins, I put my hand near the exhaust to check how hot it is (yeah, i do this every now and then during gameplay,) I found that it was unusually hot. So I checked the GPU temp via the onscreen msi afterburner stat display, GPU @76c.... I kept playing but check every 3 mins or so. Then the fan got very loud , never before had it ran this hard... I closed crysis quickly and went to desktop. Checked GPU temp max : 77c, CPU temp max : 98c!!?? WTH?!! I was rather worried about this as I've been playing the Witcher 2 before I started Crysis and it never went higher than 77c for the GPU and 74c for the CPU after several hours of gameplay in witcher 2. This was like a 45 min of crysis 3.
Now the weird part. I just have been playing crysis 3 for 2hrs and 11 mins ( yeah, i checked the time ). I had been monitoring temps via HWmonitor very carefully. And here is the results : GPU max @77c, CPU max @69c........ ???
The only difference between the two crysis 3 sessions is , on the first mentioned run, I had been running HWmonitor and MSi afterburner simultaneously in the background while playing. On the second run, I had only HWmonitor running.
So, could someone here tell me why my CPU temps had hit that high temps (98c) on 45min run while the 2hr 11min run hit only 69c? I mean thats a big difference, 30c nearly. Logically, prolonged gameplay should bring higher temps right?
I take excellent care of my laptop. Now this has me worrying. Anyone comment on this.
Thanks for reading anyways.
Can someone help me? The power button on my GT60 2oc always glows orange when plugged in and on battery. How come its not switching to integrated (white glow)? It even stays orange when on desktop and on power saver mode.
I think I figured out the problem. I changed he setting of Steam and Origin on my PC to not open o startup. So the integrated graphics are running well. Thanks. -
Alternatively, you can just set Steam to just run on the integrated graphics.
Need some help Overclocking the 4700MQ using XTU. Can anyone run me through it?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Open it, set the sliders to max and hit apply, you can then test how low you can set the voltage with it being stable and then you are done.
Then start XTU. Click All Controls Tab. Change Processor Cache Ratio to max available (Should be 34?) Then change multipliers to max available (should be 36/35/34/34). Click apply. Then click save to save those values to a profile if you wish.
I don't have my 4700MQ installed, but I think those were the multiplier values at max. Either way just adjust them to max, and enjoy the free 200Mhz.
Of course Meaker beats me to it!
I wish Intel would have allowed me to change the TDP values to take full advantage of these unlocked multis with my 4900MQ. Of course then what would separate this from the 4930MX.Gotta make a buck somehow I guess.
Also my laptop charges all the way to 100%. Isn't it supposed to stop around 97-98% to prolong battery longevity? -
Edit: Update the bios and the EC and followed the instructions and everything seems to be fine. Just need to figure out how to undervolt it hehe. Any guides for that? lol -
To undervolt you will have to use some trial and error. Every CPU is different and will react slightly different to voltage adjustments.
But for starters you can adjust Dynamic CPU Voltage Offset to -75mV to -100mV. It should be stable somewhere in there and maybe shave off a couple of degrees under load. You may be able to undervolt more or less than stated.
Then you can adjust the Processor Cache Voltage Offset to -50mV to -70mV. Again play around with these settings. You may get better or worse undervolts.
For reference I am currently at -90mV Dynamic CPU and -50mV Processor Cache. Has been stable for some time now, and I have gamed for hours with these settings. If you get system lock ups, just hold the power button down and restart the system, or it might even restart on its own. Then go back in and reduce undervolt by 10mV or so and retest.FrozenLord likes this. -
One other thing I have noticed is that now that its OC'ed it doesnt reach the max clock consistently, it tends to hover around the 3.5 mark instead of going straight to 3.6. Is this common for you guys aswell?
As for gaming, this thing is an absolute beast. For the first time in my life I have gamed for hours on a laptop and not felt any heat whatsoever around the wrist rest. Usually it permeates to the point where there is real and tangible discomfort but I can honestly say that since I got this on Monday I have never felt any heat or discomfort while playing. Mine was repasted by GentechPC and the temps are amazing. Today I played Planetside 2 for about 2 hours straight and got 30-55 fps on absolute max settings, it was incredible. The temps, even more so, using davepearson's fan control tool I set my fan to 80% and got steady GPU temps of 70-75 and CPU temps of 75-78. However, when I turned on turbo fan, both those numbers dipped into the 60's with the GPU getting as low as 66 degrees Celsius and the CPU hovering around 68. Also, playing the free Metro: Last Light that I got, I have played from the start with everything on Max with my fps never dipping below 30 fps and managing a respectable 40-45 in most parts of the game thus far. The temps mirrored those of Planetside 2. Lowest temps I have seen under full gaming load so far was 65 GPU and 66 CPU and this was with Turbo Boost on while I was playing War of the Roses on max settings.
I cannot wait til I am able to afford 256/500gb ssd. This thing has exceeding my expectations and is running like a dream, not to mention that the aesthetic of the keyboard is a joy to behold. -
Can you post your idle temps please, just curious how the repaste by gentechpc affects the temps, would like to compare temps as im on stock. Here is mine atm : GPU @38c, CPU @45-49c -
Is there any reason why it is necessary to update the BIOS to use the latest XTU?
I'm on the original BIOS, and I'm rather liking the fact that it doens't rev up the fan during startup, making it completely silent during my workday and only makes any sound when gaming.
I found the older versions of XTU only allow voltage changes in 100mV increments, and 4.1 didn't let me get the 200mhz Turbo Boost increase. Haven't tried 4.2 yet. Guess I should install it and see what happens. -
Edit: Having trouble OC'ing my video card to the max +135/+1000. Attempts to turn it right to max has caused crashes with the 326.80 drivers. The settings I run now are +111/ +600. Can anyone help me reach the max? -
This laptop is rapidly becoming a nightmare. It's had 4 BSOD's since I got it two weeks ago. Three were down to the Killer card's terrible drivers not working properly and updating them seems to have resolved it. Yesterday I got a BSOD randomly while just listening to music, apparently it was a DPC Watchdog Violation which from googling appears to be when a SSD isn't fully compatible with Windows 8. How the hell this laptop was able to be sold with SSDs that aren't compatible is beyond me but does anybody know a way to fix this? I just want my laptop to work properly, I don't think that's too much to ask. My PC has had 3 BSOD's in it's 4 year lifetime, this laptop is already beating it after two weeks. Very stressed.
It's a GT60 2OC-030UK model, and I've tried to register it on MSI's website to get support but I was met with lots of pages in chinese, PHP errors and no way to actually log in after registering. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Have you gone through to each manufacturer of the major parts (sound, chipset, vga) and got the latest drivers from them rather than MSI?
Changing MSI motherboard bios is NOT the same as changing the EC FIRMWARE. The EC Firmware update will change the fan table and change cause the ramped up fan issue you talked about.
In closing. Update motherboard bios, leave EC Firmware as stock. Then you can use latest XTU versions and still have quiet fans.
That is all.
Thank you for pointing out the latest version 4.2 of XTU is now available! I was not aware of that. I will test and report back on functionality. -
With my MSI GT70 2OC-065US I got last night I seem to be having a few issues. Well one of these include not being able to install the latest official driver for nVidia for the 770m saying that the driver could not find any compatible hardware even though the update is being detected and installed through nVidia Experience. Then I tried manually downloading and installing, still the same message. Then I tried downloading and installing the latest beta driver software and it worked. Does anyone know why? I also want to know if we can disable the touch pad lock when you hold down a keyboard key for about 2 seconds.
Gentech PC says its "MSI disable mouse when typing because it will prevent accidentally touch the touchpad causing cursors to jumping around"
Is there any way around it. Since I also game on this computer. Not being able to turn and move forward in shooting games is troublesome -
p.s : just checked, what Gentechpc said was correct. the touch pad gets automatically disabled after a second or so when you start typing. However this is not the case with a usb mouse. the mouse is active even if you are typing, what Gentechpc said applies to touchpad only.
Anyways, I dont see you having any issues as I would like to believe that you use a mouse to play fps games.... or do you?
Guilty, I'm using a no-cd hack. ....... Its the only way where I live, if you were here, you would understand. The thing is, physical copies of games are not sold here.... disappointed as a gamer, but, what is there to do. -
After updating my bios and EC firmware I've notice that my max temps are alot higher now. I usually could only get my cpu to max out at about 83 degrees without turbo fan on, now it reaches near 90 degrees after the update. Also, It is not reaching the max clock speed of 3.6.
I tried undervolting it counteract this but it is unstable even at -25mV for both Dynamic and Processor cache voltage. I am not sure how you guys managed to undervolt yours to that degree and still have a stable system but I am not having such luck and now I fear the bios updates have made things worse rather then fix anything.
Would also like some help maxing the OC on my gpu. Currently sitting at +130/+606 using MSI Afterburner but raising the memory clock past 650 causes severe graphical instability and I am not sure why.
Lastly, is hybrid power supposed to be automatic? I installed the drivers for it and the shortcut sits on my desktop there and I have to manually double click on it to activate it. Is it supposed to work like that? -
I was able to use XTU to undervolt the 4700MQ by -100mV. Played GTA IV again and noticed the CPU temperatures are much lower but the GPU temperatures increased a bit. Is this due to the GPU being able to stay at its boosted clock speeds longer due to the thermal headroom from the CPU? Left side was when I ran it after using Arctic Silver 5, the one on the right is the same but with the undervolt.
Received my gt70 2oc 5 days ago and thought I would stop in to give my first impressions.
This laptop is absolutely GREAT! Having never owned any MSI products in the past I wasn't sure how I would like it (Have always went with ASUS in the past). To anyone who was on the fence between the g750jx and the MSI (as I was), I can honestly say I am thoroughly satisfied with this machine and recommend it. The keyboard is definitely better than Asus', the audio is good (better than Asus' g75/750 series), and the cooling is very efficient.
Just out of curisoty I overclocked the GPU +115/+400, the CPU multipliers 36/35/34/34 and undervolt -75mV. While running some benchmarks I saw GPU temps of 74-77ºC, and CPU temps of 76-79ºC. Seem like pretty reasonable temps (to this amateur). I was concerned that I may have to repaste (having never done it before) but it seems I don't need to. However I should add, I haven't done any long term stress tests or gaming sessions.
Thanks to MSI for what is becoming a fantastic first experience with the brand.
P.S. As I stated the overclocking I did was just out of curiosity, but as it seems stable and cool is there any reason I should set it back to default (as I had intended)? -
can post your gpu z 770m gtx overclocked +115/+400 ???? you have overcloked with afterburner ????? -
GPU-Z and Afterburner pics above. Hope they work (new to the forum)
I decided to do some 30min stress tests with FurMark... After 17 min temps held at 80ºC. I then decided to set up a fan profile with Pherein's fan tool. At 70º I have fan speed set to 46% (audible but not disturbing), during the same test I never broke 74º after 30min. Not too familiar with FurMark but it said 31FPS and 99% load, seemed decent to me.
Thanks to Pherein for a great fan tool!
After some fooling around I was able to get the fan tool to run on log on with the windows task scheduler, that way I didn't have to manually start it every time. I was looking around the internet and couldn't find a way to get it to run on start up, so this seems to be working for now. Anyone know a better way? -
i have studyed bios, 770m gtx power target limit 80w
asyc qyality in gpu z? -
How do I check my bios version. I want to update my bios for my gt60 2oc 022US with the one on the MSI website. Which one do I use? (I have Windows 8)
Also randomly (but usually during start up) my computer takes forever to load programs and it takes like a minute for Skyrim to load. I checked task manager and it says that the disk is at 99%-100% and usually Service Host Local System uses the disk the most. Can someone help me diagnose and fix this problem? Would updating bios help? -
Hello. Could you please Help me : I m looking for the way not to have the windows 8 side commands when I slide finger too close from the sides of my track pad...
from right side it opens the black icon menu with configuration, date and time (on down left)...at left side it opens the last metro item. Boring
I can't find in the trackpad config menu how to avoid this
Thanks for your help
PS : overall I love this laptop -
Hi I have owned the MSI GT70-2oc-065us for 30 days and absoulutely love it.
Here are some quick specs:
Intel i7-4700mq proccesor
Nvidia GeForce GTX 770m
120gb solid state + 1tb 7200rpm hard drive
16gb ram
A review on different points:
This laptop boots up in 3 secs because of windows 8 and the solid state drive. The steel series keyboard has a good firmness to it. I don't have much to say about the touch
pad, as I use and external mouse. The speakers on this laptop are amazing! They are very clear and can easily fill a large room with great sound. The laptops cpu and gpu
idle around 32-38°C depending on what your doing. When gaming for extended periods you will always have to use coolbooster which will make the fan very loud, but keeps temps at around 40°C on battery
and 50° when charging. The single fan cooling does just as good, if not better, than the double fan cooling on other laptops. I get above 60fps when playing Borderlands2
on max settings and get 40fps when playing more demanding games such as Metro 2033. This laptop has been absoulutley amazing, so far and I have nothing bad to say about it.
On a side note this laptop came with Windows 8 which I thought I would hate, but I have really come to like it. Also I purchased my laptop from Xoticpc.
Can anyone who owns this laptop answer this question?
When on max fan speeds the airflow from the rear vent is very strong, but the left vent does not have nearly as much air coming out. Is this normal or should both vents
have equal airflow? -
However it would be nice if you could give some instructions on how to set it up and so on? Since from the screenshots it seems that a notebook and profile have to be selected? is the GT70 already in the profile list? Or do I just follow whats on the link above? -
@ Rhadamanthis GPU-Z reports ASIC Quality of 65.4% which doesn't exactly sound impressive. However, I don't understand this rating. What is it?
@ vividhavasthi for the gt70 you select "16F2-12" for the notebook selection. As for profile you can select one of the profiles that are already set up, or you can make your own profile by entering the temps and fan speed percentage. There is basically no set up, and its really easy to use. Pherein did a great job with it. The only thing to look for is when you turn off your computer you will have to re-apply the profile (this may also be the case when going from battery to wall power, not sure), but I was able to use task scheduler to start it for me when I log in. There are posts around on notebookreview and other sites where they discuss the tool further.
If you don't have these mouse setting available, download the current driver. Http://www.synaptics.com/resources/drivers -
Does anyone else get 100 percent disk usage in task manager for the first 3-5 minutes of startup. My computer runs really slow during that period. I have the Gt60 2oc 022us with the stock HDD. Would updating bios help? One person on another forum said it could be Norton but I'm not sure. Can anyone help?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Have you looked in performance monitor or task manager to see if something is particularly greedy?
I need some advise...
On day 7 of ownership I have encountered a small problem with the GT70. The power brick is making a faint, high pitched, chirping sound. Upon some research, it appears this could be due to a faulty capacitor in the brick.
So here is my dilemma...
Option 1
I’m within my 15 day exchange/return/refund period from my local reseller, so I could take it back and get a whole new computer. However I believe I have a decent system, no faults other than the brick with a seemingly good paste job, so there is a chance I may have to repaste the new one or have other problems.
Option 2
I get one free battery and one free power adapter with my warranty, within a 2 year period. So they will send me a new one, however if the new one ever went bad I would have to buy another.
Option 3
Wait and see if the brick fails completely before requesting a replacement. If it is a faulty capacitor, could this damage my system by continuing to use it?
I appreciate your opinions. -
@iron sheik : thank you, I got the drivers from synaptics website, and it works like a charm now : the sides command check/uncheck appears now !
I don't know why it was not visible in the driver from the MSI website
@phophorous : you should contact MSI support, they will probably send you a new power brick. A bad one could damage your belove GT60 -
What's in new bios
Few weeks ago I purchased a MSI GT70 laptop. Config: corei7 4700MQ, 8GB 1600Mhz ram, Nvidia GTX770M 3GB DDR5, 750GB HDD.
But there is serious issue with laptop. Laptop's graphics card heats up very fast and cooling fan starts rotating in high rpm if some game is played and within 2-3 minutes laptop shuts down itself. Same issue is also seen when a particular software is forced to run on Nvidia GPU. If I run firefox browser is run using Nvidia GPU, and 'Fish Bowl' test is run from Microsoft site, system crashes when no. of fishes is set to 1000 or more. Even if some video player uses Nvidia hardware acceleration to play HD videos, laptop shut down within 1-2 minutes. During these times temperature of GPU reaches to 105 degree Celsius before crashing. I observed temperature using GPU-Z software. I also ran some graphics stress tests in which laptop crashed within few minutes. Laptop remains stable while running on Intel HD 4600 graphics. I am not able to play even a single game. Most of the games crash in their menu only.
I am currently using graphics drivers which are provided on MSI download center (Version 311.83). I tried updating Nvidia drivers, but they couldn't be installed. Also I do not keep laptop on pillow. Sufficient ventilation is provided by keeping gap below. I tried using my friends cooling pad but same problem occurred again.
I also tried one thing with this laptop. I played Counter Strike GO (which is very low demanding game) using Nvidia GPU; and as expected laptop crashed in menu itself. Then I forced game to run on intel HD4600 graphics and game ran very smoothly at 1080p giving 77 fps of performance. Then I checked temperatures. Whereas Intel HD4600 reached maximum of 75 degrees, Nvidia GPU reached 96 degress without load.
Kindly help.
Ajay More. -
Try to repaste or at least check If the cooler is well positioned over the gpu...or RMA
This behavior from your laptop is not normal at all -
You may want to open the bottom cover and check the screws on the heatsinks are tight or check the thermal paste a apply properly. but even with bad paste it shouldn't reach 105 degrees so most likely the screws on the heatsink is loose. -
Hello all - I received my 2oc last week and have put it through its paces and it has performed admirably. No issues to report. With no re-paste, straight from the MSI factory, temps on core 0 are getting up to 80* during BF3 on high settings. Not sure what the fps is cuz i don't run anything to clock it but the playability is wonderful. I still can't believe that I can now play all my games on a laptop! Looks like I'll be putting off doing a re-paste until I upgrade my RAM.
On a side note, the only thing I'm slightly disappointed in is the slow 1TB drive (stock -which I already knew it was 5400 rpm) and the fact that I cannot find the Super Raid 2 adapter anywhere on the open market. Hopefully by the time I'm ready to upgrade there will be something available for purchase. As for now I plan to get a 2.5" 256GB SSD to put in the primary HDD bay. If my memory serves me correctly that's the SATA III 6G/s bay, right?
Thanks for all of your info guys/gals! This forum has been an invaluable source of intel regarding the gt60/70... -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You are better off really just getting a large drive like the EVO than bothering with the super raid.
You can still use raid on the 2.5" bays by the way. -
1. The heatsink is not connected properly (open the laptop and check if all the screws are tightly in place - while you are at it check the condition of the thermal paste)
2. If the above is not the issue you should get a CPU/GPU repaste (arctic silver or IC diamond should do the trick)
3. If it issue still does not go away... return and ask for a replacement asap
Hope it works out for you
- The Official MSI GT60 & GT70-2OC (770m) Owner's Lounge -
Discussion in 'MSI' started by IronSheik, Jun 14, 2013.