well I have decided to cancel this order too many unknowns at this point and I"m not feeling all that good I may contact these gentech guys and see if they can sell it to me without the drives and maybe only 32GB ram. It will be more but cyberpower told me it is 2x 230 watt and not 330 watt they said it will run fine. Not sure what to conclude so for now I'm just going to say no.
Like I said CyberPowerPC has done reduced PSU's on other models before, and it's clear they don't care about performance.
The boutique sellers will customize your laptop, but you won't be saving a lot by eliding items from the build.
Again, I would wait until we get more user reports on the GT83VR 1080 SLI before spending all that $.
If you do move ahead with a purchase, please do post your benchmark results and temperature results and share them with othersLast edited: Oct 25, 2016 -
Edit: I'm no longer able to pull 197W from Civ6, maximum I get now is 192W. But here's one from playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Last edited: Oct 29, 2016hmscott likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
Though that being said I hope you enjoy the machine.
Edit: it's envy definitly envy. Learning things every day. Lol
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using TapatalkLast edited: Oct 25, 2016hmscott likes this. -
Little reviewon Everki Titan from me: It's been 9 months, I loaded the bag not only with laptop and charger, but also other things sometimes up to 12kgs (total weight). The straps still good. I hope it can last more than 2 years.
The "normal" price (MSRP) is equal to Amazon price though, so you probably could get it for less on street price (offline stores).temp00876 likes this. -
Update on the delivery situation..it should be in by wednsday.
As soon as I get it in my hands I should be able to get the ball rolling.
Are there any image uploading sites I can use to host my images or is the forum fine?
Edit: @hmscott & anyone else. IT'S HERE. just finished setting it up....a little finnickyness getting it to work with my acer pred x34.....but everything seems smooth now. i just gotta start benchmarking. gonna start light for tonight. im looking for suggestions. firestrike extreme? heavan?
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using TapatalkLast edited: Nov 1, 2016hmscott likes this. -
Making a new post so I can organise my benchmarks.
http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/15788964? stock out of the box, i think i had steam downloading something in the background.hmscott likes this. -
Here it is compared to the #1 Futuremark Notebook 1080 SLI Fire Strike Extreme Score set by @Johnksss@iBUYPOWER using an OC'd P870DM3
Your stock score is 15% under for Graphics and 38% under for CPU, so you have a ways to OC
Maybe @Johnksss@iBUYPOWER can post his stock Fire Strike 1.1 Extreme score, for a stock comparison?
Can you also run a Fire Strike 1.1 - not extreme, we can compare against a GT80 SLI-263 980m SLI:
Added the top Notebook 1070 SLI Score (an MSI laptop) for a compare:
And, here is a comparison of your 1080 SLI score against the top 1070 SLI score:
Your 1080 SLI vs 1070 SLI is 15% faster in Graphics, and 15% slower in CPU, again some room to OC.
Great news you finally got your GT83VR -
Which could limit him a bit on top end CPU to 4.0ghz, it will be interesting to find out what his BIOS or Intel XTU will allow.
Undervolting should help improve duration test results too - reducing heat helps keep the clock speed up.
Not that big a deal, since I think the GT83VR BIOS won't let the 6820HK go much if any higher.
Here is a more "fair" comparison against the 2nd place Fire Strike Extreme SLI 1080 score, but it's still against a 6700k:
Here is a comparison against the top MSI GT83VR score:
The Graphics is only 2% behind and behind 16% CPU - a 6820HK @ 4.0ghz... I hope that's not top OC for that guy either... -
Stock P870DM3
As requested by @hmscott -
I can't add your score to his for a comparison...
Are you Sephadex on Futuremark?, if so here is the comparison:
Sephadex's score is 5% higher in Graphics, and 21% faster CPU. -
Just woke up a little while ago. gonna do some benchmarks and a little bit of tuning.
http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/15793554? - the regular firestrike.
As I go about today I'll add more, all will be done at stock, with auto fans for now.
(time spy wont even run....)Last edited: Nov 2, 2016hmscott likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
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The 1080's - all Pascal, don't scale as well at 1080p as at 4k, so benchmark comparisons between Pascal laptops should be at 4k to best compare.
You need more CPU power to scale on 1080p as well as the P870DM3 1080 SLI.
But, it's nice to see the comparison @ 1080p too
You might want to jump to OC soon... at least for CPU, undervolt at stock first, then OC - reduce undervolt as needed when increasing the core multipliers. -
Which fire strike should I be doing? I have regular ultra and extreme.
Also any other good benchmarks I should run?
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
Fire Strike regular is 1080p, so use Ultra and Extreme for comparisons for now, less CPU required - fewer FPS - each frame adds CPU load.
Watch your CPU utilization while in games, not just FPS - also watch GPU utilization. When CPU is limiting, your CPU utilization will be highest, with GPU utilization being lower.
You also likely need to make sure at 1080p your Nvidia 3d settings are set for performance, Vsync and Gsync are off, and anything else that could hold back performance.
You just got it out of the box, it's going to take a while to get it sorted out for best performance.NuclearLizard likes this. -
Edit: killer networking is large in part useless correct? I can yank it with no issues?..as it seems to be eating up 13% of my cpu at any given time.hmscott likes this. -
When you have other stuff under control, you can go back and set up the Killer Suite, it's really easy, and load balances network throughput on the laptop - so you can stream videos while doing simultaneous torrents + other downloads, while browsing - it works really well.
The only thing you really need to do to make it work right, is to go into the systray app, and set the upload / download speeds accurately. Yeah, that's it.
Or do the uninstall of the Killer Suite / reboot / install drivers only. -
ahhh ok, so far I would say the only issue I'm having with it is that it occasionally hoovers up CPU space. I saw it take 18% to itself for a minute or two and drop back down to .7.
hmscott likes this. -
Did you turn off the MSI Dragon Center xboosters? This Linus Tech Tips video starting at 4:00 goes through it, and shows the 2 options to disable to stop the CPU usage @ 4:49 - USB and Storage xBoosters, toggle off.
yea, did all that, even went so far as to remove dragon centre
now im trying to diagnose an interesting issue with my x34. lol.
it keeps shifting to a red tint when i watch videos (any kind, youtube, local or other) in fulls screen.
seems when any application is in fullscreen. just tried the witcher 3.Last edited: Nov 2, 2016hmscott likes this. -
Starting before your start the benchmark to cool down the CPU / GPU as much as possible, and then run full fans while benchmarking - never turning full fans off - and then let full fans run after benchmarking for a while to pull the collected heat out of the system before going back to auto fans.
Running auto fans are will limit your results. Your CPU will reach thermal throttling quickly on auto fans, and fold back performance.
You need every advantage to get the top scores
Get a portable air-conditioner and set the GT83VR intakes over the output vent
No Pain (loud fans), No Gain -
http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/15796646? - the latest one, ran max fans 4 minutes before and 10 after. kept them on the full way through.
lol I wasn't thinking of going that far down the bench marking path, even though being able to say i have the fastest gt83 would be nice.
my highest temp was 74c on gpu2. gpu 1 was 69ish and I don't think my CPU went over 70.....I'm still trying to figure out how to get a good picture to send. lolhmscott likes this. -
The other GT83VR 1080 SLI OC'd his CPU to 4.0ghz and also his GPU's to get a Graphics score very close to the P870DM3 - even without the 6700K
Here's only your GT83VR vs the OC'd GT83VR:
http://www.3dmark.com/compare/fs/10655370/fs/10593530NuclearLizard likes this. -
Now that you got the cooling going for ya, you can start OC'ing
There is always variation in scores, with other things running all the time, you also have to tame Windows services, scheduled reports back to MS HQ, applications, etc.
Get the tools to tame Windows 10 going and configured, and start disabling and uninstalling the stuff you don't need.
Oh yeah, don't forget to make a 32GB USB 3.0 Flash Recovery drive backup of your system - it should already be bugging you to do it, make sure to get it done soon just in case you get a SSD failure - it's happened to guys a day or two out of the box - and they put off doing the recovery backup.
Then you can start blowing stuff away with confidence that you can recover back to the out of the box configuration any time you want -
I'm gonna start trying to oc. anything I should know?hmscott likes this. -
NuclearLizard likes this.
Get the tools to tame Windows 10 going and configured, and start disabling and uninstalling the stuff you don't need.
Oh yeah, don't forget to make a 32GB USB 3.0 Flash Recovery drive backup of your system - it should already be bugging you to do it, make sure to get it done soon just in case you get a SSD failure - it's happened to guys a day or two out of the box - and they put off doing the recovery backup.
Then you can start blowing stuff away with confidence that you can recover back to the out of the box configuration any time you want -
Already did one of those, it was the first thing I did after turning on the computer. lol
hmscott likes this. -
Intel XTU and MSI Afterburner are the tools.
First do undervolt at stock CPU speeds, on just the CPU cores.
Start at -100mv, and work your way down -10mV at a time. You might get as high as -200mV... or only -85mV... more or less, every CPU is different.
You can use the built in XTU Stress test for 5 minutes at a time until you get a BSOD at an undervolt, then back off -20mV and run on that for a while.
Increase again -5mV at a time, run on it and find stability in all activities - games, benchmarks, movie watching, idle time.
Usually the last BSOD is while idle. Back off 5mV and that should be stable.
Then work on undervolting the CPU Cache, start at -25mV and work in -5mV increments.
Always vary 1 thing at a time, and run everything at it's stable values for that multiplier.
When you are stable on undervolt, then you can run some benchmarks for numbers to compare against stock.
Take a break and do some gaming
Then work on OC'ing the CPU. Try going to 40x on all 4 cores, you will likely need to halve or reduce by 2/3 the undervolts - or put the undervolts at stock - it may take some playing around with settings from default to get 40x x 4 stable.
Then once the CPU is OC'd stable, benchmarked, and gaming done, you can work on the GPU
You can look at the benchmark for the 1080p Fire Strike, check out his GPU settings as a goal for your GPU OC. -
Then give undervolting a shot. It can improve CPU performance in benchmarks.
Then OC the CPU...Last edited: Nov 2, 2016 -
If it turns out to be consistent I would ping whoever did the 44K OCed run to see what they get at stock just to make sure. -
Maybe limit the power as well, and see what you see. -
not sure. i got past 130mv undervolt on mine and im more or less holding rock solid at 3.39. How would i go about testing it since im already in there fiddling with it?
sorry if i seem a little off. just woke up from being trapped on the cough. the gaming on this is a real treat though.
Just finished fiddling around with the undervolting. I stopped at -200. I'm going to try and take a picture and get your feedback before I proceed. I have tried looking up stuff on YouTube and forums but it seems....vauge. @hmscott @Q937 @Johnksss@iBUYPOWER
Last edited: Nov 2, 2016hmscott likes this. -
How many turbo bins (multiplier x for the cores) do you have? 34 x for quad core, how high does it go?
Undervolting is fine, but you can also find, and fine tune, a max turbo speed along with a nice undervolt to keep temps in check while delivering more performance.
Por example I can game at like -90mv at 34x, -65mv at 35x and -45mv at 36x for my haswell CPU. The best performance/ratio ends up being 35x at -65mv usually (for me). -
It seems to be running happily at -130mv @ 3.6 on all cores.
sorry about the lengthy time to reply I have been enjoying and trying to solve an issue with civ6. -
hmscott likes this.
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
Interesting. I'll have to fiddle more. It seems to like undervolting on the cores. I got to -200mv with no issues so far.
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As for the CPU undervolting, yeah my cpu is actually rather bad in that regard. My GT60 with 4700MQ does -120mv easily at 34x and can do more. Mine would die if I tried so. Then again I did notice I am less stable since I use 2133mhz ram, compared to 1600mhz, maybe that affects somehow. -
Just ran a test at [email protected] on all cores (Intel xtu stress) it says passed.
Functional it sits at 3.98, says my top temp way 81c reported by xtu though I'm thinking of re running with HW monitor.
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk -
That's not bad at all, hopefully it will be 100% stable for the most part. You can use other software to test stability including games or benchmarks like cinebench that end up stressing the CPU a lot.
I'm running a fire strike with HW MONITER in the back ground. Will edit the results into this post.
OC cpu run http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/15807759?
Did some runs in cinebench and octane
cinebench is at 3.6 for all cores
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using TapatalkLast edited: Nov 3, 2016GTVEVO likes this. -
The other method is to use Windows "snipping tool", which lets you edit / annotate in it, and best thing is you can "grab" the section of the screen you want to show, like just the hwinfo64 dialog view - or both the test app + monitoring tool dialogs - grab a view around all the screen space you want, then redline (or other color) whatever you want to show, or yellow highlight a section, then save a jpg/png/etc.
That's a lot easier than a photo, but for BIOS our outside Windows apps you'll want to use a camera
***The Official MSI GT83VR Titan SLI Owner's Lounge (NVIDIA GTX-1080's)***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Aug 13, 2016.