Broadwell performs better than skylake on laptops by virtue of much higher clock speeds. Unless you actually tweak a skylake CPU like the unlocked series, these new CPUs are slower than previous gens.
phones on the other hand is just bad comparison as people start to realize its marketing scheme, this phone has more cores than this other phone but in the end non of the apps take advantage of it all and just drains battery life, and its aimed at stupid people who wants to pay $800+ on a phone yearly LOL.
btw for your overclock have u tried to under volt it? -
mason2smart likes this.
I just saw Fangbook 4 XTREME SLI 1080 ( )
It's same as the MSI GT83VR with gtx 1080 in sli .
The price is way cheaper but with same configuration.
I couldn't find reviews about it though. Do you think that it's the same as the msi version with everything not ? ( like shifting gear function and msi center and other things )mason2smart likes this. -
I noticed theirs says Gsync.
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalkmason2smart likes this. -
You wish it was so to justify the Desktop CPU, but I haven't seen anything except the early buggy Deus Ex release causing that.
There are certainly a few games that could qualify, but even those seem fine.
Still no justification for the noise and heat generated by a 91w CPU for gaming.ole!!! likes this. -
ole!!! likes this.
Miguel Pereira Notebook Consultant
Actually, since ps4 (pro) and xbone (scorpio?) Use such low power cpus, my guess is that Cpu requirements wont really go much up in the near future, mind some specific games/situations.
A recent i7 with 3+ghz should run any game without a problem.
SLI would make sense in a 4k scnario or 1440p 120hz. -
Run some tests doing comparisons at those settings for heat generation. That's what needs cooling, heat generation.
And as all the games showing CPU utilization show less than 50%, that extra power of the 6700k is a waste of resources.Last edited: Sep 29, 2016 -
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk -
Streaming 2 games (1 for each eye) at 90 fps, is ridiculous to expect a laptop to deliver, even with today's weak VR minimums.
Wait till the switch over to 120 frames / sec / eye in the next spec... even more CPU, and higher res going up to 5k+... even more GPU.
I can remember the days when it took 2 $500k SGI computers to feed both eye's, and we aren't done yet, 20 years later.
If you need to ride the edge of VR power requirements, you need a desktop, or two, so don't berate laptop CPU's.
You might as well complain about the 6700k as being far too weak to suffice, which you are, because the 6700k stock speed is 300mhz short of what you say is needed.
VR is silly, I mean, really, it's a joke.mason2smart likes this. -
Sorry bud but the 6700k is a real unlocked cpu so the base is only a base and not a limit. 4.5ghz stable with no throttling or heat concerns is pretty nice if you need it.
As for VR just because you don't like doesn't me no one can in this thread. I don't like how you just represented yourself that was a bit harsh.
Still saying VR is a joke it must be for several vendors to work hard on branding their hardware for it. If you don't own it or have experiences save them for people that do.
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk -
I'm not saying the 6820HK and 6920HQ aren't perfectly adequate for gaming, because they are. I bought my GT80S for a reason. Clock for clock and given the same silicon quality, they're pretty much identical to the 6700K except in form factor. But it's simply misleading to claim that they run cooler than the 6700K at the same settings, especially since Intel uses mobile SKUs to unload their worse-binned chips.mason2smart, ole!!! and GTVEVO like this. -
i mean, when i use the fastest of nvme pcie ssds to run my game, they sure dont start up instantly. a simple example would be dota2 to startup at 4ghz 4c/8t on raid 0 sata III SSDs would take about 13 sec, where as running on two pcie nvme SSDs sequential wise thats 3x the speed it still takes about 10 sec, certainly not 3x as fast.
cpu is not being programed to fully use its advantage too.mason2smart and hmscott like this. -
check the power usage with throttlestop on a mobile cpu and a desktop cpu, theres like, almost no difference giving the margin of error. infact, desktop cpu with better silicon uses less voltage yields better results at same clock speed than laptop CPU.
we should know by now intel's TDP is full of **** lol take it as grain of salt.hmscott likes this. -
I have been through 20+ years of VR hype, so I know it's a waste of money, as I've seen it's a waste of money for 5 generations of pushes to rake in cash.
It's harsh on the level of getting woken up from a nice dream, only to be told - it's just a dream.
This isn't Holodeck level material, it's bad low res level VR poorly designed and optimized, and still not worth the money to support.
And, on top of all that, to call out it's overwhelming performance requirements as to why you *must* have a desktop CPU in a laptop is the height of lunacy.
99.99% of games don't need a desktop CPU to feed even a 1080 SLI laptop to run games at maximum refresh speed, and switching to 4k as you would for a 1080 SLI laptop, the CPU requirements go way down from the high 1080p frame rates.
You don't need a desktop CPU in a laptop to game. That's not harsh, that's not Virtual Reality, it's Real Reality.
Sorry if I woke you from your nice Dream, please ignore what I said, and go back to enjoying your Dream -
Announcement nobody's option matters here except yours I forgot, what a joke. Lol
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
Or haven't you been paying attention to the P870DM2/DM3 thread, where everyone is upset about running at high temps unless they run 100% fans all the time.
People aren't pleased, the jokers that put them in that position are still pushing violets and daisies, but as people get these little Chernobyl's, they are all finding out the truth - they are hot and loud.
Stopping the BS spouting out is even harder now that the truth is out, I guess you guys just can't afford to stop.Last edited: Sep 29, 2016 -
Also, if I am not supposed to say anything, then how is that fair?, that would only be allowing your opinion.
Think of these things from all angles before posting, otherwise you come across as one sided.
Real justification for a desktop CPU in a laptop are so rare as to be in a specialist application category, not promoted as being the "obvious best choice" for every laptop.
We are all just tired of hearing that, it's just too silly to keep hearing over and over again.
Not enough people speak out against having desktop CPU's pushed on them, denying their own experience and reality based needs against the desktop CPU fantasies.
So I don't feel bad about bursting the bubble, it needs to be done on a regular basis.
BTW, the GT83 doesn't have a desktop CPU, so what are you doing talking about them here in this thread??Last edited: Sep 29, 2016 -
originally each fan suppose to take care of ~100w of dissipation as an example, now if you were to swap those to 150w card instead from original 980m to a desktop 1080 or 980 without changing heatsink then it gonna have overheating problems. MSI on the other hand actually improve heatsink size, radiator, made the laptop thicker, clevo didnt do it because too many changes = cost too much and they want to save money as much as possible.
some of these should be obvious facts and i shouldn't have to repeat myself again and again..
i have run a comparison of 3940xm and 3770K both clocked to 4.5ghz, result is 3770k uses less consumption due to better silicon at lower voltage, simple as that. you can call em BS or what not but fact remains that they are the same architecture from intel with exception mobile cpu uses sh*tter silicon and smaller die size which both of them result in higher heat, physics says hi. -
So it's fair game. Sorry, but the P870 is a failure this generation, and shouldn't be on anyone's recommended list.
Please stop suggesting P870DM2/DM3's as alternatives, they aren't viable solutions.
And, P870DM's aren't current technology, and we don't want to wait for the rest of the "kit parts" to upgrade them to Pascal "unofficially" from a small boutique vendor.
Clevo isn't behind this, so it's not official. You really expect people to buy an outmoded laptop and swap in Pascal GPU's.
Back to the Dream for youLast edited: Sep 29, 2016 -
mason2smart and hmscott like this.
Please stop posting here and stop bugging us, we don't want to hear about the Clevo's, or the desktop CPU's.
We are here to discuss the GT83VR, and if you aren't here for that discussion, then please stop taking us off topic.@GTVEVO @Q937 @Johnksss@iBUYPOWER etc...
Last edited: Sep 29, 2016 -
hmscott somehow you're getting too worked up today man, whats gotten into u recently, i use to think you're much more composed than this. -
What *exactly* are these things you trying to work out?? -
I will choose to take the higher road here for what it's worth.
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk -
There are no game requirements for 99% of gamers that suggest that they require a desktop CPU in their laptop to enjoy gaming.
I don't care that you don't want to hear that, it's the only honest response to you and all the others pushing a desktop CPU on *EVERYONE*.
Knock that crap off, it's the offensive crap that represents this place as being unfriendly to 99% of gamers that don't want to talk about how desktop CPU's are *required* to enjoy their games.
They would prefer you and everyone else just shut up about that all for a change, for good if you can possible keep your mouth's shut and get on with the rest of life, like we are trying to do.
Really man, that's truely the offensive Elephant in the room, not speaking out against it.
This is the GT83VR thread, it doesn't have a desktop CPU, why are you talking about desktop CPU's here?
You aren't on the high road when doing this, you are on the Troll Road pushing BS that people that are here for the GT83VR don't need to or want to hear.Last edited: Sep 29, 2016 -
Second, All you are doing is railroading comments and trolling around with harsh statements. There is a difference in how you deliver something and how you make your point, you obviously have no idea. You should quit while you can because you are just digging your reputation into a whole bigger than what it already is in which you will not be able to crawl out of.
Lastly, your arguments with forum members here time and time again have presented nothing but lack of knowledge rather than true knowledge. There is no need to keep going, you will like the post or write something back and that is ok because it will make you feel better so pacify yourself if you may.Johnksss, Mr. Fox, ole!!! and 1 other person like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
goes down to 34x cant stay at or anywhere near 40x when actually put to the test (under load) which is when those speeds matter most lol.
Why do you think your current results on a broken laptop add to this discussion?
You are trying to say the 6820HK can't hold 4.0ghz while everyone else that posts in the 6820HK threads say theirs can hold those speeds as their 6820HK's are unlocked and can run without power limits.
Your laptop is broken, it's not a good example, why do you keep forgetting this and posting broken laptop results / examples ? -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
His complaints need to be put in that perspective otherwise it will waste a lot of your time
IDK why he keeps posting these complaints, he won't RMA it to get it fixed, but he can't put 2 + 2 together to understand his problems are due to the 10c temperature rise and other after affects of his laptop-robot accident. -
I said his laptop CPU temp's went up 10c and he is experiencing unusual results from his CPU performance ever since.
He was able to hold 4.0ghz before the robot accident, now he can't.Last edited: Sep 30, 2016 -
@hmscott @-=$tR|k3r=- @iunlock @Papusan @Phoenix
Hey, have anyone seen this model? It looks like a GT83VR but doesn't say it's made by MSi?
With the elusive 6820HK + 1080 SLi combo that very few retailers + resellers carry.
And that price is a killer too, "$3675 before all applicable rebates" they say.
The P870DM3 with comparable config is $3740 (cheapest I can scour from all the resellers).
Though if that particular MSi-looking laptop is actually a Whitebook I'll be worried. Heard issues with Whitebook not getting the bios/driver as often as the MSi-branded ones. Also uses the 2x230w? Might be a typo but I'll call cyberpower pc tomorrow to be sure.
Wonder if the company has a rep here?
@Mr. Fox
And here's the weird MSi whitebook with the Z170 again? Eurocom has it as the Tornado F5. -
mason2smart, hmscott and GTVEVO like this. -
Then before that, when you first got your laptop you were learning how to tune your new GT80S, and we went through that as well, getting rid of MSI gaming center, using discrete apps instead, setting power plans, and you were running just fine.
You would have complained about anything at that time to get help through it, so I don't think you can say things were the same before the robot crash, they are clearly much worse.mason2smart likes this. -
also what thermal paste are you using? whens the last time you repasted your cpu?
cleared out all the vents yet? -
Guys, chill and stop fighting. This thread is not about a fight between a desktop CPU vs a laptop CPU. I only deleted some of the posts but lets move on and relax.
Everyone knows a desktop CPU can be faster than a mobile CPU. That's it. Some people want it, some need it, some don't care. People game from old dual cores to latest core i7s. Let's keep the topic back to the GT83, and preferably to the configurations it can be found.mason2smart and hmscott like this. -
any input on this? -
Did you pay your gt80 with your pocket or MSi gift it to you? I believe now i'm rude, but i also did not see any your post on the gt80 mess up!!!!
Be honest moderator and state clear if MSI support you somehow ... Like politics show us your tax declarationhmscott likes this. -
I'm disappointed in MSI's failure to provide upgrades, it affects many of us directly, so please don't think you are alone in this, we all feel let down.
The thread cleanup was to staunch an outbreak of the "mind virus" that has infected NBR, and has slowly eaten away at it's balanced perspective.
Turning otherwise intelligent contributors into "LGA Zombies" that try to "Eat the Brain's" of anyone that remains uninfected, and still has a healthy balanced view of laptop computing.
Nothing to do with MSI, except that MSI owners are prime "Brain food" for the "LGA Zombies".Last edited: Sep 30, 2016mason2smart likes this. -
yes but i do not see any single post from him in the 3d related to the upgrade program (lie) from MSI....
I believe your one is more a hope than a real truth about the direct effect of MSI and related shops on this forum (at least this part)
But for sure...somebody is a moderator of a section related to MSI and has a GT80.... mmmm... coincident..sure coincident... and all the time we complain toward MSi or MSI peps... censored and possible ban-suspension claims... sure is a coincidence :O
By the way for GTEVO the cpu in MSI will run till 7GHz at stock...!!!mason2smart and hmscott like this. -
MSI GT83VR Titan SLI Gaming Notebook Review, (GTX 1070 SLI Benchmarks)
MSI GT83VR Titan SLI Dual GTX 1080 SLI Unboxing and First Look
Last edited: Sep 30, 2016 -
i deleted your comment because I was stopping a small quarrel, and your post was just furthering picking up a fight for no reason. feel free to as GTEVO on the other thread or even PM him if you want.
I am a moderator for the MSI forums as a volunteer and because I like their products and this community. I do not work with MSI nor am I related to them except as a client.hmscott likes this. -
Your post was deleted now as it was right at that crux point of deletion and you replied to a deleted post, so your post got caught up in it.
And, the last time I saw it happen you did the same thing just as posts were being cleaned up in the MSI Rep Questions / Discussions thread when mod's were trying to organize that.
Either you are very unlucky or you are very aware and able to pick the precise time to make a deletable post
@ryzeki is awesome and so are all the other mod's, and that's not just smoke, it's true!!
If they are a conspiracy of some kind it's not an MSI one.ryzeki likes this. -
Guys, I have a problem with my second quick button - the one that turns the display off. It used to work fine but then its LED stopped working and would work only if I holded the button down. I pressed it fast many times and now it's on but when I press it again and then turn the display on, it gets bugged like before. I have found only one guy with a similar problem - in the GT80 topic; I wrote there as well. I think it is most likely a software problem but I don't know which drivers to reinstall. I got the laptop 3 days ago and this is bothering me. There is also a dead pixel right in the middle of the screen but I doubt that they will replace it just because of that.
***The Official MSI GT83VR Titan SLI Owner's Lounge (NVIDIA GTX-1080's)***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Aug 13, 2016.