The hexacore 1151 CPU's will never arrive, they will be a different socket animal as they will need new motherboard chipsets too, typical Intel![]()
A rolled up towel could work too![]()
true, howerver it would be i think about 2-3 years from now. id probably look to plant my flag in the middle of the "cadence" for intel when all the major bugs are worked out. and i like to keep my tech upgrades 3-4 years apart. lol
i find it works nice. just as well as any other wrist pad i have has the added benefit of being machine washable. lol -
hmscott and NuclearLizard like this.
and i truly hope this trend of large machines continues as well....i rather enjoy them, and talking to my reseller and his distributor the rate at which they are flying off the shelves gives me hope.
the ware house had 10 and they went within 2 hours. lol -
Why 2 Power Adapters for Dual GTX 1080 Laptops?
NuclearLizard likes this. -
Miguel Pereira Notebook Consultant
Well, 330w is as big as they go I guess... and a sli of 1080's needs more then one of those.
You could also use a desktop power supply, but i guess that would kill the porpouse of a laptop...hmscott likes this. -
Not in English, but has some benchmark and gaming runs - starting at 19:30, and it has a 6820HK
Hmmm, in english it says SLI, but the benchmark result for GTAV shows a single 1070... maybe some comparison? Too bad I don't understand what he is saying
Last edited: Sep 25, 2016NuclearLizard likes this. -
now if i may ask the noob question, these scores are pretty decent correct? the fps at ultra/Vhigh look great to me.
Edit2, oh these are 1070's. soooo if this is doing pretty well im excited to meet my dual 1080'sLast edited: Sep 25, 2016 -
How does it make you guys feel that CyberPowerPC's Fangbook 4 is literally just an MSI GT83 that has been rebranded?
NuclearLizard likes this. -
IDK why one would want a Fangbook over an MSI direct model, but I guess the Fangbook configurators are pretty detailed.
Which would you rather have? A Fangbook or an MSI GT83VR?NuclearLizard likes this. -
@montobrah I dont mind it. I wouldnt grab it anyways mainly due to cyberpower pc's being really hard to get into canada.
@hmscott : the question probably isnt directed at me but I might as well throw my 2c in. I like the asthetic appeal of it over all. it seems a bit more muted on the gamer flash and I'm a sucker for industrial design..if I had my way all my laptops would look like toughbooks. lmaohmscott likes this. -
thats the decal i was talking about. lol
though at the end of the day i look at performance, price, ergonomics (i usually roll that into performance) upgrade-ability, before aesthetics.
and im not gonna deny, the dragon logo is pretty swank.hmscott likes this. -
They are the same computer, and they cost essentially the same.
What other than minor aesthetics would swing the purchase to the Fangbook? -
to be honest, not much, it comes in gunmetal grey/ matte silver I like. which isnt too bad nothing to really swing a favorable argument im afraid.
I'm aware its much easier to call it a decal imo, though it is the wrong wording.
really what it would come down to at the end of the day, ease of acquisition (why the gt83vr won over the p870dm3 for me), customization options, and rma support. -
Decal is something most buyers want to peel off as soon as they get their laptop, that's why I wanted to be clear about how the artwork was done - laser etching is ultra cool, decals aren't.
When is your GT83VR arriving?? -
sometime this coming week I'm hoping, the warehouse has to bring it to the store owner then I gotta stop by while at work or he is going to drive it to me instead of shipping.
true enough, though...msi uses textured (brushed?) aluminum and some kind of plastic on their panels dont they? worst case scenario if i loath the texture i can probably pester my dad to repaint using car grade paints. lmao. -
I don't see the flashy parts they are behind the screen and facing away, so nothing to bother me, everyone else can look away
Good luck, I hope they don't give this unit away to someone else!! -
thanks i hope they dont as well, still sucks a bit that i wasnt able to get the 6820hk, they can only be special ordered into canada.
other than the keyboards i find msi doesent have a lot of light up flash on their laptops.
and thats good to know and its one of those, if i reeeaaaaaaaly want to, though i am quite happy with the red/black design they have now.hmscott likes this. -
Last edited: Sep 25, 2016Johnksss, temp00876, EurocomTechspert and 3 others like this. -
Just got confirmation that it should be in by the end of the week.
Also I'm getting the gears 4 promo with it. Lol
Seems I spoke too soon D:
Though I also did tell them if a 6820hk model is available to snag it.
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using TapatalkLast edited: Sep 28, 2016hmscott likes this. -
Nah, it was only two machines. The GT83VR people were on it. Now I did ask what their stance was on overclocking. Was told it should only be done by people who know what they are doing. I also asked about an unlocked bios and they said that it was some what unlocked. I asked about getting more options and that question wasn't really answered as he didn't have all the facts on that. I was also told to ask striker about any help with over clocking. I about fell out at that point, but I kept my cool. They did seem to think he would be the first to know if anything msi was coming down the pipe.
They did have some people online playing with light weight bga machines though. I asked them how the games felt and they said they were quite surprised that it was keeping up with no real lag or serious drops in frames. One guy was playing overwatch and the other I couldn't tell. No one seemed to be complaining about the VR either. I didn't get a chance to check that out though. All in all it was pretty cool. Not exactly what I expected, but then I was hoping for 1 machine where they would let us just have at it.
Although the one game everyone was could play it on a phone. Something called qwop.And of course, everyone was getting beat out by a "kid" Although this one girl was doing pretty good for a long time, but still...The kid came in was actually running more and sliding.
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Finally got new Cyberlink softwre (media suite 14)
Is there any specific way to optimize powerDVD for the GT80? Any recommended settings?
Seems to sound best on 8 speaker setting....which is what it says the system default is. -
This is my first sli laptop in a while, pretty hyped. Got the 1080 model and it should be arriving today. My Dell has been nothing but problems, I've had to send it in to service 3 times now, hopefully this MSI is more reliable.
hmscott, NuclearLizard and mason2smart like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
the gt80 can take pretty much whatever punishments you throw at it and still keep chugging alonghmscott likes this. -
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
6920. Is there any real difference between the two?
hmscott likes this. -
At stock, no not really the 6920 is higher clocked out of the box. But the 6820hk is over clock able.
Mostly curiosity on my end. We have the same model....Mine's just having a jaunt around in the ocean.
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
ah. Unless I was going to get one of those watercooled laptops I wouldn't really bother overclocking a laptop cpu anyways.
That's usually the best way to do it. Lol though from everything I have seen the gt83's keep their Temps down alright.
And you can trust Mason on his endorsement of durability...I think k his got in a fight with a robot.
@mason I'm not sure about the power dvd, I'm just moving into the environment myself and personally I favor VLC media player and Windows player myself.
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
Yeah mine just arrived, it seems really solid, and the 1337 gamer vibe really suits me haha. the two power supplies is pretty crazy though.
hmscott, ole!!!, mason2smart and 2 others like this. - em up. I am without so I have to live through everyone else's joy.
Sent from my LG-H901 using TapatalkCass-Olé, hmscott, mason2smart and 1 other person like this. -
hmscott, mason2smart and GTVEVO like this.
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
We haven't yet had many good SLI 1080 benchmarks yet. We need temp data, power usage data, benchmark data, overclockability data, performance on battery vs plug vs single 330 watt brick...
Who wants to be the guinea pig?
Did MSI put in a new LCD display?hmscott likes this. -
The display is really the only shortcoming of the laptop so far. I have been able to max everything out in witcher 3, GTA V, Forza Horizon 3, and pretty much every game I could throw at it. I haven't run any benchmarks yet, but I imagine it will be quite beastly and destroy them. This computer is able to outperform my desktop with 3 titan blacks, which amazes me quite frankly. I'm planning on hooking it up to my 1440p display and trying to give it a run for it's money, as well as rendering in premiere pro and unreal engine 4.
hmscott likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Also does it get laggy on battery?
Can it be used with a single 330 watt brick?hmscott likes this. -
Is gtx 1070 sli enough for gaming on all games ultra settings 1080p? With locked 60 fps.
Or should I get the 1080sli ?
I'm not really interested on the 4k gaming it doesn't matter that much for memason2smart likes this. -
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
GTVEVO and mason2smart like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Most likely it will be the CPU that limits this monster not the GPU you need to worry about -
Some games are getting such a high FPS under 1080p that the CPU can come into play, but that doesn't really matter given those FPS rates are many times the refresh rate - so not useful.
Switching to 1440p or 4k will reduce FPS and reduce CPU usage, putting the load back on the GPU.
The CPU won't hold back much, if you are comparing 6820HK to 6700K.mason2smart likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Miguel Pereira Notebook Consultant
A 4.5ghz cpu is 20% faster then a 3.6ghz cpu. A 6820hk in a good chassis can sustain ~4.0ghz, a 6700k can usually go to ~4.7ghz.mason2smart and ole!!! like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Haven't the latest Intel CPUs reported lower perf as compared to their previous gen counterparts? Seems s bit backwards lol. Broadwell performs better than Skylake...
Intel needs REAL competition to drive innovation cause even with their "improvements," the real test is after implementation-- real use statistics and data not scenario and best-case use. If it throttles at x speed after 2 seconds then it should not be listed as running at x speed. They shouldn't modulate tpd to change efficiency ratings...Last edited: Sep 29, 2016 -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
At this point even phones have quad cores we should be going 16 cores not a measly 6ole!!! likes this. -
broadwell doesn't really out perform skylake, only in some special type of workload. 5775c with 128MB of L4 Cache would make some application much faster vs skylake without L4 Cache but its all dependent on work load, basically less things flow into ram for caching the faster it is as ram is slower than any of the CPU cache.
***The Official MSI GT83VR Titan SLI Owner's Lounge (NVIDIA GTX-1080's)***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Aug 13, 2016.