@hmscott i'd have to disagree with you there. its thoughts like those that make people think its OKAY to be mediocre and think everything should be done for them. I totally get your point, we pay premium so we should expect everything done for us however thats not how I see it. we all very well know companies do things in THEIR own best interest, not ours, hence they only beautify the exteriors.
imho consumers have a heavy responsibility for knowing the product they buy and try to understand it as much as possible. its sad to see so many, like SO MANY people give the phrase i pay for it so i want everything done and simply not care about anything else. Its how people get brainwashed and gets stupid not bother to think or learn, and have someone else decide for them what is good, I know you're not one of those but that train of thought is dangerous.
these OEMs CAN make a far better machine and give you better ones for same amount of money you spent., yet they wont do it because they pocket even the thinnest profit as much as possible for the sake of their share holders.
back to topic.. from start of GT80 to 80s and now 83VR, especially 83VR had quite an improvement over those previous 2 generation and tbh im quite happy to see MSI making these changes and making me want to buy a GT83VR. thats what improvement should be about, of course if it pairs up with a good bios and socketed CPU it'll be even more amazing.
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
@Mr. Fox
what about eurocom? don't you use them? -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
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mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
The key to good results with CLU is application technique, but if the heat sink doesn't fit well nothing is going to work well until you get another heat sink that does. Temps will actually be worse, not better, using CLU if the heat sink does not fit correctly.
When it comes time for Mr. Fox to spend his money, he will spend it where the best deal can be found. I don't like spending more than necessary. That's why I bought the P870DM-G from @tanzmeister out of Finland. Except in the case of a manufacturing defect or hardware defect, I am more or less self-sufficient and do not rely on the vendor for warranty support. I take things apart and put them back together how I want them to be. I cannot be confident in work done by anyone's hands other than my own, with the exception of @Prema, @Khenglish and @Johnksss@iBUYPOWER I don't want other people touching my stuff.DreDre, ole!!!, Prema and 1 other person like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Also what did you think of powernotebooks going out of business... didnt donald used to work there or is the donald at HID a different donald?hmscott likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
I read that somewhere...hmscott likes this. -
PowerNotebooks was a great company for many years and enjoyed a stellar reputation. @Meaker@Sager used to represent them. Yes, @Donald@HIDevolution was the owner of that company. He is a very honest Christian businessman and was always a trustworthy vendor to deal with. The rain falls on the just and the unjust and something at a personal level happened that was not fortunate. But, he is still the same Donald that we always loved and appreciated. I could not be happier that he is working with @Ted@HIDevolution and @Zoltan@HIDevolution and @thattechgirl_viv at HIDevolution now. It's awesome that he is working with a @Prema partner. That affords him some added flexibility that was not available as a Sager distributor.Last edited: Sep 17, 2016Cass-Olé, temp00876, mason2smart and 3 others like this. -
though i didnt fully see their issues at hand, i could guess a good number of them simply blame company/machine for w/e issue is at hand.Mr. Fox likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
DreDre, mason2smart and ole!!! like this.
Screen wise, there's flexing if you actually try to bend the panel, but this will not happen under normal usage. Bleed is also very light compared to the 17R3 4K I previously borrowed. Hinge is essentially one-hand open due to how heavy the bottom compartment is, it's also tight enough to resist light wobbles.
The internals are a different story though. Also the panel is still 1080P 60HZ...CaerCadarn, mason2smart, hmscott and 2 others like this. -
yea from the looks of gt83vr i'd say it looks pretty solid, still one of the sturdiest machine i ever had is xps m2010, m18x follow behind it though not quite the same level.
mason2smart and Mr. Fox like this. -
I just got the Gt83vr and been trying it out the last days. I am a noob at this, so I was wondering if this scores are okay ? I have the Gt83vr gtx1070 sli and the 6820HK version. I run the benchmarks in turbo mod at 3,97Ghz.
Unigine Heaven beanchmark 4.0
Fps: 128.2
Score: 3232
Min FPS: 26.5
Max FPS: 235.9
Render: Directx11
Mod:1920x1080 8xaa Fullscreeen
Quality high
Unigine Valley Benchmark 1.0
Fps: 81.2
Score: 3399
Min FPS:23.8
Max FPS:128.2
Render: Directx11
Mod:1920x1080 8xaa Fullscreeen
Tessellation:extreamhmscott likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Could you try firestrike and firestrike extreme?
Use something like hw monitor and see if there is throttling and measure min average and max temp. Take screenshots. Also try modulating your cpu oc. We have not had many benchmarks posted yet so more info would be much appreciated.
If you want to get 3dmark pro, you can get it really cheap here: https://www.g2a.com/3dmark-steam-cd-key-global.html?___store=englishus -
Okay, I will try my best. But This **** is way out of my league. Modulating your cpu oc ? ? Do I need to buy Firestrike ?
hmscott likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Its free but if you want to log them all under your username, then you should buy it. Also tell us if you use max fans or not, as it will affect temps (recommended you do use it). as an example click on the 3dmark button in my footer.hmscott likes this. -
Fire strike results. Turbo fan on, overclocked to 3,9ghz in dragon center. Hope this is okay, I can run firestrike extreme now.
Firestrike results: http://imgur.com/2tHf8Wn
Dragon center: http://imgur.com/j2h3tZ8 http://imgur.com/nIDyXFDJohnksss, mason2smart and hmscott like this. -
Sign up here, and download 3dmark:
You can share your results links from Futuremark, here is one of my Fire Strike (Free) results:
They are also useful to help determine if your hardware is in good running condition. You can see if your temperatures are good - not too high - and if your GPU / CPU are performing as expected.
Thanks for taking the time to run the tests and post them.Johnksss likes this. -
You can add for Compare my result score and other GT83VR result scores, with yours to do a Comparison, when we share the URL's of the results.
You do have both power supplies plugged in? 2 x 330w? Or, 2 x 230w?Last edited: Sep 18, 2016 -
Hey if you don't mind and have the games would you throw Witcher, fallout 4 and some other demanding games through the wringer to see how it comes out?
Especially at 1440p pretty please?
I'm still battling between this and the p870.
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
I got 3dmark form steam. It Was like 20 dollars! compared to the laptop it was cheap
No problem, it was fun in a weird way! hehe. Will run Time spy and Fire Strike exstream now. On turbo fan and overclocked to 3.9. Here is a direct link to my results: http://www.3dmark.com/fs/10204697 Will try to use the CPUID HWMonitor in the background now
Noob out!
I have both power supplies plugged in. 230w. Will install fallout and witcher lather.
mason2smart, hmscott and NuclearLizard like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
http://www.3dmark.com/search?_ga=1....HK&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (Notebook)
Then change the "Number of GPUs" dropdown menu from Any to 2.
No one else has your model to compare to
Here is the comparison against my GT80 SLI-263 980m SLI, note your CPU score is a little low, so I think you can still OC it to 4.0ghz.
I'm not sure if the MSI Gaming Center sets all 4 cores to 3.9ghz as you have it set, or only the first core. We usually uninstall MSI Gaming Center and directly use Intel Extreme Tuning Utility for CPU tuning and MSI Afterburner + RivaTuner for GPU tuning.
Pretty exciting stuff the first time through, but it's really not tough, just time consuming to edge up values a little at a time for CPU tuning, and then when stable to do the same for GPU tuning.
Have funLast edited: Sep 18, 2016mason2smart likes this. -
If you have any other cpu crushing games I would be interested in seeing those results as well.
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
Most games are GPU bound, so those are the ones I am interested in seeing, but a good cross-section of games is best.
Let's give @Royalm a break though, he's got lots of things he wants to do tooNuclearLizard likes this. -
Time Spy: http://www.3dmark.com/spy/464634 Okay, will try to use intel extreme tuning in the future and msi afterburner
Are your fans really 5k fans? And if so, how loud are those?
Also, paid version is better than free. You can't do any tailor testing like you can do with paid version. Great for finding your weak spots and trying to overcome them.
Looking like a pretty decent start. Not far off the halfway mark (Meaning double the performance using SLI) of a single and you haven't even fully overclocked it yet. That is promising.hmscott likes this. -
But, @Johnksss@iBUYPOWER has a single 1070 score using the same 6820HK CPU, maybe John can give you some helpful tuning advice to get your CPU score up as high as his? John?
Also, your GPU score shows SLI scaling of about 75%, maybe John can also help you with your 1070 tuning to get that scaling up higher.
http://www.3dmark.com/compare/spy/464634/spy/321242Last edited: Sep 18, 2016Johnksss likes this. -
I guess I'm looking for Witcher 3, fallout 4, space engineers, mech warrior online (I think that's cpu bound), minecraft with a butt load of mods, I'm not sure what else. Lmao
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
Tnx for all the help everyone
All help is greatly appreciated @hmscott The fans in turbo is loud @Johnksss@iBUYPOWER . But when I play battlefront they are quiet. And the game runs excellent all maxed out. Fire strike extream results: http://www.3dmark.com/fs/10205048
@NuclearLizard Will instal witcher 3 now
but need some sleep soon. Maby you have to wait for tomorrow for some scores.
hmscott and NuclearLizard like this. -
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
No problem @NuclearLizard What program do I need to capture some scores for you in witcher 3 ?
mason2smart and hmscott like this. -
So I'd say your GT83VR 1070 SLI is looking good so far -
This is actually promising for MSI. I thought @-=$tR|k3r=- would have posted some benchmarks with his already, but he must be doing some internal testing and loading....
mason2smart and hmscott like this. -
Tnx @hmscott thats what I like to hear
WIll run witcher 3 next. Do you know a program to capture fps scores ?
mason2smart and hmscott like this. -
Rise of the Tomb Raider, Shadow of Mordor, the Batman games, and may others have built-in Benchmarks
You can enable the MSI AfterBurner OSD (on screen display) and set / tune options in AB and Rivatuner for FPS, GPU usage, CPU usage, CPU/GPU temps, grow the text size please - it's pretty small by default.
And you don't need every CPU core shown, just the single CPU % temp etc.
It's also nice to have the GPU / CPU memory usage as well.
Look at some videos on YT as in that link above to see how they select and place the OSD items; mostly it'll show how *not* to do it, but you'll see the options displayed, and get an idea of what to pick and how to show it for best viewing - not under game HUD's or static info.
I use hwinfo64 to log stuff during long gaming sessions to see how often the Max values are actually reached.
Quite often those disturbingly high temps are only reached initially as the MSI Fan plans ramp up slowly in response to heat rises.
MSI/Asus tend to keep the noise down and heat up unless you really press the point and keep the CPU/GPU hot for a longer time than a transient rise.
Rivatuner will also let you set a FPS limit to keep the GPU/CPU running away spitting out more frames than you can use. Any FPS over refresh, 60hz, 120hz, etc are wasted energy and heat.
Keep the FPS limiter in RTSS off while benchmarking
You can also OC that 18.4" display. Mine ran at 100hz as does most others, some reaching 110hz and 120hz, but don't count on it.
You create the Custom Resolutions in the Nvidia Control Panel, click Custom(ize) and enable resolutions not support by display, and then create a new one - only change the refresh rate, then save it and it will be tested.
If the screen goes blank it should come back, but sometimes it doesn't, so power off your laptop with the power button - so don't have a bunch of other things running when testing the limits of display resolution
Here is what it looks like when set up with values starting at 100hz, and then increments under that to fit games that won't run @ 100 FPS and over:
Last edited: Sep 18, 2016mason2smart likes this. -
@NuclearLizard Running witcher 3 at ultra settings, and postprossing at all high. Runnes super nice locked at 60 frames. Can run some real tests tomorrow. And now I did not overclock it. so cpu at But its at 1080p. Thats the screen res. But I can try hocking it up to my Predatorx34 tomorrow
mason2smart, NuclearLizard and hmscott like this. -
Acer preditor x34 the 1440p moniter? Aka MY EXACT PROPOSED SETUP? I'll take anything you can feed me. Lol
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalkhmscott and mason2smart like this. -
need cpu bencher.. haha
So I'm working on pulling the trigger on one of these models today. Is there a huge huge difference between the 6820hk and the 6920hq?
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mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
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***The Official MSI GT83VR Titan SLI Owner's Lounge (NVIDIA GTX-1080's)***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Aug 13, 2016.