Ok, I'll try one more time:
A straight answer, is OC'ing with non-vendor BIOS/vbios voiding your laptop warranty?
As in once done you no longer get warranty support on your laptop.
mason2smart and hmscott like this.
You are as bad as the customer's you were complaining about, avoiding answering the question
I don't really care about who you represent, but it is odd you say iBuyPower isn't who you represent, as that was added to your account name at NBR - to show who you represent.
You can answer it either way, as to if it's acceptable to OC using non-vendor BIOS/vbios or whether it voids the laptop warranty - from the point of your own view, or as iBuyPower, or as whoever you really do represent - which is who? -
2: That is your opinion, nothing more.
3: I do not represent them in terms of "fixing laptops", but I will ask what is the policy on this. Since I only just became part of their team.
4: As to this last question that has been answered many times before.
If you are a partner then you are covered. If you are not a partner, then you are not covered. When dealing with a premamod bios/vbios.
Each vendor is different. Reflashing a bricked bios by most can be covered depending on who you go through. Others it voids a warranty unless you replace the part out of pocket (This is at the company's discretion. If you get caught liening usually means it's not going to be replaced under warranty) . A Lot of time most will work with you, but making idle threats will get you nothing.
If it were my personal shop we will just reflash the bios or vbios with a factory one, but if you went and fried parts in your quest for overclocking higher, You are in fact liable for the parts being replaced. (And unlocked bios/vbios still has limits. And most make the mistake of making changes that you can not recover from. That's why it can technically be covered because it would get reflashed to a factory bios or vbios or new bios/vbios chip.)This is why I posted the parts I had to replace, because I was in fact liable, but that just completely went over your head.
And if the system is bricked there really is no fast way to tell what bios is on a board. Until the chip has been removed and put into an eeprom programmer. And then read. And then compared to a stock factory bios/vbios.
In reality more bios files have problems with being flashed or changes made than them actually fring boards themselves. So in my personal shop we would reflash it and ship it back under warranty. Provided that worked. If we flash it and it still won't boot or turn on, then you become liable because we will not test your board further. If the manufacturer decided to just replace the board, then you are covered. You pay shipping to and we ship back. (Because we are not dell)Last edited: Sep 15, 2016 -
I wasn't actually even talking about the current Clevo Prema Bios for the P870 series, as the warranty is covered by the vendors that supply it.
I was talking about the MSI / Asus custom BIOS/vBIOS situation, where you have to deal with MSI or Asus, and they aren't as forgiving.
That's why I only recommend the "allowed / safe" OC'ing, within the realm supported by the vendor, if the vendor supports using a specific custom BIOS / vBIOS that extends your safe range -
No problem.
Hummmm, well...With what I saw....MSI and Asus laptop testing is done in a pretty rugged way and done over a course of a few days time. That's why I'm thinking they are a bit more strict in policy. They didn't just slap it together and then throw it in a box. Those things sit on test benches for a few days, before being shipped out to customers. And when it comes to bios/vbios mods, they have some of the best, but refuse to let that filter into the laptops though. Due to heat and power requirements.....Speculation of course....mason2smart and hmscott like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Any news on the 1080 sli gt83? Benchmarks?
Here is what this machine is up against for those that care about that sort of thing....
Side note:
I know it's not an MSI, but wanted to show what stock did, before lowering the stock voltage. Someone may have gotten this part wrong because 1.43V on a mobile BGA low watt cpu is just crazy!
Last edited: Sep 16, 2016 -
Unless you waited till after the return period to do your acceptance testing, and found you had a flaky GPU/CPU or something else failing *after* the return period, then you are stuck working with the builder to do an RMA for repair.
You know, an RMA, that which you have avoided for 7 months+mason2smart and Johnksss like this. -
hmscott likes this.
@hmscott, @mason2smart
u two grabbing the gt83vr? cpu heatsink looks promising i tell u. you can run those 1080s in stock clock display is 1080p anyway, give priority to cpu cooling is the way to go!hmscott likes this. -
mason2smart likes this.
mason2smart likes this.
The links with the Asus, was to show the problem with high temps due to a manufacturer error in what they thought the bios should be. The voltage was lowered in stages to show the temps going down at the same clocks.
The Timespy was to show a wimpy 6820HK right in line with a 6700k on the same bench.
Edit: Not quite in line but still with in range....Is a better reply.
And the Wprime was to show it can run at 4.3 ghz on all 4C/8T. -
hmscott likes this. -
I thought all the links were working for that post, but I think the top two were not. They are working now.
Nope, I sold that a few weeks ago. Had I known you were looking I would have given you first crack at it. -
I have a bit of a noob question. I'm looking at using this laptop to drive a 1440p uw moniter when I'm at home. Should I go with the 1070 or the 1080 sli.
Also someone mentioned the 6920hq could be fiddled with. Is it the same way the 6820hk can?
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk -
1080 SLI is if you really want to be able to run anything. Although 4k@60 fps can be a bit of a stretch for some titles. And you may experience severe input lag, but it will run 1440p no problem. I'll let you know on that in a few.
I think @hmscott has a bit of experience when dealing with the 6920hq or maybe it was the 6950hq. Not sure.Last edited: Sep 17, 2016mason2smart and NuclearLizard like this. -
edit: also input lag? is that a new issue with sli/multi gpu?mason2smart, ole!!! and hmscott like this. -
IDK what MSI is offering in the GT83VR, but at least from the Intel side the 6920HQ is unlocked and available for tuning - unless MSI does something to stop you.
I'd wait for someone to get one in and tell us for sure, unless you want to take a chance - make sure you can return with out re-stocking fees.Johnksss likes this. -
i might just have too. my 765m flaked out in my g751jw and the intel graphics isnt fun. T.T
though to be honest if im paying 7300 for a laptop i would be happier with a 6820hk which seems to not be available in canada.ole!!! likes this. -
The only lossage is the ability to OC in the BIOS, but hopefully MSI added that in the GT83VR... I guess you'll let us know -
I'm gonna try. lol
though i think ken from gentech (citation needed) did a video on one and the bios didn't have that as an option....and 'm fairly sure msi puts the hammer on bios mods.GTVEVO likes this. -
Svet @ MSI forums does custom BIOS/vbios for MSI laptops, with a donation you can request specific things, ask him:
Send him a PM, or find a thread he is in and respond, he has a tuning thread here, not sure if it's the current best place to reach him:
Let us know what he has to saymason2smart likes this. -
if you can provide evidence to the 6920hk chip being unlocked beyond +2 multipliers it would make me happy and it may change my mind about a product i previously got a refund on... but effectively intel's definition of overclocking chip is one that can be pushed more than 2 bins either in xtu or bios..and those are k series or hk..
2 bins is definitely NOT what JohnKss would call overclocking , by any stretch -
IDK about the GT83VR... -
that just confirms what i already said which is you can get 2 free bins on xtu with any chip including 6920....doesnt mean the chip is not locked...2 free bins and unlocked chip are two different things....you maybe confusing it with another issue which is older versions of xtu did not recognize the 6920, so for a short time it seemed like you could not even get 2 free bins.... but afaik that was fixed with a subsequent xtu update..so my request still stands...please find me something that shows 6920 can be pushed up more than 2 bins..this is actually pretty clutch to this thread, since the gt83 sku with the 6820 is actually 300 dolllrs cheaper than the sku with the 6920 (unlocked chip is cheaper!)....
CaerCadarn and hmscott like this. -
@DILLIGAFF if you would mind the request could you share the specific sku number please? i have been trying to check and every time i go into the spec sheet i find that its actually a 6920hq.
hmscott likes this. -
@ryzeki 's post said both the 6920HQ and 6820HK have unlocked TDP's. -
sku 1 : https://us.msi.com/Laptop/GT83VR-TITAN-SLI-6th-Gen-GTX-1080-SLI.html#hero-specification&sku_no=1734
sku 2: https://us.msi.com/Laptop/GT83VR-TITAN-SLI-6th-Gen-GTX-1080-SLI.html#hero-specification&sku_no=1733
detailed pdf sku 1: https://us.msi.com/pdf/nb/GT83VR Titan SLI-069.pdf
detailed pdf sku 2: https://us.msi.com/pdf/nb/GT83VR TITAN SLI-024.pdf
locked sku with faster chip is: GT83VR TITAN SLI-024
unlocked sku with "slower" chip : GT83VR Titan SLI-069NuclearLizard and hmscott like this. -
If you can spin up a 6820k to 4.2ghz, it's a miracle, and likely not game stable.
Maybe just enjoy them for what they are instead of trying to screw with them past their design spec?
The GT83VR is already running hot, why unlock the TDP and pull it apart to get it to run past spec?
You aren't going to see the benefit in games, and tearing apart the laptop isn't gaming, it's screwing around with the hardware.
If you want an endless futzing around with hardware experience, get a Clevomason2smart, Papusan, Dr. AMK and 1 other person like this. -
there is nothing to learn there..ryzeki did not say they are unlocked, ryzecki said "other users swear", but there is no evidence anywhere of a real overclock beyond 2 bins....i dont even need benchmark runs , just show me that someone booted a 6920 beyond +2 bins..betcha you cant find it cause the chip is locked
hmscott likes this. -
@DILLIGAFF: thanks, also very interesting....the only sku available for the gt83 seems to be the -024.
@hmscott: well for me the clevo's seem to be a lot harder to get here, well from a reputable reseller it seems. plus the gt83 has more appeal.hmscott likes this. -
newegg has both:
its the 2 on the left ..200 dollar difference currentlyhmscott and NuclearLizard like this. -
hmscott likes this.
oh canada!
with he leafs sucking, the least they could do was give you guys the good laptop sku's....
they should know they need to push the laptops to sale before hockey season starts..after that only a good sale will make em sell... -
LOL. well I need to play my NHL 2k17 on something. maybe playing on the gt83 will give those leafs a chance.
hmscott likes this. -
The Skylake 6820HK has also been able to run at 4.0ghz for many, but not all, it's not guaranteed it will tune to 4.0ghz, and neither would the 6920HQ be a guaranteed tune to 4.0ghz, but you can try when you get it.
The 6920HQ is out of the box 200mhz faster than the stock 6820HK, and from my GT80 experience I can tell you the stock speeds are enough to game with.
If you are looking for a tweekers basket of parts paradise, go for a Clevo, you can have fun spending hours and hours pulling it apart and putting it back together again to get 1c-2c cooler.
I never needed to re-paste my GT80 SLI-263, it ran cool and quiet out of the box, and still does.
IDK about the GT83VR, it's only review from @GenTechPC is running hot and noisier but not as hot and noisy as the Clevo.
It's a bit early to commit to spending that much money. I would wait for more user reviews, and look at the GT73VR 1080 single and GT73VR 1070 SLI as a possible alternative to either 1080 SLI laptop.mason2smart likes this. -
NuclearLizard likes this.
also i have begun to do so. i think someone was going to check on how 1070 sli worked on 1440p uw for me but i may have misinterpreted that.
Edit: Spoke to a gentleman named Q937 about the 6920hq and this is what he said "I've only owned one system with it, but it was able to hold 4.0@1.25V easily. From what Prema says, they are theoretically unlocked if the BIOS supports it, but otherwise the max official multiplier is 40x with 4 cores"Last edited: Sep 16, 2016 -
John, or anyone for that matter, can you elaborate a little on the comment above about severe input lag with 1080 sli at 4k 60fps?
Someone asked about it, but there was no response.
To me, as a prospective buyer, this one little issue, if true, is infinitely more important than all these pages of talk about OC'ing and voided warrantees and how the 6920hq compares, as important as all those issues may well be to people. In fact, it is so important that it would most likely disqualify the 83vr for me, as 4k capability is one of the main reasons I would be willing to shell out 5000usd for a laptop, at least in this day and age of Pascal. (And by 4k capability, I mean without severe input lag.). I do understand that the 83vr won't be up to all titles at 4k 60fps, high settings, but I was under the impression that it would be up to the task with some. I had been assuming that those titles it would be capable of running at 4k 60 fps, it would be doing so without severe input lag.
Thank you to any and all who can shed some more light on this. Thank you!Last edited: Sep 17, 2016mason2smart likes this. -
If I have to tear hardware apart to redo the job of the company that built it, then I would be acting like an idiot for doing that, and for buying that hardware in the first place.
I would be taking on the responsibility for the performance of that hardware, and absolving them of their responsibility to deliver functional hardware. That's not going to happen.
Excusing that crap workmanship by saying it's what enthusiasts are all about makes them all out to be idiots, suckers wasting their money on something that doesn't perform.
I don't put up with such workmanship in the hardware I buy for business, if it doesn't work - they don't get paid until it does.
I'm not out there whacking on the hardware getting it to perform, they are.
And, you can bet that after you reject a large hardware shipment due to QA faults once, they don't pull that crap again.
You're letting Clevo off too easily.Last edited: Sep 17, 2016mason2smart likes this. -
One of the reasons that maybe you don't get it could also have something to do with your hardware selection. I'm not being critical, just realistic. A BGA CPU running at or near stock clocks doesn't require drastic measures. If it was unlocked with enough TDP to be awesome and capable of achieving the same overclocking results as a K-series desktop CPU, nothing MSI currently does would be adequate to handle that. They would have to do things differently.
So far, the only notebook vendor offering an enthusiast product that even makes an effort to do it right (to the best of my knowledge) is HIDevolution. For a fee they offer a delid and Liquid Ultra. The fact that they understand what needs to be done and are willing to do it sets them apart. Kudos to @Ted@HIDevolution and @Donald@HIDevolution for daring to do things better than the status quo. If Clevo customers buy it somewhere else, they're going to have to do it over if they plan to run their machine harder than stock, or run it stock when they are not using something like AC cooling to keep it in check.GTVEVO, mason2smart and ole!!! like this.
***The Official MSI GT83VR Titan SLI Owner's Lounge (NVIDIA GTX-1080's)***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Aug 13, 2016.