does anyone of you know if it possibe to add extra nvme card in the spare 3rd slot or is it sata only?
Sorry that you got a bad unit, I had a friend who had similar problems with a GT62, He ended up getting a second one that had none of the issues. My CPU has never gotten to 90, you did the right thing by returning it, if you even find out what the problem was post it here. If you get another model or another GT73 it would be good to hear. -
ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity
Sent from my SM-G935F using TapatalkAtma likes this. -
Also for those looking to memory upgrade themselves Amazon had a deal for prime members on some memory going on, I don't know if the vendors price match on component upgrades at all, I was always just planning to order the machine with minimum storage / harddrive and upgrade myself since I can get both those components for quite a bit lower prices elsewhere.
EDIT: I now see I can click on your name and then "start a conversation" couldn't find anything in the actual profile as I haven't done this in years on this site.Atma likes this. -
hussamalnajjar2012 Notebook Enthusiast
Newegg has a good offer on the model with Gtx 1080 + 120Hz screen and Atma like this. -
@Sherlock0486: When you did a clean install, did you install all the drivers from the MSI Website in the mentioned order? When did you install the invidia driver?
Would appreciate your comments.Atma likes this. -
Once you are ready to check out you can enter that code for any system that is $999+ -
Replacement machine turned up this evening. Benchmark result;
Atma likes this. -
I played around with overclocking this afternoon some more. I never got 42 to work with a decent score. Not a bad score with 41 though.
Nvidia 375.63 drivers
GTX 1070 Core Clock Offset 200 MHz, VRAM Clock Offset 340 MHz
CPU Temp 59c
GPU Temp 51c
Fans on hair dryer. -
Still using "turbo" mode default OC;
Good job MSI. What an animal.hmscott likes this. -
Try it and then come back and let us know how it works!!
I would pull the original memory, then try 1 stick at a time in the laptop, power up on 1 to make sure it will work.
It might go into the BIOS the first time, it does that when memory size / settings change. Just F10 and leave the BIOS.
Then if it runs ok for a while on 1 stick, add the 2nd, then test again, etc.
Good luck!! -
hussamalnajjar2012 Notebook Enthusiast
hussamalnajjar2012 Notebook Enthusiast
Well I decided to revert back to the original settings and not install windows or driver updates. I also used the fan settings someone has in an earlier post. Here is the comparison of out of the box vs updating windows and nvidia driver.
Here is the other score with windows and latest nvidia for comparison
Both are in Turbo - likes this. -
Looks likes there are new bios and audio drivers updates
Support Killer LAN E2500...I wonder which model has the newer chip/controller? Titan 1070/1080 SLI models?Atma likes this. -
Update: I think MSI either forget to change the release date of Bios but do check your system info before updating the Bios, I did update the Bios and I just found that I have .106 version where as the new version on MSI support is .107Last edited: Nov 24, 2016tonuzzi likes this. -
mine had the .106 bios for awhile. now both bios and EC firmware match at .107
makes it easier now, msi sure confuses you with their naming of the two.Atma likes this. -
Just read your signature and seen the scores. You have my machine or vice versa. Can you post your method and setting to get theses scores.
CheersLast edited: Nov 24, 2016 -
Set Bios CPU to 4200 - leave p1 and p2 to 200.
Dragon Centre to Turbo.
CPU to 4.2ghz
Fans to auto. Its up to you if want cooler boost on, for me it is too loud/didn't matter the outcome.
GPU 180+ core for mine. Can't go further. This is your silicon luck for the gtx1080. If yours can hold its clock to 185/190/200c stable, you will break into 18K+ in FS. Gtx 1070 owners seems to have better OC cores.
Mem 300+ or 350 - I don't think it matters.
375.70 desktop drivers.
Really to play games probably best OC 150c/260m for stable and low fan noise. Even leave the gtx1080 at stocks to game long. Comfort mode even. These cards can really can burn. I almost fried my sandisk 900 extreme external ssd left on its right side vent.
Good luck!Atma likes this. -
Just for info....To remain a stable frequency in overclock you have too raise the processor core IccMax in the intel utility or else the processor will clock down to maintain the max power used. Normaly this is 75A, raise it to about 100A-125A and you will see that the clocks will remain stable ;o)
Steel series update is available, run steel series application and it will auto check for updates and download it, when ready, the bell icon on top right side will turn red, click it and update the software and drivers.
Atma likes this. -
So is it recommended that we update the bios and ec? Has anyone had issues with dragon center working after updating?
Otherwise, why risk bricking the laptop? -
I also just noticed the nvidia driver on the MSI website it 369.02. My GT came with 369.09.
Atma likes this. -
Atma likes this.
Ran some benchmarks on recent NVIDIA driver: likes this. -
Hey everyone, I'm looking at purchasing one of these laptops (I've been watching for price drops for weeks) and one big question is have any of you upgraded the RAM?
There are 4 RAM slots and 2 of which are on the back but where are the other 2? Possibly under the keyboard but I have not found any image or video that shows how to access this and some people on the MSI forums have implied that the RAM there (if present) may be soldered on. Honestly I'd rather have the slots empty as I was looking at buying 2 x 16GB and just throwing it in the back of the laptop but I don't want cheap slow RAM to be inaccessible and slowing down the laptop. -
Either way everything I continue to find seems to mention that installing RAM to the front requires a complete teardown and removal of the motherboard. I have zero interest in removing and reattaching the heatpipes so I do not plan to do this. I guess I can just roll the dice and see if the machine I get has RAM installed in the back (probably the case) and then I can just replace that RAM with what I want. Unless of course I could get a reseller to work with me on upgrade pricing AND price matching what IBUYPOWER has for a deal right now but I highly doubt that since I'm looking at saving about $400 compared to other resellers.
Second Question: If I'd order the laptop without any harddrives (since I will be just replacing them) does the machine come with any Windows install media or at least a Windows Serial Number? I have emailed IBUYPOWER but that was on a holiday yesterday and I haven't heard back yet and I really don't know if I'd even hear back today as I'd suspect they'll be fairly busy. -
And I won't ask any re-seller to upgrade / replace the ram, replacing ram under keyboard is something you should do by yourself (At least I won't trust any re-seller for this task)
Yes, may be some re-sellers will provide you the windows backup on flash drive (with price tag) and you can ask re-seller to remove the mechanical hard drive (price will be minus from total) and there must be one hard drive in laptop. you can't get this laptop with no hard drive (let us know if you can)Last edited: Nov 25, 2016 -
I see you have Intel 600P which I also have, I'm having a strange issue with the drive, in hwinfo it put red cross against the drive and in it's sensors detail windows it says Drive Failure Yes where it also says Drive Life 100%. Beside these warnings, nothing else and drive is working fine and ran the cyrstal disk test and it's all good.
Any thoughts on it ?DukeCLR likes this. -
I seem to remember something strange like that I'll check it out later. I haven't had any problems with it do far.
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
What voltage are you running on your CPU to get 4.2ghz? I am just running 4ghz so far, but my first attempt at 4.1 was unstable. Granted, I am running at -30mv. -
Running on default voltages. Seems stable and solid, no issues.hmscott likes this. -
I did install Intel SSD Toolbox and it says drive health Good and estimated life remaining 100% so i think it's something wrong with hwinfo.
so I opened support ticket on intel, waiting for their response, hope they will reply in 2016..... -
Atma likes this.
beside this warning in hwinfo, there is no other issue and I have all drive slots filled and intel is the only drive which runs cool (max 45 degree), even toshiba hits 70 degree which is the little higher then it's max temp limit and it didn't fail (lucky me)
Intel is the only drive which has heatsink on it's controller, rest of the drives have stickers on their controllers and controllers gets hot and in winter if these drives hitting 70 what will happen in summer?
so if positive response from intel I will replace other drivers with intel brand or any other brand which have heat sink on the controller -
There are no "games" or "services" or "advertisements" included, just applications MSI spend time and money developing because someone thought it would be useful.
Every service or program has a performance cost, and some features are deemed more necessary by some than others, but I can see the value in each piece - I just have other choices I prefer for some items.
I still leave installed the Steel-Series stuff, to disable features mostly, lighting / etc. I also leave the
Some find the speed up and power savings options constructed through MSI's Dragon Gaming Center (DGC) to be enough excitement for them - giving a little boost to performance, and they like seeing the fan speeds.
I prefer judging the fans on their quietness - which I can hear and discern their "speed" just find on my own, I don't need a readout. I can put my hand at the exhaust vents, and look at the hwinfo64 temperature info just as well.
Instead of the performance tuning through MSI DGC I use Intel XTU or ThrottleStop for CPU tuning, and MSI Afterburner for GPU tuning.
There are other tools that can be removed in part, like the Display Color tuning by Truecolor, I use the semi-custom ICM file provided from the package, but remove the app and it's useless "effects".
Sometimes I keep it for a while and play with it - I try to give things a chance to be useful before uninstalling - and improvements have occurred over time - like the Blue blocking, which can be nice.
You'll want to keep SCM as it gives function to the GPU button to switch between iGPU and dGPU - requires a reboot that SCM prompts you to do once you press the GPU button.
I recommend you spending time with each driver, firmware, application, and utility on your own, and make your own value judgments, as you grow into understanding each tools usefulness you can decide whether you want to keep it or replace it and use something else. 64
That's a big part of the fun and learning experience of getting one of these laptops
None of the stuff will terribly adversely affect performance.
Except Optimus - remember to set the global and app settings for everything to use the dGPU, and not the iGPU.
All the MS stuff will still be forced to use the iGPU, including the browser, so use another app like Chrome or Firefox and force it to use the dGPU.
Have funLast edited: Nov 26, 2016Shehary, Rizzoti, Atma and 1 other person like this.
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