Maybe you have Window's Hybrid Sleep turned on. Check all you power plans. In my case, everywhere I see a power plan being used, I always set it to one plan - Balanced, in my case.
I can get away with just 1 plan because I'm only interested in 2 things; maximum performance on A/C, save on power while on Battery. Since each setting in a plan has an "On A/C" and "On Battery" setting, I can get away with just 1 plan. But if you use several plans for different situations, you'll have to change each of those to turn off Hybrid Sleep. Since each will have a A/C and Battery setting, that's the number of plans times 2 settings that you have to change. If you find a better way to work that out, please post it.
For undervolting, I used Intel Extreme Tuning Utility. It's not BIOS based. On Windows startup, the utility starts a service that implements your settings. So if you end up with issues, boot up in safe mode, disable the Intel XTU service, uninstall the utility; and it's gone.
I'm looking for a microSDXC adaptor that doesn't stick out of the SDXC slot. I tried the one for MBPs but they're too short. Any suggestions?
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
I was hopeful until I saw the dimensions. I should have mentioned the length I was after in my previous post.
It's the same size as the BaseQi for Dell which I already tried. I had to file down the thickness of the BaseQi because it was thicker at the outside end. But otherwise, the dimensions are the same.
For the GS63VR, I think an adapter that is 2.6cm long is ideal. 2.5cm length will have the adapter flush with the case. But you need to push the adapter in to make it pop out, hence the extra 0.1cm bulge to push it in.
With 2.4cm, the adapter is 0.1cm inside the case. With the BaseQi, I had to poke it with something to make it pop out. And sometimes, it'll catch on the metal case. First time it happened, I was in a panic to take it out. -
I lost a good enough write up in notepad... Guess I just need to save more.
I will def try XTU. Hope to find a good instruction for it now =) -
Try this... From Intel... likes this. -
Attached Files:
Last edited: Oct 10, 2017 -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Is anyone here having an issue with the center of the keyboard area rising higher than the ends?
I can clearly see a curve in the layout -
I thought mine was a little different as theirs were bent.
Mine just has a bulge in the middle of the keyboard...
Or maybe it is just the integrity of the whole laptop isnt rigid as some of the other band model of this price. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
I thought MSI does not make the keyboard?
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
EDIT: Oh, I see what you mean, it bulges on the top AND bottom. I don't know, maybe just lance it and see if you can get some of that to drain out so the swelling goes down -
sixk likes this.
I also figured out why my laptop was restarting when I leave it in sleep or standby mode.
I am getting the driver expool corrupted BSOD.
When I go to my device manager I do not see any exclamation marks on any item.
I did update my drivers using Driver Booster and I use Kaspersky as an antiv.
I read it can be any of those. =/ -
Figured out the BSOD issue... it was Cisco AnyConnect for work.
Hi there folks! How are you guys?
I bought a "MSI GS63VR STEALTH PRO-078" on but will get it just in november, because my aunt will bring to me from US (I live in Brazil, by the way) when she returns home.
I searched a lot of models and I saw a "no number" of video with benchmarks and stuff, and I choose this model because of mobility and power. My objective with this acquisition will be for work (80% of time) and games (including on the road).
I have a question to owners of this model:
Because of the limited space in the SSD drive (256Gb), I will need to install heavy programs in the HDD. With this on mind I ask: if I intended to obtain the maximum quality in games, will be a pre-requisit have the necessary space in SSD or it is fine if I install in HDD?
If someone have my specific model, please, share your XTU profile with me for testing.
Thanks. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
1TB 5400rpm 2.5" 7mm 128MB SATA III
I would recommend that you install applications/games that you needed the best performance to SSD, otherwise leave them on the HDD. Or you can install everything onto the SSD, but configure application's workspace on the SSD, including temp files, which should give you some boost in performance.Felippe Mercurio likes this. -
Thanks for the tips Kevin!
Other thing, did you think that is a good idea as soon as I get the computer format and do a clean Windows 10 install or is fine just clear the junk programs?
If a clean install is a good recommendation, the drivers is an issue on this model? Or Windows 10 installs the right versions of drivers? Any good stuff on pré-installed software that is good to reinstall in a clean OS?
Thanks. -
Anyone here use skins on their laptop? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Regarding drivers, don't rely on MS Windows' built in drivers. It's recommended to get the drivers from manufacturers directly.Papusan likes this. -
Maybe it can help someone here. I put in a new 960 Pro and tried installing windows via DVD. Wouldn't work as it couldn't install on the 960 pro. Now I'm making a rufus usb drive but I don't see an option for USB thumb drive so I chose USB Hard Disk. Windows installer booted and not it's installing without a hitch.
Has anyone update their trackpad to the ELAN one?
I did mine and I cant seem to use the FN + F3 combo to disable and enable the trackpad anymore. -
Hello all, mine just arrived and i have not brought it online yet.
What essential setup should I do before going online? Win 10 Home, gonna install AvXXX antivirus, disable windows update (?) ...
Or should i do some system/drivers backup in the first place? Thanks. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
emuashui likes this. -
I see, although late being busy till now to reply, thanks for your advice Kevin@GenTechPC.
( have been slowly reading posts on how to set up the notebook well... )
Recalled that I first checked the notebook OS, found that the win10 is up-to-date, build 16299. Quickly made several OS restore points.
Entered BIOS by pressing DEL and swapped the left Fn key to Windows Key.
Used DriverMax to backup drivers and detect what to update, and found that the chipset driver is up-to-date.
Used OOShutup10 to disable certain options. I can always enable them whenever big OS update is needed later.
Tried Dragon Center, its LED wizard managed to modify the keyboard LED's color display pattern, nice.
But double click the original Steelseries Engine3 in the tray icon gave a fatal error... luckily after updating to version 3.11.7 it runs properly.
For the SSD in C drive 850 EVO 500GB M.2 SATA, I installed the Samsung Magician 5.1 to enable RAPID mode... I read that it is not apparent in performance gain, but the RAM use could make the SSD less wear & tear.
( )
Other plans to enable something called "TurboWrite" and/or device manager's "SSD cache" for the SSD, and
to type cmd "fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify" to confirm that DisableDeleteNotify = 0 ie. TRIM is working.
( ) -- all checked okay.
1. After all these preparation, now is time to consider to uninstall some items before following a "ThrottleStop Primer" guide to undervolt:
Nahimic2+ Sound Platform (oh i already specified not to install it during the notebook preparation stage) , Dragon Center , X boost(?) ...
Well, could any of you share whether these software must be uninstalled to ensure successful undervolting using ThrottleStop?
2. Is there any "silent mode" in MSI site suitable for this GS63 7RG max-q ?
3. Also, could I install another sound driver for louder volume? (it is already installed with a Realtek HD Audio sound driver) (but would it then remove the headphone feature?)
Thanks. -
Its all good with the funtion command. See below:
Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
2. The system will be noisy when CPU/GPU are under load, and because it's a compact design therefore the fan will spin up more often.
3. You can try but it may or may not help with volume. Make sure to use audio driver provided by Realtek instead of others. You can also check station-drivers for latest version.Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Hi guys,
My laptop just arrived last week and I made some tests with pre-installed Windows 10 OS. I played two games (The Division and Resident Evil 7), both in full configuration (provided by Nvidia GForce Experience).
The laptop was running very well, no throttle, high temperature (75-85 celcius) and fun noisy... but for me its ok.
Yesterday I made a Windows 10 clean install, run Windows update normally, all drivers was installed, no yellow exclamation on drivers... after that I installed the MSI software and download some tools recomended in the model´s download page... everything ok.
After that I installed XTU and undervolted to -0.165 and made some CPU and GPU stress tests, laptop hang 1 time, then I back to -0.150, and proceeded with more testes. Specially in the GPU stress test (I used furmark) I noticed that FPS was very low.
Then I downloaded and installed Resident Evil 7, and put the configuration at maximum. My surprise is now, with the new OS and stuff, it is impossible to play. Very lagging.
I certificated that the XTU was back to de default settings and run the game. Again, very lagging, impossible to play.
Well, anyone have some tips to troubleshoot this problem? I have some questions specific questions:
1) This problem is relationed to Windows default drivers or XTU?
2) Undervolting with XTU may cause this kind of problem (until I recovered do default)?
3) Anybody have a tutorial to undervolt safely? Wich tests I have to run to certificate that my profile are ok?
Thanks! -
2. Try this TS: "ThrottleStop provides easy ways to decrease temperatures and increase battery life and performance. ... Note: If you are already using Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (XTU) and you intend to use ThrottleStop, it is very important that you reset your XTU settings to default, uninstall XTU, then restart your PC before running ThrottleStop for the first time." cf. -
italian.madness Notebook Consultant
HI there,
I just got a new GS63VR Stealth pro with 1080p 120hz Display, 1070 max q, 16gb ram, 256gb m2ssd and 2tb hdd. All looks fabulous except for the audio: few times I heard strange cracks when heavy loading.
Also, the battery looks poor lasting, is there any way I can improvre the experience with this lap? I am running win10 home and will uninstall Norton for Webroot, any other hints?
Shall I update the gpudriver from Nvidia?
Thanks for your help!
cheers -
Hi guys just a couple of questions I have regarding the gs63 hope you can help me.
1) since it does not have gsync i am assuming it has optimus. Any idea how battery life is doing normal browsing/surfing and doing some spreadsheets?
2) If i connect an external monitor to the laptop that has gsync, will i have no problem driving the display?or the display will be driven by the igpu and as a result will be locked to 60fps?
3) Is the speaker quality tolerable? For like music and daming consumption?
4)is the keyboard not mushy or spongy? -
Hi Guys,
Has anyone tried replacing the screen with an IPS panel. I am looking for suggestions as to which IPS displays I can use. I am looking for high color gamut (for some image editing-Hobby level) and good response time (for medium level gaming).
Thanks in advance. -
Is anyone else's fan really noisy?
When I check my fan RPM its at 1750ish and its really noisy for that speed.Donald@Paladin44 likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Donald@Paladin44 likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Donald@Paladin44 likes this. -
Hey guys, how is the fan noise on this?
Im debating between these 3, GS63VR 7RG, GS73VR 7RG(cant make up my mind if i drop from 17 to 15), and hopefully not, the Zephyrus(because of keyboard placement).
In order of importance :
- Fan noise (i currently own a G751JH, which is pretty silent, only "wind" noise, no fan really). I couch game, my girlfriend is always beside me, so I need something that won't overcome TV or just be a constant reminder or get on someone's nerve. It's not "librarian silent" that im looking, just, not distracting(Zephyrus seems to be the quietest gaming laptop, thats why I listed it there).
- Thunderbolt 3, for future eGPU upgrade & weight
- cosmetic only(you can judge me), non-red/orange keyboard, so RGB is great.
I bought and instantly returned a Razer Blade Pro FullHD, so, i wont take notebookcheck's reading as serious as I should. I saw (Page8) video of the review.. seems.. okay I guess.. but I want YOUR real world experience.
Thank you friends! -
May I ask why did you return that razer blade pro? I'm considering that one so I wonder what was the problem
2 things, screen was busted upon arrival. Screenshots here ( ). But after that, I installed D3 and Overwatch, just because those are the tops game I own I can play onl y G751, ans the fans were just way too loud for me. I dont have any DBs, but, eh.. too loud for my " couch setup with girlfriend by my side, even though 7' away, it would annoy her. As for me, I expected that noise upon super gaming load without tweaks pushing all the things to the max. Not, just "when booting the game".
For noise prior, i asked a guy on the razer insider forums if he could make a video, here's whats up. Note that the noise in the video is lower than actual sound.
(battlefront 2 gameplay)
(first comparison video with benchmarks)
Hope this helps~
**EDIT after post**
The machine was bit heavier than I expected, but the build quality was really great, keyboard was great, but also made me realise that per key RGB is a bit overkill, i dont ever watch my keyboard when I play. So any 4 zones RGB(GS series) is more than enough. Touchpad on the right is fun, but quickly, for some reasons, I would have been bothered for the lack of numpad. in the end, its really the fan noise that.. didnt make me keep it. Maybe i would have given it a few more days of tweaks(cpu undervolt, better game tweaking to not push it to the max), but yeah ..Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Nobody can avoid the fan noise on a compact system due to limited thermal capacity. It's about the same among competitions so it will be easier to compare other features.
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
GS*3VR and Zephyrus seems to be my last options. So, asking the GS63 owners for their impressions
Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
But you can upgrade thermal paste as well as thermal pads to help to cool the CPU/GPU, additionally, you can have Svet to customize EC firmware to make lesser fan noise but system will run hotter under load. -
Hello guys,
does anyone has the file E16K3IMS.10D to share with me?
my laptop started working funny (crashes during csgo playing) after a BIOS uograde I did.. so I would like to downgrade it to see if the problem comes from there..
thank you in advance!
*** The Official MSI GS63VR STEALTH PRO/GeForce GTX 1070 Max-Q Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Jun 23, 2017.