I won't be able to today as I've just finished tweaking someone's computer (took about 3 hours) so I'll PM you for now and tomorrow the moment I'm online again I'll PM you once more.
First and foremost, I have disabled Private Messages for a reason! So, when I do PM you it is only for the purpose of getting your TeamViewer ID/Password for the tweaking session. Do not use this as a chance to chat with me or ask any other questions, that is what the forums are for. After the tweaking session is done the chat will expire and any messages sent would not reach me so please keep that in mind.
Once you get it and first turn it on and get the initial Windows 10 Setup Wizard, it will prompt you to connect to a Wireless Network, click on SKIP otherwise you will be forced to login with a Microsoft account which I strongly advice against.
Also, when it prompts you to enter a password, leave the blank for now as during our tweaking session, we will need to reboot a lot and that will just slow us down.
First thing I want you to do to save us time is to right click on your start menu button, then choose SYSTEM, from there, hit Rename This PC and choose a name for your computer. (ie. I name mine TITAN). The name should be in capital letter. Some of the tweaks are tied to the PC name and thus, you want to name it properly from the get go rather than keeping the default random name which Windows assigns it ( DESKTOP-999-BLABLABLA)
Next, go to PC Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and perform all the Windows updates. After rebooting, check for updates again just to make sure there aren’t any more updates
Then download and install TeamViewer then run it, it will give you an ID/Password which you could pass on to me via a PM so I can connect to you.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Hello guys. I have a question regarding adding additional SSD. I have -428 version from New Egg. I installed NVMe SSD to open M.2 slot and swapped HD with 1TB SSD. NOW 2.5 1TB SSD doesn’t show up on BIOS nor disk manager. I still have default Kingston 128 GB SSD in the original M.2 slot. Does anyone have any idea? Does it disable 2.5 SATA port with this configuration? Thanks.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Your NVMe SSD should work in either M.2 slot, but your 128GB SATA SSD will only work in its original slot.
Installing the NVMe in the open slot should not have disabled your 2.5" SSD, unless your Newegg version has limitations that versions in our Channel does not.Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
HUGE shout out to @Ultra Male for all of your help. Your time and expertise are very much appreciated!
Papusan and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Which GPU drivers do you guys use? Every time I try to install official drivers from nvidia's site, I get "The Standard NVIDIA graphics driver is not compatible with this version of Windows."
Try to download the GeForce experience app and let it install drivers for you. That what I did couple of days ago. Also,if you want to install the latest intel drivers for the on board gpu,first install the Intel drivers from the MSI site and then run the updated drivers from Intel's site.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk -
I had that message on my GP73, both through the regular install package and through GeForce Experience. The solution was to run the Windows 10 Update Assistant to update Windows to the latest version. I can't remember the direct link (sorry) but I just Googled and found this, so hopefully it helps:
https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/3159635/windows-10-update-assistant -
Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
No trubs, hope it worked!
I have a question, myself - I’m not too fond of the texture of the touchpad on this model of laptop so I was thinking of getting a phone touchscreen protector and using it on my trackpad. Has anyone else done something like this? Is there any reason it would be a bad idea or might damage something?
Thanks! -
Heh, I did that exact same thing with my previous laptop because I knew it was so susceptible to wear over time and becoming shiny and smeary which I hate. I used to just cut up my old phone screen protectors to fit it and it worked great. Haven't done that with this one yet, but I assume it would work just as well.
Another driver question for everyone. MSI claims that their touchpads can be used with Windows Precision drivers:
But has anyone actually gotten them to work right without ending up with this:
I really have no idea anymore what to do to get it to work right.Attached Files:
Hi, i'm planning to upgrade to GP63 1060 variant on budget for med-high gaming, android studio, unreal software, and basically every multimedia apps e.g. photoshop, premiere, blender, audition, FL Studio.
Was wondering about these few things:
1. anyone has ever run blender benchmark or maya on this model ? was wondering up to how much can this model perform on 3D for professional work. Would appreciate it if somebody can help me with this
2. Can share some opinion of how many years will this laptop last for med-high settings games. i was thinking of limiting fps and enabling v-sync for non-competitive games to decrease heat. and i almost never set to ultra settings except to experience abit of graphic demanding shader for just an hour or two. i'm going to throw in some random games i spent AND going to spend alot of play hours on,
Dota 2, CS:GO, PUBG, all COD series, GTA, TS4, TW3, nba2k, wwe2k, AC series, Tomb Raider series, Metro Exodus, RE series, dyinglight 2, fallout series and a little bit of VR, beat saber, paranormal activity, vrchat, dark days, the climb, re7vr
and no, i'm not planning to tinker with the system, as i have little to none knowledge about undervolting or overclocking or anything similar.
Thanks alot. p.s. im new to this forum and i apologize for my bad english -
@wizardbrony - I did try doing that on my laptop (following the instructions from this video: ) but unfortunately it didn't work for me... but I'm not sure I did it 100% correctly so I'm probably not the most reliable source
@ompagi - I will attempt to respond...!
1) I haven't run either of those software, but my model is the GP73 (not GP63. But I think they're both very similar) and it has a 1070 rather than a 1060, so my results probably wouldn't be an accurate representation for you.
2) I also like to cap framerates to reduce heat and preserve components. I wouldn't know how long components would last with a lifetime of running hot (sorry) but from my research this laptop appears to have a better cooling solution than most/all of its competitors. Otherwise - I don't know what general MSI build quality is like because this is my first MSI laptop and I haven't owned it long. I will say that when I first bought the laptop it had a buzzing fan noise but the retailer has since replaced it for me, so hopefully this one will be all good for many years...!
3) According to this fellow, the exhaust heat is no problem! (8 minutes 14 seconds in)
Hopefully that is somewhat helpful... maybe someone with more experience can answer in more detail...! -
So, I just picked myself up a refurbished GP63 for cheap. Seems like this particular model (8RE-077US) uses the cheaper 60hz panel, but it also came with a 256GB SSD rather than the 128GB and priced out pretty well.
Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to get acquainted with it as the seller included the wrong AC adapter. Anyone know how well recent-ish Alienware AC adapters work with these? I'm seeing a lot with the same voltage/amps, internal pin, and barrel dimensions, but I don't know if there's anything else that would complicate matters. Doesn't need to be a permanent affair, just something to tide me over a few days until I can get the proper original adapter shipped to me (hopefully).
Also, does anyone know of any skins or anything that would fit the lid? I'm usually not a fan of them but holy hell is this thing ever a fingerprint magnet.ryzeki likes this. -
I just got my Gp73, loving it so far but the major draw back is that I can't seem to update window drivers, it would say it's updating, and then suddenly "wecouldn't complete the updates undoing changes"
Does anyone know how to fix this problem? -
If anyone's curious, the 7.4mmx5.0mm Alienware adapters do work; if you're in a pinch and need a temporary replacement, the third-party ones are cheaper than most of what's branded as GP63 compatible. Not sure if I'm actually getting anywhere near the stated 180W output,though, but it's a cheap solution to tide me over a couple more days.
Hello all... I have another small request if that's okay...!
I got my replacement laptop (GP73) and I'm still hearing some fan noise 'buzz' (on both fans this time), but I don't think it was as bad as last time... and now I'm wondering if a bit of buzz/vibration is normal. It's not that noticeable when gaming, but if I turn the speakers down and am in a quiet room, I can hear the buzz/vibration. And if I put my ear against the chassis it seems quite clear to me.
Is this what it's like for everyone else, or is there no buzz/vibration at all from your laptop fans? Here's a video to demonstrate...
Thanks -
Too scared to do a reinstall atm lol
I did undervolt my CPU and got a score of 1063 to 1103. Is there any benefits to undervolting the GPU? Usually when I'm gaming, it's 71c though I've only tested 2k games so far. -
Try to lift a little bit the back to allow better ventilation.
Also because 1060 isn't capable of very high frame rate,I prefer 60 frames with vsync to give head room to increase quality or to lower temps
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk -
Original AC adapter replaced.
Windows freshly installed to a PCIe x4 SSD.
SATA SSD repurposed for dual-booting Arch and storing my MacOS VHD.
Software packages installed, drivers updated, Git repos cloned.
Offline media and core Steam library dumped to the HDD.
Basic undervolt set up to keep things running cool.
As for actually doing any serious work or gaming... not yet. Somehow tweaking seems to be half the fun.
I have to say, for as much as I've seen people gripe, I enjoy the build of this machine. Despite being over five pounds it's actually the lightest 15" notebook I've ever owned, it feels sturdy enough even after pulling off and re-attaching the bottom panel, it's not really creaky or flexible. The USB ports and mic/headphone jacks do seem to be a bit tight, but hopefully they'll break in some without breaking.
So far, there's just two things I need to get tweaked to feel like I'm well-enough set up here:
Realtek audio can just go to hell. Seriously, it was a pain in the ass years ago, and now it's incorporating UWP to make itself even more hellish. I had to uninstall everything Realtek related and switch to Windows' default HD Audio driver just to get headphone jack detection working right; even when it would work with the Realtek drivers, there was no option in its app or Nahimic's to have separate audio levels for headphones and speakers.
I've also noticed since re-installing Windows that the system seems to be utilizing the 1060 when it shouldn't really be - the power button LED is always red, and all that the Task Manager shows is that the kernel is doing something on GPU 1 (the 1060) every few seconds. I've updated the graphics drivers for both GPUs, but the only MSI program I've installed is Afterburner - no Dragon Center, SCM, any of that. -
Try to close MSI afterburner and you will see the blue light again. Afterburner is monitoring 1060 all the time,that why can't change to Intel.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk -
Question for everyone. After reinstalling Windows, do you download and install drivers (for the chipset, wireless card, etc.) from MSI’s site, or do you use the drivers that Windows installs by default?
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
At least, this is what I had to do up until my GT73, I suppose the GP63 will be the same? -
Leandro Lopes likes this.
Have anyone tried to add a FreeSync Monitor on the MiniDisplayPort at get FreeSync running on this laptop? Just wondering, because I've thought on doing it myself, or does it need to be G-Sync, now when Nvidia have enabled Adaptive Sync?
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
https://social.technet.microsoft.co...disable-windows-updates?forum=win10itprosetup -
Try for instance https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10
I downloaded it and I'm going to give it a try.Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Windows Update Blocker
Disable Windows update then click on the Protect Service ButtonKevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Have no ideas on life-spam for games since there is a new tecnology that can change games scenario, raytracing in real time.
I never use the touchpad and haven't been bothered by the ventilation, but the noise is really loud while dealing with gpu demanding softwares. -
Kevin@GenTechPC likes this.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
jayiarts likes this. -
Also I've been gaming on this laptop and my gpu has been around 70c, is that still in the realms of safe temps for the GPU? I have the fans set on auto -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Honestly I think with limited cooling power anything under a sustained 80 degrees is probably fine; 85-90 is still safe but that's the point where I start to worry about it affecting the lifespan of the hardware.
After a couple weeks I've gotta say I'm pretty impressed with the punch the hardware packs after a bit of an underclock. I've always been skeptical of mobile chipsets, even with this one running a standard 1060 and not the Max-Q, but I've been running modern games at high or max settings without issue. CPU still runs a little hot in more demanding stuff like the Anthem demo, but the fan noise is still generally low enough that I don't notice it with headphones on unless I turn on the turbo mode. I can even leave VMs running with a few gigs of RAM on a second virtual desktop without noticing a real performance hit most of the time. -
Has anyone open this laptop for a repaste? Im planning to do a repaste soon but not sure if it's too difficult (I never repaste before and dont have many tools)
Gursimran82956 likes this. -
It's my first post on this forum, so Hello Everyone!
I saw there many experts, who know how to make good undervolt on MSI GP63. I came here for advice. I used some guides from internet how to use ThrottleStop well, but still I can't use this laptop fully like you (I'm getting lost with all this TS settings, like TPL etc :/) I'm using MSI to work, but i also want to use it comfortable in games.
My settings in TS looks like this (check screens).
Ofc the temperatures went down a bit, but I think it's still can be better. Can you guys give me some advice what should I change or improve? I know, this topic was rolled out milion times in this thread probably, but I need capsular guide. I didn't change anything in BIOS, because I wasn't sure what is totally safe and necessary.
My CPU is Intel Core i7-8750H, and graphics - GTX 1060, 8GB RAM, Win10 Education.
All drives are updated.
In TS bench with 1024M icon "Throttle" is marked and temperature is 90+ Celsius.
I know my language isn't perfect. I created account only for this thread, because in my country, undervolting isn't too popular and I had to look for a help further.
All the best for you and your laptops!Gursimran82956 and ryzeki like this. -
Gursimran82956 Notebook Consultant
@Le Quan
What are your cinebench scores as of now?
Mine dropped somewhat from before in both gpu and cpu tests.(8 months have passed since i bought this model)
How about you? -
Gursimran82956 likes this.
Gursimran82956 Notebook Consultant
Is buying notepal u3 plus(without mod) worth for gp63?
or with mod? -
Guy, from a few days to now my laptop get a bluescreen more than often. Usually it is when it is going to sleep or hibernate. I also noticed a buzz everytime it turns off the screen for lack of use.
I tried the usual powerconfig comand to turn the hibernation off and on again, but it did nothing.
Any tips?
*** The Official MSI GP63 Leopard Owners and Discussions Lounge ***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Apr 3, 2018.