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    *** The Official MSI GP63 Leopard Owners and Discussions Lounge ***

    Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Apr 3, 2018.

  1. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    Your 1st photo which matches mine gives me peace thanks. It may be as it’s wired that green comes on with a couple blue lights in some areas. It’s funny I got this so I could avoid red with regular white lights on and it’s red without issue.

    As for the touchpad install it asked for only one of the 3 .inf files during the have disk part. You need all three. As I said I right click each file afterward and picked install. The mouse moved ok in the quick chance I got to test it. I lost all the momentum settings from before. Does yours have a synaptics app to adjust gestures at least? I want to use the advanced settings the driver brings. Maybe I can reuse the hack. I’m out on my phone atm. Will be back later.
  2. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    I aimed for this computer for the very same thing, trying to avoid the red and black theme. Hahaha. As an architect that deals a lot with rgb light design I already knew that rgb LEDs are never going to give you any tone of white. You need specifically the white led for this.
    Your best chance to get white out of it (and it will be some blueish white) is choosing all to colors to the maximum by their pallet choose Red: 255; Green: 255 ; Blue 255.
    This should be your result:
    The very same thing with colored LEDs appearing happens to rgb led strips when we use it in design.

    But there are some nice configurations you can choose and still avoid this behaviour.

    You will need to experiment with it a little, beside that, only full colors like Red, green or blue should be 100% without the artifacts. But there are some tones that will make it barely visible.

    Here are the 3 zones in different colors, notice how the start and end of such zones are the problematic keys.
  3. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    You may still be able to return it to NewEgg as long as you didn’t cut the barcode off. They told me at the time I could test it up to the holiday return date. I could replace it and they would allow me to print a return shipping label free of charge. Or even get a full refund if I remember right. So keep your box just Incase.
  4. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    It makes me sad, because I would not like to return it.
    Overall I really liked the system, and its aesthetics kind of grows on you. My only problem with him is this noise, when it should be just a "phoooooo" from the airflow, we can hear in the background something like a "brrrrrrrrrrr". I'm not sure how to describe it in English. And also, this only happens in a certain speed range (rpm), between 3500 and 5000, when it lower than that it is really silent and while in the cooler boost mode it is also not possible to listen to it.
    But the MSI service center in my country is simply non-existent at best. (a graffited shed with a look of abandoned by the time, with 2 phone numbers that nobody answers to it).
    If only the global MSI would throw me a bone. They could at least send me a replacement cooler, I would not mind switching it myself. I know my way inside a laptop.
    It is past 22Hr in the sunday here, tomorrow first thing i am going to look for some air can (do not laugh, but they are relatively difficult to find around here) and see if it still sounds like that with it. That maybe tell me if this caused by the air motion or if it is coming from the motor/mechanic parts
    I am updating this reply with a new video, noise starts from 40 sec and continues on getting louder.

    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
  5. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    One last thing, i will never be able to get back to gaming on 60hz pannels anymore. Holy smoothness. :rolleyes:
  6. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    I'm not sure where your fight with the touchpad is, but I backed up all the synaptics drivers that had installed on my system for you and I'm leaving the link for you to download directly from my google drive. Please let me know when to download so I close access to the folder.

    Inside the zip there are 3 folders, extract all, but what you want is the one with the number 111 at the beginning of the name. There are executables in it.
    Uninstall absolutely any software you have installed from Synaptics. Now give your driver the device manager and delete the driver from the computer, now without restarting try to install this version. If the system does not allow it, repeat the operation to request an update and indicate the driver folder only this time indicate my driver.
    In theory it will ask you to indicate only the folder and you will find the best driver inside it. If this does not happen or your path has diverged somewhat the file you want is synpd.inf
    Good lucky, hope this solves your problems with abnormal behavors from the touchpad.
  7. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    Thank you Leondro. I will take a look at those files for sure when I get the chance. At the moment I am running the MSI one. It does act up in different ways with 2 finger scrolling. I will do a few more driver resets to see which gives me the least issues. Btw I found the MSI SynMisDApp in the "Microsoft store" app to configure the gestures. There is also a Synaptics Control Panel listed in the store but it's for Thinkpad only.

    In Device Manager I deleted a lot of hidden devices that the factory guy may have used for testing. I had many duplicate TouchPad listing there.

    I saw your last video the pitch sounds louder, I just grabbed cinebench. My fans weren't too loud. Only hit 92 fps on opengl and 1144 with stock settings at best attempt. Haven't done the undervolting yet. The system didn't get as loud as running a AAA game. I will need to set something up. I don't have any major pc games lying around. LoL
  8. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    It's strange to have so many duplicate drivers on your computer, it should have come with a boot installation, even if it still had MSI bloatware. I think if I were in your place I would actually format the computer before installing my stuff and starting a heavier usage.

    I finally got in touch with the Brazilian service center. I was informed by them that MSI does not place parts for models purchased in another country for the service center. What's the use of MSI insisting on me contacting a service center that can not even perform the service due to lack of parts? o_O

    The pitch volume seems to be somewhat relative to the proximity of the microphone and silence at the time of capture. But it's, actually, more or less in the same volume as before. But this time the "brrrrr" noise is clearer. It starts at video´s 0:40 sec. with 4700 rpm (I was able to limit the rpms track the sound happens higher) and it goes up to 5500 rpm.

    In fact the system does not have all that high pitch when I run cinebench or the intel´s stress test or even aida 64. The only softwares capable of achieving this high pitch are those that use the system capacity for longer and stronger usage ( archviz softwares and renderings such as v-ray, arnold render and lumion). From those that produce the same effect, the ones you have easy access are the furmark benchmark after 1-2min running or Forza Horizon 4 DEMO Game. Yup.. I too don´t have any new AAA´s here, so I downloaded this demo. LOL. But the graphics are AWESOME! And it's amazing how despite screaming a lot the system manages to maintain good temperatures with it and all the features in ultra.

    While running Darsiders 1 and 2 the machine is very silent, but they are titles with more than 3-4 years, so, i don´t know if that is any impressive. Lol
  9. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    One more update. I found something useful that may help other MSI noobs out in the wild. There is a utility called MSI Help Desk which will show you your current BIOS info under System Info tab and will also have a link at the bottom called Driver & App Center. Clicking that will open up the app to show you every installed driver and utility (including the version 2 Help Desk App) and compared them to the official versions out there. You can click Check for updates to refresh the list. It even has download buttons to update everything! This is a very nice too! Just type MSI Help Desk in Windows Start menu.

    I wonder if I should update the BIOS? I have version A and D is newer?
    Leandro Lopes likes this.
  10. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    D is newer. In one of msi's response to me , they asked me to update to the 10D version, and update the Ec. I did both, no changes that I could notice whatsoever.
    But yeah, D is newer, and you have to let the system unplugged from power supply for ten seconds after doing that. Cause you are going to be stuck at a boot loop until you do it. Lol.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2018
  11. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    Is the EC in the firmware section of downloads? Or is it bundled in the BIOS? It sounds like an extra step?
  12. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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  13. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks I flashed the BIOS / EC. I noticed in Dragon Center Fan 1 is idle around 2400 RPM most of the time and Fan 2 stays at 0 RPM. When running Cinebench Fan 2 doesn't move. My Opengl score was lower around 84fps. And CPU dropped 100pts. I hit 94.40 post bios pre EC. I'm considering running the step to rest fan settings from the EC pdf. I know Cinebench is too brief a bench for real numbers but the drop is pretty consistent.
  14. Cuthago

    Cuthago Notebook Enthusiast

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    I just purchased the GP63 8RE Leopard 202CA from -- I wish I had found this forum first... :(

    I've never bought a gaming laptop before and for $1500CAD this seemed like the perfect one. I did a lot of research before deciding on this model. And then I read what UltraMale was saying about HIDevolution and their fantastic support and customizing options. And then I read about the experiences of both Leandro and TomoPrime.
    Thankfully, I have not even turned the laptop on yet..

    I was reading about how to do clean install and also wanted to swap out 1TB HDD for 1TB 860EVO SSD that I already own. The person I talked to today at NewEgg said that it would void my warranty if I did that. I was shocked!

    I have the same holiday return as Tomo so it shouldn't be a problem to RMA it - I'm within 30 days and it's unopened.

    I will be taking UltraMale's advice and contacting [email protected] - can't wait!

    Thank you again for sharing your experiences and your expertise. You'll likely hear from me again once I return this laptop and the new one comes in. I'm sure I'll have questions.
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  15. Spartan@HIDevolution

    Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative

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    yeah do yourself a favor and save the hassle of turning it on and finding any problem then going through the hassle of repacking it and whatnot. I have not seen anyone who bought from Newegg or Best Buy or even Amazon get a good unit. @DRevan returned 3 different MSI laptops to Amazon before giving up, they all had screen issues. Just get a refund and contact donald to get your discount then tag me when you get it if you wanna setup a time to tweak your machine. IMHO, one should NOT use Windows 10 without the below tweaks. Period!

    Don't forget to choose Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut + Fujipoly Thermal Pads in the configuration.

    1- Uninstallation of all the Windows Store Garbage Apps like 3D Paint, Print 3D, Alarms & Clock, Feedback Hub, Maps, Groove Music, News, Weather, etc.
    2- Removing all Windows 10 Privacy Invasion stuff like Telemetry, sending your keystrokes to Microsoft, automatically installing suggested apps in the background, allowing Microsoft to conduct experiments on your laptop, disabling automatic driver updates through Windows updates, disabling Windows 10 ads, disabling Cortana, Cloud Search etc.
    3- Disabling Microsoft Edge from starting up automatically in the background upon reboot.
    4- Adjusting a lot of options in PC Settings like disabling Windows Tablet Mode (you have a laptop not a tablet), disabling suggestions appearing in the start menu, disabling automatically connecting to Paid WiFi Hotspots, disabling Game DVR which reduced performance in games, and a lot more.
    5- Replacing Cortana with a much better search tool that finds results instantly called Everything which finds any file you want as soon as you start typing even a few letters of its name and it doesn't even rely on the Windows Indexing Service to do this!
    6- Restoring the classic Windows Photo Viewer
    7- Restoring the Classic Windows 7 Start Menu
    8- Removal of the new and useless 3D Objects Folder that appears when you open "Computer"
    9- Completely disabling Windows Defender from its roots (including all scheduled tasks and startup files) for those who want to install their own AV. ESET NOD32 Antivirus is highly recommended if you want the utmost security with the least system performance impact.
    10- Updating all drivers to the latest versions in case they weren't up to date.
    11- Disabling the performance hit that is caused by the Meltdown and Spectre patches recently released by Microsoft (optional, only if you don't mind having this security vulnerability and would rather have your CPU's full performance back)
    12- Overprovisioning your SSD anywhere between 10-20% depending on how much space you can spare to ensure optimal and consistent performance at all times.
    13- Blocking the Google Chrome Software Reporter Tool (which causes a high system load when it is scanning files)
    14- Preventing Microsoft Edge from running on startup in the background
    15- Restoring the missing default power plans in Windows 10 (ie. High performance, Power saver, and adding the new Ultimate Performance Plan)
    16- Creating a system restoration image using Macrium Reflect

    Cuthago likes this.
  16. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    Hi Cuthago! Welcome to the forum. I have nothing against HIDevolution they also sell on Newegg and I'm sure they do their due diligence. If you are that worried I would call Newegg to double check the return policy rules is in your region. In the USA I can power it on and test everything out. I won't pop the bottom cover however until I'm sure I want to keep it. Otherwise if I am unhappy I can print a shipping return slip for the same packaging and get a full refund. As long as I don't cut out the UPC code from the box I have a full 2 months to test it out because of the extended holiday return. Leandro is from Brazil and has a different situation. My point is if you are going to return it why not give it a spin 1st?

    We ordered from Newegg because the GTX 1070 version with 16GB of DDR4-2666Mhz memory (GP63 Leopard 8RF model 428) is a Newegg exclusive. Period.

    You are shopping for a GTX 1060 GP63 and can get it from just about anywhere. You don't really need the thermal repaste on it as the stock cooler handles the job really well. It's up to you.

    My main beef with it is the trackpad. I'm new here but from what I've read you will either get a Synaptics or Elan TouchPad and it will not support Windows Precision Touchpad gestures. That's about it. Most people will use a gaming mouse anyway. Or you can buy a better laptop.
    Leandro Lopes and Cuthago like this.
  17. Spartan@HIDevolution

    Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative

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    Exclusive? Really? :rolleyes: You can get it super discounted from HIDevolution then choose 32GB DDR 2666 MHz. RAM in te configurator amongst a myriad of other options like SSD upgrades and the cooling upgrades (Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut + Fujipoly Extreme Thermal Pads which reduce temps drastically)

    Custom Built MSI GP63 Leopard 8RE-602 15.6" w/ nVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 for $1099

    Oh and the newegg exclusive is over:

  18. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    Leandro Lopes likes this.
  19. Spartan@HIDevolution

    Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative

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  20. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    No worries man.
    Papusan and Spartan@HIDevolution like this.
  21. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi and welcome in our little chat.
    I agree with Tomo 100%. Please refrain to the fact that been in Brazil always makes things harder. Why do you think we buy so many things outside our country? Lol. Brazil for now is buried in burocratic issues and taxes. This should get better with our new president, but may take a while to clean this house.
    Did you know that Brazil and India are the only service centers that won't cover the international warranty in the whole globe? Crap ain't it? Lol

    My touchpad is fine, but I hear a freaking little noise that is bugging me, you can watch my videos and try hearing to it, TomoPrime couldn't and either msi web support. I heard and read that their phone support are better, and that warranties shouldn't be an issue. But even calling them would be really expensive for me, I would end up paying for the cooler and the service only with call fees. Lol

    HIDEvolution does a great work indeed, if you have the money, I usually would say to go with hidevolution, just to avoid the hassle of maybe needing to return a computer. But you already are in this position, so your choice now is a bit different than the one you thought it was.
    You are going to open that box and try the system, check if everything is working is first priority. Done that? Good. Now let's go to your choice:

    You got with you a very powerful system, with a gtx 1070. That power does not come hassle free. You are going to notice that airflow and sound from fans are higher with it, such as temperatures. Another withdrawn is battery life. I have not tested it yet, but I don't need to to know that it won't last as long as the one with gtx 1060.

    So... it will be a tremendous power vs battery and comfort, you can't get both in this price range, you can't even get the power normally at this price range.

    Another thing that you need to how is about newegg is bestbuy models, let's clarify this before we make bad propaganda or anything like that with non truthful things.
    There is a bigger chance to get bad units fro, them because:
    A- the volume is higher
    B-storage and transport conditions aren't great
    C- there isn't a personalized service like with boutiques such as Hidevolution or computer upgrade king, where someone will open the system, personalize it to your choice, test every little detail before sending it for you and give you a personalized support service with them.

    Does that mean that units from newegg or bestbuy have a bad quality build? not at all! Even exclusives models are NOT made in another factory with bad quality control or second hand parts. You should expect the same build quality you would get from the ones those boutiques sells.
    Sometimes you do have to be careful with specs, exclusive models from bestbuy tend to cut some features so they can lower the price. With our model we basically have something like an ge65 or equivalent minus the rgb strip, thunderbolt, IPS display with higher resolution... things like that. On the other hand we got ourselves a gtx 1070 without spending 1899 dollars for the cheapest model.

    Since you already have your laptop, take it for a spin. You might just like it and have no problem like lots of people in this lounge, but people with problems in hands, tend to be louder (just like cooler fans).
    About your worries,
    Newegg does not provide warranty, it may not take your laptop back if you avoid the seal, but your warranty is assured by msi USA. The factory seal sticker does not void warranties in USA, since your law confirms your right to upgrade your system. (Brazilian laws allow manufacturers to claim a voided warranty if seal is broken).

    I am sorry if anything in my message is confusing. But it is past 4am here and I am asleep. But infeli I couldn't let you you hanging on this one.
    Cuthago likes this.
  22. Le Quan

    Le Quan Notebook Consultant

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    Does the fan get noisy when doing normal task? My GTX1070 (from Newegg too) gets pretty loud in longer gaming seission as well. I'm using Silent Option to control the fan speed manually (I dont like Dragon Center, it seems to mess with my Throttle Stop settings). Where I live it gets really hot (about 25-30C throught out the day, only chill at late night), so I'd rather some noise but not throttle or overheating.

    The fan noise from your video sounds like mine when turning on cooler boost, which ramps up fans to max speed. However I never do that, laptop would get uncomfortably loud.
    Leandro Lopes likes this.
  23. Cuthago

    Cuthago Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thank you Leandro.

    I might just do that. I do have some time (already have RMA#) and this would be a good "practice run". I live in Canada but I think policies are same as US.

    Once again, thank you for your advice!
  24. Cuthago

    Cuthago Notebook Enthusiast

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    Awesome. Thank you.
  25. Cuthago

    Cuthago Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks Tomo - appreciate the advice. I will be using mouse for sure. And like Leandro said as well, I may as well take it for a spin before returning.
  26. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hey Le Quan, nice to hear from you, i thought you had abandoned this thread. lol
    Your posts really inspires to get the best out of our unit. But instead using the throttlestop i used the intel xtreme utility because i felt more comfortable with it. But your values to undervolting it really settle some base as where to start with mine.

    While in normal task the fan only does a very light whistle. And it does get very loud while using Lumion (think of it like an AAA game in ultra) or with Forza Horizon 4, but i really don´t mind the airflow noise at all, it does sound like a jet, but it is " flying", kind of. :cool: What is bugging me, is a little sound behind all the airflow that sound like a "brrrrrrrrrrrr" i really don´t know how to describe this in english, and i tried it all. :oops:. It is bugging me cause i couldn´t here it in other videos and i don´t know if this is normal or if this means something like a broken bearing or something. I posted a video here, where we can "kind of " heart it, very subtle starting at 43sec. Before that is the normal sound, the jetlike airflow. :D

    Beyond that i´am getting great archviz renders with the model and the build quality is really solid. I haven´t ever use "Silent Option". Will look for that, this may help me narrow and be sure about on what fan is the noise. Thank you very much for your inputs.
  27. Le Quan

    Le Quan Notebook Consultant

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    Yeah, I tried to listen to your video again and somewhat could hear the difference now. Your sound seems less "clean" than a normal airflow sound. Really unfortunate :(
  28. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    Exactly. In person this is more noticeable. Msi already told me they wash their hands of it. :(
    I was kind happy that no one else could here it, that could be a sign that i was nickpicking on it. hahahaha
    Sometimes we just want to be wrong, you know?
    Thanks anyway for taking your time to do it.

    Since this isn´t the case, i need now to find out what is the part number for this cooler and try ordering some from ebay.

    If anyone could help me out with the cooler part number, i will try finding my way with it.
  29. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    Hi Le Quan, glad to see another fellow Leopard-428 user. I was just wondering if you had any issues with TouchPad? Mostly with 2 finger scrolling. It looks ok at first but when rolling up and down this page it might scale or highlight text. I tried Reset PC from windows and also Reset Factory Settings from F3 with no love. I've tried the factor default and the updated one from MSI is What I notice is that the new one doesn't install any Synaptics apps so I can't tweak anything. If this is just the way it is for this model I can live with it but if not I probably should return this unit.

    After EC reset my Fan hovers around 2400RPM at idle and it's audible. I hear a little whirling noise but it seems normal to me since fan is low speed. I understand this will sound different on full tilt. But my pc reset wiped everything out. I would love to test something to push it harder for an easy to download bench in case I reset again. Cinebench is too short.
  30. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    First about your fan, mine also hovers about 2400rpm ALL the time. But I think it already did before updating bios and EC.

    Ok Tomo, good, bad and funny news for you. I finally got to reproduce your touch pad problems. Sometimes the webpage gets bigger like if I had used the pinch gesture and sometime it will click at something, right?!

    Now, that´s definitely a bad driver behavior. Driver can't recognize what gesture you are using (wish they had used Windows precision drivers). I tried to simulate it in the video above, but I got other bad behavior instead of that one.
    Now the funny thing is... since this driver dos not know what heck you are doing, there is a better way to scroll the page.

    Just use the pinch gesture. LOL
    I think this might be happening cause of some mix with touch screens gestures.
    Falkentyne likes this.
  31. Spartan@HIDevolution

    Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative

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    Does it have a Synaptics or Elantech Touchpad?

    If it's Synaptics, then install the latest Synaptics Driver then try the bellow trick to get to the Synaptics Settings:

    Synaptics Touchpad Driver /
    How to get the Synaptics Touchpad Settings after the recent Windows update
    Leandro Lopes and Falkentyne like this.
  32. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    Wow that's crazy! I wish I could pinch to scroll instead of scroll to pinch! LoL

    Here is my day one touchpad experience showing it at it's worst. This is prior to my BIOS update and factory settings reset.

  33. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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  34. Spartan@HIDevolution

    Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative

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    Did you try disabling the stupid pinch to zoom?

    [​IMG] program to take screenshots
    Leandro Lopes likes this.
  35. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    It was explained in an earlier post but my SynMsiDApp didn’t install with the updated driver. If you double click that package hit install from the driver folder it gives a certificate error. The other way to get the app I guess is to use MS Store (shown in your screen shot) but it downloads a version compatible with It allow some tweaks but is still buggy as hell. If I could reduce the tap sensitivity I be all set. I have to disable tap to drag and to scale and most of the features for some stability.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  36. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    I know, right?! I loved it!

    yeaaahhh, I got the same behaviour as you about touchpad selecting stuff randomly while scrolling with 2 fingers. I think if you increase the sensibility it will actually help to stop that. See, things are selected with taps, if your touchpad senses in a moment that your finger is not there and in the next moment due to low sensitivity it thinks your finger is not there anymore, it will input that as a taps, or a tap and hold and so on...

    Thank you. that was very helpful, I will try installing the software and see what I come up with.
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  37. Spartan@HIDevolution

    Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative

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    Yeah mine never got installed automatically either, I grabbed it from the Microsoft Store just like I've shown you in this guide:

    How to get the Synaptics Touchpad Settings after the recent Windows update

    Try clicking on this link then allow it to open up in the Microsoft Store: SynMsiDapp
  38. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    If you look inside the latest driver folder..
    C:\Users\Tomo\Downloads\Synaptics TouchPad Driver\tp_Synaptics_v19_5_31_11__C__x64__Win10__Signed__msi_PUWP_19.5.31.11_0x31f9ab2f

    You will find the newer SynMsiDApp installer it is called SynMsi_v19005.31011.0.0_x64.appx.

    Double click that and try to update or install it. You get a Certificate error.

    BTW Windows installed that older SynMsiDApp on it's own. I don't have to go to the store if I wait long enough. Just wish it was the new version.
  39. Spartan@HIDevolution

    Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative

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    Try to open the Microsoft Store and manually search for updates, this will update all your Windows Store installed apps then see if it updates it to the latest version:



    This is the version that I'm running now:

  40. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    That number 19005.31005.0.0 you highlighted translates to which hasn't been update to yet. You can confirm this with starting up the app and reading the header:
    Synaptics Pointing Device - v19.5.31.5 12Jul18.

    It even shows up in one of your previous screenshots.
  41. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    Hey guys it's a no brainer that the new craptics TouchPad driver update that windows so nicely pushed out fails to run the v19.5.31.11 SynMsiDApp App Installer step. I've mentioned before that this package in the extracted folder fails to update due to an expired certificate error. This may be why many people lost there Synaptics tray icon and direct access to the touchpad gestures if I had to guess. The good news is that I figured out a workaround assuming you downloaded the driver zip from MSI. You might also need to add permission to side load apps in windows settings / developer section that I'm unsure.

    You will want to turn:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Into this:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    To fix you'll need to:

    1. in your extracted driver folder right click SynMsi_v19005.31011.0.0_x64.appx select -> Properties
    2. select Digital Signatures -> tap it in the list -> Details -> View Certificate -> Install Certificate
    3. choose local machine -> next -> yes
    4. pick 'place all certificates in following store' -> browse ->Trusted Root Certification Authorities -> ok -> Next -> Finish
    5. double click SynMsi_v19005.31011.0.0_x64.appx update install profit.
    6. realize your synaptics touchpad still sucks :mad: rage return back to Newegg.
  42. Le Quan

    Le Quan Notebook Consultant

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    My 2 finger scrolling works great. I'm using driver from April 2018. The touchpad on this laptop is much worse compared to the likes of XPS 15 or other ultrabooks, less responsive but it does the job when I dont have a mouse.
  43. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    Brazilian msi service center watched to my video and says that it does "seems" like a faulty fan unit, they also wanted to get the laptop for testing so they could say for sure. But I am not letting the laptop there if they don't even have access to the part that i need without soliciting and importing it, wich will take more than a month. However they are been really helpfull and searching for the part number so i can import one myself.
  44. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    It sounds like they will work on it for your behalf at least. I guess the question is if it's ruled as faulty and they can't get the part will MSI send you a laptop replacement?
  45. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    Msi provided the part number to them... the wrong one, I searched for it it was far from being the right model. So I took the guts and opened the computer so I could get the right part number. It is funny how that little red line just can't get in place anymore after opening it. It will close, but you can definitely notice in close inspection that it has being opened.
    Msi won't provide a laptop replacement. They won't even provide the part itself. They already warned me that if I want to, I will need to let my laptop with my service center, so they could ask for the part, then I should wait for 30 business days to it and that I would need to pay for the part and for the replacement service.

    Could you imagine if I actually did that and then, when the part arrives, it would be the wrong one?
  46. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    Last edited: Dec 5, 2018
  47. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    I'm glad it's looking great on your end. I don't know if I should try your driver out or how does one get older versions?

    I suspect if good enough means disabling:
    • Momentum (non default)
    • EdgeMotion (on by default)
    • PinchZoom (on by default)
    • Rotating (on by default)
    • Tap And Drag (on by default, the one I miss the most)

    My vertical scrolling becomes much less problematic. I can live with whatever the TouchPad norm is. But if most people work with the default settings as the norm then I might have a hardware problem. It doesn't help that Synaptics and Windows 10 have a long history of issues. It doesn't make my decision easy to return a laptop in the height of the holiday shipping only to find the next one is about the same.

    I feel bad overloading this forum with a trivial matter.
  48. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    UPDATE This (Windows Central) is great!

    The Lenovo workaround to enable Prescision TouchPad support back into Windows 10 still works. I already see an immediate improvement disabling the Synaptics Enhanced software and leaving the driver as is. I haven't fully run it through the paces yet but it's looking very stable so far. I may have a keeper. :vbthumbsup:

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
    Leandro Lopes likes this.
  49. TomoPrime

    TomoPrime Notebook Consultant

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    Sounds like you made the right choice given how high the gamble is to wait. From the teardown videos it looks self serviceable? Did you like what you saw under the hood? I'm pretty surprised to see most of the guts right through the bottom covers vent. It's a reminder to handle this machine with care on clean surfaces as the component are exposed the environment with little to no shielding. You can nearly touch the heat pipe through the vent. I hope you can find the part soon.
    Leandro Lopes likes this.
  50. Leandro Lopes

    Leandro Lopes Notebook Enthusiast

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    Wait, isn't that what the internet is for? J.K.
    I don't think any problem are trivial since there may be other people wondering if there is anything wrong with their units. Also you are documenting what you have tried and your results with that, so people now know what to expect if trying the same things.

    Windows precision drivers? :eek2:
    That's awesome, I thought does were restricted now. How did you get it?

    It is pretty much self serviceable, it is a REALLY clean installation with beautiful cable management (in the few cables we can see). Nothing like other brands were they just tap it all together and forget about it. The cooler boost system is gorgeous and makes you feel that other ventilation solutions shouldn't work nothing near this beast. It's also really clean inside the shell, no glue/tape/residues of any kind, anywhere.
    But overall yeah... it makes you realize how close your whole system is from a catastrophe in case you drop your glass of water in the same table.
    The clamps are really fragile, specially the one on the back. Work through the sides and the front, do not force anything. It will get free by itself and it will do horrible noises at each clamp, making you almost give up and run to the bathroom.
    It is important to notice that in the left side, the red line will never be 100% closed again. Its barely minimal and no one else can notice, but I could (it should be something about 0.3mm. Sorry no imperial units here lol), and if you watch disassembly videos where they put it together afterwards, you will notice that it is possible to tell if the system have been opened before or not observing this detail. I will update here with a picture of it later.

    Almost forgot to say. I ordered the fan from some Chinese seller through Ebay. Now I should pray so it gets here fast enough. :biglaugh:
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