Hi Kevin and TechStock and thanks for the quick response. I am using an external mouse. I will updatec drivers and see what happens. BTW, as I was typing this I was careful not to let my fingers touch the Trackpad and there was no cursor jump. Didn't realize the thing was sooo sensitive! Thanks.
I hope someone can help me see what I'm missing. I have the 128 GB SSD, and after totaling the space taken in all of the folders, I come up with only about 25 GB used, but My Computer shows 43 GB used. Anyone know what could be causing this discrepancy?
See attached pic:
http://i.imgur.com/Y8vbedG.png -
Thought I was all set. Got wireless/BT working correctly with the latest EC firmware update, but now my GPU is always on. Amber power button never changes to white. Any help? -
Anyone installed Firmware Update File w8_1771EMS1.507.zip, version 1507, released 2013-10-25? I'm using it after I updated the windows 8 to 8.1 and now the computer wont reboot. It will shut down, however, when I try to reboot, the screen turns off like it normally does but the keyboard light stays on and it wont completely turn off and back on again. I think the HD light flashes periodically too. I have to hold onto the power button to completely power it down. I've tried re-flashing it multiple times and followed the instructions (even taking apart the bottom and disconnecting the battery... which I dont know if it was necessary with the GS70 or not) but the unit just wont restart properly.
Anyone know of a fix?
If not, anyone know if I can revert or downgrade to an older firmware?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks -
You can reset the ec firmware by putting a pin in the reset button for 30 sec on the right side of the laptop just in front of the USB port. This is the same as a battery pull on this laptop that the battery doesn't come out.
Do it with the laptop off and the power plug unplugged. Then plug the power cord in before restarting.
See this thread
https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=174010.msg1264326#msg1264326 -
I tried that but unfortunately, it did not solve the issue I have. I still cannot 'reset' the computer, the computer would just hang there and not shut off and turn back on, instead the screen is dark but the keyboard light and fans are still running. I can 'shut down' completely, which works, just the reset still doesn't.
Any other ideas? Please let me know.
Thanks -
Man with all the 8.1 update horror story's. I am glad I went with Windows 7 hahah
Hey everyone, I'm going to apologize ahead of time for any noob questions as I don't know much about computers. So, I downloaded the killer network suite directly from their website however I'm still getting lag spikes. I have four out of five bars so the connection is fine but I keep getting lag on streams with messages suggesting I lower the quality of the picture. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I figured a laptop with this kinda of hardware could handle a stream with a couple of windows open with like no problems, but maybe I overestimated it or something.
Is it possible your power settings are putting the wireless card into power savings? What power plan are you on and what are the power settings under wireless?
I have also seen lower speeds on wireless after waking up from hibernation/sleep periodically. My thoughput on wireless has been very good. Upwards of 240mb/s locally. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
For example, ping -n 50 [Enter] -
This could be the problem since I have no clue what my power plan is. Ill try to look around and see what mine is set at. I feel like I should've done some more research before I decided to make the transition into pc gaming haha.
Update: Checked the power setting and the wireless adapter was set to maximum performance so I don't think that's the problem. -
Hello guys, I want to order Msi GS70 2od-002us laptop form GenTechPC but I have a question.
If the capacity is not an issue is it a good idea to remove HDD and order it with only 256 SSD in RAID 0?
I don't know what SSD's MSI are using and that's why I am not sure about their reliability. -
Just got this stunner and I have to say that I love it
I was wondering though if I can upgrade the RAM and video card down the road or is it one of those laptops that you can't change hardware. Thanks for the tips
Hello people!
I have been reading this post for a long time, and now that I got my GS70 I would like to ask you if I should make a full first charge of the laptop before powering in up for the first time!
Any suggestions? Or should I start right away?
Thanks a lot! -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
GS70 2OD-002US
SSD they use can be either Sandisk, or Kingston and these are very reliable.
Here is also an internal picture of GS70 from hwheaven for your reference.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Yes, let it fully charge fully for the first time. Don't be troubled with the need to perform a full cycle of charge/discharge with it because that is just going to give you stress over joy.
Enjoy it! -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
There are 2 memory slots each populated with a 8GB module, and below is official spec,
All GS70 models -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Go to System Information and find out what version of BIOS and EC you have?
There are new releases already which may help with performance issues.
GS70 Download Section
For the killer driver, are you using this one below?
Have you tried driver-only yet without the suite? Sometimes the software suite can affect the performance. -
Re-Orderd a new GS70 from NewEgg...
(had a store credit on there for my re-stocking fee for my previous GS70)
I was very impressed with the laptop, just the keyboard not functioning right was a pain.. haha
Also they have a MSI Gift Kit that it comes with... pretty cool!
Should be getting it Friday... -
And one more question: It seems like some people have issues with the keyboard of this laptop, can you check the keyboard before shipping it to me? -
Out for delivery... take two. lol
Got the Gift pack yesterday... included SteelSeries headphones, mouse and MSI gaming mosy pad(HUGE!) -
Got it all up and going...
I guess all the laptops have bad LED placement and lighting/brightness... guess Alienware had spoiled me.. haha -
Seriously, all I've read in this thread are issues with this laptop. I'm ready to pull the trigger but it just doesn't seem worth it. Seems to be too much of a lemon. I'm tech savvy, but I don't want to drop $2200 on something that needs constant babysitting...Very frustrating.
Its quite nice sound wise and visual wise... and plays most new titles without a hitch.
For $1899 its a very good buy IMHO. -
Okay..so I have been gaming in Diablo 3 for about... 20 mins now? maybe 30?
And my max temp my GPU has reached is 85C....
This is on the bad side of temps... right??? -
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
The GS70 runs hot when gaming. Just FYI...I ran Furmark on mine and after around 10 to 15 minutes, the max temp was around 83C. No throttling or instability...but bottom of laptop was unpleasantly hot. If you're not experiencing throttling issues, I wouldn't be too concerned.
ZOG Paradox likes this. -
When I had my first one I ran D3 WITH fraps for atleast 2-3 hours and it was SLIGHTLY hot... this is like... OHH HOT DAMN! lol -
Anyone of you tried the fan control from gt70 to fix the fan issue ?
You can check on YouTube : MSI gs70 fan Whistle [ The most recent posted video ].
If you could help me out, i'll be very Grateful because i really want to get this laptop but the fan issue and heat make me change my mind ~ -
Downloading MSI Afterburner now... -
Just ran for an hour on D3... and now my max temp was 145C!!!!!!
How is this happening? lol
Thinking its going to be going back... again... -
Figured out where the phantom space went. Windows decided it needed a 30GB paging file, which I reduced in size and moved to the HDD. Also there was a 16GB hibernation file, which I disabled.
Getting 60+ fps at 1080p with low settings in bf4. Very pleased! -
So I turned off shadows and it isn't going over 55C....
Guess Shadows f**k s**t up... lol -
I think it is because the driver is not quite right for the laptop. When you change the speeds it does decrease the fan speed, but it seems like it is turning the CPU fan on and off periodically. That is where you get the whistle noise from. (the fan engaging)
I have been following this thread since the beginning, only just signed up to post.
For the record, for those considering buying this laptop:
It is a fantastic laptop, sure the fans make a little bit of noise, but its not too bad - I am a self professed audiophile with very sensitive hearing, weighing up all the other positives with this laptop (low weight, power, size etc etc.) I would definitely purchase it again. I like to game in bed, having a light laptop was paramount.. otherwise I'd probably go for the ASUS JH-750.
I'm sure in time a fix for the fan noise will come out ( please please please) its a slight irritation, but definitely not a deal breaker.
Something I do want to mention is that some of the screws on the base of my laptop were a little loose.. after i tightened them all up a bit the thing felt a lot sturdier and even seems to run slightly cooler..(could be my imagination) could be that the heat in games is edging out the screws a bit (break in?)
Just downloaded MSI Afterburner.. you cannot control the fan with this software.. -
Would you guys recommend updating my BIOS and Firmware after updating to Windows 8.1? I don't know if it's really necessary and if you guys think it is, I'll go ahead and do it, but whenever I'm flashing some sort of ROM, I get a little wary.
I have done it - to be honest I can not notice a difference..
after I did mine and rebooted, i unplugged the power cable and the machine blacked out.. then wouldn't turn back on.. almost crapped my pants right there and then.
Plugged in the power back in and it worked fine again..
Don't do it if you don't have any issues I reckon.. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It wont turn on again straight away.
It should flash, you reset, the machine goes to power on, shuts off, then a few seconds later it will boot itself back up. -
Is there maybe a way I could up the voltage on the LED's to make them brighter?
Where would I find such a file?? -
HELP! I think I may have bricked my gs70 :-/ I shut it down the other day to wipe the chassis/keyboard with a damp cloth (which I do often to clean off the gunk and stuff).
I'm not sure if I got something inside damp, because when I turned it back on, the computer gets locked in a constant rebooting sequence. when i hit the power, nothing happens on the screen, and the power button rapidly turns red, then white, the red, and I can hear the fans start to spin up for half a second before it shuts off. a few seconds later it will repeat this process. constantly rebooting itself. if I hold the power button down, it will eventually stop (tho right at first I could not get this to stop at all). I let it sit for 2 days now and this is still happening
So I guess first, has anyone experienced this / know if theres any way to fix it? I bought this in august so i'm past my newegg return policy. and if there's nothing I can do myself, does anyone know how I would go about getting this repaired? I appreciate any help -
Does anyone know of a seller of a replacement keyboard for the GS 70? My spacebar, which by far is the worst aspect of an otherwise wonderful system, is about to give up the ghost. Anyone know cost, too?
Mark -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It should still be in warranty, I would get it looked at.
It is...I just hate sending it in as I had a bad experience with a Toshiba recently where it was at repair for 2 months and they finally bought it back as they couldn't get a backordered part in (the video card on a brand new Qosmio X70). How is MSI with turnaround for keyboard issues? I use this for work and don't want to be without it...
Mark -
Also, I have opened it, added a Plextor mSATA (had a 128GB one from the factory) and swapped the hard drive for a Hitachi 1TB 7200RPM one. Also swapped the 12GB for 16GB of Kingston Hyper-X DDR3L RAM. Beyond that, it hasn't been dorked with and works wonderfully. Just want to make sure that I'm not going to have warranty issues. If so, I'll just buy a keyboard if someone will sell me one....
-Hold F3 on boot, it should bring up a BIOS/Recovery screen (or some sort of screen)
-Hold F10 (or F11 I can't entirely remember) this should also bring up some sort of screen)
If F3 works but goes to a BIOS screen then make a recovery USB (msg me if you need help with that) and boot off that (boot order is changed in BIOS). -
Any upside to updating to Windows 8.1???
Official MSI GS70 2013 Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Repsac, Aug 14, 2013.