Ok ok, I'll download and check it out =)
Any nice games to recommend? Can't wait to try them out with this beast, wee! XD
lonelywolf90 Notebook Consultant
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Have you been having a nice holiday weekend?
SaveTheKennies Notebook Consultant
I didn't really know much about it got it soley on Striker's reccomendation was looking for good upgrades that didnt cost a whole lot, So i'd day it was totaly worth it.
It does however want to do a speed test everytime I turn on my laptop which is kind of annoyying. -
SaveTheKennies Notebook Consultant
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
SaveTheKennies Notebook Consultant
I figured I could turn it off, its just when turn my laptop on it's usually video game time not look through settings time -
If we are to compare intel 6300 wifi card and bigfoot , which is worth the pennies??
Will the gtx 560m version of this rig phased out if gtx 570m version is out??In case i don't have enough $$ to get the latter version , i still have the urge to get the one with gtx 560m(although i'll be very dissapointed if this happen and i'll probably suffer from insomnia , don't worry i won't commit suicide XD)
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
I would not worry about the 560M phasing out too soon. Remember, it's a new release, and the 570M will cater to those wiling to pay extra. If I were to bet here, I'd say the 560M will be the the GT780R's bread and butter, and 570M sales will be for those who require extra gravy. Do keep in mind however, this industry changes rapidly. It will not be long before the GT780 or NVIDIA's 500 series becomes yesterdays news. I just hope I can get a couple good years out of GT780DXR, before I feel compelled to buy another future model.
i want something that could play upcoming games for next 2 years
I hope i could get a rig that can play the upcoming games for next 2 years
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Yeah folks, the more I look at this Pro-Star.com reseller, and their unofficial MSI GT780-B3 creation, the more I see, " BUYER BEWARE - CAVEAT EMPTOR"!
It looks as though Pro Star has also created an unofficial Asus G74SX-B3 model too!
Misrepresenting the manufacturer's SKU's, and thereby violating manufacturer policy, clearly brings Pro-Stars business ethics into question. As such, I believe this alone would have me steer clear of them.
Aside from questionable business practice, ethics, or the validity of manufacturer warrantys..... I believe Pro-Stars standing with ResellerRatings.com, makes a pretty good case, 'WHY to avoid them'!
The first thing I notice, is they have two separate ratings. But, wait a minute! Hold the phone! How can this be, and how can consumers make an honest assessment of Pro-Star's standing? Could it be poor standing with their original rating, brought on the need of a new, and second rating? I think this is probably the case!
As I look at BOTH of Pro-Stars ratings pages, I am immediately struck with the following:
Furthermore, as compared with well-known and respected resellers, I am curious with Pro-Stars extraordinarily LOW number of customer reviews (only 20 in total)..... especially given the time periods covered! This would seem to indicated poor sales on the part of Pro-Star, or few of their customers care enough to write a review. As such, I have to wonder if Pro-Star is more a HOBBY, than a professionally run business.
Looking at ProStar Computer Inc.'s PREFERRED and most recent reseller rating, we see a rating 10.0 (only 1 review in the last 6 months), but ONLY 7 customer reviews, from June 2006, to Jan 2011.
Looking at Pro-Star's ORIGINAL reseller rating, we see a very poor 5.7 (no ratings in the last 6 months), and ONLY 13 customer reviews, from Sept 2002, to Jan 2010...... and the most recent of which, I feel is worthy of a quote:
Anyhow again, ' BUYER BEWARE - CAVEAT EMPTOR'! If any of you are so brave to take the plunge with Pro-Star, Best Wishes! If you have a positive experience, from me you will get a "Lucky Devil", and a resounding chuckle. Those with a negative experience, expect "ROFLMFAO" and an "I TOLD YOU SO"!
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Killer Wireless-N Performance
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Driver Version with Speedtest.net Now Available
Posted by Sean Bulger on 28 June 2011 | 0 Comments
Tags: killer 2100, killer wireless-n, killer e2100, drivers
The latest drivers for the Killer 2100, Killer E2100, and Killer Wireless-N have been released. Along with several bug fixes and refinements, this release introduces a new way to get your bandwidth values by integrating speedtest.net into the Killer Network Manager.On the Killer Network Manager's Network page, you can perform this test by using the test button, which initiates the Speedtest.net website. Be aware that setting speeds higher than what is available from your ISP will result in unpredictable results with Visual Bandwidth Control and recommend settings, as they have always been, are that are 5-7% less than what is measured to cover any network measurement variations.You can download the new drivers, as well as the full release notes, from our download page. You can also view the release notes below:
RELEASE NOTES NEW FEATURES IN THIS RELEASE - Advanced Stream DetectTM - Featuring Speedtest.net to accurately measure the available bandwidth- Updates to the end-user license agreement (EULA)FIXES IN THIS RELEASE- Default Internet Provider Speeds were changed to 1.5 Mbps Upload and 10 Mbps Download. You will be queried to run the bandwidth until the test is run or you enter values in manually.- On the Killer Network ManagerTM (KNM) Network page, the recommended method is using the test button that initiates the Speedtest.net website. Be aware that setting speeds higher than what is available from your ISP will result in unpredictable results with Visual Bandwidth ControlTM and recommend settings that are 5-7% less than what is measured to cover any network measurement variations.- Instances of initialization failures coming out of sleep modes. - Installation error on language OS that are outside the languages that the Killer E2100 has translations. - Various installation issues that result in 1603 error codes have been addressed. If you see a 1603 error code upon installation, refer to Bigfoot Support Knowledge Base for more information.- Resolution of instances where certain fields in the Killer Network Manager were not updating properly- Changes were made for more uniform sizing of the KNM application window. As a result, sizing is limited to the right and lower edges of the window.- Instance where version number was showing incorrectly in 32-bit OS.
KNOWN ISSUES IN THIS RELEASE- The disabling of the Killer Network Card will cause the Killer Network Manager to show an inaccurate link speed.
Also, if needed, there is a Bigfoot driver cleaner tool!
Bigfoot cleaner - 64 bit Windows
570M will probably play all games on very high details, including those that will come in 2 years -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
A bit bleary eyed and lacking coffee here, but as far as this Pro-Star system goes...last week weren't we talking about MSI releasing a new configuration with reduced RAM, single HDD, no raid, and a different sku? I think some folks were talking in part about MSI's updated hardware specification page. Or was the info on this "new" configuration more misinformation, as with the 570M business?
I was still planning on buying from one of the resellers here, but was hoping to save a couple hundred bucks, considering I don't need all the RAM or the RAID... -
As far as we know MSI didnt release this model with single HDD and reduced RAM , who knows how's the configuration of MSI GT780DXR will be when it's out
* I originally was on the ASUS G74SX-A1. A friend had the G73 and raved on it... This was my plan for about 6 months (but then a car and other expenses came up to take the funds). I ditched the ASUS because I use it for business too and did not like the lack of e-SATA and Firewire ports.
So I moved to a Sager NP8170 unit, which was really nice and had the ports I wanted. I was even gonna get the processor upgrade for about the same price as the ASUS. It had good reviews too. However, the keyboard was lacking. It seemed very cramped for all the space left on the edges and it also was missing the rightmost column of a standard keypad. (The -, +, and ENTER). I used the keypad a lot and used to do data entry so those keys are second nature to me. I could relearn, but why.
Then I saw the MSI GT780R. It has the eSATA I wanted (yes there is USB 3.0, but I have an eSATA drive too), no Firewire, but I rarely use it. Was not sure of MSI vs. Sager in terms of quality, but stuff I read was very promising. Watched the unboxing videos on YouTube as was sold on the quality of it. The audio and keyboard were clinchers. Plus I liked the Matte screen. One of my earlier Dell's was a matte screen and I loved it... the last couple were glossy and it took some getting used to.
So I had to keep the base processor, but figured it was not enough a difference for me to matter. I was seeking a 16GB machine too (again for video processing, software development, etc, it's huge). Get the eSATA and USB 3.0. To save money I went with the base 500GB primary and the 1TB secondary (5400) -- and then rolled that money into 2-day shipping.
So now the next 48 hours will drag on... -
One other weird thing about me... I'm ambidextrous. As I mentioned I used to do data entry and learned to use the 10-key keypad. This was in DOS days when to load Windows, you type "win" at the command prompt.
Having been using computers with keyboard input only, I rejected using a mouse for several months -- especially then, they were blocky and clunky. But I eventually relented. But it was the most natural thing in the world for me to have the mouse on the LEFT side of the keyboard. The forms I was entering sat to the right next to the keypad, so there was no room for a mouse over there unless I constantly moved it out of the way. So I've always used the mouse left-handed. I can use it right handed (if I'm helping another user for example, but it just feels wrong).
(The mouse buttons remain as they are however. Left mouse button is still the left mouse button no matter where the mouse is located. It's not labelled "Button closest to keyboard, Button farthest from keyboard")
When games started coming out like Quake and Doom, it was perfect for me to use the keypad for my movement. The WASD cluster I've never used (except on that Apple II for Wizardry). The keypad is symmetrically laid out and just seems to make more sense as a control. When I saw all the videos for the GT780R and the gaming enhancements (like moving some buttons) I laughed when they said it was done for "serious gamers". I'm sure I'm not the only lefty out there. I used to kick butt playing Quake at work against all the righties and even online because of this keyboard advantage.
Fortunately, not of the changes really will affect me. No benefit or detriment. The Windows key being on the wrong side might annoy me when working because I use those combos all the time. Win-R, Win-L, etc., but I'll adapt. It's still not as bad as the Sager and keys missing from the keypad. The - is my reload, the + is my alt-Fire, and the ENTER is my USE button. Right mouse is always jump.
Oh well, are there other lefties out there? -
The way I see it:
Any SSD completely CRUSH the 2x500GB HDD RAID0 that comes with this laptop. Plus 1 SSD will use a lot less battery than 2xHDD and will produce less heat.
The 16GB RAM is a complete overkill imo. Most users don`t need any more than 4GB. Advanced users with virtual machines and multitasking won`t need any more than 6-8GB. But I guess you can make a RAMdisk if you want to. Speed up loading of games etc. -
I forgot to say that if we had a laptop version like the pro-star or a reseller that only sold 1 HDD and 8GB RAM, we could use that money on a SSD instead. Or get a cheaper laptop.
As for the memory, to each his own. MOST users won't need 16gb, but advanced users WILL be able to make the most of that full 16GB... an arbitrary 6-8gb value is just opinion from someone who has never bumped up against the ceiling. -
Unlikely, I know. -
Do you think intel will pull their cpu price after AMD bulldozer is out??
What is the deal with Intel saying that the Max Memory Size for the I7-2630QM is 8GB yet most of the machines offer up to 16GB?
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
MSI is listening. For the moment, we are all able to offer the same configuration that Pro-star is offering...at least for the moment.
Another interesting bit is that Pro-star is NOT an authorized Build to Order dealer. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Thanks for that. -
I find it interesting that MSI denies the 570M configuration, at least as a GT780R model.
Homer -
For those of you that have already bough from Pro-Star, maybe their BBB rating will make you feel a bit better? A+.
Certainly an interesting bit about them not being an MSI authorized builder, though. Definitely can't be good. -
Did anyone manage to get the Crysis 2 benchmark running with the latest patch?
Also, new benchmark:
waiting for gentech or others providing free shipping for the GT780-A1 model(by powernotebooks).
I am a bit curious about what possible scenario where 16GB will be used. People I talked to who are hardcore multitaskers and run virtual machines and big 3D programs never pass the 8GB "barrier". Must be some kind of advanced advanced users lol
Why i don't see intel 6300 wifi card upgrade for powernotebooks msi laptop??
I mentioned that here and someone said they could rewire a third, but I got doubt it. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
MSI is listening? This is an interesting developement, especially given the information given out here yesterday. So, what does that mean? Did Pro-Star indeed violate MSI policy? Does this mean MSI will allow resellers to alter the SKU's, or is MSI going to sanction the GT780-B3 (Pro-Star's configuration) as an official SKU? And what of the warranty, and will MSI authorize the extended 1 year warranty with these alterations?
Can you please clarify a little further?
Well prostar configuration is cheaper than the A1 offer by powernotebooks , and i try to configure the spec of A1 version so that it's the same as 012us version and found out A1 price is more expensive
I know with myself that I will never ever go back to HDD after using this X-25M for so long. I love the responsiveness and no noise at all from them. I`d hate to go use a HDD which have this crackling sound when it is working and they are so sloooow compared lol -
How much increase in terms of price we should expect for the gtx 570m version??Upgrading from gtx560m to gtx 580m is US595 , will the gtx 570m differ much since its performance still under gtx 485m
--->The Official MSI GT780/GT783 Owner's Lounge<---
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Jun 9, 2011.