he said "the current GT/GX series doesnt support Optimus."
i think he means the MSI GT/GX Series, GT/GX780 for example, not the graphics card
BAH! Seriously, I`m disappointed that Alienware are the only one who have managed to get Optimus with the GTX cards. VERY disappointed
I wonder why. Does the engineers lack skills? Don`t they teach about electronics in scholl anymore? Maybe they don`t see all the benefits? Or maybe the technology is too young to be incorporated? Optimus have been used in a lot of laptop models with the GT cards from Nvidia + Alienware M15/17/18x for a long time now and I think it is bloody time someone else start supporting it too. When I think about it, I don`t think I have seen any posts complaining about Optimus on alienware. But I remember people saying how they love using IGP on emulators and games that doesn`t require a bad GPU. And all the other pro`s it gives.
OH WELL! Guess I will have to bite the dust and order a GT780R. -
Optimus is so not perfected. When I browse forums all I see are people complaining about how optimus fails to throttle at so and so games. Play GTA IV with 60mb of vram and you will not like optimus very much.
If something can fail, it'll fail now or later. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Regarding Optimus, in post# 756, Ken also had this to say:
99 % of people owning a laptop with Optimus couldn`t care less that 3dmark isn`t optimized for Optimus or that Optimus still have some issues with 3dmark. I would much rather have a system that can shut off this power consuming, heat spewing GPU whenever I`m doing other things than gaming than having to tweak through settings to get 3dmark to work.
Look through the Alienware forum and see if you can find any M17x problems with Optimus. They have had the R3 with GTX 460M for a long time now and if they had problems with it, you would have seen a big thread about it since there are many people out there with an alienware with optimus.
Who on earth own a crappy GPU with 60MB RAM? -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Many thanks, -
guys, the e-mail man said
"the current GT/GX series doesn’t support Optimus."
-> current
so we don't know anything about the upcoming GT780DXR, that gives us a little hope
TDE = Turbo Drive Engine -
Yes. Call and Email them again Ken. And please ask them WHY they won`t feature Optimus if they plan on doing that. And specify that it is the 780DXR you are asking about and not the GT780R.
I gave you +rep for giving me a small hope Ford
@Striker: I have thought about buying the M17x R3 but it have too much annoying aspects. The whole laptop is plastic (Yuck) and the leds around it wreaks of teenager or some kind of toy for young children. And the keyboard looks too flashy for my eyes. And I`m not shure I like the keys. Plus dell have some serious quality control issues. People have been reporting scrathes on their laptop, loose media keys, missing screws etc. I don`t like the idea of having to send it back the moment I finally get it.
@desktopsheavyonlap. The IGP of sandy Bridge does not have 60MB VRAM. It shares the same memory as the CPU 4-6MB per core I think. Just because some guys reporting Optimus in the nvidia forum doesn`t mean it is something wrong with it. People tend to go to forums just to complain and especially Nvidia forum, and there can be many possible reasons why they are having problems with it. It could be everything from drivers from the OEMs to BIOS to drivers from Nvidia. Of course it can be Optimus too. -
that should be the P1 button.
senseless i mean. the gt680r got an extra TDE Button AND P1 Button. The TDE Button is the P1 Button on the gt780 -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Lt.Ford is correct! Also, you can find information on this and more HERE!
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
@ Silver0066: Oh, you are an Owner already? WELCOME TO THE PARTY!
Sadly won't ship until Wednesday most like, but I upped the shipping for 2-day to have by the weekend... -
@Cloudfire: Since you're also in the same situation as I am, I'll go through what I was thinking before buying the MSI. I, too, thought the Alienware was a definite kid-pleasing product and it just wasn't my style. Most people just have Alienware as a defined way to label others as a nerd and such. The keyboard and all the other features on the GT780R are much nicer than Alienware IMO and I was never too fond of the quality control of Dell to top it off.
About battery life and Optimus: I figured that I probably wouldn't be using the laptop of long outside of my dorm or any place without an outlet for that matter. Sure it's a nice thing to have, but it has its kinks and it's not exactly what I want to kick into gear when actually playing some games like BF3. I already have a small tablet that I'm planning to do notes with in the classroom and do some light work on, but I'm saving my laptop mainly for 3D modeling and all the more intensive work on it that my tablet can't exactly handle. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Well, a big "WELCOME TO THE PARTY", to you too!
(UPS truck just re-delivered mine, and now sitting here looking at the box, I find myself in a dilemma...... open it, don't open it, keep it, sell it, GT780DXR in August, GTX 570M...... GEEZ!)
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
The hot tub's still warm. Just jump in.
In case you're still debating, here's my input:
...ok i was going to write something to convince you to open it but then i was like, if i had the dough for a 570m i would wait a month or 2 more... do you really need the extra 10m of power?
@cloud, you're right forums can be misleading. i guess this is 90% personal with me and things that CAN throttle down. i do not like the uncertainty of the mechanism nor can i trust it. even before optimus i see gpu's dethrottling all the time to "2D desktop mode" and it would drive me nuts. even if it's 1/1000000 chance, i know i'll be that 1/1000000. i'm so thankful that i lucked out with the gt780r with my luck... so far no dethrottling with the 560m, me am happy XD -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
BUT, then there is the issue of this beautiful brown box is still sitting here staring at me! Open Me, Open Meeeeeee! I dont want to open it, if I am selling it. Open Me, Open Meeeeee!
Then there is this nagging little voice, that has me thinking about the proverbial, A bird in the hand, is worth two in the bush.
Yep, that's right folks, it's still sitting here unopened! I need to do a poll..... to open, or not to open...... that is the question!
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
At least I don't see dead people..... YET!
Open it, open it!
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Hmmmm..... I am dying to bench that 2820QM, and give that SSD a go.........
For mouse cursor jumping issue , GT780 (1761) Touchpad registry patch (beta)
Got another response from the MSI team about the temperatures
Where can I find the program that makes the P1 button turn on TDE?
Many thanks,
Silver -
Edit: It's called S-Bar -
I'm sure you know the first 2, 1) the nvidia driver and the 2) .net framework 4.0 client
then installed the utility software called 3) S-Bar then the 4) Nvidia_VGAOC_11_03_2801.zip which is the name that's given on msi's web site if you downloaded your drivers from there. -
says "see attached" but i don't see...
{NEVERMIND!!!! i had to register for yet another site to see the attachement... thanks for the post, btw} -
Finally could not take it anymore and I called MSI to get an RMA number and sent the MSI GT780r back to be fixed it, yesterday...They better fixed good, because shipping it back it cost $42.00 with insurance...
It froze at least 2 to 3 times a day and had to force shut down to get it working again, even surfing the internet, watching a DVD, gaming or streaming, it would freeze.
Installed and uninstalled nvidia driver twice and I also tried the nvidia Beta Verde 275.50 driver...
Yeah, yeah I used drivers sweeper to make sure everything was removed before reinstalling...
Left the laptop working for a couple day with VGA standard to see if the problem was with Window 7 64. Got no problem using the VGA standard...
GTX 560m have a few bugs...
Wrote a note to MSI pointing out the screen freezing, the S-Bar disappearing every time I reboot the machine and the dimness around key 9,0,p{ etc...
Ken from ( GenTech) told me to mention him on the note and to tell them to check the memory sticks... -
Hey, so I've been seriously considering purchasing a GT780R for a while now and was just about to buy when I read that the GTX570M was coming to it. Now I'm a bit conflicted as to whether I should wait for the GT780DXR or not. I was wondering if anyone had a realistic idea of how much the price difference between the two models would be and also when the earliest a preorder would be available for it. Any help would be very appreciated.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Pricing and base configuration has not yet been released.
Shipping is currently scheduled to begin mid to late August, but this could change as we get closer to the release date. -
hello everybody,
Does this notebook has a 3d version?? -
If anyone else is experiencing similar issues, do this first.
1) Disable KLM and S-Bar from startup by using CCleaner or msconfig of , those 2 utilities specifically uses .NET framework 4.0 and it will freeze windows. If you have any other net framework related things installed, get rid of them from startup, don't need to uninstall them.
2) Go to Safe mode with network and download .net framework 4.0, but do not try to install as .net framework cannot be installed NOR uninstalled in safe mode.
Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (Standalone Installer)
3) In safe mode, uninstall any windows updates to .net framework 4.0
4) Boot to normal mode, before your windows crashes, uninstall .net framework 4.0 ASAP, do the same for installation.
5) voila, fixed... that is until net framework gets upgraded at some point. or just reinstall nvidia graphics driver just to see how it is again to see windows freeze a minute after boot.
[NOTE:] I don't know why this worked for me but I did it 3-4 times because i had the same issue every time i reinstalled windows or reinstalled nvidia graphics drivers and this method worked 100% of the time for me.
hope it helps
[NOTE2:] I don't believe in restore points nor have i ever used them, but if there were any need of it, this would be a good case for its use. -
@desktopsheavyonlap, you could set the Windows Updates to auto-download & manual install so that you can selectively avoid updating the .NET Framework...
Thanks for the help Paladin. Based on previous experience with laptops and pricing, do you have any Kind of estimate of how much it would retail for? I'm not looking for anything exact, I'm just trying to get an idea of whether I should wait or not. Thanks
[EDIT:] by no means, is my method perfect but it worked for me 100% of the time. i'm hoping if anyone else is having similar issues it would help them as well. -
@desktopsheavyonlap, have you also checked the Event Viewer in admin tools?
I don`t really want Optimus for better battery life though. Well it is a nice perk, but my main concern is the heat the 570M will produce. Optimus shuts down the 570M which use around 80W, and switch to using IGP which use 7W. You can do the 2+2 yourself and figure out how much cooler it will be and less fan activity that is required with the Optimus. I will be using this laptop for everything, from games to programs to websurfing.
I don`t think there is any other laptop than GT780R that is interesting to me know when I think about it. Sager that is all about hardware but have boring casings and loud cooling systems. Alienware with flashy leds all around, cheap chassis and ugly keyboard. Asus G74SX is kinda interesting though, but the GT780R is better in all areas I think.
So the verdict is, get the GT780R now or the next version. -
That is good to know
Could you explain in detail how the fan works?
1. When surfing the internet, doing office work, watching movies, how does the fan work? Is it on all the time, or does it shut off sometimes? And when it is on, is it almost impossible to hear it or is it audible?
2. When gaming, without the turbo function on, is the fan loud? Does it run on full speed?
3. Does the fan throttle a lot with scenario 1 and 2? From running slow, to high speed to low speed etc?
Thanks -
Could you explain in detail how the fan works?
1. When surfing the internet, doing office work, watching movies, how does the fan work? Is it on all the time, or does it shut off sometimes? And when it is on, is it almost impossible to hear it or is it audible?
When surfing the net or wathing "Rango" on 1080p there is a soft hum if you put your ear close to where the vent is. It may or may not be on constantly and I honestly do not know because I don't notice it at all. I have to put my ears to the vent to hear them if I have any ambient noise going on. If the room is totally silent, I can pick up the sound if I concentrate on it. At any rate, it is a soft hum that is not noticeable.
2. When gaming, without the turbo function on, is the fan loud? Does it run on full speed?
I don't game with turbo function on because when I play Rift on ultimate setting plus AAX4, I don't notice any lag or slowing down with the turbo off. The fan does however pick up the speed and you can defiitely feel it vibrating under the keyboard. Again, the noise is completely covered up by the game's ambient environment sound. I mean if I can't hear the fan through birds chirping, I don't think it's worth mentioning. The fan blows to the left and back of the laptop's two vents and along with the hot air are the noise the fan makes. When I game or run 3d mark vantage benchmarks, my gf who sits to the left of me notices the fan noise and mentions it to me. I don't notice it until she says something about it. Well, it also blows hot air on her mouse hand (we sit close) and she for some reason likes the warm air...
3. Does the fan throttle a lot with scenario 1 and 2? From running slow, to high speed to low speed etc?
There was one night when I left the laptop on throughout the night running torrents and the laptop was going through fan cycles. I have not noticed any fan throttling during night after that.
In scenario 1, the laptop would cycle from silent hum to low hum every 30 mins or so I think. It's really the slight vibration that kicks in that reminds you of fan activating, not the noise.
In scenario 2, when the action gets hot, the fan kicks in and you definitely hear the fan blowing. Again, if the game has any ambient noise, it will cover it up nicely.
My other laptops are Asus G50VX and G70GX and I think GT780R is on par with G72GX (after I repasted with IC 7 thermal on both laptops) in terms of noise level. My G72GX would throttle down a lot with tremendous fan noise in heavy fights, but GT780R hasn't met it's challenge yet though ;-)
--->The Official MSI GT780/GT783 Owner's Lounge<---
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Jun 9, 2011.