What I noticed, from reviews on youtube, etc., was that the lights in a circle around the "O" key (how ironic) were a lot dimmer than other keys. (similar to your case cept the not not-lighting-at-all part.) Same dimness is the case for mine as well. I can still see all keys lighted in the dark but they are the circle around "O" are dimmer in comparison.
The AltGr key is extremely bright in comparison for me as well. It would definitely be nice if the keyboard lit up at the same brightness throughout. I hope that not many others are suffering the level of misfortune as your friend though.
On a more personal note pertaining to the GT780R-XXX and MSI in general, here are my thoughts.
After having shopped around and researching for almost a year, I did not expect 100% from the GT780R. I felt in general MSI was behind other players in the market in quality and performance. However, I paid 1650 USD for the GT780R and I know that an alienware, should one exist, with the exact same performance/configuration (16gb rem, etc.,) would cost me at least 2200 USD. I decided to sacrifice assurance and brand power over greasy $. After hearing of many heartaches I was expecting the worst but I settled to be happy as long as the GT780R works/performs near or just below other machines with the same configuration.
That being said, I am very glad that I was able to find this board and thread. Thanks to it, I was assured and warned of many irks and quarks about the GT780R and I purchased it weighing those options. I hope that all future buyers stop here first before they venture out to the stores/venture out to open browsers and click.
Before I get too immersed in reformatting the hard drive in my attempts at destroying all things alive and bloatwares...
I thank you, striker for starting this crazy thread and thank you vendors for answering our questions. I seriously cannot find any other forum thread that has 1% of what we went over here.
I've had nothing but good luck with MSI in the past. Very high quality in build and value. My desktop is built on MSI's Big-Bang X58 board, and I love it. This is why I recommended the Laptop to my neighbor when he wanted to buy a gaming laptop.
Now I am in a bind, because he sorta blames me for getting him into this mess. Honestly, I can imagine how frustrated he is. Heck, I would be too. I am sure MSI is aware of this. I hope they would step up and do a voluntary exchange program (of the keyboard).
From what I can see, it is an awesome laptop. It definitely the coolest, and the quietest gaming laptop I've ever seen (virtually silent). I am afraid, Steelseries may be tainting MSI's reputation here. From what I can gather, they make great keyboards, but for whatever reason, they got sloppy with the MSI's keyboard.... -
Well i guess i'll have to wait for MSI to fix this problem and also rebadged it with gtx 580m (if possible) , then only i'll spend my hard earn $$ on it.
Yep, I sure will do some sort of review on it. But I don't know how intensive it will be, as I've never had a laptop or even desktop that had things like this. All my graphics on previous computers had to be on low service. Lol. But I'll do my best! And I'm glad NBC redid part of their review. And it seems they're a lot more in favor of the model than they were at first. I'm gonna destroy most of that bloatware. xDD
Has anyone tried this? My neighor tried to charge his ipad using the laptop, it doesn't charge at all. The application is running but it has a 'x' on the icon. i-charger function is turned on (I did it myself). Still not charging...
He tried every USB port, but it will not charge... Anyone using this with iPad? Please share your experience.
Thanks. -
Very nice on the small mod! Now if only someone could install the 6970m... xDD And I think we decided that no one else had an iPad here. If I had one, I'd test it. Bit Ken said it definitely has iCharger technology, as almost all modern laptops do.
[email protected] Company Representative
is the specs printed outside the box? if so, can you check if the vram printed too, coz i may get it locally if i can verify from them that it has a 1.5gb vram. i hate their inaccurate website. :O
Yep, pretty sure specs are on outside of box.
it's not a perfect laptop, but it's still pretty awesome as a whole. -
I don't think that's part of the design. O think it's a keyboard fail.
failed design, then? anyone else want to chime in on whether their keyboards are the same way with the led lighting?
Yes, The the 'AltGr' 'Windows' and 'Left Arrow' keys are brighter than the others in my unit.
P.S Can someone please tell me the GPU temp when you're browsing the internet or just using the laptop normally and when you're gaming without the turbo fan.
I sent them my temps and MSI replied back with:
If you don't mind can you PM me who sent you the email? yes it's very unprofessional reply. -
Hey ken , so many people been complaining about the keyboard , do you know the actual problem that causes it??
''the keys that don't light up are: 9,0, -, =, P, O, [, ], \, ;, '
Also, the 'AltGr' 'Windows' and 'Left Arrow' keys are EXTREMELY bright. Is that normal?''
Thats my ''problem''. Is it normal??
http://imageshack.us/g/841/img0430x.jpg/ -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
No, this is NOT normal, and your keyboards should appear much as seen in the promo photos..... mine does! Accept nothing less!
Even if you like your units 'overall', send your units back for repair or replacement. You deserve to get every bit what you paid for, this is what your warranty is for, and this will be helpful in getting MSI to address the issue. Returns are costly, and will definitely affect a company's bottom-line. The more returns, the greater emphasis on urgency, and thereby, a motivation for swift corrective action.
I know this is a hassle, but it will actually be better for you in the long run, better for ALL owners (including future owners), and if you do so right away, you can minimize the pain. Who knows? You may even receive some form of compensation for your troubles.
Best of luck!
MSI / Steelseries should not cause "additional" inconvenience to their customers on behalf of their mistakes.
One additional option would be for them to provide an advance replacement. Send them a new laptop, prior to requiring them to send the defective ones back. At the very least, provide an adavanced replacement for the keyboard and help the consumer to identify (and pay) a qualified technician to replace the keyboard.
When I opened up my neighbor's laptop to check the ribbon cable, I've noticed another ribbon cable that snakes into the chasis. I am not sure if an average consumer will be able to replace the keyboard them selves. -
I think i've make the right move to halt my desire in getting this laptop
I don't know how to change the keyboard. Even check 'the ribbon cable' would be a biiig problem for me.
And i'm a lucky man... i live in Spain but i'm going to Brazil on July 1st.
What can i do? -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Geez asong, it seems you disagree with most everything, even if it's well intended. I can see you are an idealist, but unfortunately, the real world doesn't always flow according to 'asong'.
Your opinion is, "Not a good option for some people", and you question,"Why should consumers have to go through weeks without their critical laptop after pluging $1700.00?" I can tell you why. Because in the real world, everything is not perfect, and sometimes products are defective..... and as such, there are policies and procedures that have to be dealt with, in order to resolve our issues. Try reading some of them, and maybe you will understand what the real options are!
Also, as to 'advance replacements'..... I have seen it, but it's a rarity in the real world. Afterall, we do have those nagging policies and procedures to deal with, more often than not. I have dealt with NewEgg many times, and I am well versed on their policy..... it's readily available on their website!
While I am at this, personally I'm not sure I believe your tales regarding your 'NEIGHBOR'. Everything with you here seems to be about the negative woes of you and your neighbor...... how "PISSED" they are, and how you personally feel responsible for your neighbors choices. Sorry, but not buying it...... and I am free to have my opinion too!
Your previous usage of the term, "fanboy" made me think. I seem to recall an 'asong', banned for trolling a year or so ago. Would that be you? I could not help but notice you have been a member since Oct 2008, yet only 22 post, and a Rep Power of 7...... interesting! I guess you were reinstated? I had to ask!
I don't troll. I call it like it is. And BTW: NewEgg did provide an advance replacement for my neighbor. You're the troll. And for the record, I've never trolled here, nor have I EVER been banned from any forums. I don't come here everyday like you do. I admit, I have been coming here lately, because of this very issue.
And who are you to accuse me of lying about my neighbor? Geez dude, get a life! What would I possibly gain from that? Are you a child?
For everyone else who's having this keyboard issue: don't let fanboy, troll posts like this discourage you. Call MSI and get it resolved. I've witnessed 2 defective keyboards in a row. There is a problem. -
My Thoughts on Advanced Replacement:
I do not believe it is fair for those affected to demand the laptop vendors here on this forum to provide an advance replace (unless voluntary) because I am confident that no one here has the wallet / inventory / operation as big as NewEgg.
Therefore, if NewEgg can provide an advanced replacement, then so should MSI.
Don't get me wrong, it's a kick-A$$ laptop, and I wouldn't have recommended it unless I believed in it, but this Keyboard issue is a problem and it needs to be resolved. -
I just realized that you do add value to the mix: You've started this thread...
I will respect your house and leave.
For everyone else who is experiencing problems, I've started a new thread, specifically regarding the keyboard issues. Please come in and share your experiences, and potential workarounds if any.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/msi/589295-msi-gt780r-keyboard-issues.html -
I feel like there was just Mortal Kombat goin' on in here. Dang. That was pretty crazy. But...
Out of delivery! Oh yeah! -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Mine won't get shipped back till Monday. I think Ken wants to play with it a while, or maybe he just wants to pound on my keyboard over the weekend..... dunno?
SaveTheKennies Notebook Consultant
Thank you -=$tR|k3r=- for saying what I was wrestling with.
I find myself anxious to see what the near term results are with some of these issues. There is a lot that is good with this system. It is definitely one of my final two choices. I am anxious to see some user reviews crop up in here besides just the keyboard issues. I guess we need to allow the new owners time to get acquainted with their systems. -
now i'm getting a little unsatisfied about my keyboard. can any other owners post up and share if your keyboards are inconsistently lit up as well as described over the past couple of pages?
http://forum.notebookreview.com/msi/589295-msi-gt780r-keyboard-issues.html -
I just received my 780R yesterday and so far, I really like the machine.
I haven't noticed any keyboard issues yet, but truthfully, I haven't had a chance to really put it through the paces yet.
So, color me a bit concerned now... guess I'll bang away on it later tonight after I get home from work. -
Thanks, SaveTheKennies! You too! I'm camped out in my living room waiting on a knock at the door. xDD
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
If I was (or am) over-the-top in my expression, I ask the forgiveness of all. I just assume that in the Owner's thread, post should be helpful and productive. Honest and legitimate complaints are very helpful, but doing so with unfounded attacks is not, and entirely unnecessary.
With most every release, there is sure to be issues. Show me the most perfect of notebooks, and within their forum threads, trolls, nay-sayers, and negative nannys are sure to enter. And for what? The ego pleasure it gives them to disrupt, challenge, condemn, boast, or exaggerate every issue they can find. The Owner's don't need this, and we certainly don't need challenging issues spat in our face..... rather, we need HELP working through the issues.
I have done some research into the keyboard issue, and I do not believe it's nearly as viral, as some would have us believe. I do feel however, that there is cause for concern, and MSI should address this issue quickly with those affected.
YES, thus far there would seem to be many positive aspects of this notebook, and I feel the keyboard issue will soon pass. I am happy with it, and so much so, I opted a boat load of options. I do not do this often. Did you take a peek at the " Stress Testing Results" in the lead post?
Notebookcheck did a review of it recently
Review MSI GT780R Notebook - Notebookcheck.net Reviews
And they seem quite satisfied overall with the exception of few minor issues. -
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it allways better to buy custom pc or notebooks from resellers like GenTech or Xotic Pc rather then a company like Newegg being that resellers have to customize it to your order, thus having to test it in the process. I know a company like newegg sells at a much higher volume but it seems like there's always more defects and people having to rma there purchase.
So it turns out that the review video that Linus on youtube made was not some faulty keyboard, but rather a result of the design? He did also find out that the middle portion of the entire keyboard did not light up the way it should and that it misses keystrokes. And on top of that we have people reporting that you have to press hard on certain buttons. And we have keyboard flex.
I mean MSI should have tested their laptops before shipping them out. The keyboard is one of the most important aspects of a laptop. Whatever happend to the quality brand "Steelseries"? I thought they were gonna make the keyboard a very pleasant experience. -
Here is a mini review I found from a satisfied owner of GT780R. Seems like he is very happy with the keyboard. Perhaps there is a faulty batch floating around?
SaveTheKennies Notebook Consultant
Hey guys just got my laptop an hour ago, still getting everything set up but I am happy to report my keyboard is flawless! Backlights are uniformly bright and I am having no problems typing, will report more once I get everything up and running!
Lucky b*stard
SaveTheKennies Notebook Consultant
Well with the problems I had with my previous laptop, I think I deserve it
I just lost a review that i finished typing cause i idiotically pressed back instead of post... i thought it would be really helpful... grrr. i'll try again later... WoW just finished installing anyway... QQQQ
BTW, i DID come to this forum everyday since i signed up (when i started looking into gt780r.) I feel lame... -
No biggie, I joined this forum when I wanted to upgrade my 1722. Now I want the GT780R! Just waiting a bit longer.
I have been testing my keyboard on my 780R and it seems just fine. No keypresses missed.
I'm not a speed typist, however, just a hunt and peck sort... so I don't know if that would make a difference.
So far, I love this machine.
***Edit: I had originally said the LED back-lighting was uniform, but apparently it is dimmer just to the right of center around the OLP keys as shown in another thread.
I didn't notice it before, and I don't consider it a particularly big deal. -
Can you take a picture? =)
So we can compare and talk with MSI -
lonelywolf90 Notebook Consultant
I hope mine doesn't have uneven brightness when it arrives, it's coming next week for sure!! =D
What's the reason for the uneven brightness anywway? Is it because the ribbon cable was very loose?
I had Ken to check for me to ensure I don't have minor issues like this.
MSI developed a great rig but screwed it up in terms of build quality, this is a dissapointment indeed..
--->The Official MSI GT780/GT783 Owner's Lounge<---
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Jun 9, 2011.