Can you list your system specification?
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
RAM: 8192MB
GPU: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 780M (4.0GB) GDDR5 PCI-Express DX11 w/ Optimus Technology
Hard Drive: 500 GB and 500 GB -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Can you use a program like MSI afterburner or GPU-Z (monitor tab is probably the easiest way actually)h to monitor GPU usage while you get the stuttering, take a screenshot of it.
Not sure if this is what you meant but here goes.
I'm still looking for any help updating my BIOS. Anything would be appreciated.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Ok it should not be spiky like that. Can you monitor the cpu speed and usage? Intel xtu can do that for example.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Are you in high performance mode in the power settings?
Yes I am, plugged in and in high performance.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
What happens if you plug in the battery?
What on earth...everything seems to be working perfectly.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The OS does not matter but the type of bios it actually is. The bios will say which bios you are running.
I originally had e1762IG6.30J. Then i flashed the ONE or some other version E1762IMS.10R or E1762IG6.30N. (it was causing many problems, to which i spent my night looking for bios updates for the true barebone.) I reverted back to 30J which so far seems to have stopped the fps drops I was experiencing (Making me wonder why I had tried to cross flash barebone to MSI true bios, which must of been from incompatibility, or lower 3d test scores.) Anyhow, I would like to try this bios, as it sounds like it is the legitimate update for the barebone, and may prove to be what i was looking for years ago. But it has been a long time since i have flashed any bios, and the MSI tool will not accept the 70X version given in this thread. Is it only for windows 8? If OS does not matter how do I flash it, because the MSI tool ^ doesnt accept it.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You can't move between the two types of bios, they are built differently and it would require a deeper level of flash than the update tool does.
Really need them.
Thanks. -
I have problems with this setup. Using MSI Barebones MS-16F4, equal to MSI GT60 2OC. I'm using 3 x Samsung 840 EVO 120GB mSATA in RAID 0. After windows 8.1 install, not long it suddenly restart, then it won't boot again and keeps on restarting, showing black screen and only the mouse cursor is available, with the power button lights blinking from orange/white.
Tried reinstalling the windows all over again, but the same thing happens after 2x installs. Afraid that it will burn the SSD or something.
Have you encountered this problems before? Or can you help me on this matter?
I just recently added the extra 2 SSD. Previously running fine with single SSD.
Would really like some help.
Thank you.
Yuri -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Please keep your posts to a single thread.
My 1761 just died
First the screen became garbled (random characters all over the screen), then (after being forced-off) didn't boot at all - not even to BIOS. Since I'm not in the US now, had to take it to the local repairman. He said that most likely the video card is dead, but he is not sure (doesn't have any experience with such custom-built PCs). Did anyone have a similar issue? I don't want to buy a new video card yet (it'll cost me a bit more than a full month's wage).
"" I have the laptop set with a refresh rate at 144Hz and is gaming as good if not better than my desktop.""
So what happens with the build in panel from the laptop? Could you also OC to over 100Hz doing this? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The machine powers up (fans, power led, keyboard leds), but the screen remains dark and there is no disk activity. The card is "nVidia GeForce GTX 580M 2GB GDDR5, DX11".
Took it to MSI-approved service. The video card is dead, they will try and replace the chip (not the whole card).
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Interesting to got through the effort of reballing a new chip.
Hello, I currently own a MSI-17626 Barebone with Windows 8 installed. I am having problems trying to figure out how to update my bios. The MSI HQ tool only flashes bios' of windows 7 and below. The barebones mobo does not have the opton of UEFI settings. Can anyone help me out?
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
If you have the W7 BIOS then you can't flash to W8 BIOS, force flash can cause the BIOS to become bricked. -
thats not correct... the gt60 0NC from a friend comes with Windows 7 without any UEFI option @ Bios. After i flash the newest 51X Bios (E16F3IMS.51X) include the newest EC Firmware (16F3EMS1.T18) the Bios shows the UEFI Option and it works perfecty. Only Modded vBIOS Cards don´t work with UEFI togeather.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
If it works, then just ignore the ME issue.
There's no UEFI version of VBIOS for mobile GPUs for some reasons but they should work due to hidden BIOS tweaks. -
Oi. Not even two years old and my barebones won't boot.
Owned this laptop since January 2013 and it is amazing for the money I put into it ($900 barebones, $175 for an i7-3610, $180 for a 250GB Samsung SSD, $90 for 16GB DDR3), I think. Runs everything I throw at it rather well at high quality graphical settings (so far, AC3, AC:R, Crysis 2, BF3, Prototype 2) and is plenty fast, so that made me happy.
Was playing Watch Dogs one day with TheWorse mod and then quit to desktop and closed the laptop lid. Walked away for a second, came back... noticed the laptop was off. As in off, not sleep. (I do not have Windows set up to do anything on lid close.) Tried to turn it on, no response. Slightly panicked.
Laptop won't power on at all. Tried to boot just from battery, then just from AC adapter... fail. Not even a battery charge light.
Unplugged and removed battery, held power for 30 seconds and pressed all my keys to try to discharge capacitors and/or any remaining charge. Plugged AC adapter back in... nothing.
Removed AC, removed hard drives and RAM, plugged it back in, nothing.
Took the whole damn thing apart, didn't see anything blown up or burnt or anything... put it all back together, plugged it in without battery... nothing.
Cried a little inside.
Removed ONE module of RAM, plugged it back in, and it turned on. It was a miracle. Turned it off, thought I was in the clear.
That was yesterday. Today, I tried to turn it back on again. NOTHING.
Repeated my steps yesterday but this time I took it all the way down to separate components. I plugged in the AC adapter into the mobo to power it. Nothing.
I put the battery in a way so that it made a connection with the mobo. IT POWERS ON. Note that the CPU is still connected, CMOS battery is good, wireless chip is still connected. (Yes, I am lazy.) With these things still connected to the mobo, I was able to turn the motherboard on... but I only left it on for a couple of seconds because there was no fan to cool the CPU.
Again, thinking I'm in the clear, I put this whole thing back together again, and just try to power up with the battery. Nothin'.
This doesn't make any sense to me and I'm wondering why the strange behavior.
AC adapter is doing strange stuff as well. I only know this because I plug it into the wall and test with a multimeter. 19.34V. (Label says 19V.) I plug it into the laptop... no charge light. I remove the adapter and immediately test it... the voltage DROPS from 19V to about 1.9V, then decreases from there until it gets to mV and has a residual that stays at 0.40mV or something like that. Why would an AC adapter do this when plugged in and then removed?
Thoughts? (Yes, I'm looking into the possibilities of a new AC adapter or a new mobo, but they seem "okay.")
Planning on buying a new AC adapter to see if for whatever reason, it's just not working. It's so weird, though... it provides 19V plugged into the wall, but once I plug it into the laptop (and provide load) and find out it doesn't work, I unplug it and it's like the adapter receives a signal to stop flowing power... -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
1. a defective AC adapter.
2. a defective power board.
3. a defective component such as GPU or RAM (I know you've tried RAM).
4. a defective motherboard.
In this case, if it's the motherboard then you can contact MSI directly to have it repaired under a non-warranty repair service. -
Thanks for the reply, Kevin!
Ordering a new AC adapter today hoping that's the cause... I'm guessing my battery is dead (for whatever reason) which is why it doesn't seem to power up with it anymore.
I did check with MSI and they want to charge $50 up front, then waive it if I agree to the $300+ repair (which isn't a final quote).
I really only see the motherboard in this thing... which is the power board? And I don't think in this case that it is the GPU since the mobo did power up with just the components I mentioned (and not with the NVIDIA GPU). Wondering if the onboard Intel one would cause trouble... which really is still a mobo replacement to fix.
I'm hoping it's just the power adapter... everything else is way too expensive.
(Considering that this seems to be one of the best laptops you can get, I don't really have any reason to "upgrade" to another one to replace this guy, either. I consider a GPU that has +20% FPS an upgrade... and the 680M, 780M, 870M and 880M are the only things out there that are worth upgrading to. And all of those are MXM 3.0, which I can throw into this laptop.)
I'm hoping this is just a fluke thing and don't want to deter anyone from the MS-16F32. It really is a great barebones laptop and has done very well with After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop, and just about anything I throw at it (within reason). -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Test the AC adapter first, but if the system is still bad, then you gotta decide whether or not if you are going to spend this $300.
If the issue is resolved through repair, then your spending ends there.
But on the other side, if you rather get a more current technology, then you are looking at cost of $1500 - 2000+ which can set you back on a lot of things temporarily.
However, you can still part out your unit on eBay to cope up some of the losses. -
I have a major problem with my XoticPC Force (MSI GT70) Barebones Laptop. My battery won't charge (not the plugged, not charging issue). Everything was working fine and this problem happened when I install/updated the integrated graphics card. After that I jumped into DOTA 2, and during the match, I notice my laptop wasn't plugged. I checked behind my laptop and checked the AC adapter and the power outlet. Everything was plugged in fine. After winning the match, I quit the game and inspected the laptop. It just wouldn't charge at all no matter which power outlet I connect it to. I lost my time and now I have a empty battery. I removed the battery and plugged in the laptop with AC adapter only and it turned on (because having a battery in it won't turn on). Everything worked fine, then I decided to see...what if I turned on a game. So I started up CS: GO and then it shut off indefinetly, and this time it wont work at all even with AC adapter plugged. So can anyone tell me what in the heck just happened?
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I just sent an RMA. Shame that this happens when my Warranty expires just a few days >_O.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Sorry I know this is a noob question, but what is the difference between a barebone and regular laptop? Are these reliable? Is there any warranty offered for these barebones? I'm particularly interested in these models listed on Amazon. : MSI 9S7-176K22-045 AMD A10-5750M 17.3 inch Notebook Barebone : Computers & Accessories : MSI 937-16F454-017 15.6 inch Intel HM87/ GeForce GTX 770M/ DVD±RW/ Notebook Barebone : Computers & Accessories
What components does the first one (176k22) include and what does it need? Is the CPU included? The MSI whitebook website says it does include the A10 5750, whereas the listing says its the older 4600m.
Will the second barebone (937) take 2nd or 3rd gen i7's or is it restriced to 4th gen only? What components does it include?
In the questions and feedback sections the reviewers are not very clear either. Hoping of getting a detailed answer. Regards! -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
From the sounds of it you are new to the game, have a look at shop sites that stock the models as to what goes in them. 4th gen cpus only for instance (a good clue is to look up processor support for the hm87 chipset). The first is amd cpu based so i would avoid it. The exact cpu on that is listed in the title so you can assume it comes with it.
i would do more careful research before building your own or go for a barebone from a reseller, get the basics and put your own extras in if you like like an ssd or more ram.
Barebone have 1 years domestic warranty, retail 2 (one year international too) -
So I just need to add 4 components except in the case of AMD's APU where only the last three needs to be added?
1) CPU (
2) RAM
3) HDD
4) OS
What about heatsinks, thermal pads (both cpu n gpu) and HDD trays etc.? -
Do GT70 barebones have metal or aluminium alloy palm rest? Some people even say that it is a plastic but I really don't think so because it is very cold almost all the time. I think it is either metal or aliminium but which is it?
I also feel some electricity from the palm rest. Why is this happening? Especially while I rubbing the surface. -
what are the odds you thing are of the new 980m being the same form factor as the 780m so it would work in these gt70's? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I don't see any reason for the cards not to be mxm - b.
The GTX970M / GTX980M from the new GT72 devices should also work in the GT70, however, is on the cards back one X-Braket which must be first removed gently (hot air blower). Whether it be because even software engineering support, the future will show that MSI other hardware IDs used known at the GT72 cards.
But will the heatsinks line up? For instance Meaker, is powernotebooks going to be offering a power pro GT70 with the 980m?
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
apachehavok said: ↑But will the heatsinks line up? For instance Meaker, is powernotebooks going to be offering a power pro GT70 with the 980m?Click to expand... -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
apachehavok said: ↑But will the heatsinks line up? For instance Meaker, is powernotebooks going to be offering a power pro GT70 with the 980m?Click to expand...
It takes work and care but is always physically possible.
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Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by eelkered, Mar 11, 2012.