I'd say you could get $1000-1100 with those specs.
Is anybody having USB port speed issues? I have Windows 8.1 Pro and USB ports are working fine but read speeds are lower than standard. They are basically at UBS 2.0 levels. For example I have a USB 3.0 flash drive and tested it with Crystal Disk Mark and got a read speed of about 40MB/s on Y510P but 83MB/s on a Dell laptop. I am using the double ports on the side with VGA out, and I also tried updating drivers and found a Lenovo USB driver but its only for Windows 7. I also checked the Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible host controller driver and its only for Windows 7 as well.
Any ideas? -
I'd try to sell here but minimum post is 100....
I LOVE my laptop. Its just that its served its purpose for the 3 months I had -
Hello Y510P owners,
I'm seriously considering the purchase of a Y510P in the coming months, but I have a few questions about the laptop. I'm planning to use the laptop mostly for school and maybe some light gaming if I have time (Counter Strike: GO).
Could you tell me how your battery life is? I'm NOT planning on using the dual graphics card configuration with the SLI? slot.
I've read a lot about overheating problems, is this really true or is it mainly when you have two graphics cards running?
Will this laptop be able to run CS:GO fairly smoothly?
I'll be doing a lot of typing / taking electronic notes in class using OneNote or Evernote everyday, lots of typing, how's the keyboard in terms of comfort and efficiency?
I know that Lenovo has released the Y50, but I really don't want to spend $1150+ for a new laptop. Do you think the Y510P will meet my needs or would you recommend some other brand / model in the price range of under $900 / $1000.
Any help would be appreciated, I'm planning to pick up the Y510P in late June or early July (4th of July sale maybe?).
Thanks in advance,
Ki||@ -
The heat issues and the battery life can also be tweaked by undervolting the CPU and iGPU. I undervolted mine and I can get close to 6 hours on battery with light usage and it never overheats (I also have the 6 cell battery, most single card version come with a 4 cell so YMMV).
Once you start gaming you will notice a lot of heat but with undervolting it shouldn't be a problem.
a 750m should play CS;GO no problems.
The biggest issue with this laptop is the wifi (centrino 2230 card), they plain suck and have lots of issues. So if you do get one look for a model with the upgraded wifi cards (there are a few different ones out there). -
So my 3yr old decided he wanted to play a game on my y510p while he was sick and ended up vomiting on it. Some went on the right side of the keyboard (where the number pad is) and maybe a little on the screen. My wife cleaned as best she could but some keys are sticking a bit. Also, the screen (glossy) could use a good wipe. Any suggestions? Are there any walkthroughs on taking the keyboard out so i can wipe it down properly? Proper cleaners to use on the screen?
Thx. -
Popping the keyboard out is pretty easy. Here's the Lenovo Y410P/Y510P Hardware Maintenance Manual to guide you.
http://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles_pub/ideapad_y410p_y510p_hmm.pdf -
Intel 7260 b/g/n Wireless (2x2 BGN)
Lenovo Y510p | High-Performance 15.6" Multimedia Laptop from Lenovo | Lenovo (US) -
I have no idea what undervolting is or how I would go about doing it, but I guess I can learn with the help of this forum.
I'm still really excited about possibly purchasing this machine in the next few months. At the same time, $900 / $860 is a lot for a laptop, I think I spent $600 for my current Acer Aspire 5742-7653 about 4 years ago.
It seems like there are a TON of options out there (MSI, ASUS, etc), but in this price range >$900, it seems like the Y510P is the way to go.
One more question, the model I'm looking at states that the display is "15.6" FHD LED Glossy Wedge (1920x1080)" but doesn't say anything about an integrated webcam like the other models show. Does it really not have a webcam with this build?
Thanks again for everyone's help, I'll keep an eye on the forums and prices and will post on here before I pull the trigger. -
berrykerry789 Notebook Consultant
I just installed W7 ultimate 64 and i cant make work the trackpad. I installed drivers from de web and doesnt work.
Enviado desde mi GT-I9300 mediante Tapatalk -
My point is that the same flash drive on Y510P reads twice as fast on other systems so its not the drive, its either the laptop hardware or the driver. -
Been playing Sleeping Dogs on my y510p at optimized settings and my ultrabay GPU is getting up to the 95C....with undervolting the CPU and integrated 750M's fine. I really wish Lenovo push out a script to let us control the fan speed (so that I don't have to use the dust removal thing from Energy Management all the time)
I change to intel gpu, and the battery works same. No more than 2h...
Enviado desde mi GT-I9300 mediante Tapatalk -
I cant remeber the name, but whit some nvidia app. I changed to cpu only. When i use the battery is only for web browse and youtube...
Enviado desde mi GT-I9300 mediante Tapatalk -
guys are you really getting 95 degrees on your Y510p?
thats really dangerous..
can anybody supply me the mfr number for the 6 Cell 72 Watt Hour battery? or a site where i can get one by itself? thanks
so i have the single gpu version and am looking to buy the ultrabay 755m from lenovo, do i need a different power cable? also does anyone know of anylenovo or 3rd party 9 cell batteries that work with the y510p?
BF4 has hit 99 degrees according to the intel tuning utility
Far Cry 3 hit 95 on my laptop, while Skyrim only hits 85. I bumped down details a bit and forced the core and FPS down so it only uses 75-80% of the GPU. Now FC3 maxes out at 85C
A question for some of you: I just ordered the MydigitalSSD 128GB M.2, and was wondering if it would be better to have it a) as the main system drive, b) as a big cache drive for the HDD, or c) a combination of both? I'll probably lean towards option a) but was wondering if people have used it as a cache, and still gotten SSD speeds from the system? I know the 24GB one is pretty slow, and I don't see SSD speeds (I don't even know if/how it works). -
And I bought the 64GB. I'm using it as a cache. I would never trust my os and all my files on one of these ssd's.... If I'm using any ssd as a primary, it better be SLC. Personally, if I were you, I would either return that 128GB and get a smaller one, or suck it up and use it as a cache. -
You are going to have to wait a LONG time for an affordable SLC SSD. Just get what you like and make sure you have a good backup solution and be done with it.
I think it's the SLI that causes the high temps but that's just my guess. -
Sent from my HTCSensation using Tapatalk -
Updated to the latest 337.88 WHQL drivers for my y510p / 750m SLI setup, 3DMark11 scores seemed to go up a couple hundred points (mind you this is overclocked +135/+200 with Throttlestop enabled but still pretty good):
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-4700MQ,LENOVO 20217 -
I play with an external keyboard so my palms aren't touching the laptop but every once in a while I rest my hand in the middle of the laptops keyboard and its pretty warm.
my 510p is also hooked up hdmi to a 39 inch led tv. -
So the MydigitalSSD 128GB m.2 partially arrived today (they sent it to the wrong street, so have to redeliver tomorrow).
The one issue I have is that I don't know who I'm supposed to pay the duties/taxes to. I need to leave a cheque with the concierge for tomorrow, but haven't got a clue who to make it out to. The UPS slip says "payable to sender". Does that mean I make it out to MydigitalSSD? Anyone know?
It's the first time I've ever had to pay duties on something. Would've been nicer if these things were available in Canada -
But I won't be there, and I don't want to give my credit info over the phone, so cheque it is. I just wonder who it is I'm paying. MydigitalSSD, or UPS? I'd assume UPS
Do you guys have the micro stuttering issue?
Finally got my SSD. I just left a cheque made out to "UPS" with the concierge in my building, and they accepted it. But I won't be doing UPS standard from the states any more; $90 US turned into $130 CAN.
I didn't realize how small the thing would be. No wonder they haven't made a 256GB version yet. -
octiceps likes this.
Can someone point me to the proper steps to install the M.2 as my primary drive? i.e. do I need to create a bootable ISO somehow, or will the recovery button by itself work? What about bios settings? Do I need my windows key?
I've been searching around and haven't found a concise guide yet. -
Man, why do Lenovo and MS make it so damn complicated? I tried installing 8.1 onto the SSD and after trying to put in my key, it gives me some weird error. It won't accept the key
Do I need some different 8.1 ISO? Is there a way to use the recovery partition to install to the SSD? Would have been nice if Lenovo just included the OEM disk with the laptop...
Ideapad Y510P
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MJG1492, Jun 2, 2013.