No it doesn't sound crazy at all. It's a serious enough usability issue that I've completely avoided using the clickpad buttons for the past year, instead opting for tap-to-click or carrying along a wireless mouse.
Is TS 7.0 available for download? I can not find it in download section.
Hey guys!
I was wondering about some owners opinions on how portable the y510p is. Will it work to carry in a bag with other stuff or do you guys think it is too heavy? is the thickness a concern as well? Thanks! -
Random Question
What is the refresh rate / hz of the Y510p screen? I assume 60 hz / 60 fps max? -
yoface373 likes this.
Thinking about picking up a Y510p, but I was curious if anyone has tried to run OS X either dual boot or VM on one? I currently have a MacBook Air, but i'm looking for something a little more powerful and primarily Windows/Linux based and I still need the ability to code in Xcode for iOS dev. Anyone have a similar use case with the Y510p?
- You will need to use the 4600HD under OS X, which means you will need to remove an Ultrabay GPU, and you will be unable to access the power of dual or single 755M's in OS X
- The stock WiFi card is not supported in OS X, so you will need to flash a modded bios for a OS X compatible wireless, or use a USB wireless
Running OS X in a VM is the safer, albeit more sluggish choice.
Dimensions-wise, the Y510p is about as big as your typical "el cheapo" Best-Buy 15.6" non-slim laptop.yoface373 likes this. -
Hey guys, I just placed an order for the y510p (super excited btw
On the website I saw it had 1-3 shipping days but I did not see a delivery date.
How long did your laptops take to arrive to your door?
Any help is appreciated
EDIT: My laptop has a single gt 755m, 1920x1080 display in case that matters -
Also is there a link to the modded bios that allows non-whitelisted wifi cards to be installed (I assume it's in this thread somewhere, but damned if I couldn't find it on a search) (edit: Found it!)? Would the 7260AC be OS X compatible? -
Tip: Y410p is much better suited for running OS X, try picking up and older one on ebay for ~500-600$, then mod the bios, install a compatible WiFi and enjoy. Then use the money saved to buy an extended 3 year accidental damage warranty on the laptop you got. Yeah, i know the Y410p has a worse screen, but it has better battery life, runs much cooler/quieter and cheaper too. -
Texzin likes this.
2. Screen is smaller, so you can even step down to 720p and it won't be too blurry or terrible.
3. Single card = no SLI issues, no ultrabay issues, no Ultrabay overheating, better cooling for the single card
4. Cheaper by a good amount, even more if used.
5. Y410p is 1-1.5 pounds lighter, thanks to a lack of ultrabay GPU and a smaller chassis, and a plastic top instead of an aluminum one.
6. No annoying number pad. This is a pro or a con.
I'm sounding really biased coming from a Y410p owner, but if you are willing to compromise the display, it's not a bad choice. Also you could look at other laptops, though i am by no means a master hackintosher. -
Hey guys, another weird, rare issue has popped up. This rarely occurs but it still troubles me.
Laptop plugged in, 100% battery, charger clearly working, CPU flatlining at stable 0.8GHz with multiple programs running (skype, firefox) when usually it fluctuates much higher. I've noticed unplugging and plugging charger fixes it instantly. Is this an issue I should be worried about? I'm worried that this could become a much worse problem in the future. -
Yup, was definitely on balanced. All I did was *unplug, replug*. Not plugged 24/7 unfortunately. This issue only pops up every week or couple weeks. But troubling that if I didn't know anything about computers, it would possibly stay at 0.8GHz for the whole session I"m on it...
I checked CPU because I noticed everything was running slow, so it wasn't just misreporting either. -
Wierd, because on battery, mine behaves like this:
- Idles at 800mhz
- If i launch anything, it will go up to 1.9. Note that on normal Y410p's it will go to 2.4 (base clock), but i switched my base clock to 1.9 ghz to preserve battery life. Goes back down to 800 at low load.
- Ifi launch a game or intensive program, it will go to 3.4.
When on power adapter:
- Stays at 3.4 all the time -
Jeez. You keep it at max turbo whenever it's plugged in?? I'm not an expert, but that can't be good in the long run can it?
Will I lose the warranty if I change by myself the HDD with an SSD?
I was thinking of using the interior space for an SSD and the 1TB HDD to put it in a caddy and replace the dvd-rw. This way maybe when I'll need the DVD, I can easily insert it into the ultrabay.
There is still a misconception that a slow CPU is the best way to save power but is it really? With a modern Intel CPU, when it has a task to complete, I want it to get that task done as fast as possible and as soon as it is done processing, I want the CPU to get back into one of the low power C States like C6 or C7 where voltage and power consumption approach zero. A fast CPU maximizes the percentage of time your CPU can be in a low power C State. That's how to save energy.
Here's an interesting comparison with my Y510P. At the moment I have it fully overclocked with the 36 multiplier and I have it set to a ~50 mV under volt. I downloaded a simple single threaded bench mark called SuperPi Mod so I could compare how this CPU runs at full speed vs how it runs when held back to 800 MHz.
Download Super PI Mod v1.5 | techPowerUp
Because this benchmark is single threaded, the 4700MQ uses the 36 multiplier for the majority of the test and is able to compute 2 million (2M) digits of Pi in approximately 24.1 seconds. The reported voltage during this test is 1.0365 V. By using ThrottleStop, I locked this CPU to 800 MHz and the voltage dropped to 0.6365 V. Power consumption was down too so I definitely had that warm fuzzy feeling that I was saving power. The problem is that at 800 MHz, it took approximately 101.0 seconds to complete 2M digits of Super Pi. In the first example with the fast CPU setting, the task was completed quickly in 24.1 seconds so for the next 76.9 seconds, the CPU went back into C7 where the CPU is disconnected from the voltage rail getting 0 volts. Here's the math:
Slow CPU - 800 MHz
(0.6365V X 101.0s ) / 101.0s = 0.6365V on average
Fast CPU - 3600 MHz
( ( 1.0365V X 24.1s ) + ( 0.0000V X 76.9s ) ) / 101.0s = 0.2473V on average
The comparison is not even close. The average voltage and power consumption of your CPU is greatly reduced by running it at its full rated speed. During normal use, a fast CPU reduces power consumption. It's really hard for people to wrap their heads around that concept but these are CPUs, not cars. Running a car at part throttle is a good way to increase fuel mileage but doing this to a CPU does not accomplish anything. At 800 MHz you are reducing peak power consumption but you are actually increasing total power consumption because the CPU has to spend a longer period of time at part throttle to get the job done. You never want the CPU to be working on anything at 800 MHz. It's too inefficient at that speed. Some smart guys at Berkeley figured this out a long time ago.
Power Optimization – a Reality Check -
apparently.. when the cpu reaches 98.. it throttles down to 800mhz.. This all happened after I used Nvidia Inspector to enable SLI for NBA 2k14, I added it up to the profile of NBA 2k13. After playing the game. It hanged on me that I had to force reboot the system. After reboot I played again. And there it is. Throttling issues. I already removed NBA 2k14 on the profile of 2k13 via Nvidia Inspector again. Reinstalled Nvidia drivers. But still the system throttles. And this happened after that crash. I don't know if it has anything to do with the Crash of it is just a mere coincidence. But there you have it. My y510p really throttles so bad now. Such a shame this laptop was a beast before. I really don't know what happened. -
@unclewebb I'm not surprised the CPU is very durable and my goal is never about saving power, just about lowering temps. I can't imagine needing to leave it at max frequency because the excess heat is never a good idea imo, and it's just uncomfortable having sweaty palms, which is what happens at anything above 60 degrees on this laptop.
although that's still impressive you guys are doing that
@kempi what were your temps before this issue started? i would be seriously worried about why my temps are reaching that high, and not worry so much about throtting. if it wasn't throttling, your laptop would be exceeding the boiling point of water...(parts of it at least)
could have to do with the pasting and all that stuff inside the laptop. is warranty still good? I would get it shipped back. have you tried lowering settings or disabling SLI? gaming laptops are great and all, but it's not always easy or advisable to play the most recent games on max settings with dual graphics card pumping out that much power in this tiny casing.
If you're good with this sort of thing, could open it up and see what's going on. But like I said, someone who knows what they're talking about should be able to help
Long story short, anyone with SLI is having tons of problems and temps reaching 100 is pretty common. -
When a CPU has a task to work on, it will be in the C0 state. When it has nothing to do, it will progressively drop into deeper C States to reduce power consumption and heat.
Here's the picture I posted a couple of pages ago which shows my CPU when it is idle.
By running it fast, it only has to spend 0.3% of the time in the C0 State to complete all of the Windows background tasks. The other 99.7% of the time it is in one of the various low power C States. Individual cores are spending 99% of the time in C7 which is the ultimate state to be in to save power. There is no need to be concerned what speed the CPU is running at. It doesn't result in excess heat because the individual cores are spending 99% of their time getting zero volts in C7. With idle temps under 40C, definitely no sweaty palms here. With the Y510P sitting on my lap, I can barely tell that it is running. If I let it run at 800 MHz, it has to spend a larger percentage of time in C0 to get the background tasks completed which ends up consuming more power.
Haswell C State technology has obsoleted the various Windows power profiles. A slow CPU is old school. There's no need for that today.
kempi46 - You might have to remove and repaste your heatsinks to get your temps back to the way they used to be. -
You talk about "tasks" a lot. But the things I do are never "finished" in that sense.
I'm running skype or playing a game. It runs as smoothly at 2.8GHz as it does at 3.4 GHz. It doesn't "finish" the game until I stop playing, so it's either running at 2.8 or 3.4, whatever I set it at...
For newer games, it probably would need to run higher to improve fps, but this isn't the case for the games I play.
For background tasks, scans, etc, sure, what you say makes sense. But I would bet the majority of my heat is coming from my gaming..not my background tasks. -
NBA 2k14 does not have an sli profile though so it just uses 1 graphics card. But now I tried undervolting my system to -80mv and everything seems good so far, temps just reach 91 now while playing 2k14. I haven't really recorded my temps before this. And I can't avail the warrranty since I am living in the Philippines now and this unit was bought in the US.
nba really uses a lot of cpu, I also saw this that playing other games does not produce that much heat. But is 91 degrees a normal temp especially playing the game at very high graphics setting? Or do you guys experience temps way below that? -
i haven't played any 2014 games on this yet. but very high graphics, then yes of course it's going to be hotter. i play sc2, like 5 year old RTS on low-medium settings. I've underclocked & undervolted and I'm getting 65-70 degrees.
Apparently your other graphics card might always be on because...that's how it's designed. Much newer game, on much higher settings, then yeah it's gonna be blazing hot. Without a laptop cooler? At least keep the laptop elevated a bit. -
Yeah. i keep my laptop elevated. Anyways it seems that my prob was resolve by undervolting thnaks for all the answers
Hey guys, I didnt want to start a new thread for my 1st post.
I just got a y510p last weekend and I benchmarked it, decided to update the driver with the nvidia tool and it no longer runs 3d mark SLI..
this is unfortunatly my 1st sli rig so I am pretty new to setting this up, however I have done IT for ever, rolling the driver back puts it right back into SLI. Any ideas? -
Whenever I update my Nvidia driver SLI always gets disabled and I have to re-enable it from the Nvidia control panel. . -
A quick question - do games that don't support SLI receive any benefit when running on an (GTX755M) SLI system? If so, is the performance increase worth it over a single card, like the GT765M? Thanks
But yes, performance is worth over a single 765M. I assume you are looking at the GE60, the Y510p is better, they both run very hot anyways. -
disregard post, mis understood details
Also the Y510p runs decent if it's not in SLI, but you lose the performance. Still, single 755M has no problem with 720p, 768p and most 900p. -
ok, so I have the y410p just received it after 3 weeks. But it has to be sent back due to teachnical problem. I need a laptop urgently and see the y510p on sale. can someone please advise the tentative battery life of this model:
Buy the Lenovo IdeaPad 15.6 Notebook - 59388313 at
I am asking because most of the stats that are availible online are for the sli-ed y510p not this one.
Also, does this come with ngff (or can I do the ultra bay thing to add a second harddisk in place of optical drive? -
The laptop does not come with NGFF. YMMV with the NGFF connector on laptops that do not have it configured.
You can always do an Ultrabay 2nd drive (generic or OEM caddy). However, you'll have to remove the Ultrabay GPU or Optical drive. -
I upgraded memory in my laptop y510p 2x8Gb ddr3l (Corsair CMSO16GX3M2C1600C11). Now memory problems - one module wolking, and no working two. What to do?
Sorry my english. -
Is there anyone not having huge heat problems with any SLI laptop? Are there no good GTX mobile single card laptops?
I'm not having problems...
It does get hot with powerfull tasks like gaming, but any laptop gets pretty hot when gaming (and sometimes also very loud unlike this laptop). My older laptop especially was much more troubling with heat & noise.
I do lower the heat by using a cooling pad though. I also never put my laptop on my lap or couch without putting the cooling pad under it (I don't turn the cooling pad on on places like that though).
So far, I have this laptop a few months and I still love it. Best value for your money! (The only bad thing is that they pre-installed mcAfee, I hate that program! It's more like a virus than a virus scan to me) -
Just got my Y510p a couple days ago and so far i'm loving it (well for the most part). It's a beast with gaming, played Skyrim on Ultra without even a hiccup. I'm using a Notepal U2 cooler and it stays very cool during high performance gaming, otherwise it's fairly cool during normal day-to-day stuff as well (without the cooler).
Anyone here recommend a laptop sleeve for their ideapad y510p? Mine sort of getting scratched in the laptop bag.
It's a tight fit already.. -
Can't be sure if that one has the NGFF connector, there is no way of knowing unless you get one with the 24 gb ssd, although it is nice to see Tiger Direct offering this laptop with the Intel 7260 wireless card. I bought mine from there as well, but it had the 2230 (although it hasn't given me any issues as of yet). -
New here, glad to be part of the community. I've had this laptop for just over a month, got model # Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p 59388313. It has 750M SLI, 8GB RAM and 1TB + 8GB SSHD and 2230 wireless card. The first thing I did when I got the laptop was install 8.1 Pro and its been running great overall. Fastest laptop I have ever used by far and overall very pleased.
My 2230 wireless card has been solid with the channel width set to 20Mhz only. If channel width is set to auto it will cycle like you guys are reporting. I have driver version (8/22/2013). Will probably give the new driver a shot later today but don't have high hopes. My main complaint is that my max connection speed is 144 Mbps on multiple routers when I am seeing faster speeds on other devices. Looking forward to official support of other wireless modules. This is really the only area this laptop is lacking compared to the competition.
No overheating issues to report but I don't really play any games yet, this system is primarily for work, IT Admin and lite video editing so far. It does run warm after a few 3D Mark runs but that is to be expected. This is actually the first laptop in ages I can actually use on my lap. My previous Toshiba and Dell systems all run too hot in normal mode to keep on lap for any period of time. -
Intel® Centrino® Wireless-N 2230
Ideapad Y510P
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MJG1492, Jun 2, 2013.