Update your drivers with the latest intel ones or roll them back to an older functioning version. Otherwise purchase a new wireless card.
One question for you folks - the reason I'm constantly checking and spamming about GT755M ultrabay is because my y510p is not performing as well as it should.
Namely, my old machine ( desktop PC, i5 [email protected], GTX460 1GB, 8GB DDR3 1333MHZ RAM ), and my friends 3 year old laptop ( i7 2630QM @ 2GHZ, GTX460M 1GB, 8GB DDR3 1600MHZ RAM ) are polluting better FPS in Star Wars : The Old Republic than my brand new not-even-2-months-old y510p ( i7 4700MQ @ 2.4GHZ, 1x GT755M 2GB, 8GB DDR3 1600MHZ RAM ), namely, the desktop PC gets 80 FPS with everything set on maximum, friends 3 years old laptop gets 60 FPS with everything on max ( except having shadows and anti aliasing turned off ), while my y510p hovers around 50 FPS mark and stutters INCREDIBLY at times even when there shouldn't be any pressure on performance whatsoever.
I'm even running Win7, I did install everything necessary, and the weirdest thing is that my y510p beats other two machines in let's say, League. ( y510p : 190 FPS with all settings on max, desktop PC : 130 FPS with everything on max, friends laptop is some odd 80-90 FPS with everything on max ).
What the hell is happening ? -
If swtor does not support SLI, then you can only use one GT755M, which makes it inferior to the deskop GTX 460.
My GTX 560 (which is OC'd 460) beats the GT 755M in my laptop.
Also toggle Vsync and tell me if that stops the stuttering. -
Tried vsync already, no luck. It supports SLI, that's why I want to get my hands on a GT755m ultrabay so desperately.
Also, I understand that desktop GTX460 is stronger, but what's up with friends GTX460M performing better than GT755M, which is inferior in every single way to my card ? Also, what's up with League of Legends for example having way higher FPS on the y510p compared to other two machines, when SWTOR performance is lacking compared to two other machines ?
It seriously makes no sense ;_; -
If anyone is selling a "working" GT750M Ultrabay for the Y510p, let me know by PM, i'm interested in buying one.
I don't think there are any working ultra bay 750m5s if you have a single card version of the 510p right now. The reason they are not working has to do with the bios of the non-sli version laptops so I wouldn't buy one till a new bios comes out.
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510P 59400122 Leistungsstarkes Gaming Notebook
what do you think about this ? -
ah, well the 750m5 doesn't actually fit in the 410p without some modifications apparently. You need a 750m4 model (the bezels are different but that is all).
Also i can buy a Y400 fan and just take the bezel from that. -
The other comonents are the same of all y510p?
Is this a good choice with 900 euro budget? -
but one more question:
can you see if the versione of that y510p have m.2 for ssd and good wireless ? -
I have a Lenovo y510p and have a really annoying problem with it's USB 3 ports. Everytime I try to connect a smartphone(android) it will initially detect it but just seconds after it just disconnects it and then connects it back again, it just a never ending cycle. As a result I can't copy files. The ports work well with other flash drives and even my external hard drive. It's just the smartphones that are affected. I have used 3 smartphones already all different models and they all exhibit the same behavior on both the usb 3 ports. But the smartphones worked fine when used with other computers. Hope that someone could help me.
Hello, I've been reading this thread and some other for a couple of days, and I was wondering if there's a thread with something like actualized recommendations for drivers and tunings for the y510p SLI.
The thing is that i bought mine and have been using it for the last weak and was about to start removing pre installed sw and updateing drivers and started reading about recommendations for the last one and ended up more confused between updates that work and the ones that don't. If such thread does not exist would be interesting to create it since I've read some people who clearly knows a lot about the topic.
Bye -
Hey guys! So I recently purchased the lenovo y510p and every 30 seconds I don't play with the laptop, a video appears as if it were on sleep mode. Does anyone know what this is and/or how to fix it?
panzer06, oechikr, Kite123 and 1 other person like this.
Hey guys, I ordered my y510p on Monday.
Can anyone recommend a laptop cooler? I currently have a Notepal U2 and it's ok, I guess. I like that I can move the fans around, but I don't like how the laptop slides forward (that rubber lip on the bottom doesn't really do much). I was going to get the U3 for my y510p, but if anyone has a better suggestion, please let me know. -
Good news, the 755M SLI has similar OpenGL performance to the K2100M, making this laptop a viable workstation:
Mobile Graphics Cards - Benchmark List - NotebookCheck.net Tech -
did anyone choose this over the asus n550jv? if you did what made you do it? I ask because I just got the n550jv and its a pretty smooth computer, but not perfect. (not to say the y510p is either)
Good OpenGL, numpad and 1080. I can finally play around with Blender.
Those results between the GT 755M SLI and the Quadro K2100M are pretty interesting, Jobine. Thanks for posting them to my thread!
I'm considering purchasing a Y510p and came here to ask: Does anyone here use CAD programs with their Y510p? If so, which programs do you run? What are the specs for your Y510p? How effective is it? I'd be especially interested to here from any engineering students.
Also, is there a significant difference between the performance of the 755M SLI and the 750M SLI? It seems that many places are only selling the older 750M SLI version.
Thanks! -
The only difference between 750 and 755 are factory overclocks (200 memory, 39 core) that you can do yourself in MSI afterburner or a similar program. However, the real advantage of buying the 1199$ Dual-Graphics 755M model from Lenovo over the 1000$ barebone from Newegg is that with Lenovo, you get a much better WiFi card, 24GB of M.2 Storage Cache and 16 Gigs of RAM. Worth 200$ if you ask me. The factory overclocked cards are just a little plus, in the sense that you don't need to leave anything running in the background to OC. -
Is the Y510p bottom cover easily removed after the screws have been removed or does it require a plastic tool and some prying? Just curious if there is a major risk to breaking any plastic clips? The service manual just says to remove it after the screws are out but not sure if it's really that easy.
There's a little prying involved. A card around the edges is usually enough to dislodge it, but it's fairly easy.
Hey friends I will get my y510p on this week. Wondering what should I do first? Currently I plan to:
Upgrade to Windows 8.1 --> Install Vbios for 750M SLI on Win 8.1 --> Uninstall Crapware --> Update Drivers
Is that a good order? Or I should change something? Is there anything else I should do? -
I also cloned my boot drive to SSD and put the original away before I ever booted it.
Cheers,BlazeHN likes this. -
Screen backlight flickering, especially with grey backgrounds while looking at something like Speccy. It goes away after a while, but should not be there at all.
Darkish corner backlight towards the upper left edge, not very noticeable and seems to somewhat improve over time.
Screen crop asymmetrically in the border display.
Super glossy screen.
Did I get f***ed or are they all like this? Should I take it apart and try to re seat the screen connection? i just got it, should I just send it back? -
Just another question: When I had my Y500 I wasnt so sure of wich programs were "bloat" and wich ones were "actually useful for my system ones" like the ones that controls the mousepad or sound, so I just left all of them there =/
This time I want to get rid of the useless ones. Wich ones should I aim for? (on task manager/startup I dont disable anything that I see the company is Intel or Lenovo but I suppose some of the Lenovo ones are useless and could be disable or uninstaled). -
Hi guys. Are there any other reseller of lenovo that offer the model with the GT 755m SLI, new wifi card, and 24GB of SSD(m.2 connector)??
Also if that reseller is accepting an international credit card (not AMEX)? -
The original 1TB drive is removed and has never been used other than to be the source for my clones. No genetic drift here
Cheers, -
Hey panzer, so you said its safe to update Nvidia Drivers to 331 for SLI 750M right? SLI should work correctly?
Im on Nvidia Experience and to a "OK" click to install it. -
I would imagine it's possible the 460M at 1366x768 (likely) or 1600x900 (less likely) might be able to best a 755M at 1920x1080. -
It's updating to 1.8 standby... OK, 1.8 seems ok and games are optimizing correctly (though I don't always accept their recommendations)
Cheers,BlazeHN likes this. -
Thanks! -
For those in Canada that ordered from the Lenovo website, there was no duty charged by UPS on delivery was there?
Cheers, -
How is heat and wifi card on the 750m SLI models? Are there fixes to initials problems w/ this laptop? Seems there arent many complaints since september.
Should I pay $200 more and get a sager/msi w/ gtx 770m?
Can any owners share their experience w/ the laptop? -
755M is on 15.6" laptop ( obv ), both are running 1920x1080
Ideapad Y510P
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MJG1492, Jun 2, 2013.