Nice! I regret waiting until today to buy it. Going to have to spend another $100 for one without the ssd
Hey guys,
I just received my y510p yesterday from the Amazon link here, although it was $999.99 just a week ago.
At the time, I also bought a third party 9.5mm HDD caddy which I had hoped would recognize the Samsung 840 from my old laptop. However, when I insert it the SSD is not recognized.
Has anyone else gotten an Ultrabay HDD caddy to work in their machine? I'd really like to eventually have the 840 serve as my boot drive with the existing 1TB drive serving as a secondary HDD in the Ultrabay caddy. -
Also how's a single GT750M vs the GT555M? and vs SLI? I need the Blu-ray drive so I want to ask for the single one, but am afraid of not as good performance with a sing 750M compared to 555M -
I dont wanna sound like a racist, but honestly, Lenovo hire some more competant & non-chinese staff for their non-chinese websites. -
I'm even excited to ditch the stock hd and do a clean install of Win8 Pro on my 7200rpm drive. -
2. Use method of transportation to go to the UPS Store
3. Enjoy Sleep/Extra day of Work
4. ???
5. Profit -
Engee, what's your order status? After 48 hours of down time and absolutely no way to contact customer support, mine is still at order processing. Last time I ordered, they shipped it across the us over the weekend. After they cancelled my order on Friday and set me up with a new one, it looks like they haven't done jack. In my experiences so far, it seems lenovo has great customer service (free shipping, free returns, great sales), but they are very very unreliable (reps not knowing anything about the products or prices, constant errors on the site, inconsistent orders, etc.)
Hi fellas, y410p owner here. I want to ask you y510p owner's about the quality of the y510p's hinges. On the y410p we have some sturdy plastic ones but since I am going to use this thing for college I'm slightly hesitant about the durability. I've heard the y510p has more metallic hinges but from the videos/pictures I've seen it looks like the y410p ones. Thanks!
Hi all, I've had my 510p for a bit.
Had a few issues, the audio driver wasn't installed or working, downloaded it, now it works.. But when I plug my headphones in, they show as speakers, also I have absolutely no enhancements for the speakers.
Second is the ngff port, I want the ssd but can't find one anywhere.
Third.. does anyone have a whitelist of what wifi cards can be used?
And fourth.. do you think I could install a WD Velociraptor drive, I'd like to have the speed. -
From what I've heard, no one has really made ngff ssd yet, you'll just have to wait a bit until they start manufacturing them.
Also not sure about the whitelists. I've seen a lot of people talk about it, but not sure if it even exists. It may have to be a Lenovo branded card or you may need to try modding the BIOS.
No clue about the last question.
Sorry I'm not much help :/
Also, I placed my order on the 5th and it's projected ship date is the 12th (Today technically) and should be here by Wednesday.
I see many people talking about replacing the drive inside (not the ssd) What would you recommend replacing it with? -
Scroll down to the list of FRU parts and you'll find compatible FRU cards on the list. One of them is Broadcom Wireless-AC with Bluetooth 4.0 package, a direct competitor to Intel's Wireless-AC 7260. -
Good eye, I've been trying to find this for a while now.
Looking up these cards' FRU numbers doesn't seem to yield any results. Could I, say, buy this BCM4352 and not run into any issues with Lenovo branding? -
Of course. If it's listed on the manual, it would be fully compatible with a non hacked BIOS.
Hi guys,
I ordered my y510p on friday and just got the email this mnorning that it has shipped. Can someone tell me where I can find my serial number so I can look up my exact parts? I have seen others that say it was in their confirmation/shipped e-mail but I can not find it anywhere? How are you guys getting your serial nu,ber befor getting the actual laptop? Am I blind? lol
Thanks for any help! -
Here is my parts:
RMT3170EB68F9W-1600 4GB DDR3L 1600
RMT3170EB68F9W-1600 4GB DDR3L 1600
ST1000LM024 BP 9.5mm 5.4K 1T HDD
Intel 2230 BGN+BT M PCIE HMC Wlan
OKI T4B9USB101KeyDualcolorKBD?win8?
PLDS DU-8A5SH Slim Tray DVD Rambo ODD
Delta ADP-120LH BA 19.5V6.15Aadapter-CCC
Intel I7-4700MQ 2.4G 6M C0 4cPGA CPU
Yx0 SY L12S6E01 10.8V62Wh 6cellbty No
Volex US15S3+SPT-2 ��VAC5S 1m cord No
I got the 59370005 (non sli) model. looks like I did get the DDR3L Ram, that good? Anything out of place? I have been reading through this entire forum but only on page 70 and that far back people are still complaining about not getting correct parts but I dont know what was said in the last 70 or so pages. On page 70 it was still back in June so like I said, I'm not sure whats happened since then until I finish reading the rest of the posts. I hope to finish today.
Thanks for the helpful and quick response! -
post removed
If youre having issues with the included Wifi, just uninstall PROset, reboot the PC a few times and it should use the 14.8 (Windows Built-in) drivers by microsoft, been using these drivers for over a month now, zero issues
The whitelist lists the i7-4900mq, so we can actually switch out the processor?! I would've figured that the processor would be surface mounted like a lot of manufacturers are doing. Also, no killer wifi cards?
I've always used killer on all my personal systems.
However, it's your 97 bucks, so give it a try and report back here. You can always offer it up for sale on E-Bay if/when it doesn't work. :thumbsup: -
Has anyone come up with the Hacked Bios for the Y410p/Y510P yet?
I know that the Ivy Bridge models have the hacked BIOS, i bet if the Yx10p bios was unlocked you could probably upgrade to an HQ processor or even a Broadwell in the future. -
Can anyone tell me a good way to clean the Y510p? I see a lot of black marks on the surface of the laptop and sometimes the keys and I'm not sure what I can do to clean them easily.
Also, with the wifi problem, do I also need to uninstall the intel proset for bluetooth as well or just the intel proset?
Thanks in advance. -
Cleaning should be in the user manual that came with the unit. I'm sure it can also be found on the website.
This is interesting, going through the different manuals and such, the
"Ideapad Y410p/Y510p
Regulatory Notice"
it lists these as the compatible wifi cards:
The following wireless modules are supported on Lenovo Ideapad Y410p:
• 2230BNHMW
• BCM94313HMG2L
• BCM943142HM
• BCM943228HMB
• BCM94352HMB
• AR5B22
• AR5B125
• AR5B225
The following wireless modules are supported on Lenovo Ideapad Y510p:
• 2230BNHMW
• BCM94313HMG2L
• BCM943142HM
• AR5B125
• AR5B225
Anyone recognize any of those? -
I'm going through the user manual (I never did whenever I got my laptop..) and it has a bluetooth on/off function using the function key, but I can't see which key it is, and I'm not seeing anything on the individual keys.
As a Uni student i find this very useful, since you can turn your Wifi+BT off when you're taking notes, and turn it back on when you need it, and this improves battery life. -
:thumbsup: -
Also the BIOS thing, is it just a password lock type thing, or does the bios just not recognize what's not on the list? If its just password locked (meaning you have to have the password from the manufacturer or whatever company made the bios, which never happens) UBCD can wipe all BIOS and CMOS passwords. -
Hey guys, does optimus work on the non sli version of the y510p? If not, why? Wouldnt it be as simple as downloading the driver from nvidia?
If it doesn't work on sli, most likely it wont on the standard. Plus its better to play while plugged in, on battery it lags so much while gaming, this laptop, other laptop of the same brand or different brands, have that minor inconvenience.
Ideapad Y510P
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MJG1492, Jun 2, 2013.