It works on SLI, but for it to work you need to reinstall both GPU drivers for it to function.
If you are on battery, switch to the intel GPU.
I'm terribly sorry to do this to you guys, but could someone tell me about the battery life on the SLI version while doing simple tasks like word, web browsing, etc? I looked through about 30 pages and didn't find the answer. I'm sure it has been asked over and over again. Appreciate it!
Theres a little hack you can do to enable Optimus on SLI models. Uninstall the Nvidia drivers. Then download and install the latest Intel drivers for the 4600HD, restart PC. Then install Nvidia Drivers for the 750M, restart PC.
Then go to Nvidia Settings, 3D settings, Preferred Graphics Processor and choose "Auto-Select". Congratz you have SLI and Optimus. Enjoy the extra battery life without the sacrifice in performance. -
What is the approximated battery life with optimus working?
Can someone suggest the optimal cooling pad for this laptop?
I bought the single GPU version last Thursday, and it is set to arrive tomorrow although I won't be there to get it till next Thursday
In the meantime, I've been doing some research online about Optimus compatibility, GPU/CPU performance, and other items/questions. I am not particularly tech savvy, but I hope this can be useful to some people out there. Here's what I found, for what it's worth:
NotebookCheck Review of SLI version
Brief review of single-GPU version from an owner
The SLI function appears to be what restricts the laptop from using Optimus to switch to the onboard Intel HD graphics to conserve power. However, SLI users have reported that they could activate the Optimus driver by removing the 2nd ultrabay GPU, which makes it seem likely that the single-GPU laptop will not have an issue using Optimus. The second review link I pasted above refers to using the Optimus technology with no issue in the single-GPU version.
CPU Performance and Turbo Boost
The first review I posted mentions that the Turbo Boost feature of the Haswell cards is not working at maximum efficiency with the SLI version. I couldn't find any information about this feature with the single-GPU variety, but it could definitely be an issue as this brand new CPU performs significantly worse than last-gen tech on some multi-core CineBench tests (single core test results are better than last-gen). Let me know if you find any information specific to the y510p regarding Turbo Boost other than that NotebookCheck review.
GPU Performance
The single-GPU version performs very strongly on the performance / price scale, from what I've found online. It is worth noting that the SLI version apparently suffers from microstuttering below 40fps (as do many SLI configurations), causing some games to actually appear worse than they do with the single GPU variety when run on high settings. Read the first notebookcheck review for more details. Also, the dual SLI version will run a bit hotter and drain more battery, so keep that in mind. As the drivers continue to get updated, the SLI-version performance will probably improve.
Battery Life
Single GPU version looks like it will last 3.5 to 4.5 hours, depending on if you switch to onboard graphics and enable some other power saving modes. I will update all this stuff once I actually receive my laptop and can test it.
SSD compatibility
I just preordered one of the new Samsung 840 EVO 250GB SSDs from NewEgg (Release Date 8/14/2013). From what I saw online, they offer similar performance to the Samsung 840 Pro series, but are priced much more affordably in my opinion. They are a definite upgrade over the standard Samsung 840 SSD series. I plan to remove the 1TB drive that comes with the laptop and replace it with this SSD. My build also came with the 24GB SSD, and I will leave that in. Note that the SSD also reduces noise level, power consumption, and physical weight of the laptop.
My laptop shipped with a standard DVD optical drive in the Ultrabay. My plan is to remove that optical drive and place the 1TB drive that came with the build into that slot. To accomplish that, I purchased an HDD caddy. I bought mine from this 3rd party site, mainly because there is a video of the guy on the actual page for that caddy replacing an optical drive faceplate onto the caddy. I feel a little bit better buying something from a company that is willing to make a video explaining what to do for at least part of that process. Pretty sure I saw someone verify that this caddy is 9.5mm, which is the right size for the ultrabay.
Most people say it kinds of sucks, but that there is definitely an option in the settings somewhere that you have to disable, which makes the experience much better. i can't remember exactly where I saw that but will update if I remember.
This laptop isn't perfect, but I got it for $789 before tax, and it's hard to beat that. Add in about $230 for the SSD 250GB upgrade and HDD caddy, and I've hopefully got a machine that will stay extremely powerful for 3-5 years while being wallet friendly at total cost of about $1,050. Crossing my fingers that the thing doesn't show up at my house DoA. -
Hey guys, considering buying the Y510p, and have a question or two. First, I know the price is lower than normal right now. Do they have sales this big very often(should I jump on it now)? Second, if I buy the single gpu version, does the ultrabay come empty, and if so, do I need to buy another accessory to install a second hard drive/optical drive in it immediately?
Sir Shfvingle,
I just posted on this. The single GPU version comes with a dvd drive in the ultrabay. I have no idea about the sales timing. I assume that you might be able to get discounts on slightly older CPU laptops as well.
You can buy an HDD caddy to put another HDD in the ultrabay instead of the optical drive if you want. -
Hey guys. My laptop will be here today and I plan on immediately ditching the stock hd. I remember reading somewhere that I need to unlock the bios via the installed version of Windows 8. Any truth to this?
Laptop was supposed to ship yesterday, now it says it'll ship tomorrow....
Are you by any chance in the USA? I would like to order that HD caddy as well, any idea if they ship to USA? Anybody seen these on a US site? Thanks!
.BTW, my y510p arrives tomorrow!! Cant wait :thumbsup:
EDIT: seems they do ship to USA. -
How soon do you think it'll be when I can find a SSD to replace the 24gb SSD so I can install the os on that.
More importantly, I've gotten the HDD to be recognized in the caddy without the clip attached to it at all. -
My y510p has finally arrived home, and I'm loving it so far.
But... how do I properly update the nVidia card's driver? I let auto-detect my graphics card, and it advises me to get an update from Lenovo itself. However, there appears to be only one graphics driver on their site, which doesn't seem to be the latest.
Also, will Optimus somehow disappear if I managed to update the graphics driver? I remember seeing someone claim that only the manufacturer's driver supports switching between graphics cards.
Thanks in advance. -
The clip isn't so it's recognized. The clip is for it to stay in since the ultrabay is a screwless system. -
Hi, could anyone tell me which nvidia drivers the y510p comes with? I have the SLi version, everything was working great up until I decided to try out the 320.49 WHQL drivers, now I have major screen flickering/stuttering problems when trying to play games with SLi enabled. I can't find the "stock" drivers anywhere, and I want to try switching back to them if I can find them and figure out how to do that
I uninstalled the Nvidia drivers as you said, but when I install the latest Intel drivers for Intel HD 4600, the driver installer says that my computer does not meet minimum requirements. Only after physically removing the 2nd GPU does the driver installer work. At that point the computer is only using the Intel HD Graphics. When I slide the GPU back in and install the Nvidia drivers, the computer goes back to SLI-only mode and Optimus doesn't work. The Intel HD graphics doesn't show up anywhere while the 2nd GPU is inserted. Any work-arounds or am I missing something?
I appreciate the help! -
Hey guys, Im new here but today my y510p (2xgpu,24gb ssd version) has arrived. It seems to be a great notebook but sometimes it freezes. I know there are over 150 pages, but no time to see all so here is my question: it is possible to install clean windows 7 on ssd disk? What about drivers, i had look on lenovo site and every component looks have a win 7 version. Is there any problems/ experiences?
have a nice day
PM if you have any issues with Wifi Card upon doing a windows 7 clean install. -
would this process be the same with the y410p?
Yea thanks. I had a lot of reinstalls done yet, but i was wondering if there is any traps or so on. One more thing. I will install windows on non ssd partition? Could i install windows on ssd?
I believe the SSD is the cache for the drive. Its a hybrid drive so certain things will be moved their automatically. Programs that are more frequently used will be moved to the SSD cache of the hybrid drive. After a few startups, the os should be automatically be in the SSD partition. (i think) -
Apologies if this has already been answered. I just picked up my y510p (non-SLI) recently, and I'm loving it so far, but there are 2 problems it is having.
1. I want the trackpad buttons to NOT control the mouse. When I move the pointer to a link and go to click, I inevitably move the pointer a bit when I touch the button to click it because the buttons are part of the trackpad itself. It happens every time and makes the buttons useless. This is just insane. Is there a way to make the button portion of the trackpad not serve as part of the trackpad?
2. The screen keeps flickering twice every 10 seconds or so after restarting. The problem goes away when I go into nvidia control panel and select the graphics setting (auto-select, nvidia, or intel), but it's really annoying to have to do that when I reboot. My guess is it is switching between the intel and nvidia graphics, but I don't know why it is doing that. It does it indefinitely until I go into the graphics settings and choose something, but it doesn't matter what I choose, so it's not the default setting that's the problem.
Problem #1 is REALLY annoying. I don't understand what is wrong with synaptic and elan. My 15 year old Dell laptop had a flawless trackpad. The technology was fine 15 years ago. Why does every laptop nowadays have massive touchpad problems?
For diagnostics sake, I have installed a SSD in place of the HDD and put Windows 7 on it. I installed the drivers out of the Lenovo drive (copied from the HDD that came with), and installed intel then nvidia graphics drivers as suggested elsewhere to enable graphics switching. Is Optimus a program, or is it built into the nvidia drivers? -
Can someone suggest the optimal cooling pad for this laptop?
Another thing to note when you have the SSD cache is that you should treat it like a real SSD and never defragment it, even the mechanical hard drive portion. Defragmenting the hard disk a lot leads to excess writes and wear on the SSD cache since all the files on the HDD have moved and need to be re-written to the SSD, so performance will be slow for a while as the cache fills up again. The HDD shouldn't get too fragmented anyway due to the nature of how SSD caching works.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that, in addition to the above, full system anti-malware scans should also be kept to a bare minimum for the same reasons when you have an SSD cache. I do one scan per month and it usually takes a day or two before system responsiveness goes back up to pre-scan levels. -
Ideapad Y510P
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MJG1492, Jun 2, 2013.