Also, will they send you a box to return it in? (I'm new at purchasing things in the US)
So I'm now waiting to see what capacities 42mm will hold. What kind of slot is the wifi card using? I need to hijack a bus. 5400 rpm isn't gonna cut it.
So what's the deal with the standalone 750m Ultrabays? Are they ever coming? I bought my Y500 with the intent of picking up the 750m Ultrabay, but it's been 2 months and nothing. Any tidbits of any sort on the matter would be much appreciated!
got my y510p yesterday.... dropped a 500gb samsung ssd in it. Overall im pretty happy with it. Solid build quality, nice keyboard. Trackpad pretty bad but its useable.... The worst thing though is the leading edge of the laptop is so damn sharp and it digs into my wrists.
I'm just wondering how the Lenovo Y510p is compared to the MSI GT60 in terms of their build quality and gaming. Thanks in advance.
As for build quality, i dont know about the MSI, but the Y510p has an overall nice build quality, it's no Thinkpad, but its pretty close and feels solid.
Here is a thickness comparison (click to enlarge):
Attached Files:
Hey everyone! I have a few questions about the y510p, was wondering if anyone could help. I ordered a y510p (4700MQ, SLi 750m) 2 weeks ago here in Finland through the only retailer (only way to get it as of this moment) selling it here. It was listed a little over 2 weeks ago, and I wanted to know if anyone knows how long it might take? Anyone outside of the US/Canada order one soon as it was listed in their country? They've had an estimated ship date of 2-4 weeks for over 2 weeks now, and it'd be great to know a rough estimate of how long it will take. I'm guessing the retailer here placed a bigger order of them from the factory in China(?). Really been looking forward to getting the laptop
Also, anyone know if there's any big problems with the wireless card in y510p as well? I've read a lot of discussions on the topic, and I understand the y500 at least had some problems with that, but the retailer here didn't list the wireless card in the y510p for some reason :S
Thanks! -
I just noticed that Lenovo site now have a SLI Y510p for $1,199 (8GB RAM) and Xotic PC have the same one for $1,089. The only difference is the Lenovo one have a 24GB SSD Disk for cache. Do that makes a real difference? That faster cache really makes your system feel faster? Its $110 difference ($142.67 if i get Xotic PC 3% Discount) wich is considerable.
On one hand, yes that 24GB SSD makes a significant difference to overall system performance. On the other hand, $100 - $150 is a lot to pay for a 24GB SSD. The tough part is that the Y510 uses a connector called NGFF (or M.2) for its internal card-based SSD, and you currently cannot buy an aftermarket SSD that uses NGFF.
If your top priority is cost, buy the cheaper system now, and then buy a full 256GB SSD when they become available for NGFF. If you have a spare 2.5" SSD lying around, you can put it into your Y510 until NGFF SSDs become available.
If you absolutely must have the best performance, and don't care about cost, get the more expensive system with the 24GB SSD, and then sell it on eBay when you eventually replace it with a full 256GB SSD NGFF.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2 -
So, those two hard drives are sepparated ones right? Not like those combo 2on1 ones. Wich means the laptop have 2 slots for storage disks? -
The NGFF slot is similar to mSATA, in that it is a small card-based slot that accepts storage devices. But the only thing you'll ever be able to put into this slot is an SSD.
Ideally, you want to put something like a 256GB SSD into this NGFF slot, and keep a high-capacity mechanical HDD in the 2.5" SATA slot for bulk media storage (music, photos, videos, pr0n). -
I wonder how Lenovo squeezed a NGFF drive in a Budget gaming laptop anyways... -
Is the screen the same as the y500 ?
I am between this the HP Envy 15t and maybe the y410p .
How are the angles ? -
I am debating between the Y510P (SLI) and the W230ST at the moment. There are a few questions that I have regarding the Y510P.
(1) Can both 750M's be overclocked via Nvidia Inspector or MSI Afterburner?
(2) I need final, definitive battery life numbers, assuming that I don't jump through all those hoops of removing the SLI card and getting the HD 4600 drivers and whatnot. I just wanna know what kind of battery life I will get with the SLI model assuming that I do nothing in particular to try to increase it.
(3) What's the deal with microstutter? Has anyone experienced it? I've heard that for some people, it's so bad that they have to disable one 750M just to get a playable experience. That would effectively ruin the whole value of this notebook.
(4) This may sound like a ridiculous question but... how big is this notebook? Like is it too big for portability? The last three notebooks I've had have been 17.3", so I don't really know much about the portability factor of a 15.6" notebook.
Thanks in advance! -
This is of course, if you are ordering a new one. Rumor has it there are discontinued Matte editions of the Y510P with no glare. -
Anybody know if the y510p has a 42mm m.2 slot since it does not have a msata slot? My y510p doesnt even seem to have the 42mm m.2 slot.
Yes, it has, the pictures of it are here .
By the way, I still can't understand why did lenovo decide to put that NGFF connector in this laptop. From the screenshots it looks like mSata size fits just perfectly there, the only problem is with connector. I wanted to buy this laptop and pu256 gb mSata ssd into it, but now, knowing that I'll be left without ssd (well, 24gb ssd doesn't count, and it's impossible to find even 128 gb ssd of this form-factor), I wonder which laptop to buy... -
If you want Msata go for an older Y500. -[user]=136776288&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=5 -
Hey guys I don't have time to read this, but is anyone else with a y510p experiencing issues? I can't seem to keep a stable 60fps, it may be microstuttering. I've tried a lot.
Do you have SLI or not? Try PMing Panzer06 he might help you with that. -
Yeah, I have sli. Thank you
I'm running stock drivers except WiFi which I downloaded directly from Intel.
Other than those tweaks I can't think of anything else.
Cheers, -
I messaged you, but I believe I got rid of most of the bloatware, I have the battery set to high performance, I just downloaded the wifi driver you are talking about. Hmmmm. Do you run with vsync on or off?
I run with vsync off. We should also find out if the games you play have SLI support in the stock driver.
Cheers, -
I'm thinking of replacing the Intel 2230 with the Ultimate-N 6300 in the near future.. Would I take it out first then uninstall drivers or the other way around?
Think I'm going to get this laptop. My budget is around $1,400. What's the best possible configuration I can get from this laptop for that money? (including resellers, I was looking at xotic but they have an ETA of mid-august for one model, and the other model has a blueray ultrabay which I'm not too sure I'll need)
Cheers, -
Where can I find this whitelist?
Haven't checked up here in a few weeks. Have any of the issues with switching cards for power been fixed? I'm thinking about looking inter an Asus laptop with a 650m instead. I think I would rather see if I can find something with a better CPU as well since I'm a video editor.
If you want something better CPU-wise, you might as well just buy a desktop. -
But what if my budget was larger? I would rather have a slightly better CPU, to improve render times, than 2 video cards. -
I've bought a y510p and I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival. I ordered mine from the Canadian website, can anyone having received their machines confirm a few things?
First of all, I have heard rumours of people receiving the machine without the listed 4700MQ processor and receiving a 4702MQ instead. Has this been an issue recently or only when they first started shipping out?
Second of all, I am confused, my model is the single 750m graphics model. It appears as though in the future the machine is still built to support SLI with a second card and one could be added? I'm not 100% sure on this can someone confirm?
Third of all, I have heard mixed opinions on whether the machine overheats (more people saying it doesn't). To me it does not look as if it would overheat, especially with the single GPU.
Fourth of all, there are supposed to be 4 options for the ultra-bay: 750m graphics secondary, dvd/bluray drive, extra hard drive/caddy, extra fan. Where are these modules available and if they are not available as of yet, any word on when they will be?
I'll appreciate as many of my concerns as possible being answered, as, god know, lenovo won't answer them with their atrocious god damn awful customer support... sigh. I want to buy a second machine for a friend but would like these answers first. Thanks in advance!
Liam -
2. Yes, you cal always order the 750M addon card + the bigger power adapter and get SLI capablity in the future.
3. The machine is actually less hot than some MSI laptops. IMHO it doesnt get too warm, the only possibly annoying thing is the direction of the air vents (on the side). Take a look at the review here:
4. Ive seen a few on Lenovo's website, namely the caddy and the blu-ray. They are a bit hard to find. I havent seen the fan, and i know you can order the Graphic bay by calling Lenovo support.
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p (59370006) Review | Gaming Laptop Reviews
5. I agree that some rep's have no idea what products they are servicing. Shame. -
Anyone know the price of the ultrabay 750M add-on? Or comment on what it might go for?
Have you gleaned anything from lenovo on when the 750m card will be available? How much it will cost? Also, do you mind posting links to the bluray and hdd caddy from them? Thank you so very much for answering all my questions! P.S. If either one of us ever finds a lenovo rep in technical support or otherwise who actually knows what they are talking about, shall we take his name and number and distribute it to those in need
The day before my laptop arrived after 4 weeks of waiting, I ordered one from Rakuten with dial gpus, 8gb of ram, no ssd, (it was cheaper and I'm getting $250 in points), it arrived the next day, I'll just return the other one to Lenovo. The one from Lenovo has the 4702, the one from Rakuten has the 4700 (both have anti glare screens), playing Bioshock Infnite on both laptops and using Nvidia inspector, the cards were about 5-10 degrees hotter with the 4700 than the 4702. Is that a significant amount? Is it possible to undervolt the 4700 to make it match the 4702, or should i not bother?
To anyone who opened up their laptop, assuming I could get a hold of an NGFF SSD, would it be easy to install? Does it just slide in, or would it require me further disassemble the computer? Thanks
Okay, so I bought a y510p blu-ray version last month and figured I'd post about my experience with it. When I first received it it would not charge correctly unless you plugged in power with the battery removed, turn it on, and then re-insert the battery. Lenovo Support ended up sending me a replacement AC adapter. After I got it and sent in the old one it still didn't work, and after Lenovo support remoted in and tried some things, most of which I'd already done, they had me send it in for repair. About a week or so later I got it back and it turned out that it just had a bad battery. Lenovo Support was actually fairly helpful, minus the wrong diagnosis at first. Plus the version of PowerDVD it came with couldn't play BluRay's so I had to go buy different software, but I didn't really expect much from the bloatware it came with. As for performance, I haven't been able to slow it down yet, but I don't have any very graphic - intensive games. My model has the anti-glare screen and the 4700. This single GPU model has the switchable graphics which work perfectly so far. I haven't had any overheating or anything, but this isn't the SLI so it probably was never at too much risk of heat problems. Touchpad isn't the best, but I use a mouse anyways and overall, minus the bad battery, I've been very happy with it so far. I am interested in putting a 2.5" SSD in it to replace the slower 5400rpm HDD, but am not sure I want to invest that much more money into it yet.
Ideapad Y510P
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MJG1492, Jun 2, 2013.