To add to that, what was the screen like out of the box, in terms of calibration? I'll be using the P35K for purposes almost exactly like yours!
I have the model number somewhere.
Also, the shipped panel with it is not IPS technology, nor is it anything like a 98% A-RGB colour spectre, like most photographers / professionals care about. Or at least enjoy.
It's TN panel with " " IPS " " features (basically just viewing angle.
The contrast is good, but keep in mind these don't stack up with the modern desktop IPS models. Which are pretty - fantastic - amazing. Basically just correct.
Also, to those who're saying IPS panels are slow, that's not true. Here's THIS STOCK model: - just dug it up - really tired: just finished a problem set: Au Optronics model AUO113D
Same model as used in Alienware's 14' model. And Acer 14" V7-482PG. And probably other ones too. P35k uses this exact same screen for Au Optronics only a different cut (size) Obviously this goes without saying that the P34 incorporates it too. There is nothing unique about these screens. They're still TN (though they are marginally improved) and their resolution is low. :*[
relinquish your grasp on conceit. Concede yourself. Capitulate!
If you haven't seen an good IPS screen then you don't know (color) what you're missing. I want to put an 15.6 4K2K IGZO 16:9 in the laptops. Read my previous posts. ; -)
I want my damn sub ~ 300 pixel per inch. That would make me happy in laptop form factor. In other words, I want to make conjecture (4K LAPTARPS(!) a reality. In my beloved 3TB raid 0 128 gb ssds dual 1tb hdd workstation - GIGABYTE - P35k a reality.Oh, the speakers and subwoofer with 4k are also, ~-~ nice (for an integrated and mobile solution). ; DDDFDD
Slow IPS models are a thing of the past: all are from 6-12 ms these days. 6 ms for an IPS display is hardly considered slow. IGZO models are 9-14 ms.
(verifiably) Slow panels are pretty much constrained to the past.
Now it's only color / resolution hat matters. (speeds will still improve too) I mean, speed is one thing, as long as it's prefereably below 8-9 ms - in the laptop space, will not matter than much.
Only if you're TRULY a butt-uggly anal retentive gamer. And if you were why would you be on a laptop anyway. Sorry, with laptop scalars / tech / multiple I / O you're not going to see 2-3 ms response rates right now. Which is really just fine. Really.
Tbh about as much as I care is 6ms anyway. I used to own a 2ms and a 6ms panel. The difference was most certainly there, but for even the most discerning, the 6ms (not to mention glorious IPS) was easy to slide into in a matter of seconds.. 1-2 minutes at the most.
...Way too much refuse information on this stuff. -
Sorry henyo,
Did you say you want 4K on a laptop?
I wish you the best of luck bc as of right now it's already hard enough to run 4K video / games on desktops.
Also why would you want that? Icons at that resolution on a 15" panel will need to be magnified to be readable therefore loosing its "smoothness" and clarity.
This is going to come out rude, but it don't even think that even half of us even understand your rants that you post. Are you using google translate?
Although you have been giving out good info so kudos to you. -
Considering either that one or the P34G, any real life battery tests guys ?
Am also considering the razor blade 14, which boosts 6:49h of battery life under regular use (Verge Battery Test*, which cycles through a series of websites and high-res images at 65 percent brightness.).
Am hopping that the P35K has a similar battery life - right now thats the only thing holding me back on clicking that order button
*The Verge Battery Test runs in any browser and thus across operating systems. With brightness set at 65 percent (unless otherwise noted), it cycles through a series of 100 websites while downloading a high resolution image every six sites. No doubt it is a taxing test, but in the absence of a good industry benchmark we decided to take matters into our own hands with a test that we feel simulates real world usage. Shockingly, many of the battery benchmarks out there don't use Wi-Fi or the browser. -
The noise level on full blast is similar too.I.e. you definitely know it's there, but not obnoxiously loud. Chances are that you are concentrating on other things if the processor & graphics card are at max anyway. -
For what it's worth I ran the built-in windows experience index on Windows 8. Laptop was plugged into the power chord and battery settings was Max performance:
Processor: 7.9
Memory: 7.9
Graphics: 4.9
Gaming graphics: 6.9
Primary hard drive: 8.1
Was expecting slightly higher graphics performance numbers really. Not yet run a proper photo edit workload through it to see how it performs in real life. -
This is the experience index for the razer blade
Attached Files:
Care to explain why they don't look right?
Looks fine to me. -
well the graphics being 4.9 - while a notebook with almost the same hardware is scoring 6.9
that does not make sense to me...
Also on
for P34G they got this result:
Windows experience test came up with 6.9. the breakdown:
processor 7.9
ram 7.9
graphics 6.9
gaming graphics 6.9
primary hard disk 8.1 -
Its because the graphics is being run with the Intel iGPU while the gaming graphics is using the Nvidia GPU. Other than that, its spot on -
ok, but why would the p34g score as following - graphics 6.9 ?
IWTT likes this. -
JonathonW (or anyone else with the knowledge), would you please elaborate on how bad the touchpad is? Is it as bad as the cnet review says? Is it usable? Thanks in advance.
Has any one bought a sleeve for the laptop?
(I was mistaken only the P34G comes with a leather sleeve) -
I'm about to order this sleeve from amazon it should be a tight fit , nice and snug.
Fits Devices (l x w x h): 15.2 x 1.7 x 10.5 in
Actual Size (l x w x h): 16.3 x 1.7 x 11.8 in
P35K : 15.157 X 0.826 X 10.629 in
It's a little bit over in the height, so it's going to be tight and I might have to squish or cut some of the foam out. -
Hi Jonathan,
Can I ask how the laptop is in terms of heat? Does the laptop tend to get quite hot when video editing or some gaming?
Does the cpu or gpu throttle?
Thanks -
Seems like a decent alternative. Do you know of any pictures of the one that came with the P34G? -
Sorry I can't find it anymore it's buried in the p34g thread.
mo_danish may be able to help. -
Can anyone please perform some benchmarks on the SSD the P35K is equipped with? I am deciding which model to get, and if I should get my own mSSD and install it. Is the equipped HDD a Sata 2 or 3 drive? 7200rpm?
Can the current owners do some battery life benchmarking? Especially when not using the 765m, but with the Intel HD4600. Can someone criticize the touchpad? I think those are my only concerns.
So stoked to get one of these things. -
You will void the warranty if you install it yourself..
"You can upgrade your own hard drive and SSD no problem, it won't void the warranty." -
I'd trust Gigabyte's statement on the situation over gentech's. -
View attachment 102984
View attachment 102985
I am pretty sure users don't have to remove the fan to upgrade mSATA, hard drives or RAM.bluestrike and edwardamin13 like this. -
:hi2: Dear Gentech (or others with a p35.
I have essentially two more question that we all to are hoping to see answered. They're about this thing:
And many here are holding their breathe for a crisp answer.
1) Can you divulge your opinion about the track pad? Bluntly, can you take pictures so we can see touchpad flex when we're normally pressing the multigesture clickpad?
2) The other is on clocks.
Another advantage of going with the P35.
Obviously you do not condone this but how far does the 765 over clock in the software anyway?What are the software hard limits (or otherwise)? GTX 760m is +135 boost and core.
Checked with Gigabyte regarding warranty information! : read below,
Gigabyte does not void your warranty for adding drives ... jeeze, what would the point be of adding 2nd MSATA in there anyway? They don't offer upgradeable AC wireless cards either. Gentech was not sending you bad information.
Spoke to G-byte about warranty information this morning -yesterday-. I was clarifying weather 765 was gk 106 chip or cut down gk 104.
Notebook check (and many other sites) has their stats partially wrong, as suspected. The 765 is identical to the 760, same 2.5 Billion chip. Along with the GTX 770M...
This is a good thing as this allows us more overclocking room by a wide margin over the 760m as well. ; )
We should be able to +/- 770M with this card. Though it remains to be seen how high the software - Nvidia Inspector - will allow this cheap to be overclocked. Care to fill us in Gentech? (or maybe msi afterburner can sense this card just fine?)
You have one there. I know it.
-- ) 760M can get to exactly stock 765m (+135 core&.turbo capped) from 628 on the core ( at 8:15 in david lam's video, for those who are watching). 765M should be able to easily (and without addition to heat, mind you) overclock ~ ^ 770M
Which makes it about 2.5 times as fast as integrated intel graphics (Iris Pro). .. But will suffice for two - three years or so. Hopefully Until/at release of 10nm Skylake shrink and 16nm Volta!
Oh! Gentech! Does this thing have an unplugged THUNDER_bolt port?!
It's not exposed here!! Others have forgotten to mention this yet on their received models!
p.s. boot times are approximately 9 seconds with the dual M-sata drives (1000 MB/ps). That's as fast as SATA express which isn't due out for -(almost)- two years. (14nm version of Skylake) Which is the Most noticeable added feature with that chipset.
This will come in handy when doing heavy production workloads, or even running virtual machines (for example MAC OS primary OS, Bootcamp in Windows, and VM ware into Linux..Pretty much any mild or multi-tasking model I know it sounds showy but it will help with ^
Let's not forget guys, OS X has scaling software as well.Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
P.s. I found your case thread.
I started at thread page 45. Found your case page 48.
Next page I'll include our nearly equivalent overclocking stats.
Anybody gonna give me kudos? ;/ And maybe fill us in on information with the p35k touchpad?likebutta likes this. -
GenTech I ordered with XOTICPC, do you think it's the same deal with them?
John, if you can check this out on yours that would be amazing <3 -
GreaseMonkey90 Notebook Evangelist
I wonder why Gentech doesn't have secondary hard drive option while XoticPC has it.
also just to make sure, this laptop has 2 mSata slot, 2 2.5 inches drive slot and 1 swappable ODD right? so that's 5 potential slot for storage. -
Someone should really open a center in Nevada :hint: :hint: -
Dug this up: Pertaining to P34g, Lammi's video I relinked again earlier, and by proxy, - p35k since the cooling system is more or less the same - Temps before and after overclocking should be fairly the same since they both use the same 2.54 billion models of GK106.
I'm curious. Which is louder at full load? Looks like p34g (possibly, only possibly has tiny-er fans, with more blades, which also causes more noise at higher rpm). p35 has (what looks like) larger fans with a definite amount of fewer blades. Maybe that's why they added molded heatsinks in the p34.
Here's cnet review on noise... Apparently, doesn't fare so well.. but then again, they postulate the keyboard isn't backlit,so what do they know. I have a feeling they're right on the noise.
Gigabyte P35K Review - Laptop & Notebook computers Retroceeded also posted 2 translation posts of Sinchen laptop written review concerning the noise on page 45 of this thread.
I certainly also hope it gets better. If not undervolting the gpu will certainly be under order. And after a month or so of ownership repasting to complement cold treatment of those pesky electrons.
Which to Gigabyte's credit they seem to have offered good (or at least decent, especially in the pc world) operationally tandem software for.
Default Re: Gigabyte P34G
Just wanted to post the following found here. Should answer some of the questions.
Enjoy... again for those of you who opaquely remember.
Hey all,
Just picked up the P34G today. Here's a few of my comments. Let me know what you guys want to know and I'll try and find out!
1/ There is indeed an empty 2.5in bay inside that will fit 9mm HDDs, 12mm drives WILL NOT fit.
2/ Regarding the point above, don't see how Gigabyte can detect whether you installed the drive. because it is very easy to get to.. unscrew the back and pop in the HDD, that's it...
3/ Fan Noise... It can get a little annoying, but if you're just surfing the net, it's virtually silent. I set my power profile to Power Savings at 50% cpu and fan at passive. The fans aren't even spinning at all
4/ With the profile stated in #3, the CPU hovers at around 45-50c, when it hits 50c, the fan comes on gently and stays on for a couple of minutes
5/ There is noticeable keyboard flex around G and H, but it doesn't impact typing, it's only when you press down and look from the side then you can see it.
6/ Keyboard is very easy to type on, however, it does feel a little wobbly..
7/ Gaming performance is excellent (as expected), played a game of League of Legends at 1080p, maxed out everything at very high.
8/ THE MOST DISAPPOINTING aspect of this laptop are the speakers.. OH MY GOD Gigabyte.. you threw the biggest piece of crap speakers on this otherwise very good laptop!! I cannot begin to describe how disappointed I am with the speakers.. I aren't expecting excellent quality but this sounds on par with the tiny speakers you get from reject shop. IT IS THAT BAD... No Bass, No Clarity, No Separation of channels. my lossless tracks sounds like 96kbps mp3... I cannot stress this point enough!! the speakers ARE SO BAD!!!
9/ Gigabyte software is rubbish, the recovery recration tool doesn't work...
10/ typing this post and stream spotify at 50% brightness gives me about 3hrs 7 minutes battery remaining...
11/ palm rest will never get hot, this is because under the right palm is the empty HDD bay and the left palm is the battery..
Using Furmark, I loaded up the GPU to 100% load..
– Default GPU clocks are 628mhz,
– Performance Boost from Gigabyte boosts this to 797mhz
– Extreme Boost from Gigabyte boosts this to 849mhz (with the extreme boost option, the fans are set to 100% speed)
2/ Furmark automatically throttles the GPU so I can't seem to get the full performance of this GPU.. (will look into other benchmarks)
3/ Never exceeded 62c even under 100% load for 10 minutes
4/ As my posts above, palm rest and keyboard remains cool.
Will keep updating
A few more observations:
1/ There is a very annoying electrical buzz near the right side of the laptop. I have found the solution and it's to do with the SATA LINK, you can disable the sata link power optimizations from Intel Rapid storage, and the buzz will go away..
2/ Users can download Intel Extreme Tuning Utility. Using this app, you can dynamically undervolt the CPU, I found my sweet spot to be -170mv, at -180mv, it'll crash.. This brings the CPU voltage from around 0.7v to 0.5v. I have 2hrs and 57minutes left as I am typing this now @ 64% battery... So it's definitely a good tweak.
3/ If you update graphics card drivers from nvidia's website, you lose the ability to use UltraBoost (GPU overclocking). However, you can use nVidiaInspector to manually overclock as required. The Max overclock the tool will allow is 849mhz, which is quite significant given that stock is 600 something mhz.
4/After undervolting the CPU, temperatures are sitting at around 45c now, so the Fan won't spin up as often. (Fans spins at 50c for a couple of minutes).
I'll keep updating the things that I find
A few more observations:
1/ Regarding my undervolting attempts above, I found that it only worked when I was in power saving mode (limiting the CPU). When I jumped back into Balanced which allows CPU to scale all the way up to 3.4ghz, it crashed constantly. My new undervolt is at -100mV.
2/ I was also able to OVERCLOCK at -100mV to 3.6ghz turbo (default is 3.4ghz).
3/ Highest temperature recorded was 77c, the laptop cooled down very quickly.
4/ Charging performance is also very well done, In about an hour, with benchmarks running and all, it managed to still charge 40% of the battery, so looking at a full 0-100% charge in about 2.5hrs
Also, Lammis' comments have me scared on the speakers.. Let's hope the subwoofer and extra 1.6 inch spacing gives the speakers a more tenable characteristic?Not looking for anything cosmic here. Just something that makes me feel like Hexus review of p34g speakers. Which they seem to not mind.
I, Like Lammi, also run Lossless music, though not so much anymore. though if I wanted to do any serious listening, I would get out my E-static Stax Sr 009 and whip out my T-2 and KGSSHV .... or go listen to somebody's Sennheiser Orpheus.... I have 6TB of ONLY music (all lossless, and digital vinyl), but life will go on if these speakers are remotely above average sound quality.
Mainly what I want to do is shoehorn a good screen in there. If MAC Can fluently run a 5.2 (legit IPS, hence not IGZO either, which is what their new MAC is getting) Megapixel display with not a single notable issue, there's no reason a gpu twice that size can't run a 4k or 3200 display. HD4600 will handle the rest in light workloads anyway. And I want the color / completing factor to the P35k a screen like this will bring.
Macs' 15.6 Sharp display will be out in a limited number of hours, and igzo are already being produced. Trust me, there's something that's going to fit into p35k standard 15.6 inch over the next 2-3 or so months as a drop in joy-upgrade.
I mean heck, these were $105.00 + 6.00 shipping three and a half months ago when I checked.
igzo 14.0 is already out, per mention. Fujitsu (and another company, don't remember which) just released a 14.0 inch 3200x1800 igzo display. Perfect for the p34g. And doesn't require a new motherboard connector. Data will come along for the 15.6 correct res display.
Oh, by just released, I mean : just released a 14.0 in. display. Today.... Like 14 hours ago... And other models are coming out too.
There will be an abundance of 14.0 IGZO displays. And I hope 15.6 too... If they're not ridiculously alleged to ultrabooks for the forseeable future.
Worst comes to worst, sharp 15.6 16:9 IGZO display (4K) will be available... But I think that will need a new motherboard port... -
Pretty cool. o.o od drive is really relic now, but it's still cool to have. Maybe redbox a movie.. or something..
Or for people who don't want to mount virtual drives... To use their usb ports... You could burn them a cd; but pretty much everything academic runs through drop-box these days. I see it more as a cool feature, to be honest. It's swappable; in like 15 seconds... and boot times... It's faster to power it down and back up than it is to put it to sleep.
OHH! Or to burn CD's for clients from professional photographers stack. Yeah, we'll go with that! Dang/darn, or What gigabyte said on the matter: 1:11
It's nice to see manufacturers getting the hang of it. Customers want experience these days. -
Also, Trackpad is pretty good, a little sensitive but nothing that can't be tuned in settings, and the buttons don't require too much effort either.
There is a bit of flex on the keyboard around the F G keys, but i don't think it will be a problem.
I have also noticed that the front edge of the notebook where the ODD has some flex too, not noticeable on a desk but using on my lap i did notice it a little.
Will do some more poking around and post back. -
Haven't receive the actual shipment yet but should be here early next week so I can test the touchpad.
However, it should be similar to P34G.
The Thunderbolt port was a dummy on the engineering sample, the final production unit doesn't have it, at least Gigabyte didn't mention it.
All Gigabyte branded notebooks with same SKU will have same warranty and exact same spec.Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2015 -
Ok, thank you.
About an hour ago I watched Johnathon's video, and it's hard to tell, but it looks like the thunderbolt port is capped. Or maybe a protective cover? He'll have to chime in.
It would be a shame, and it's really a concession I don't want to see. You can't have a power / luxury laptop without 1 thunderbolt port.This is a concession I don't want Gigabyte to get used to. -
If it doesn't void the warranty, I might get the 35KCF1 instead of the 34G and add an SSD myself!
I've never done this beforecan anyone who has be blunt and honestly tell me how hard it is? I'm terrified of wrecking internals!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 -
Once the cover is off, adding an mSATA SSD is no more complicated than adding RAM.
TonyBologna likes this. -
Agh, I'm still a little bit confused on how many drives this thing has to this day. Xotic is reporting 2 mSATA bays, 2 HDD bays, and an optical drive bay. Does that mean this can potentially hold 3 HDDs and 2mSATA's with the hard drive adapter in the ODD bay? Or is there only one normal HDD bay and the second HDD bay comes from turning the ODD bay into a HDD bay?
Thanks guys. -
Read the damn posts ablahblah. Some of us want to Tri Raid SSD's, for 4 second boot time. (around 1475 MB/ps)
Then, there's the 750/1tb hard drive which it comes with.
2 M SATA 1 HD chassis spot 1 2.5 hot swappable with od drive -
You do realize that the performance increase from raiding a SSD is negligible and to costly for its performance right?
Sure it looks great on benchmarks, but on real world application you are actually maxing out the Sata Bus, and everything would work smoother using a single drive. Search on google ssd raid 0 vs single, and click on the ananda tech article.
Jonathon can you open or try to open your P35K and tell me if there are any stickers that would void your warranty?
(I'm not saying go ahead and void yours but just take a look)
I want to trust Gen-tech but that's the only proof they have showed was from the P34G. -
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 -
If you can turn a screw driver you have all the skills necessary.
B'midbar did you come across a warranty sticker on the P34G?
It takes less than 10 minutes. Fifteen screws, pull the bottom, disconnect the drive from the connector, unwrap the mold around the drive and the two screws, attach mold and screws to new drive, re-attach connector to drive, re-seat in bay, button back up.
Thanks, that clears some of my worries.
I'm just going to upgrade it myself no need in spending an extra $200 on just labor for installing my drive.
new Gigabyte P35K
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by [-Mac-], Jun 2, 2013.