Thanks, sorry i didnt read the post before, i wonder what is the weight of the laptop if i remove the optical drive and just use ssd no hard drive. Any idea?
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Can someone take a picture of the inside w/o the bottom panel? I would like to know if its easy to replace RAM & HDD's?
It's very easy! Check the gentech review on youtube
It's for the 35k but system has not changed since: GIGABYTE P35K Detailed Product Showcase Unboxing & Review - YouTube
RMXO likes this. -
As for RAM upgrading, I have no idea
Thanks, the GenetechPC video answered my questions. Now I just got to start saving, find a buyer for my MBP and find some in stock.
Is there any info about noise levels yet? I decided against the GS60 because of fan noise under stress.
This scares me:
Its for the K, but I wonder if the more powerful GPU gets better and quieter cooling. -
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This is a review from
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5 pounds is about 1-3 hardcover college books depending, it's not too bad for me, comparable to the 2011 MBP15.
Eh, it's more or less fine to me; I'm going to be carrying it in my backpack anyway. It's just odd that they marketed the laptop to weigh 5 pounds, then having it come it at half a pound more.
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Thats why im confused a taiwanese based web weight the laptop at 2.4kg while the web says 2.2kg -.-". Anyways, does anybody knows what is the wireless card in this laptop? Is it the intel 7260ac?
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Can any owner of this laptop weigh the laptop to confirm? I would like a definite answer to this.
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It's not heavy and is sturdy enough to hold it horizontally with one hand by the corner, even with lid open. Most of the weight comes from battery and cooling assembly.
Where is WhiteBoysHady
WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
Hey so here are the noise levels that I got not sure how accurate they are tho..... It's not the same when you use a phone.
With no load you can't hear it even with web browsing it can't be heard.
Avg when gaming is 63db and max is 86db
Here is the inside as requested I took the ram out to show you how easy it is to install it.
It weights depends on the harddrive you use and as you noticed mine is wd black so it's a bit heavier than normal hdd and I use another 1tb hdd in the cd drive bay so mine is a but heavier than normal. I prefer quality. As you can see my system is maxed with 16gb ram and 2x 128gb msata raid 0 configuration. 760gb wd black and the 1tb it game with. And I seriously can't spend 5 hours testing the battery bro......... I seriously don't have time.
RMXO and dennis96411 like this. -
86 dB is kind of on the loud side... But holy crap, that battery is 6830 mAh, which in my mind is nice.
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WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
its not as bad as it sounds..... seriously its not as bad
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 -
Thanks WhiteBoy ! I wasn't asking for more !
86dB is incredibl loud ! By comparison the p35k was at most 44dB and was still considered as one of the loudest laptops on market ! Your phone is by sure wrong -
I guess I will have to take you on word
when you say noise is ok
That being said he (WhiteboyShady) constantly makes mention to the fact that it's MUCH, MUCH quieter than his p35K so that should say something, coming from a clogged HPG62 (which sounded like full airport runway) I'll be fine I think. -
WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
I'm sure my phone is wrong, cause I have the air conditioning in the room too. And I'm 100% telling you my old p35k was so much louder than this. It's seriously quiter than some of the 1 fan hp laptops 2009-2012 models. Forget the numbers and listen to first hand experience from both laptops p35k and p35w
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 -
86db is like standing next to traffic on a main road. Holy crap!
Thank you for taking the time to test and post here!
I would really like to like this notebook, but the noise shocks me. I understand that it is hard to do it with a phone. Do you have any comparison numbers? What readings do you get when idle, meaning, how loud is background noise in the room? Where did you hold the phone while measuring? What app did you use? Is there a chance you could do a video? Could you make a comparison measurement with another notebook?
With decibel it is said that an increase of 10db feels like an acutal doubling of noise. So 50 to 80 makes a HUGE difference,
Of course, I do not mean to make this sound like any demand.Only if you have the time of course. I guess most of us would just greatly appreciate any further information that helps. Thank you again! Too bad there is no notebook on display where I live...
I think he might have put the microphone up against the exhaust vent. XD
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I would suggest to put the microphone about 30cm above the keyboard, 30cm from the screen.
WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
I just tested the fan noise with the fan set to max using my Moto X / Sound Meter app, and a real SPL meter, which give similar results. When the mic is right up against the fan it is 82db. With the mic at normal ear distance for using the laptop it is about 40 db using the phone (biased toward voice frequencies) and 48db using the SPL meter (set to C weighted, slow response curve).
However, the laptop pretty much never will get to max fan speed if you leave it on auto. In normal use, even playing HD videos, the fan is inaudible even with your ear a few inches away from the vent. Playing Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon on Ultra for an hour didn't even make the fans spin up all the way (incidentally, this gets the CPU to a steady 88c and the GPU to 90c; fwiw, I use a laptop cooler).
Re the weight, mine weighs 4lbs, 6oz, without the power brick. I have no HDD (single m2 SSD), and have swapped the Blue Ray drive for the spacer (although this is maybe an ounce or two difference - the BD drive is freaky light).onkelosuppo and dennis96411 like this. -
Ok Great WhiteBoy! Thx shempmalone !
I only have one last question(s) before I am sure to go for this laptop.
WhiteBoy, you said the screen wasn't IPS. But are images good ? What are approximately viewing angles ? How could it be there is faulse advertisement everywhere saying it's IPS ??? -
And shempmalone, what is your impression about screen ?
Do you also think it is not IPS ? -
WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
Compared to my old p35k the angles are definetaly not the same but I can assure you the colours make up for it and plus I never said the angles were bad they are still great but not as the p35k. And when I got my p35k on the box specs it said IPS display but this one it only said full dj wide angle so now you see that the sites are wrong and the box is right
But still the screen is amazing -
Perhaps you can give us the monitor's model number.
Device Manager >> Monitors >> Generic PnP Monitor >> Details >> Hardware Ids -
Re the monitor, it is either not IPS, or is the weirdest IPS I have ever seen. The viewing angles are strange, in that it is clearly visible from a wide range of angles and there is not a lot of chrominance shift, but even a tiny movement (like a few degrees off center axis, vertically or horizontally) causes noticeable luminance shift, and it is not uniform across the screen. Still totally useable, and probably something I'll get used to. The colors are pretty good, but not astounding. I am a bit biased because I'm coming from an Alienware M17x r2 with the RGBLED screen, one of the best screens ever put in a loptop.
The model number of the panel is LGD040E. -
One of the best screens in a laptop was 13.1" FHD in Sony VPC-Z11 - almost full Adobe RGB coverage. Everything else afterwards looks drab and washed out. -
How is the battery life on this puppy?
What are rhe things i can do to lower the temps in this laptop other than repaste, use cooler? Any other way?
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EDIT: Hm... it's been a week since I ordered my laptop with GenTech PC, but my order status is still "Authorized". The anticipation is killing me.
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P35W v2 News
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by shempmalone, May 14, 2014.