I dont have pictures at the moment but one of the reasons I went through so much paste is because I was needing it on all of the ICs as well since the pads became dirty after a few repastes. That took the majority and then another reason is because at first I was repasting the top plate where the CPU heat pipe lands on the GPU heatsink. Lastly I dont have super steady hands and I tend to need to redo the paste once or twice until I feel I have it right. I have also been trying to be as careful as I can not to put too much paste making sure to cover just the shiny bit and as thin as the spreader would let me. And I do have a bit of ooze on all sides of the chip. I will take some pictures next time I get the chance idk if that will be this week though. Thanks for the info about the pads I had no idea they were that good I will see about transitioning to that if I cant get better results with the paste
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
For the GPU, messing with the .cfg files will only make afterburner more unstable and crash a hell of a lot more. What I would do to improve temps would be to set fan speed at 55% fixed mode, run the OC Scanner ability in the latest beta version of Afterburner (assuming you have the latest drivers). It’ll adjust your voltage frequency curve via an algorithm. Since you cannot manipulate any temperature or power limits, you artificially create one by limiting your fan speeds. It’s your worst case scenario. Test the OC. It should be in the 90%confidence interval, although anything above 60% is acceptable (that’s what Nvidia says not me). Run your fan at max speeds with the new curve applied and you should be good to go.
I don’t know whether this will help or not but I got my CPU stable at 3.6 al core at -150mv undervolt with 65A through the chip and 55W, 65W power limits. Temps are around 65-77C while playing siege on very high preset and taa at 45% of 2880*1620 -
i pulled the heat sink and the paste was a very hard and very thick goop, i've re-pasted with kryonaut only on the gpu and cpu and the temperatures for the CPU are now 40-47c at idle and 83-86c under load.
the problem for me now is though that it keeps on blue screening. i've redone windows, i've tried a different ssd, updated all drivers and firmwares, i've cleaned and re-seated the ram.. but it's looking like a problem with the ram which i'm a bit dissapointed with. going to run memtest for a while and see how i go.MiSJAH likes this. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Have run memtest and singled out a stick of RAM of the four. Tested it in both the aorus and another laptop, it fails in both, so it's the RAM and not the new board. I only got the extra RAM in August last year so I'll return it to the shop I purchased from and see what happens.Attached Files:
Need a replacement keyboard for X5 V7 is it possible?
Address: MendIT Ltd Unit 1 Magnesium Court Burnley Bridge Industrial Estate Burnley Lancashire England BB12 7BF
Technical Support: 08442449999
Email: [email protected] -
Nice it's only up road maybe I can go pick one up. How are you overclocking this thing do you do it through bios?
Wonder if I need to repaste, tried prime 95, went right up to 93 degrees, didnt go over 3.4ghz and went down to 3.14ghz, seems looking at HWINFO as if it can't g over 3.8GHz?
Are all programs reporting CPU frequency wrong with a max turbo bost of 3.819GHz?
Ok it was Throttlestop,however at -150V the CPUand 3.45GHz and im at 95 degrees! The air doesn't even seem that hot coming out of it
What could the issues be? Now applied thermal grizzly onto CPU/GPU and re pasted the bit on top connecting the two heatsinks together. At -0.150 the temperature is 95 at 3.7GHz so I guess it has improved but still this seems a bit crap no?
Do these settings seem ok?
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnvSU3cnBZfNjRCBrcAHEYfEFlSZLast edited: Feb 24, 2019 -
The temps are excessive still. -
95,91,93,94. Not sure how anyone can get to 4.4?
I'm currently using a Clevo until the 17" AORUS makes an appearance. -
CPU should run hotter given the undervoltage? Also GPU seems to be more power limited than my GE72 from MSI, on this I get a 52MHz overclock using OC scanner and on the MSI was 150MHz, not sure if I should keep the Aorus or stick the the MSI, MSI quieter, higher GPU overclock (not on all games), CPU in aveeaga with the gigabyte is 400MHz higher, better screen on the gigabyte too, tough call.
check that the fins of your heatsink aren't dusty and blocked, are you raising the laptop off the desk? using the little feet provided? i also put an old usb card reader under the front of mine so the laptop is raised level off the desk and it keeps things cooler.
i've got the 1080 maxq and i can overclock GPU by 250mhz+ no sweat but there isn't much point as at stock speeds it runs everything i want quite happily.
everyone keeps telling me the maxq is a waste of money but it's a pretty damn sweet gpu and i can get better than 1080 clocks and performance out of it easy. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
I can't use my trackpad :/
The laptop fans spin up incredibly quick, now if I don't undervoltage it and turn on prime 95 there is instant throttle as instant 95 degrees is reached! -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Might even be excess power being delivered to the CPU and GPU. Try limiting the tdp of the chip in XTU -
What should I set TDP for at 4GHz? Also, if they leaked fluid what should I be looking for? There is no telltale signs on the board of fluid leak? Surely it'd do some damage?
The heatsinks also look very clean, I've applied thermal grizzly onto it now also, and I can see temps still bad as mentioned.
One plus I can see from this laptop is at 3.4GHz it's going to be cooler than the 7700HQ as can undervolt more. But I want to try get a nice comfy 4GHz without blowing my eardrums.
Is it worth unlocking my BIOS assuming it's possible?
**Interesting - lowering processor ICC Max 5A seems to help?Last edited: Feb 25, 2019 -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Try going to custom, then fixed mode and then 100%
Try running the tests thenMiSJAH likes this. -
Certainly would never use the laptop at 100% fan though unless headphones on. -
It's on customize, "auto maximum"
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Can someone help with this issue?
I recently installed overwatch and somewhere during installation I got the Server Busy pop-up.
Cancel and X options are greyed out and you can only click Switch To... and Retry button.
These buttons do nothing and this message appears every 5 mins now.
What do I do?Attached Files:
Hi Aorus enthusiasts. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, so if anyone knows the right thread to post in, please let me know, and I'll toast this post and go post in the right forum or thread, or prehaps if you think I need to go post somewhere else entirely like overclockers or guru3d please let me know. I have looked in both of those and joined those forums but I don't see an obvious place to put my question.
And I've done a lot of searching on this site and other sites too.
Anyway, in case this is the right thread ( it seems there is only one giant thread for x5v6 )
I'm having a problem with the GPU crashing on x5v6 for about 3 months now.
It crashes frequently in games such as overwatch, fallout 4, and now, apex legends.
Strangely I can't get it to crash in furmark after 5 minutes, maybe I'm being lazy and not waiting long.
I have command and control all overclock on cpu and gpu all smallest, everything to the far left.
I found using afterburner and underclocking the gpu and memory all the way to the left helps a bit, makes me be able to run once or twice before it crashes again.
Without afterburner, it will crash every game.
I posted another thread in the hardware forum, was advised to upload a hw64 log, and other forum members read that log and then advised to maybe get a larger power supply, which I did, I now have a 230W power supply. But I still have the problems.
Crashing is laptop freezes, get yellow verticle lines quite often, or screen of artifacts, sometimes screen just goes black, sound card goes haywire with loud buzzing sound, and laptop reboots itself.
I am uploading an example of a Hw64 log here (attached as a zip) in case that is going to be the first thing you want to see.
In looking at this log, I see two things under GPU that are look likely. I have not logged a lot of the columns because those log files get huge, so just limiting it to columns to do with voltage, power, and a few other columns.
There is no thermal issue, thermals are low.
So the only thing I see is under "performance limit - power" I see it is all "no" but then right before crash it starts changing to "yes".
You can see watts is never more than 102watts on the gpu.
dumb question: do laptop gpu's "die" ? if so, is this what the dying symptoms look like, what I am seeing?
thanks.Attached Files:
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Go to afterburner and press ctrl+F to bring up the Voltage curve
after that press shift and drag the curve all the way down
then runn fallout
it may be that your GPU my be unstable due to poor binning
if that works then keep dragging the curve up to see where you crash
just below it will be where your gpu may be stable
also did you try using DDU to uninstall your drivers in safe mode and then installing a fresh version?
It could be a driver issuebwolmarans likes this. -
I should note that this problem did not occur during the first two years of owning this laptop, the problem started 3 months ago. I do install latest nvidia drivers, not the very old ones recommended by "drivers update".
I will try the fan curve and report. thank you. -
The fan curve trick, tedious as it is to click those tiny dots and move them all, seems to be working. I am really thankful, thank you. I wonder why in my other post, 3 months ago, nobody suggested that? Maybe I didn't provide enough data, wrong data. I am hoping I don't have to buy another laptop, and this permanently fixes it. Will that fan curve stay like that for next time, or do I have to make it each time?
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Press shift and then drag the thing down after clicking on the flat area of the graph
bwolmarans likes this. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
IDK but try troubleshooting the problem by isolating the cause of the problem by eliminating the source of the issue
Try undervolting the CPU and see whether that is the cause of the problem
IDK about GPUs going bad and I think the best thing would be to start a ticket with Aorus RMA -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
I am having input lag from my keyboard when I use it what can be wrong?
So far, the magic number is -700 which is I get by shift-click-dragging down the curve to -700.
No more crashes in 2 days of gaming which I think to me means there will not be any more crashes, because I have never had 2 days of gaming with no crashes before.
No undervolting is being done at the moment.
So if we say the source of the problem was the clock speed of the GPU being too high, what does that mean is the root cause? -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Game crashing happens to me in Anthem too t stock speeds but if I underclock it at High preset and at ntive resolution, i get around24-36 FPS which beats logic since in afterburner its -1375 or something on the core. Anyway, there need to be serious optimizations done.
Run dxdiag and hwinfo64 to see whether there is something anomalous with the gpu like incorrect core count or shader units, etc. apart from that contact the other much smarter people than me im not much help beyond this pointbwolmarans likes this. -
Anyone know where I can get replacement screws for the heatsink as I feel I can't screw it down enough onto the GPU which will cause some overheating. The screws seem to not come out and are in a spring.
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Also, If you think that it is not making adequate contact then find the area where there is less pressure and put more thermal compound.
IDK about screws though, ask one of the other guys -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra likes this.
Hi - Has anyone else with an Aorus X5 V6 have a loose power connector on the rear of their laptop? It is so loose it falls out if I move the laptop slightly.
I have contacted Gigabyte support as my laptop is still under warranty and as I am in Ireland I would have to send it to a computer in the UK for them to look at it.
I contacted them and they said it would require a complete motherboard replacement, which is totally overkill in my opinion.
I have tried another connector of the same size and it seems to fit nicely so I think it may be a worn power connector rather than a issue with the connector in the laptop.
Any advice would be appreciated, also does anyone know where to buy a new powersupply (for use in Ireland & UK)?
Thanks! -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Mine is like that too and most of the time I use it on a desktop while gaming, with the cord connected, or on my lap while watching videos without it.
If it is just the chord then just replace the power brick
If not, then there my be a problem with the motherboard connector -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
This is basically underclocking your GPU
Just like when your CPU is supposed to be running at 4.0 GHz, but is running at 3.7
Research online and search what could be wrong with your system.
This is just a stopgap -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Hey guys
This is pretty much typical me by now but I've messed up again.
Hear me out though, because it's not my fault.
So I was getting really terrible reception at my home here and I though I update the driver for the wifi since I remember that wifi for the 1535 ac is terrible.
Now, my pc won't boot. It won't even hit the splash screen!
Any suggestions from anyone?
Please help as soon as you can I've got an internship coming up!
@MiSJAH @Killer_Networking @knibbler @hmscott @Papusan
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Arvindr56789, Dec 3, 2016.