Do you have an external monitor or TV to boot in with?
Are your fans kicking on?
Is your Keyboard lighting up?
I have had issues in the past with another laptop not recognizing its own display but connecting another one worked
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
When I press the power button it shows some hard drive usage on the indicator but that goes out, the device power cycles and then there is no hard drive activity.
All the while the fans spin without keyboard lights -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
How do I reset NVAM?
I tried to refresh cmos by disconnecting the battery and holding the power button for 10 seconds
I also did the same when I disconnected the cmos battery just in case. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
-> The gigabyte service center outright refused to work on this device since they had never seen the product and didn't have any literature or components on it. They recommended a third party repair center.
->The second repair center did not know what was wrong since all the rails along the components was working correctly but they couldn't figure out why that was so and they sent me to a third repair place
-> The third repair place disassembled the entire laptop and checked to find out what was wrong. In the end, the BIOS chip was so fubar that it couldn't recognise what was on the BIOS chip. There was also a resistor that was pulling down the rails coming into the BIOS. He used an SPI programmer to try and program the BIOS chip with the BIOS. The chip was totally fried.
How can a software update fry the system up so much that it ****s up the BIOS and a resistor?
P.s. can a cpu overclock from c&c cause this?
P.p.s. can an undervolt from xtu cause this? -
I haven't seen any Cpu overclock and or undervolt is able to do this (Remember the notebook manufacturers gimp the firmware so hard that people can barely oc their hardware). The power Management must been very screwed up to be able to do this mess. At least you found the culprit. Hope it works out for you. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Ashtrix, MiSJAH and Shauryya Pratap Mishra like this.
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Prolly beating a dead horse by this time, but calamity struck again!
I was casually sitting and playing Project Cars connected to an external display when the whole system just upped and shut itself up.
I tried booting up the system and it became a simpleton. After seconds of entering windows, the entire system just flashes a color and then becomes blank.
I tried re-starting it a few different ways, and it didn't work.
I pressed F9 for system recovery and was on my way to safe mode when I saw Aorus Smart Recovery. I thought that it would fix my problems since I had a -150mV underclock on the CPU which was stable at 3.6Ghz on all cores at around 86A or something with +100 on the core and +500 on the memory, and a reset of all my windows settings would remove the software OC of XTU and Afterburner.
This bad boy wiped my entire system clean. ALL MY DRIVES!
It flashed some image of windows onto it and screwed it up even more so much so that I had to re-format all the drives, from a parent computer, and then re-flash windows onto the SSD.
My question is, is it possible to corrupt the OS from SOFTWARE OVERCLOCK!
Why in the world is there no description next to Aorus Smart Recovery in the F9 menu? -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
I knew that but didn't want to accept it :/
I can't overclock or tweak anything on my system anymore
I don't think I can even update my graphics driver without it screwing the entire OS up.
Aorus TrashPapusan likes this. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Or if I used the ASUS ones for the mobile GTX 1070 cards?
Both of these are available on the techpowerup website -
Not sure if you can use the one from Asus.
But ask in this thread if someone can confirm what will work for you Pratap Mishra likes this. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
But post your questions there if none pop up here and know what will works. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
I can't help with vbios switching between different laptops.
And this stuff is tricky especially if different boards use different VRM's. Desktop cards have exploded in the past (or failed to work) by people using vbioses designed for a custom board with a different VRM layout. This isn't quite the same as on laptops (Don't try this on RTX cards unless Prema tells you it's ok) but I can't help nor can I take responsibility either. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
thank you for your help @Papusan @Falkentyne
Is there anything I should know about flashing the vBIOS of a GPU?
About the process or the software? -
Look at the video. You find more guides on YouTube or on the web.
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Thank you -
If you are sure the display is not dead, then, try a different power supply.
When you hold down the right lower trackpad corner do you have 4 LED lights indicating full battery?
If you have no lights, maybe the power supply is dead.
Finally, if you are sure it was the wifi driver, then the wifi card is very easy to remove, power off, unplug power supply, run battery down, do whatever you need to do to make sure there is no power and fully powered off, then open the back ( some screws are longer than others, so tape the screws to the right hole so you know how to put back ) and use a spudger or tweezers to carefully remove the two wifi attena connectors by prising on the gold connectors, not pulling the wire, so remove the two wifi attena from the wifi card, then remove the wifi card, set is aside and tape over the wifi connectors. then you can try put power supply back on, and try to boot. by the way I changed to intel wifi card, easy, cheap, much better. -
Yes, this is normal behavior of aorus smart recovery. I have had this learning experience myself. it does provide a warning, but maybe not strong enough warning if I got fooled and you also got fooled. in my case, it did not wipe all my drives, just my system c:\ drive which was on a separate m2 stick.
So, something happened which is worthy of another update to my thread within a thread.
I believe in the last 30 or 40 days a windows update got pushed, at least one update, probably two, and sometime in those updates, I think after the first one, my problem went away. That's right: I no longer have the GPU crashing. I no longer run afterburner and shift-drag the curve down. My card is running steady at 1443 Mhz ( yes, Aorus has normal 1070, not max-q ). Hope this helps someone, or that someone at least finds it interesting. I sure do. over and out.
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Also, do you have an X5 V6?
Could you share your vBIOS? -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
So there is a slight version mismatch on nvflash and it wants to reconfirm whether I want to flash it or not.
Should I do it?Attached Files:
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Arvindr56789, Dec 3, 2016.