Any chnges to the bios?
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Does anyone use constant voltage instead of adaptive voltage? What are its pros and cons?
What's the max amount of overclock and undervolt that you have had on your GPU?
Also, can someone have a skype, whatsapp or discord call to help me repaste my cpu and gpu?
The last time I tried that, I apparantly fried the board and have had to send it for RMA twice to get it fixed.Last edited: Jun 14, 2018 -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
My CPU is unstable at -0.070V at 3.7 and 3.8 GHz but stable at 3.9GHz at well over -0.090V during an XTU stress test.
Is there any explanation for that? -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Also just got my laptop bavk from Gigabyte RMA after a month and the laptop shows hardware failure detected during an AIDA64 stress test.
Any reasons for this? -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Will do
But at the moment am running 10 passes of memtest86
I got a page fault error in non pages area or something while playing rainbow six seige at said 3.9GHz OC and +100 on core and +150 on mem.
Ruling out memory and cache as fault at the moment
Have screenshots from even viewer of the time of bsod.
Whocrashed shows the crash reason to be a custom code or something -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
I believe that the memory is under the keyboard and not accessible easily
How do I get there? -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
So here is some data that I collected.
->AIDA64 stress test with cpu fpu and cache at 3.9 GHz, -0.090V and 3.7GHz on the cache as a baseline of values that it does during an OC and undervolt across all cores (idk whether that helpful or not but still there)
->AIDA64 stress test with cpu fpu and cache at 4.0GHz, -0.040V and 3.8GHz on the cache which failed after 23 minutes and 1 second (sorry that the data file continues for god knows how long after that, I fell asleep on the laptop) along with a screenshot of the main AIDA 64 page.
->Crash dump analysis from WhoCrashed and HWInfo for when I did an AIDA64 stress test with cpu fpu and cache at 4.0GHz, -0.050V and 3.8GHz on the cache.
->Screenshots from event viewer of reboot after crash (if that helps, no data of crash or during reboot)
->Data from last BSOD showing error page fault in non pageable area in even viewer. Sorry I didn't have HWinfo running that time
The crash was most probably a BSOD. I cannot access the battery as of now since I do not have the required screw driver to open the backplate. Will attempt that on Tuesday or Wednesday, when I get home
I shall put the link to a Google drive for all of this since I cannot upload all of this data here:
CheersMiSJAH likes this. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
this is the correct link (hopefully) -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
@Papusan @MiSJAH @g85222456 any help?
Maybe @hmscott could help. He's a knowledgeable guy? -
And you have overheating. Maybe run Aida64 again and follow up Hwinfo as a hawks while running. But this time maybe lower clocks to pick out the overheating. Lower clocks means you may rule out stability problems due overheating or too low voltage.
And for the records... You run an easier Aida64 stress test for finding max temp. Check only “Stress FPU” box means higher Cpu temperatures than you get with all 3 boxes on top checked.
You can also run different tests (different boxes checked) for testing different types problems
I’m on a phone and on summer vacation with bad internet. Google Who Crashed results if they continue come in log. Good luck.Last edited: Jul 2, 2018 -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
I just got a bsod with memory management something
It was too fast for me to read...the bios just stopped showing the ram after removing the battery and power cycling and rebutting the battery inside...let's see what happens -
Run to find the cause. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
It is overwriting my dumps I dont know why.
I am going through validating all my drivers, doing a chkdsk and sfc/scannow and a memory diagnostic run the whole day today.
WIll get back to you with results.
Also, while in the loading screen of Rainbow Six Siege, the temperature keeps ramping up despite of fans being on the max settings -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
While on the idle screen itself, the GPU goes to 90C.
At 3.8GHz and -100mV undervolt I get 85-87 in game whereas the idle screen temps are around 75-85
I asked my RMA rep to apply aftermarket thermal paste (liquid metal and non) and I said i would be willing to pay for said thermal paste and he said, and I quote, "We do not provide liquid thermal paste for service, the stock paste is selected according to the parameter of the unit when we designed it."
I do not think that it was within the design parameter of the unit to reach such temperatures.
Also to note, the CPU just keeps ramping up in temperature regardless of fan speed and undervolt. -
1. actually re-paste the grease may work (make it evenly distributed on the surface of die and never get it too thick)
2. check if there's any hidden program cause the temperature of CPU ramp -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Also, how do I find them?
Is Noctua NT H1 any good?
I have been "warned" not to repaste the CPU or GPU: "Please do not reapply thermal paste as it will void the warranty on your unit"
Idk how to play the photos but here goes
The cpu silicon is "scratched" on the top surface.
There was a sticky gooey substance on the VRAM which I promptly removed and I applied thermal paste on top of them.
Repeated everything and tada
Attracting and error code 43 on the gpu in device manager
Artifacting on the screen
What do I do -
2. Personally I will recommend Thermal Gizzly and of course if your warranty hasn't expired yet maybe try not to do so -
Papusan likes this.
Hey everyone
I can't get the "less than" symbol to work. It's the left arrow symbol like this: " < " (I had to copy/paste that one from somewhere.) Shift+comma does nothing.
The key pressed by itself works fine as I can type comma's: ,,,,,,,
I've tried with both shift keys so they're probably not the issue.
I've tried all other shift-key combos including the greater than > symbol and they're fine.
I'm on the lastest Aorus fusion (3.8.3) but I also tried rolling it back to 3.8.1.
I have updated everything, and I think my keyboard firmware is the latest too (version 1.2.0) .. I haven't tried rolling that back. I'm on Windows 10 also up to date. My Bios is FB07 / F003.
Anyone know of a fix? Can any of you test it out and let me know if yours is working ok?
Thanks -
I've not noticed that I can get the < symbol to type but it's a bit weird - I have to press shift+comma but then keep comma held down and then release shift FIRST - it then types "<".. but if I have to do it quick or I get "<,,,,,,,,," lol -
I think I just bricked my kb... I used firmwareupdater app from within the aorusfusion folder and now it doesnt work at all... no lights and no keypress registration. The app I used now says :
I beg you some1 help, google has nothing... - -
I just opened Drivers Update and saw that there was an update available for Aorus Fusion from 3.8.3 to 3.8.4.. After installing it from the app -- my antivirus is going crazy.. Bit Defender says tons of files that are in the AorusFusion folder as well as some in the DriversUpdate folder are infected with "Atc4.Detection"
Is anyone else getting this? -
Question about GTX 1070 driver. Which is better, offical AORUS driver, or final GTX from Geforce?
MiSJAH likes this.
Help me out brothers. @Jared_T @hmscott @Papusan @Shauryya Pratap Mishra @tps3443 @g85222456 @Tonrac
I have recently swapped from the X5 V6 to the X5 V7 and my firestrike scores are much worse:
V7 - 14,639, CPU all 4 cores @ 4.2Ghz, Uncore @ 4.1Ghz, -0.100V & GPU; 1,936 MHz core and 2,152 MHz memory
V6 - 15,919, CPU all 4 cores @ 4.1Ghz, Uncore @ 3.8Ghz, - 0.070V & GPU; 1,873 MHz core and 2,152 MHz memory
What gives? Shouldn't I be getting better results with a better CPU?
Thanks.Last edited: Aug 18, 2018 -
MiSJAH likes this.
MiSJAH likes this.
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Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Run a full system scan, and the Windows Defender Offline Scan
I would go to msconfig to enable only the services and boot processes that are essential to the running of the laptop, windows and firestrike.
Disconnect all internet access, if possible.
Uninstall all aorus software, and possibly disable all other processes and services during run so that you can eliminate as many variables from the performance drop equation.
Enable those processes and services in batches, for example re-enable microsoft processes, firewalls and other application to find which batch has the most performance drop.
Re-run the test after enabling each batch.
I know that this is tedious but its what I would do to find the culprit.
For a more apples to apples comparison, I would suggest you similarly clock the CPU and GPU.
If you already solved the problem, then this would be a moot exercise.
Tell us how far you've gotten and how have you solved it (if you solved it).
Have you changed any of the hardware or repasted the dies?
As I said before, this would be a moot discussion if you already solved the problem
What this seems to me though is that that chip is not good at all.
Its been binned too much due to defects that may have crept as nVidia overestimated the crypto bubble and tried to overproduce to fulfill the artificial and hyper inflated demand of pascal cards, either to be the good guy and let everyone have Pascal cards, be it miners and gamers, or be the real villain and try to push as many (highly overproduced) cards as they could before they released Turing and showed people that the cards that they bought at hyper inflated prices were suddenly obsolete.
Again, the last part is just my theory and may not completely be true.
Shauryya Pratap Mishra
nVidia, please send me an RTX 2080Ti
Thanx -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
Anyone got any comparisons between the 1920*1080 120Hz display vs the 2880*1620 60Hz display?
I had it on my x5v6 and really liked it.
It was very fast and responsive.
What i didnt like is the colors are really bad. Blacks are grey or brown.
I adjusted the gamma and that helped but caused other problems as well.Shauryya Pratap Mishra likes this. -
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
How would you guys rate a score of 11112 for the V6?
Shauryya Pratap Mishra Notebook Consultant
The ones we use are cooler master thermal paste. For exact model I do not know. We will generally test with our own software to make sure when its on full load the speed doesn’t throttle and the temperatures are correct. We also test the unit under 3DMark Fire Strike and the score is 11112 and matches unit performance specs.
This is the mail I got from Gigabyte customer service when I asked whether the problems with my unit were solved.
That's all the info I have. I was hoping you guys would have a better idea. Never ran firestrike myself -
Who's dealing with your situation, local support or TW?
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Arvindr56789, Dec 3, 2016.