Did you put a thermal pad on it like the factory one or heatsink?
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Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
Last edited: Apr 4, 2018 -
benson881 likes this.
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FHD for GTX1080 is a huge disappointment. For the x9 i9, FHD is a travesty especially paying near 4k for the unit.
Sent from my SM-N950U using TapatalkTonrac likes this. -
Check out what my X7 V7 does. For a soldered GTX1070, I would say its doing a phenomenal job. creeping up on GTX1080 desktop. And smashing any MAX Q in its way.
https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/25969741 -
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkGTVEVO likes this. -
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I wish they would have offered the 2880x1620 G-Sync IPS options in the new X9. A GTX1080 would run that perfectly 60+ in anything. Especially once it is overclocked.
I'm just ready to see 1440P, 165hz, IPS, G-Sync options in laptops. I really like my 4K panel, but I mainly wanted it for the calibration, and IPS technology. It seems like every other display option is either 1080P IPS, or 1440 TN. -
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I do not think they are Volta. I believe they will be called GTX Ampere
Found a new video of these guys for those interested
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Meh to this update, though it would be cool if Aorus was actually timely in getting it out. Though frankly it's a terrible time to be buying a high end laptop, due to current top end GPU tech being 2~ years old.
Jared_T likes this. -
Sent from my SM-G955F using TapatalkMiSJAH likes this. -
However you slice it I'm playing at 3k with everything maxed in every game and the lowest frame rate I have is in the 80s and a steady 80s at that. That's the toughest one, the majority run on the 120 cap. It is BTW a novel experience for me, I've been gaming on laptops since they existed and at some points we were so far behind desktops that some games were unplayable for me, just weren't worth doing. The ones that could be played were not necessarily handled well, I just settled for the best I could do with what was out there. Not anymore, not only can my laptop play the latest games, it kicks sand in their faces and walks away with the girl. It's hard to get overly excited about newer/ better tech when you're in that position.
MiSJAH likes this. -
It’s going to be even better when Ampere comes out. 4K will be mainstream. Even a low end gpu will push 35-60FPS in 4K.
Mid range will push 65-100 most likely making 4K 100+hz in a laptop required.
I feel the same way though! I’m playing BF1 in 4K and I’m just loving it getting 52-59fps almost all the time. My gpu utilization is dropping to 42% sometimes because G-Sync is enabled so most of the time the gpu is being dialed back.
I can turn Gsync off and see 50-80fps on some maps. -
Overclocked, the gtx1070 is impressive at high resolutions. It holds its own in all Game titles.
Probably the least noticeable upgrade around is going from gtx1070, to gtx1080.
I remember when I had my gtx1070 for only a few weeks after launch, and I found a gtx1080FE on CL for like $350 I was in disbelief, thinking it’s a scam or something.. He sold it to me for $275 sealed in the box. The kid had no idea what he had, his school grant paid for it and mailed it to him for graphic design. It was like 3am and I had to drive 2 hours to get it, after I got there and bought it he was trying to sell me a 2TB 840 Pro for $60 bucks also sealed, crack head prices! I know!.. I only upgraded because it was a crazy deal.. and I sold my gtx1070 for $450 afterwards.
So I upgraded, and put $175 back in my pocket!
Who wouldn’t have done that!
One of those once in a lifetime CL deal experiences.
GTX10 series is getting old though lol. I’ve never seen a gpu make it past the 2 year mark, without next gen announced!
I think even the gtx980 only made it 19 months before gtx1080 was released. So, here we are 24 months or so in. And ampere is not released yet. It is impressive to say the least.Last edited: Apr 11, 2018 -
TDP = Thermal Design Power, this gets lowered within the software vbios or hardware pcb to meet the mounted cooling and PSU solution. Regardless you can't make up for cores and shaders, the 1080 is usually around 20%-25% faster and in its stock form and carries a typical 180watt TDP vs the 150watt TDP of the 1070. In the real world which depends upon the application design and target usage dependencies can skew this number which can be said for card comparison at several different levels.
Vistar Shook likes this. -
Just installed spring creators update and it failed to boot. Anyone else had issues with it?
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Vistar Shook likes this.
In my humble opinion, V8 gen is a disappointment. The 120Hz QHD screen is perfect for the Gtx1080 ... the FHD 144Hz screen is a regression ...
I will wait the v9 with, i hope next gen cpu @10nm, next gen gpu and maybe a QHD or 4K screen (i prefer QHD as i think it's a good compromise beetween having a higher resolution and the power needed for this.)
I have an X7DTV7 and i use QHD screen in native resolution, it give me 1.7 x more space for working and the game look gorgeous on it.
For the X7DT V7, my only regret is that aorus only give a little 255W PSU with the laptop ... so after one hour of game with the cpu @4.0Ghz, there was some battery drain and when the battery goes under 95%, the cpu begin to throttle.
I am happy now, i change the thermal paste with liquid metal only on the cpu (gpu stay with Kryonauth). Then i undervolt the cpu and Gpu and have a rock solid overclock @4.1Ghz -110Mv and gpu @ +110mhz core + 300 Mhz vram @950mv.
It made the laptop to draw 20/30w less power so the PSU become sufficient ... no more battery drain ... no more cpu throttle.
And a laptop with desktop performance level that i can carry everywhereLast edited: Apr 12, 2018Vistar Shook and GTVEVO like this. -
But either way. 2018 Q3 will have something.
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Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Unless you're using that gigantic "Not a laptop" laptop with the 21" screen, FHD on a 17" screen is not a sea of pixels. It's not like FHD on a 24" desktop monitor (which is barely acceptable). On a laptop, higher refresh rate is definitely better here. Smoother gameplay and extends the gsync limits. -
Before You got 120Hz on a QHD screen, now a 144hZ FHD ... and like we can always see aliasing on FHD screen, that also mean that the resolution is not high enough ... For now, QHD is the perfect balance beetween power and high resolution. And with 120Hz screen the gameplay is already smooth .... 144Hz is just a marketing thing. But, don't worry, it's just my opinion ... you can think that FHD is okay (you won't be alone) ... (like some guys think that 900p was okay on 15 inch laptop in the year 2011)
Last edited: Apr 12, 2018Vistar Shook likes this. -
Was the QHD 120hz screen IPS like the 144hz panel or the inferior TN panel?
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We’re almost 24 months in with Pascal and no announcements have been made.
Pascal will be 2 years old May 26th. She’s still not showing her age!Last edited: Apr 13, 2018 -
I’m in the same boat pretty much. I’m skipping these V8s I really don’t need more cpu. My X7 V7 is killing it. No sense in upgrading right nowTonrac likes this. -
it's my fault like i talk about the same subject on two different topic (here i complete with my experience with my aorus X7DTV7)
so i will copy paste my answer here :
"I am agree that IPS panel is better than TN ... but, i am not a graphist or photograph, just a gamer that prefer to have less aliasing on his screen with a QHD 120Hz screen that provide smooth gameplay with high definition pictures ... maybe in the future we will have QHD ips panel with hifgh refresh rate... but if you got better accurate colours with IPS ... you also loose the ability to have a better resolution (on the aorus series, i know that 4k ips screen exist on other laptop). Playing in FHD with a GTX1080 ... on a laptop that cost beetween 2800 and 3800€ (x7dtv8 and x9dt) ... it made me madwhen you think that the previous generation (like the X7DT i own) got QHD 120Hz screen..."
I will add that the pantone xrite profile correct some issue with the TN panel (without doing miracle) ... I can't honestly recommand the QHD TN 120Hz panel to someone who work as a graphist or photograph, but for a majority of users (gamers) ... the colour accuracy (with the pantone calibration) will be enough and having a QHD 120Hz make the game looking awesome ( less aliasing /smooth gameplay and don't need the horsepower for 4K gaming) ... QHD add 1.7x more surface for working and can be used at native resolution without scalling (unlike 4K screen).
Like we see some 27 inch 4K ips 144Hz panel coming in the market, there is some hope to see one day QHD/4K ips 144hz panel on our laptop.
I know that some of you will say that FHD screen is sufficient, but the majority of the guys saying this don't have a QHD screen in their laptop (and never saw it in action) ... That remind me the debate (2011) when manufacturers goes from 900P screen to FHD screen on 15 inch laptop
At that old time (2011), i was thinking that 900P was sufficient ... but if you ask me now i can't have a 15 inch laptop with a resolution inferior to FHD.
Apple include high resolution screen on their laptop since a long time (you can see 13" laptop with resolution up to QHD) ... the issues on PC are hardware (having enough power to run game at high resolution, and the 1080 is already capable of QHD gaming) and software (some profesionnal software don't scale well with High resolution screen) ... but those issues concern 4K resolution and not QHD that can be used on a 17 inch screen in native resolution without scaling. So this is why i talk about regression, unless you are a graphist or photograph, the TN QHD 120Hz screen will provide you a really good experience with enough colour accuracy, great resolution, smooth gameplay with 120Hz ... (144hz vs 120hz sound like a pro-gamer marketing thing)
Excuse me for my english, it's not my native languageLast edited: Apr 13, 2018 -
Guys, 4K ips Pantone is awesome! The image quality is rediculous. I needed the viewing angle to be superb, and the colors are silly good. I use 100% scaling, the room to work is nice. Your eyes take adjusting to see the tiny font, and after just a few minutes of manipulation of windows, or just doing work they will become strained sorta. But, the space is fantastic.
Some games like plants vs zombies, I scale to 6-7K for my kids at about 30-40fps. It looks just rediculously good.
I have never tried high refresh rate gaming, so I don’t know any better..
Although, I’m curious. And it has caught my interest!
I’ve found these new 1080P 17” 144Hz panels on ebay for $159 I’m curious to try one, and swap my 4K out to see what all this ranting is about.
Here’s the link to the (1080P) 144Hz
It’s so cheap, you could just swap back and forward when you need to.
I’ve found that 4K medium settings on my display looks much better than say, 1440P stretched to my screen with ultra high graphics. But it’s only because it has to stretch the resolution. I wish I could try 1440 120hz, or 1080 144.
I feel like I’m missing out on something? Maybe I’m not..I’m happy with my performance at 4K. But I do play a lot of BF1 and even Overwatch. So maybe I’d have an advantage with 1080P 144HzLast edited: Apr 13, 2018 -
I agree that 4k IPS screen is awesome. Like you can see in my signature, i am also an owner of a P37Xv6 with 4K screen.
But unfortunately, Gpu horsepower is not sufficient right now to have all the game smooth and fluent with such a resolution. (maybe tomorrow with volta or his successor)
It's great you can use your 4k screen without scaling ... i really don't know if you would benefit for a 144Hz screen ... my experience on my QHD 120Hz screen is that on some game, it add a more pleasant and fluent gaming experience. But i really doubt that it will give you really a big advantage in multiplayer (for me it sound like a pro-gamer marketing thing : "Hey with your 144hz screen you will kill your enemies before they can see you ... more fps ... more Frag").
For your bad 1440P experience, you are right, it's because it's stretched on your screen and you will have a different experience if it was the native resolution of your screen.
To be honest the QHD Tn 120Hz is good but not as good as an ips screen, so it depend on your needs.
You need to work on pictures --> no go : Tn screen is not as accurate as IPS (for my needs, Pantone profile correct a lot some weakness of the panel, like i am a gamer, colours are accurate enough to enjoys my game ... also watching a movie is not an issue).
Do you really need viewing angle ? Yes --> No go : Ips have better viewing angle (for my needs, i don't care, i don't need someone to look at my screen while i use my laptop .. and i am in front of it when i use it)
If you go to a FHD screen, you will divide your room to work by 4,and if you go to a QHD by 2.25 ... (just to be clear, when i said that there is no QHD / 4K screen on aorus series, i talk about the V8 generation not the previous gen)
Last edited: Apr 13, 2018Vistar Shook likes this. -
I mean everyone knows even a gtx1070 or better yet a gtx1080 is a 4K high settings graphics card. No AA of course.
And there’s always that 1 game that cripples any GPU lol in any generation, and it hurts your feelings!
But, we’re pretty much there id say.
Doom, BF1, BF4, Fallout 4, CODWWII, Starwars Battlefront II, watchdogs 2, Plants vs Zombies, NFS Pay Back.
All of these titles run amazing even sometimes maxed out completely.
I think if you strapped a 4K panel to your X7 V7 DT, with a heavy overclock running no AA. You would come back saying, man this laptop runs virtually anything in 4K, and you’d be very surprised.
I will say this, the one game that just slams my Laptop in 4K, is Kingdom Come Deliverance! And it even cripples a Titan XP for that matter.
While 4K is playable with a combination of Ultra and med settings mixed it still only manages like 37 FPS avg but it’s a slow paced game, so that’s still playable.Last edited: Apr 13, 2018 -
I agree with all what you said ... the fact is that i like to play my games with all their eye candy stuff (to be clear i like playing my game at ultra setting /maxed out) ... the only setting i can turn off is AA (because with 4K or even QHD, we can disable this feature)
But some games put the 1080 in difficulty even with QHD resolution : Deus Ex Mankind Divided : 51fps at QHD ultra setting ... still playable but not perfect.
I agree that i exaggerate when i said this "But unfortunately, Gpu horsepower is not sufficient right now to have all the game smooth and fluent with such a resolution. (maybe tomorrow with volta or his successor)"
It's because i appreciate running my game maxed out... so when i saw how Deus Ex MD, Assassin's creed Origin are hungry on QHD ... i can't imagine running it at 4K screen. I imagine also the futur AAA title .... that's why it may me think that it's better waiting next gen gpu for playing at 4K resolution.
But you are right ... we can already play at 4K resolution with a good experience
Good game -
For productivity, it goes ultrawide, 4k, then 100hz.
Obviously this is a statement of opinion, and others might have a different view.Vistar Shook likes this. -
so having a QHD 120Hz screen allow the best of both world
like i already said, it will be great to have 4k IPS screen and 120hz (or more)
it will happen ... someday -
I mostly play BF1 all day lol. So it’s pretty smooth, but I don’t need perfect 60.
But it stays consistent at 48-75 with G-Sync off
I’m a little more relaxed with frame rates as G-Sync helps smooth things out in the lower end, but after about 45 is my threshold lol it’s buzzing but not wavvyyLast edited: Apr 13, 2018 -
Also, some TN’s are IPS worthy.
The Dell G-Sync 24” and 27” 1440P monitors are both Tn displays @144, and 165Hz respectively.
They look like IPS displays, with impressive viewing angles.
I just don’t get why laptop panels do not make them this good, if they can. -
What probably happened is a 120hz qhd IPS screen probably costs $20-40 more and not enough laptop manufacturers we're on board to justify making the panel model to make it worthwhile for both parties. Maybe next year.Vistar Shook likes this. -
Well I know that Dell doesn’t make the panel, but the funny thing is.. There both the cheapest 165Hz 1440P monitors in the whole industry.
The 24” G-Sync 1440P model is 165Hz and $379 in store at Best Buy. While the 27” was $449 in store but only 144Hz
Cheaper than all the competition, even at higher Newegg pricing. But a much better panel lol. -
Vistar Shook likes this.
Aorus X5 V7, X7 V7, DT X7 all estimated for June release in USA
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by laserbullet, May 18, 2017.