my guess is that it can't find your color profiles. Hopefully you didn't do something like a clean windows install before backing up your Pantone calibration profile. The profile should be in C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\drivers\color and should start with GGG_
Does anyone have a backup of the Aorus original files that I could use to reinstall windows with like on USB?
I could pay for shipping and for helping me out.
I tried to reset my PC to factory settings to try and get my X rite Pantone color profiles to work
It was stuck on 27% overnight. My battery died and now my Operating system is TOAST!
I’ve tried to fix it with no luck.. so, the drive is formatted now.
Unfortunately I do not have another computer to make a bootable usb drive and use my key.
I guess even just plain win 10 iso on a usb would be very much appreciated! Microsoft has it for download on there website. But, I’m a sitting duck without a computer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you guys in advance! -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
You're still going to need a valid VLK key however. I think some of them let you install Pro or Enterprise from the same ISO. -
Have similar issue on my X7.
The color segment is grey sometimes when starting up in C&C. Other times it is lit up. Except the first day I got the laptop, have not been able to adjust that setting. Even when lit up clicking the box does nothing.
Currently it's on native setting. Would like a warmer lool overall.Last edited: Mar 18, 2018 -
Do you guys think Aorus would give me another OEM Home Edition serial key?
Or would I have to send them the Laptop?
I’m considering sending it in to get my Pantone X rite working anyways.
What would you guys do?
Mail it to then, let them install the windows with key and factory Aorus color profile and settings?
Install windows buy another serial key, and deal without the Pantone color profile. -
Sent from my SM-N950U using TapatalkSvegetto likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
You have TPM right?
The laptop has the serial keys embedded in the Bios. If you check the windows 10 OS thread in the main top section, there should be a post by Phoenix on how to retrieve that key.Svegetto and Vistar Shook like this. -
Falkentyne likes this.
The version of Windows installed is OEM. If you try and install Win 10 home/pro/whatever it will not activate.
I've been advised by AORUS to send my X5 to an authorised service partner to have re-imaged, I'm hesitant to do so.hmscott likes this. -
It activated it. I downloaded iso from Microsoft win 10 64bit booted to usb quick install. And it’s activated.
I still couldn’t get Command Control to let me choose color profiles. It is still “Grayed Out”
I was able to install the Pantone Color from the Aorus driver updated program, this would never work before.
Then going in to device settings to add a color profile I can manually select the one I want.
But... There are about (6) different profiles sRGB, RGB, MTX, AUO139, and a few more like 6000, 6500, and 6800.
Anyone know which profile it is that was professionally calibrated?hmscott likes this. -
You might have looked before the install, then you could have seen what changed, for future reference, it's always good to inventory (look) before you install (leap).
Even so, if I knew the AUO139 was new after the install, I'd still try them all (generic profiles, all profiles) on sample images that I knew from viewing on other correctly calibrated devices, just to get an A=>B perspective on which I "liked" better, that helps me be confident in the custom profile.
Otherwise I'd check out a color calibrator device from the local Library and make my own profile on my own screen - often there are variances in production and individual panels that make it hard to "share" a calibrated profile, and get 100% satisfaction from the profile on a wide range of screen samples. -
The CRX 1200 looks like a printer color profile, do you have a printing device with those letters / number? -
You can find out the Hw id in device manager or by using hwinfo. Each folder should have a bunch of profiles which are compatible with that screen. The numbers indicate the color temperature they are calibrated to.hmscott likes this. -
Usually I unpack the zip file for the installer and find the folder with the selection of ICC profiles, and find the screen name / details that matches my screen.
He did say he installed the profile, so that's all he / we have to work with, until he tries unpacking that installer file. -
FWIW, I don't use these profiles at all... They are generic and not calibrated for your specific panel. Whatever you are trying to accomplish, the colors aren't going to be accurate unless you use an actual colorimeter on your panel. If the colors bother you that badly, it's worth the $100 investment and you can calibrate every monitor in your house and anything you get in the future with it. Most people don't care about the colors that bad unless they are photographers or dislike having side by side monitors being slightly off in whites. My two cents.
hmscott likes this. -
Monitor Name (Manuf): AUO B173ZAN01.3
The color profiles are not a huge deal. Ive just never gotten them to work. Id be curious to see it.hmscott likes this. -
It looks like the installer didn't install it, the specific one for your screen.
It's possible it's on the file system, and their script failed to take the step to push the screen icc into the color management system.
Maybe do a search in the System for AUOB173 or AUO173 ? And then source that ICC and load it.Last edited: Mar 19, 2018 -
hmscott likes this.
Apparently the CRX1200 profiles are for the Sharp IGZO 4K panel.
I’m reading it’s the same as my panel? Only without the gloss?hmscott likes this. -
How smart for Aorus to put the serial key right in the Bios. I mean its genius! Ive never purchased a OEM system before. I have always built my own desktop Since about 2003. So, this is my first Laptop that's worth a damn. Being how expensive video cards are, Building a PC did not make any sense.
My windows was activated already, and I didn't even know it!hmscott likes this. -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
Enviado de meu Pixel 2 usando Tapatalk -
Quite common for a few windows generations already. Since UEFI became common I think?
Falkentyne, Svegetto and Vistar Shook like this. -
If you turn shadows to high, and shaders to high it averages 30 fps. -
But yeah its a nice feat. the only problem is that you can overwrite the key if not careful which sucks. For example if you put in another harddisk with windows already preisntalled, the windows key registered on that partition will overwrite the one in bios.Vistar Shook likes this. -
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk -
Im just glad I’m up and running again. After my 6600K/gtx1080 mini itx desktop was stolen I was without a computer for nearly a year.
So being down for only 3 days was terrible.MiSJAH likes this. -
Idk if its poorly optimized or not. 1440P runs easy. It may just be 4K. This game has some of the best graphics ive seen.
Bethesda really needs to step up there game with the next Skyrim or elder scrolls or W/E it may be called. -
Its not stored in a similar way as normal bios settings and can be altered by the OS -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Kingdom Come wrecks all systems. Except 8 core 16 thread HDET systems with Titan V's. Try putting that into a laptop!
Vistar Shook likes this. -
Running the game in 4K is though, it will run well in the 30's FPS range even with extremely good detail! Though, I do get some dips.
usually 26-37 FPS is where I'm staying at 4K all SELECTING options on ULTRA, with shaders, and shadows on MEDIUM. very playable. I tried going back to 1440P and it just looks horrid! I'm to use to the 4K clarity.
I have become addicted to this game its so realistic! Killing 1 bad guy is a real achievement No joke, you have to eat, drink, and sleep to regain health. Everything is very realistic. If you do not take a bath you start to stink and people hate you. Some one spent some time designing this game. It says it uses the cryengine. I thought the textured faces, and phenomenal graphics looked familiarly GOOD. There is not much loading in this game. Like in Skyrim you LOAD to walk in a house, or LOAD to walk in a cave. Its rendering everything constantly.
The Aorus X9 Would be better! lol. (2) overclocked GTX1070's if it scales ok. -
Pantone X-rite FINALLY WORKS! No more guessing with color profiles.
I re-installed windows 10 for the 4th time.
Only this time, I installed all of the Aorus drivers, updates, and color profile. After every driver was updated, and installed. I installed Command & Control center “last”
And sure enough, it actually works. And I actually have the ability to turn X-Rite Pantone on, and off. And adjust a blue light filter.
Finally. -
Has anyone added a other nvme drive to the x7 v7? Looking at getting the Samsung 1tb 961 but was thinking about a heatsink as well.
Sent from my SM-G955F using TapatalkMiSJAH and Vistar Shook like this. -
I didn’t need any additional heat sink, temps are fine.
Raiding NVME has no benefit in read speeds but a marked benefit in write speeds.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkVistar Shook likes this. -
I thought there's was only space for 2 and a 2.5 inch drive
Sent from my SM-G955F using TapatalkMiSJAH likes this. -
MiSJAH and Vistar Shook like this.
Vistar Shook likes this.
I'm guessing very few utilize all the potential storage and giving up the drive gave us thunderbolt. A trade-off for sure but IMO they made the right choice, far more will be better served by this configuration than the previous. Something seldom noted is that it also put the reader on express which makes a huge difference if you actually use that port.
MiSJAH likes this. -
I have the factory Toshiba 512gb m.2 in mine, I’m going to add another soon for RAID (0)
I’m seeing 2300mb/1400mb on a ssd test.
The SM961 by its self will improve upon both of those numbers a little.
From what I’ve read the SM961 oem is faster than the 960 Evo, and the 960 Pro
Usually 2900mb/1800mb or sometimes better with a single SM961 is average.
What do you guys think (2) 512gb Toshiba m.2 pci e in raid 0 would achieve? -
New models showing with updated cpu.Last edited: Apr 3, 2018 -
Memory 8GB/16GB DDR4 2666MHz, SO-DIMM, 2 slots (Max 32GB)
I wonder if that's correct and they removed 2 DIMM slots, which would be a shame, but I guess 99% of their users won't need anything over 32GB. -
A bit off topic, but since everyone is updating their laptops to coffee lake, there's a big update to the Asus Zephyrus, which includes:
The Zephyrus M features the world’s first switchable GPU modes so gamers can choose between power-saving or G-SYNC. The Optimus power-saving mode enables the laptop to run on integrated graphics, using the discrete GPU only when needed, and prolonging battery life to provide up to six hours of web-browsing time over Wi-Fi. G-SYNC mode allows gamers to get the most out of the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 graphics by matching the refresh rate of the display with the frame rate of the discrete GPU to deliver a smooth gaming experience with less stuttering, reduced input lag, and no tearing. Both modes can be easily accessed on the ROG Gaming Center dashboard.MiSJAH and Vistar Shook like this. -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
MiSJAH likes this. -
Vistar Shook likes this.
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
So the i7-8850H in the Aorus refresh is overclockable? I thought only the i9 would be unlocked.
But I'm curious as to why they're releasing the refreshes with only FHD. Would love to have a 3K for productivity, which is why I wanted the X7 DT v7.Vistar Shook likes this. -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
Core i7-8850H’s partial unlock allows for DRAM overclocking and a 400MHz CPU overclock, but not more. The question now is if power limits will be able to be altered as well to maintain the overclock, or will the power limits be hard coded and the overclock will be only for a short period.
Aorus X5 V7, X7 V7, DT X7 all estimated for June release in USA
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by laserbullet, May 18, 2017.