Well, based on your pleasant response, I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain to you why hot things next to hotter things cause them to be less efficient at dissipating heat than if the former was not present. Good luck with your.... issues.
I have not tried OCing the RAM as that usually yields negligible performance gains in most use cases unless paired with a iGPU (sounds like Fallout 4 is a huge outlier so I makes sense why you're looking into it). My RAM needs are around capacity for IDEs, VMs and RAM disks, and not so much speed. With that said, there's a thread here: http://forum.notebookreview.com/thr...k-bios-overclock-memory.813203/#post-10671838 about unlocking the bios on x7 in order to overclock RAM, so that could be of interest to you.
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I don't feel like starting another post or doing a multi-quote so to move to other points. This is the coolest laptop I've owned in some time in the area of the wrist pads and I've got a drive in the expansion slot adding some heat of it's own on the one side. I'm going to shoot it with IR tomorrow during a gaming session to get a definitive heat number but for now I can say that even after extended gaming sessions mine is just warm enough so that I can say I detected warmth. When not gaming and just surfing the web by feel alone it seems to be similar in temperature to the desk it's sitting on. Just to keep myself honest I shot it just now and I got 77 for the desk and 80 for the wrist rest on both sides. It would seem my sense of temperature isn't overly accurate but certainly no eggs are going to be fried on my wrist rests. Because BS'ing on boards should be fun I'll mention I'm in AK right now and my room temp is 75.3 Fahrenheit, I don't know what the temp is outside but I'll venture that it's frickin cold. I don't remember what my undervolt is but for now it's enough to say it is undervolted on both the GPU and CPU and at stock clocks on both.
@tps3443 You may want to consider perusing some literature about refrigeration, pay attention to transferring energy from multiple heat sources into shared cooling systems of limited capacity.Svegetto likes this. -
Payment sent for my Aorus X7 V7 KL4K4D
Ready to get this thing!
My first laptop ever, so I may look in to some thermal and heat transfer literature. I stepped out on the enthusiast desktop segment. -
So, I'm on my final step of getting the X5 V7 but I have one question. Since this laptop has a GTX 1070 with no Optimus, should I have any concerns if this is my primary computer for work over something that just has an onboard GPU? It'll be on probably for 8-9hr a day and I plan on running dual monitors off of it.
I didn't know if the extra heat and have it on for that long each day would reduce it's life or anything. -
Sent from my SM-N950U using TapatalkSvegetto and Vistar Shook like this. -
If your qorking with it plugged in all the time its fine. If you dont mind hearing fan noise all the time either your fine.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk -
Thanks for the info, everyone! X5 V7 is ordered and on the way!
So, I ordered the X5 V7 2 days ago via a seller on Amazon with Prime. It was supposed to be here tomorrow. Then it was pushed back to Thursday and again pushed back to Friday. Is there something going on with these laptops? I'm finding a lot of places are out of stock.
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Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk -
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk -
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk -
Edit: Actually, that may not be the one I ordered. When I tried to add that to my cart, it added tax. The one I actually ordered did not have tax. -
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Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk -
Get the 4K model. I just got mine. I paid $1,759 for mine shipped to the door. its a Aorus X7 V7 4KL4D, 7820hk, gtx1070, 32gb ddr4, 512gb ssd, 1tb hdd.
Ive had my Aorus x7 v7 4k pantone for about 5 days now. I just love it to death! This is really my first high end laptop. Great build quality, great cooling!
Absolutely ZERO Backlight bleeding on this IPS panel. Colors are phenomenal! The pixel density is like 288PPI on this 17" panel, so this is higher than a retina display. Viewing angles are just stupid good. I wanted the 1440P model. Because I was worried about how my games would run. But, turns out they all run very good at 4K. Ive got my GTX1070 at 1,910Mhz core/ And 9,200Mhz memory. The 7820HK is running right at 4.5Ghz, and my ring clock is 4.1Ghz. It runs about 22-60fps in anything 4k really. I do not run AA at all, only in some games like Fallout 4, there is a ton of stepping on grass and things still.
The screen is so good, its as if there is no layer between your graphics and your eyes! G sync makes the lower frames very smooth. 22fps, feels like 30. And 30 feels like 40.
Honestly, my last gaming desktop was a i5 6600k and a GTX1080. I'm just so impressed with how this GTX1070 laptop runs things at 4K. I love it.
I couldn't be happier!
This quality of photos is cut down! In the close up photo in the character in game, is so clear! Its just unreal!
Last edited: Mar 2, 2018 -
Id be happy to email you the real sized photo of this screen up close. It is mind boggling. I cannot believe how bad the bbc links actually look compared to my pics on my phone. anyways. Good luck
Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk -
Actually, NO.
This is was a surprisingly COOL running device right out of the box.
Liquid metal reduced temps by about 23C. Sometimes better than that!
I can push overclocks much higher for playing games and things, because its not a 100% load. But offers really really fast performance. So, for example 4.8Ghz for gaming. And 4.5-4.6Ghz is more realistic for Intel burn test with 10 passes.
I'm much happier with a laptop, than a desktop now.
I will probably upgrade, when the V8 or V9 models come out. IDK. I'm impressed to say the least! 4K gaming goodness!
I am so impressed with build quality of the Aorus, even though its all ive tried. I cannot see going with anything else. I like that I can pick it up with one hand, and there is not any flexing. its very stiff! it definitely feels like a $2,600 laptop.
My words of advice, there are a lot of BGA haters, and junk talkers. and this is how I see it.
I could have easily built a top of the line EUROCOM, or SAGER with a 8700K, with a GTX1070 or better with MXM removable graphics. But, at the end of the day its very thick! Even more heavy, and kind of a dated looking chassis to say the least. Yes, they may be socketed and upgradeable. But, what does upgrading from a 6700K to a 7700K get you? And with the cost of a new MXM GPU your looking at $1,000-$1,200. So, they may be upgradeable but its more like inefficient cost, and waste. And the guys, who owned 6700/7700K models cannot upgrade lol. They have to buy a new model to utilize the new 6 core cpu on the Z370 platform.. So its almost as if a stick was put in there mouth.
Id rather enjoy something for a year or two or even longer. And then, buy a new latest and greatest..
Any modern/ recent i7 will last a very long time. almost to long lol. and a top end gpu will put out years and years of solid gaming use. So, enjoy what you have! And buy what you can afford.
A gtx980 is pushing like 4 years old. But yet, it’s more than adequate for playing virtually any game at 1080P or 1440P. Hardware lasts a while these days.Last edited: Mar 5, 2018MiSJAH likes this. -
I'm running the gpu @ 0.850mV @1797 on core.
Sent from my SM-G955F using TapatalkVistar Shook and MiSJAH like this. -
I'm running the gpu @ 0.850mV @1797 on core.
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk -
Sent from my Pixel XL using TapatalkVistar Shook likes this. -
Out of the box Stock paste is actually good. In gaming the cpu would hover around 80C to 84C at 4.3Ghz. The GPU would usually NOT exceed 76C while overclocked in very demanding games. Though, some games would only push it to 66C like Need for speed pay back.
I’d say this is with a 50-65% fan speed profile. Or using the gamer fan profile.
Now with liquid metal, the cpu is in the 60’s, and the GPU is in the high 50’s.
I’ll get some pics up when I get around to it. I’m still fine tuning a bit.
Liquid metal helps tremendously! Before LM the GPU couldn’t hold boost in the 1,900mhz range continuously. But less heat equals much less power usage! So it boost much higher all around.
With standard paste it hovered in the 1,797mhz to 1,835mhz range.Last edited: Mar 5, 2018 -
Does anyone know what the microfiber cloth that comes between the keyboard and laptop screen is called? And where to get a spare one? I sent my laptop in for repairs, and they lost it. When I asked for a replacement, I got a cut out square of that rough burlap type material my laptop came wrapped in.
Dang the sucks. Your story is kind of funny though. Its kinda steep, but it is a 3 pack and its the exact screen size!
I do use mine frequently, really everyday or twice a day at night when I'm finished. I will place the included cloth on the keyboard aligning it correctly, close the lid, and put the laptop in the included Aorus cloth bag. Ive got two young kids. 5 and 6 years old. So ive gotta be careful with my near $3,000 laptop
There also may be someone on here who would give you theres!MiSJAH likes this. -
Sent from my SM-G955F using TapatalkVistar Shook likes this. -
Hey guys with trip coming up over summer wanted to grab another power brick. Have the 3k x7v7 model. Anyone know where you can get a spare?
And can the matte screen be cleaned with microfiber cloth and water?Last edited: Mar 9, 2018 -
Was hoping to find an Aorus one for sale. No luck, so got what you posted. -
That's what I use. Just make sure you ring all the water out of the rag really good.Yopis likes this. -
Guys, I'm kind of baffled! I'm running my GTX1070's GDDR5 in my Aorus X7 V7 @ 9,600Mhz memory. It is benchmark and game stable. I'm getting 307.5 GBPS memory bandwidth out of this little thing. I am still pushing higher at the moment, with no signs of loss in performance or artifacts. Gaming in 4K my temps are about 55C after several hours with a custom fan profile. it would be amazing to get to 10,000Mhz stable! And have 320GBPS like the GTX1080, this seems like a long shot but, I'm almost there as it is.
What are you guys getting on your GTX1070 memory overclocks? -
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But, I'm not done yet! ill be back with higher scores soon enough!
I was wondering why it ran 4k so well natively. -
World class single thread performance from a laptop cpu, that's for sure! Anyone who says a 7820HK i7 is not a capable CPU is very much wrong. This 7820HK has walked right past a 7700K desktop CPU In single thread, and just TIED with it in multithreaded applications.
Ive still got plenty of room to go. I'm learning this system more and more each day! it is FASSTT that's for sure.
Last edited: Mar 9, 2018 -
The Aorus has proven VERY solid thus far. I'm impressed more and more with this system everyday
Literally 3 points behind my v6 hahaha nice job!
Here's my latest run:
16.081KVistar Shook likes this. -
Have you done liquid metal yet? -
Thanks for reply. -
It’s nice to see 99% GPU utilization in fallout 4 with this i7.
A lot of people think an i5 is enough, because 4K is gpu limited. Most games it is enough. But,
Previously with a i5 6600K @ (5.1ghz) I was seeing about 50-70% gpu utilization at 4K with a gtx 1080 on my last desktop.
Currently the game runs so much better, it is day and night even with a less powerful gpu.
99% utilization for the gpu across the board.
4 threads is just not enough anymore.MiSJAH likes this.
Aorus X5 V7, X7 V7, DT X7 all estimated for June release in USA
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by laserbullet, May 18, 2017.