Any m.2 ssd should work, but I would recommend going for an nvme one (or two), unless you need something that nvme doesn't currently support like eDrive (you can't go wrong with the Samsung drives, Evo series is a great bang for the buck if you don't need the highest performance that you can get with the Pro series.... although there are finally some competing drives that were recently released). As for spare power brick, I use the razer 165W adapter daily at work (no real stress on the gpu at work, just heavy cpu usage), although I did just get back from travel where I took the razer adapter and did some gaming on it and it had no issues.
Thanks for info.
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You guys recommend a neoprene case for the x7 v7 at all?
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk -
For traveling it can be good for bumps in overhead storage and all that fun stuff but wont protect it from TSA goons flipping it around on a stainless steel table when out of it. You're the only one who knows how many knocks you need to protect it from but my view is quality carry/storage bags/cases/sleeves etc will pay for themselves soon enough in my use.
benson881 likes this. -
ExcaliberPC sells the Aorus branded neoprene sleeves for the X3, X5, and X7. I don't know if you need it all to be matchy matchy, but I do.
benson881 likes this. -
In other news, could anyone here point me at how I'm supposed to update the bios (and should I) for the X5 V7?
Push start. Be aware that while it's running it will reboot a few times. I'm thinking you don't need to be told not to interrupt it but just in case, don't under any circumstances interrupt it.
I would say update, I don't recall hearing reading any brick stories, loss of performance, or the like.
Edit... If you're going to clean install there is an excellent guide done by Phoenix up in the windows software section. It's worth perusing unless your quite expert at windows installations. -
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk -
Extract the download and click on the resulting executable then follow the instructions. No USB, CD, DVD, etc. It wasn't easy to truly brick a phone even in the old days, now it's almost impossible unless you hose the EFS and even then it can usually be fixed. If you've got a drawer full of these things you might want to wander over to XDA and bring them back from the dead.
Gumwars likes this. -
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Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk -
Phones and I get along until the need to tinker gets the better of me. The bricking usually comes with pushing the device too far in an attempt to get it just so. XDA is the only place to go! -
Anyone having issues with a Samsung 960 EVO being detected by their X7 DT V7? Every few days my 960 EVO isn't recognized; Windows 10 won't boot and it isn't listed in the BIOS at all. But my other NVMe and HDD show up in the BIOS without issue. I pop the 960 EVO out of the slot and back in again; the laptop boots like there was no issue at all. I originally had some issues with the laptop not resuming from Sleep, so I am wondering if both are related; if the 960 EVO is failing or if the M.2 Slot/Motherboard is. It is under warranty, but I don't really want to be without it for several weeks or how ever long it would take. So I was wondering if there is a known issue with e 960 EVOs or if they overheat?
Swapping M.2 Slots was one of my next things to try, that or dumping an image over to the other NVMe Drive and running from it for a while. However, I did not know about holding the power button. I've only held it long enough to power of the laptop, which is like what 3 seconds or so? I'll keep that in mind.
It just happened again; the 960 EVO was not recognized upon cold boot, after failing to enter Sleep properly. Holding the power button for 10 to 15 seconds brought it back. I'll try this again, if/when it happens next. I'm on the latest BIOS available from Aorus, so any idea where to go from here? Something with UEFI Boot mode?
What temps are you guys comfortable subjecting your laptop to for extended periods of time. Like 8-10 hours?
I plan on sharing my rift at work and expect it to be hammered all day long.
When I use it, my temps will hold the high 80s the entire time. Which makes me uncomfortable.
I take the settings down and can get 70s pretty solid. would that be a safe temp? -
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Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk -
Consider an undervolt gents, you may get substantial improvements with your thermals.
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk -
For extended play sessions, I run it stock with the undervolt cpu. I just wanted to know who would be comfortable with their PC sitting at 70-80c for 8-12 hours non stop. -
As to the question asked, I wouldn't worry about it too much under the parameters described. Generally it's considered a good idea to leave a bit of leeway to account for the difficulty in extrapolating HTOL test results to real world ICs because early damage is usually characterized by random glitches which are difficult to identify and correlate with heat induced trans electrical migration. This makes it hard to determine exactly where an individual IC begins suffering unacceptable failure rates. The implication is that the 94 max GPU temperature spec for our cards is at least a little conservative and operating at 90 or less would be well under that. Still, lower is always going to be better. -
Hi all,
Just a small update on my x7 v7. Ive been trying to find the sweetspot for my 7820HK. Decided on 4.0Ghz with a -160mV undervolt. Seems pretty stable as I've run XTU stress test, prime95 and 3d Mark Firestrike all for about 10 mins each (I know its not hours of gaming but its a good starting point) I did have it at -170mV but crashed. Highest temps in 3dMark were 74C with the gaming fan profile. Next job is to learn how to undervolt my 1070 with afterburner. At the moment it was 71C in 3d Mark. Gonna see what i can achieve before thinking about undervolting. -
Alright guys,
After a little advice on gpu underclocking. I've watched a few videos but it is still confusing me.
Here's what I'm going to do and please correct me if I'm wrong.
My plan is :
1.Overclock my GPU to level 4 in aorus control panel.
2. Run a few benchmarks and find out what the average core clock mhz is (use gpu z to find that out)
3. Then in afterburner look at the graph and adjust the mV in there, level off at the average core clock speed.
I haven't tried this yet as yesterday I basically had it 1800mhz at 0.900mV which was more of a guess rather than working out the average clock speed during testing
Any help would be great.
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk -
Super disappointed folks. My X5 appears to have kicked the bucket and after less than two weeks of ownership. I was using it this morning when the screen went to sleep and would not resume. I tried to hard reset the laptop but it remained in a stuck state of not being on (no screen, no functionality) while simultaneously would not turn off either (power button led on, rightmost status led on, Aorus logo on display lid on). I had to open the base and unplug the battery to turn it off. I just opened a support ticket with HID, hopefully, this doesn't turn into a continuation of my ordering woes...
Anyone have a guide on how to add additional m.2 for x7 v7?
Opening up the machine and popping in are no issue. Any steps to take before or after software wise though?
Have not used PC for a few years. And Gumwars, hate to hear about your issue. Hope a speedy fix can be found for you.Gumwars likes this. -
Well a small update:
Got my 1070 at 0.863mV with core at 1797mhz seems stable did half an hour 3dmark and half an hour project cars. Trmps aren't exceeding 70c. I'm gonna see if it's fully stable and then might tweak it a little. More than likely try and drop the volts rather than increasing the mhz.
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Sent from my SM-G955F using TapatalkGumwars likes this. -
I basically have to hard reset it until it kicks back on. I have had zero help from the Aorus support.
There are several "failed" power on I think.
It will power on but only the power light and fans come on.
there is the one where it will power cycle every 15-20 seconds
Then there is the one where it power cycles every 3 ish seconds.
Essentially, You know if the start up will fail if the HDD light does not come on in the first 2-3ish seconds. When that happens, I hold the power button until it turns off. It kinda makes a small noise. Sorta like a electrical chirp. When I hear that, I know the next time it will come on properly.
The issue seems to be stemmed from sleep or hibernate. Cant confirm really. But I have disabled them, and do a full shutdown before I close the lid, and the issue was drastically reduced.
This is all kinda moot for a 2-3k laptop. It should not be happening, but the CS I have gotten has been utter garbage. I need my laptop for school, so I dont really know what to do other then force it to work.Gumwars likes this. -
I was sincerely hoping that this voyage to get the damn laptop would end happily once it was on my doorstep. It looks like I get to see if HID's customer support is better than the experience I had with their sales team. I honestly don't know what to do at this point. I've had this laptop for the same length of time HID and FedEx had it. My frustration and disappointment have hit a new high because I know this process isn't going to go quickly. The Aorus/Gigabyte service center is just around the corner from HID's office so I'm optimistic that this could only take a handful of days to resolve. I'm really hoping HID replaces the damn thing rather than trying to get it repaired.
To your point, I'm a union rep and can't afford to have this thing down for very long either. As it stands, I needed it before the 8th of January for a union meeting; that didn't happen. I have another meeting on the 23rd, that isn't going to happen either unless a miracle takes place. I agree with you 100%, a laptop that costs this much should be flawless. Problems should be the exception and looking at reviews across the internet (not the editorials mind you, but the real end users) reflect that Aorus/Gigabyte have hit and miss quality control. I think its safe to say that there is definitely a pool of users that have perfect units and they aren't saying anything because there isn't much to talk about. On the other end are those of us that are having issues; keyboards, power problems, dead units, etc. which all point to very specific issues that are largely unresolved.
This segment of owning an Aorus is just as important as the others; how a company responds to problems with their product. As I purchased it through a reseller, I'm interested in seeing how they handle it as well. I'll keep posting my experience as it develops. -
Hi guys,
Another update on the underclocking situaton. Ive managed underclock my 1070 to 0.850mV running at 1810mhz. As you can see from the pictures I get a pretty decent 3dmark score.
Stability wise i have done 30mins 3dmark stress test, 30mins Heaven benchmark, and about an hour Project Cars (This was pretty sensitive to my old 6700k undervolts)
Temps I am really happy with max GPU temp has been 68c, CPU hit 82c at one point but then again i havent repasted it.Svegetto likes this. -
When I get chance I'll getting a picture up mate. Got the cpu running a 4.0ghz with a - 160mV undervolt. So good some far.
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk -
Wow, -160mv on the CPU? Thats huge. I never went past -90mv. -
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk -
Highest temps with a overclock of 4.0Ghz & -160mV undervolt 74C
Highest temps on GPU with average core of 1693Mhz @ 1.050v 70C
800mV 1468Mhz
825mV 1506Mhz
850mV 1569Mhz
875mV 1620Mhz
900mV 1670Mhz
925mV 1708Mhz
950mV 1759Mhz
975mV 1784Mhz
1000mV 1835Mhz
1025mV 1860Mhz
1050mV 1885Mhz
1075mV 1911Mhz
Then levels out
CPU highest temps were 71C with the same undervolt
With the voltage @ 0.850mV the average core 1810Mhz highest temp 65C
So as can you see it really does help underclocking the GPU. It reduced the GPU by 5C & the CPU by 3C Looking forward to re pasting. -
What are you guys idle temps? Or like, "homework" temps?
Meaning just web page and like spotify open?
My GPU sits at 58c, CPU at 50c as I type this.
On a second note. Anyone figure out how to use the G macro keys to change fan presets?
For example, pressing G1 would cycle through Quiet>Normal>Gaming>Custom/Deep Control
Aorus X5 V7, X7 V7, DT X7 all estimated for June release in USA
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by laserbullet, May 18, 2017.