Okay so I'm from the UK and pre-ordered an X7 V6 from scan.co.scan.co.uk and it arrived today.
Only had a super brief moment with it so far but on quick first impressions, this thing does genuinely feel very well built. It seems like a relatively heavy, solid, densely packed unit.
The screen flex is pretty minimal and the hinge does bounce a tad but I doubt it would be note worthy as it shouldn't impact anything when in actual use. It's 'loose' enough to open with one hand but it's not loose enough to feel crap.
Unfortunately my screen does seem to have this line issue but when comparing it to a pretty new hp envy 17, even that appears to exhibit the same horizontal line property. I guess only time will tell how annoying it will let or if it's something that I'd get use to and stop noticing. I have the 1440p screen by the way.
The keyboard has hardly any flex at all! Even less flex than the aforementioned envy 17. Compared to an envy 17 or my old Clevo P150EM, the keys have a shallower travel and the key caps are a bit narrower and therefore closer to each other. Despite this though, it feels good and nice to type on, will just take a tiny while getting use to.
Guys Gentech's review on the DT is out.
Edit: Mid 70s on all cores....Thats either a very cold room or they're really doing it right with the cooling solution. Although that thing sounds like a jet engine even through my laptop speakers at 20% volume
Edit round 2: I personally think that the way the heat pipes connect to the heat fin arrays are a key difference. In the DT, they go in to the heat-fin array akin to a air cooler on a desktop where both the heatpipes and the fins which conduct the heat from the pipes are actively cooled. I went back to Dave2D's vid on the V6 variant and found that the heat pipes are on top of the fin array rather than go through it resulting in active cooling for the fin array but the pipes are being passively cooled as they transfer heat to the fin array to be cooled rather than being cooled and transfer heat to the array as on the DT. Thoughts guys? This question on laptop cooling has bugged me for quite a whileLast edited: Nov 10, 2016hmscott, Entionz and ThePerfectStorm like this. -
I had no idea that the
Jared_T likes this. -
I'm quite interested in the 15.6" 120Hz IPS panel - does anyone know what the panel part number is and if it can be purchased alone?
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Does the new V6 Aoruses support Windows Hello?
The X7 DT is too tempting... might go for it
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Exactly lol.. I'm not too picky about the fan noise but my ears are a bit sensitive and it might get annoying..
There is fan control though.. with proper repaste might not be too badI'm more concerned with the lines on the screen honestly..
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hmscott likes this.
Does the 1080 require more power / generate more heat than the 1070 in "low power mode" like office applications?
Can the fans for the X7 V5 be controlled so that do not disturb in an open office environment when running normal office applications? What about the X5 V6?
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Just pulled the trigger on the Aorus x7-v6 PC3K4D from HIDevolution.com . Opted for the upgraded thermal paste option (Liquid Ultra on CPU and IC on GPU) and the upgraded 2666mhz Ripjaw RAM. Should have it in a week or two and plan on posting a full video overview and review if people are interested? Slightly nervous about the screen line issues but we'll see.
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Edit: yeap its a 720p webcam if the 'HD Camera' section on Aorus's webpage is to hold true.
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AORUS X7 V6-PC3K4D - GTX 1070 Full Review
The 1080 got a 19081 Graphics score vs this 1070 Graphics score of 18623, not much of a difference for bumping up to a 1080 from a 1070...
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There is a user on Aorus forums getting 15700 in Firestrike out of 1080GTX which seems around the normal levels but I believe that's with the overclock functions ON.
http://forum.aorus.com/forum/gaming-laptops/39686-just-ordered-x7-dt-v6-should-arrive-tomorrow/page2hmscott likes this. -
Here it is direct to the post:
Fire Strike 1.1 Total Score 15746 Graphics Score 20634 Physx 11468 Combined 7103
That's run at the top Aorus Graphic Overclock #4, but no mention of CPU OC.
Still not a big Graphics jump over the 1070... not enough to justify the price.
Here are the images:
Fire Strike 1.1 Total Score 15746 Graphics Score 20634 Physx 11468 Combined 7103
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Yeah DT seems like it's a slightly higher powered X7... Shame. Could have been a great machine. Don't understand that power adapter choice..
Let's not forget about the Asus 701VI though.. Waiting for some reviews of it before I click though -
as much as we all love powerful laptops, i think i'll end up with a few back issues if i lug it to classes everyday
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It's 3.5kg
I am sure you mistook it for G752VS
Here you go:
If you wanna take a laptop to classes you should look at 15" at most. None of the 17's are good for that. Look at AW13R3 or Razer Blade. -
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Well then I don't know.. Anyway Aorus is over 3kg as well so it doesn't really make a difference.
If you want a portable 'take to school' laptop avoid 17" like fire. -
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I have the X7 Pro V3 with 970M SLI. Anyone that happen to have gone from that to the new X7 V6 and can share some thoughts on it? I am especially interested in if the fans are worse in "low power mode" like doing more office type work (software development etc with out superlarge builds etc) and if the touchpad and keyboard is better? I don't really mind if it is loud on gaming as I mostly do that with headphones, but I don't want it to disturb in an open office environment. I'm guessing it mostly comes down to how well the 1070 is able to use low power and thus generete low amounts of heat when not using GPU heavy applications. The 6820HK I guess wouldn't be a problem since it would only have to perform at max for a few seconds like when starting new applications etc.
I will probably pull the SSD for a Samsung 960 Pro 2 TB drive if I get the X7 V6, any thoughts on that and if it will work? It should since it has NvMe m.2 but you never know.
What's the maximum speed of DDR4 memories that is supported? -
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Any comments about the X5 V6 vs the X7 V6? I would imagine that the X7 has better ccooling due to bigger chassi and therefore being less loud?
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"While idle, both fans run at 35 dB. If you want it quieter, you will need to manually adjust the fan settings. In quiet mode, the fans are turned off and the user can only hear the rasping of the HDD (around 33 dB). We did not notice any annoying or stuttering fan behavior. The 40 dB noise emission in the diagram only occurs while the laptop is booting."
http://www.notebookcheck.net/Aorus-X7-v6-Notebook-Review.182897.0.htmlLast edited: Nov 13, 2016 -
So.....notebookcheck's stress test pushed the cores to 90 celcius....a wee bit concerning IMO. I hope a liquid metal repaste can help with this issue a little bit (or a more agressive fan curve plus some undervolting) Also, they did not mention anything about the screen striping issue that we and other people in the Aorus forums are discussing (also no updates so far in the thread dedicated to the issue). Other than that i personally think that the X7 is pretty damn good honestly. Though i do not think that its speakers can match my current Clevo unit.
Thoughts guys???? This review is pretty in depth compared to others that have been previously uploaded -
Does the "stripe problem" with the X7 V6 screen also affect the X5 V6 screen? I believe it is only affecting the 120hz panel on the X7 V6
I've been following this thread with interest. Just pulled the trigger on an X7 v6 from HIDevolution. I'm having them repaste with CLLU on the CPU and IC Diamond on the GPU. I'll need to see the screen in person, but I think the 1440 screen with the 1070 is a perfect combination. That its thinner and lighter than the Alienware 17 R4 and actually seems to be having fewer thermal issues sold me. Great experience with @Donald@HIDevolution.
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I'm pretty excited for it. Definitely keep us updated when you get yours and how everything runs. Haven't seen anyone post benchmarks with a repaste yet.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkLast edited: Nov 15, 2016 -
I replaced the HDD with an EVO 850 500 GB and also did the no dead pixel guarantee. I thought about the Intel card, hope I don't regret the Killer card. There isn't much to do on the X7!
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AORUS Gaming Notebooks with Pascal, RGB LED keyboards - GTX 1060/1070/1080 13.9"/15.6"/17.3"
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Charles P. Jefferies, Aug 17, 2016.