What grade/type of carbon fibre do Sony use?.....I'd be surprised if it wasn't the cheapest nastiest wet lay type.....if they were using the most expensive pre pregnated autoclaved stuff as in F1,your notebook would probably cost 15k
All Carbon fibre isn't the same you know,and saying it like its something superior,without any details,is as generic a statement as "my notebook is made of semi exotic metal like parts of the space shuttle"
people say they use carbon fiber because its plastic that looks like carbon fiber. i doubt any notebook that costs about $2-3000 will have any type of carbon fiber (even cheapest). but it is very hard to distinguish from real carbon fiber specially if you have never actually seen proper carbon fiber.
i dont think it is possible at the moment to produce a proper carbon fiber laptop, i cant imagine the work involved in such a small design in creating such a machine.
any carbon fiber in normal laptops will either be plastic painted to look like carbon fiber, or the thinnest, cheapest types covered in see-through plastic for aesthetic reasons only.
and i really dont see a reason to create a carbon fiber laptop, the only reason people show off carbon fiber is the way it looks, which i dont understand as it looks ugly. and if its painted its no diffrent than plastic. plus laptops are not that big so how much weight do you think you will save. and its not like you are planing on throwing it 15 feet every day you dont need that rigidity,, -
I don't like the look but it keeps the weight low. The Sony Z is the lightest 13 inch for the amount of power it has. I wouldn't mind an extra .5 lbs from dell if they match the power and features.
Jayayess1190 Waiting on Intel Cannonlake
The new HP DV3500T is really good. 512mb 9300GS Standard? That is awesome. Hope the Dell can beat this.
Dell has nothing more going for them. ALL of their consumer line of notebooks don't have Montevina, I don't think Dell even cares. They don't stock any of the hardware components at their factories, but come in on a "as needed" basis for each build. This big of a company reminds me of Wal-Mart, expects a lot of money for something that isn't new and doesn't care (I worked there, glad to have quit!).
Plus, the Dell Studio notebooks have about just as much problems as the XPS notebooks. You don't hear that much about the Inspirons. Hmmm...I wonder. Guess they will lose a customer, they lack intelligence to update notebooks with the newer Centrino 2 platform and CPUs. Dell problably thinks Centrino 2 has no advantage whatsoever. Boy, aren't they oblivious. Plus, quality control IS getting worse with them. -
That sadly doesn't matter NoteBooks4Ever. As you can see just by reading these forums most users have NO clue about laptops. They can't tell the difference between different GPUs or CPUs and fail to do ample research about anything. To be honest even the reviews here aren't up to par with other places I seen review such as anandtech or xbitlabs. The problem is that the average knowledge of PCs is so low to the point where dell can sell old products under a "good" brand and make tons no matter how good the actual hardware is.
I see people with XPSs all day at my college. People brag saying "my laptop is so fast at gaming" or one kid with a Sony Z comes up and says his laptop is "2.5 lbs and has a 1080p screen". People simply don't KNOW what they are even buying and really don't care as long as it works. It's like when people buy quadcores to do web browsing and have top of the line graphics cards in their pcs when they don't even play new games. Just how much dell even charges for stuff it's obvious they KNOW that the end user doesn't know anything. Ridiculous amounts for extra ram has always been my biggest complaint. Sony actually did a "deal" recently where they halved the prices of their Ram upgrades on select notebooks and the prices FINALLY seemed to almost make sense.
Until people know more about PCs (highly unlikely) we will always get shafted by big companies. That's why I hate buying laptops and like to build desktops where I know that each part is being competitively priced (well most of the time sometimes companies ally together to make your life miserable... Nvidia+ATI). -
Now, I like Dell to SOME extent, but they are a company that I believe doesn't know how to enginner products correctly (i.e. XPS 1330 and 1530) because they overheat too much. Dell is too slow for anyone. It's just sad that a Studio 17 config. costs just under $1,500 for and ancient old Santa Rosa platform. They have drivers for 64-bit OS, but they don't make it widely available like all other manufactuers do. They have indications in their drivers list for new Montevina stuff, but none of the chipset and CPU integration never came to be. They put an e-sata/USB combo port on the Studio's only for e-sata not to work but the port is just an extra USB port. They do what Acer does, they build all the same computers with buttons, and make different models that make use of the buttons or not, they pulled an Acer doing this.
And here I thought that no one understood
I feel the same way. It's like all these companies take advantage of people where ever they can. HP for example offers 8 gigs of ram on their laptops for 750 dollars. You can check online for an 8 gig kit and it's 300 dollars. Buy that in bulk and I'm SURE the price is even cheaper. It's been too long that companies overcharged for less. I hate clicking each upgrade knowing that for some if I really cared I would just order the base laptop and upgrade it myself from newegg. Especially with ram. -
Dell bashing aside, if they really do release a Montevina / Centrino 2 variant of the M1330, I'm ... yeah. Gimme.
That aside, anyone got any info on the Dell Studio XPS 16 or 13? What kind of GPU does it have? -
calm down.. soon we shall see news.. still not confirmed.. but we may see actually three variants.. M1330 - XPS 13, M1530 - XPS 15 and M1730 -XPS 16.. the 15" is still to be confirmed.. as it seems to be a mixup between a new inspiron 15.. we shall wait and see.. but i can say that their whole lineup is to be refreshed this year.
Is November still good for the refresh or is it getting pushed back?
Even Apple (not known for the timely updates) is refreshing its line up tomorow! (well we do not know for sure but this is what everyone things!)
Btw, do we have any kind of idea, why DELL is so slow in refreshing? I am positive a very good reason must be behind it and I would really like to know! -
I hope the heating problems in the M1530 will be solved.
add ice.. hehe
I hope it'll be early November. I'm going to buy an Acer Aspire 5930G laptop early next month. But if the Studio XPS is better and much nice looking ( it already is much nice lookin than 5930G! ), I'm going for it!
So, Jayson... I'm looking to replace an HP with one of the faulty nVidia chips in the next four to six weeks... What are the chances I might be able to replace it with a spiffy new Studio XPS? Any more pictures or word on what kind of goodies it might be packing?
Might it be a Hoax? Just like dell inspiron 1535? Saw on engedget.
no new news on my side so far.. but as you can see those roadmaps are rolling out as planned order.. probably dates are little late.. but still everything is happening.. we got new centrino 2 in studio laptops.. not the XPSs meaning we are in for a definite refresh soon. Those studio Desktops cameout as planned.. this month we should be seeing the Inspiron 12.. and next month new studio XPS's that may be just named XPS's.. or something else.. -
"The GeForce 9400M - an amalgamation of a high-performance GPU and a mainboard chipset - provides enhanced graphical capabilities in slim computers such as today's notebooks. With 16 parallel processing cores and a 128-bit memory interface, the GeForce 9400M is able to deliver up to 54 Gigaflops of processor power - enough to outpace Intel's X4500HD by up to five times when it comes to 3D performance."
It's being featured in the 13 inch macbook pro AND macbook air. Could this be what Dell has been waiting for? A studio XPS 13 would be pretty nice with this and the bigger macbook at 15 inches has a 9400M and 9600M. Maybe this is what dell wanted to put in it's Studio XPS. Either way if dell doesn't offer something good the Macbooks are decently priced with good specs and are light weight. A macbook booting into windows might seem quite interesting. -
only the ones in the macbooks are named "9400M" for other mobile computers it is known as the "9400M G" as far as the 9600M GT gpu, didnt Steve mention that Nvidia came to THEM with the idea of the chipset and GPU being used for desktops? and that apple convinced nvidia to make it for laptops? wouldnt it be an exclusive for a while at least if that were the case?
the picture in the article of the mba as 5x is inaccurate. yes i am nit picking! the actually clocked the 9400m to 4x in them so there wouldnt be heat issues. -
Being 5x better than intel doesn't help anyone's case at all. Integrated GPUs from intel don't count. I can see dell getting it easily since their plan is to release the Studio XPS line in about a month from what we know. One month is more than long enough to mass a good amount of 9400M's. If dell sticks with Nvidia I'm sure they'll insist on the 9400M since it's for their "high performance" line.
lets pray.. and also for some nice design.. ala apple..
I see what you're getting at there 'Ayepecks' but I'm thinking these ones won't self combust.
I want a discrete and integrated so I wouldn't mind this being the integrated and having a different discrete.
Just want to note for any doubters that Jayson proved correct on the Inspiron Mini 12 (about 12-16 hours before anyone else, as far as I can tell), so his credibility has increased regarding the Studio XPS or whatever they end up being named.
Is there a specific date in November?
You better be right Jayson on that November 11th date or around there. I waited for this laptop for WAY too long ^^.
i did not say november 11th.. as i said.. all info i have is sales guidelines.. release date is november.. i also proved my credibility on vostro desktop machines.. if u go to the vostro section.. i released info on the new Vostro desktop 220 way before u can even search them in google.. and i can tell you soon you will see a newly revamped optiplex line.. silver mesh in front kind off. thats just to take note.. about the studio XPS-s they should come out in november.. and i think these crazy xps sales lately proves so..
Ya I just can't wait as the time nears it's like finally the wait is almost over. I can't wait to hook it up to my TV and have enough HD space for all my movies. This 30 gig HD is killing me.
wow I was thinking of getting the new alum macbook but im gonna wait and see about the new xps lineup... blueray, illuminated keyboard, sli graphics, RGB screen? thats awesome stuff right there.
I can wait to release the new xps and put montevina on studio 17(i hope) -
any idea on the prices of the new xps?
I just hope that the GPU will be good enough and at least one step upward from the 9600.
I think November 18th seems like a possible date (other releases have been about a week later than those rumored ones). Am I close to the truth? -
depends on how u classify close.. hehe .. we nearly there.. hold on to those horses.. and buy the actual XPS.. so their stock finishes.. =P ..
Ughhhh, Mid-November?
XPS is the last laptop I am waiting to be announced before making a purchasing decision.
So hopefully in December I will be poorer but with a new lappy! -
XPS is the last laptop I'm waiting to be released as well but god **** they are wasting time. I want to have a new laptop already!
How much will the new line cost?
It might be better to get a M1330 if they offer some good deals to clear out inventory.
Are there any must have things on the XPS Studio that aren't on the M1330? -
Uh nothing is a must have. It's about what you want. I want more battery life and montevina will give me a little more.
I guess a lot will depend on how much they decide to charge for it. If it's about the same price then obviously better to wait but if they go for $2000 or so then might as well jump on a deal now IMO. -
I have been dipping in and out of this thread for a while - just to see if there are any updates and something has crossed my mind. My apologies if it is obvious and/or has been mentioned but:
Are we looking at November relaease in North Amercia AND Europe? or just the former (or just the latter??).
ps can't remember the last time I waited this long for something that is so uncertain/unproven!!
Dell Studio XPS 13 and 16 - Coming Soon?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by NuKeDoG, Aug 26, 2008.