I always keep up to date on rumors but when someone asks "When is the new XPS coming out?"I don't just say "SEPTEMBER!" I'm a little more specific making sure to remember that it's a rumor and not straight fact. I seen mad old posts here where people asked when is the new XPS coming out and they were just given a date with no information and probably are now confused. I just like to be specific.
lol cfoo if that's what it takes for a new XPS to come out then please everyone buy the old XPS now so we can get the new one.
If dell is replacing the xps 1330 with the new xps 13 and the 1530 with the xps 16 then waths gonna happen with the xps M-1730 will it be updated to Montevina...
Most likely typical M1730 users will be pushed toward Alienware.
Here is a BIG no thanks to AW!
If Dell truly gets rid of the traditional XPS 17" gaming systems, then that's the end of the road for me.
I have had every system except the original XPS (I have had a Gen2, M170, M1710, and just sold my M1730).
It was a great run but I cannot stand AW's customer support (if you call it that). They have nice systems, but I am not sold on AW at all.
Note: I am not bashing AW either - I am a local south florida boy who grew up not too far from AW's headquarters. I hope they get their act together but I am not holding my breath.
Long live the XPS!! -
I think Dell wants to bring AW more tightly into their lineup so things might continue to change, I cannot say for sure. I just go on what I do know which is the XPS design team being merged to the AW team and that they really don't want to compete with their own brands. It is possible that we will see a Studio XPS 17 since all the other brands have 13, 15 and 17 inch models.
Once they merge the Studio and XPS lines, the next step after that will probably be ditching XPS altogether.
This is just speculation and Dell has stated publicly that the XPS brand is herer to stay, BTW. -
dell website lists a new studio desktop, and studio slim.. looks like were getting closer.
but i wonder why they would post the new studio without the precision, maybe some other day?
Edit: or was supose to be the 24th? -
Well, these Studio desktops were rumored for September 16th, so it looks like they are a week behind. Just a guess.
well you see you guys.. so you still think those slides are mockups? if so i can pretty much see the future. no more to say.
enjoy november when they come.. -
Looks like the slides were right on so far. Looking forward to the good things to come in November!
im actually counting on those slide and im also hoping your missing (maybe hiding) some more slides.. i really think there is a possibility for a new 17' possiblity released as 18"
well.. probable yes.. i personally think the xps is going to have the 13, 16, 18.. since hp launched their new HDX laptops.. and inspirons will take care of 15.6 inch.. soon.. i really dont know yet. as i said those are just roadmaps.. things change.. know more on the desktop range though.. but hey we are on notebookreview.com lol..
if the slides are correct, then there is only just over a week to get the xps refresh out. -
http://www.dell.com/content/product...station-precision-m6400?c=us&cs=04&l=en&s=bsd -
The slides weren't "right on" since they never actually said any dates only little lines. However they did give us an approximation so that's nice. I'm not hoping you are wrong Jayson I'm just not going to say you are 100% correct unless I know you are. The only reason I would hope you are wrong is if they get released sooner but it's definitely nice to have an approximate date so I can be on the website to order it before anyone else and be first in line
As for the new studio (non slim) I think it's pretty pointless for anyone to buy that. Anyone who NEEDS a quad core builds their own computer. There is no reason for the general consumer to buy a quad core especially since the majority of PC users web surf and IM. It's not even technically useful for gamers if they only game since few games support quad cores. Mostly it's for multi tasking but companies will always sell people a LOT more than they need.
It's a shame that people will get sucked into buying things that they can never fully utilize. Studio Hybrids were much better for people considering their small size and reasonable price/specs. -
tential.. im not saying im right.. as i state what i uploaded are roadmaps for internal use. its not for the public.. what does this mean.. hmm.. things are not accurate.. may change.. they just setting the goals. so you can get an idea.
Can we all just agree to disagree on the legitimacy of these images and its roadmap please? This thread has been going nowhere fast for far too many pages and posts now. What was a fanciful peak at a possible future for the XPS line has now become an inane debate about something that no-one who has thus far posted is in a position to officially confirm or deny.
Just drool, dream and move along.
Cheers. -
So...will Dell update to montevina until the end of september....
[email protected] Notebook Enthusiast
Did anyone hear if the new XPS line will offer a back-lit keyboard? I think they should. I like the back-lite on the Studio 15. I had an XPS 1530 on order and cancelled it when I found out about the video problems. Then I ordered a Studio 15 instead, despite all the troubles with my daughter's Studio. Now hearing about this new line, if my second Studio 15 arrives badly built I'll send it back and wait for this new line of XPS, would really like something more portable like a 13". Now I'm kinda sorry I ordered the Studio 15.....oh well.
ive heard these things a billion times.. (people will never need over 256MB ram, no one can ever fill up a 10gb hard drive, etc..) yet companies keep improving these products and they all sell very well, everyone wants better programs, these programs need more power.
edit..not only do people want faster processing, the demand for faster data access (SSD) is shooting through the roof.. -
That completly explains the rise of netbooks.
Oh, wait, netbooks were new laptops with slower cores made to capitalize on the fact that people could use laptops with just enough power to do the things they generally use a computer for (IM, Email, Surfing).
Of course there are always going to be people who need more power (I definitely am there usually) but now that I'm in college and I don't game a lot the quad core nehalem system I want to order doesn't really do me much good for the generic tasks I do.
All I'm saying is that companies try to sell people more power than they need to make a profit and if you can't tell me you haven't been to a store and talked to a salesman who tried to sell you something more than what you wanted (like when people were trying to sell you DDR2 back when it's prices were high and it wasn't anywhere close to as fast as DDR) or back when people tried to sell you Pentium 4 EE for gaming when an AMD computer 1/3 of it's price was faster. -
@atbnet has right
what do you say will dell use ATI cards in the new studio laptops???
i think the HD3870 or HD3870x2 woud be a good choice... -
I've always had good experiences with ATi GPU's and I hope we'll see a 3870 card in the 16" XPS and a 3470 in the 13" XPS.
Fingers crossed -
i dont think anyone knows the reason for the delay at this time..
but i think ATI fans have a really good chance of getting ATI GPUs in the XPS, im still an nvidia fan, my card has been very good. so i hope they offer nvidia options. -
It doesn't really matter to be honest since dell gives a great warranty on the XPS and we know dell will always fix our laptops if there is an abnormal failure rate or something is obviously wrong that isn't our fault. I just hope that the new XPS feature DDR3 ram and switchable graphics (at least in the 13 inch) so that it competes with the Sony Z. No laptop really competes with the Sony Z at the moment since no 13 inch laptops have DDR3 ram and that fast of a CPU and a ridiculously high resolution screen.
For most people high resolution at 13" is unnecessary. Also, DDR3 has no benefit at the moment so I'd rather they stick with what they have. From the slides, switchable graphics will be a feature and CPU options are the same, so really now it's just a waiting game.
DDR3 provides a battery life benefit. Who told you it provided no benefit lol. High resolution screen should be an option although I'm going to go with whatever is LED for battery life. At 13 inches I want a laptop that has good battery life but can perform. A competitor to the Sony Z.
The DDR3 issue has been discussed many times over.
There is NO battery life benefit of DDR3 at this moment. Memory consumes less than 2W of power and the theoretical max is 30% power savings which is about 0.6W. John Ratsey said it's possible to have a somewhat noticeable effect for ultra-portables but for a typical medium-sized notebook, the best situation would be around 3% (=<5 minutes) gain on battery life. 5 minutes is negligible as it is within the range of error. -
lol that is a huge stretch if the great benefit of DDR3 is increased battery life. Memory uses such little power with which to begin that any less makes negligible difference.
I wonder if the new 13" will be better than Sony Z.
Kinda fall in love with Z590. but its way too exspensive :cry: -
only the most clueless pc users would buy sony comps.
Why is that?
Not everyone is a fan of it, but I like the 16:9 display the Z has in addition to the high 1600x900 resolution option as well as 1366x768. I'd like Dell's offering to have the same if possible but I have a feeling it will not happen.
If Dell can somehow give an option for external graphics like the ATI XGP, it would be my perfect notebook.
But for their smaller models usually, they are quite special machines and have few if any real competition like the Vaio TZ/Z. Like with the TZ, I've managed to compare the similar Asus U2 and Lenovo U110, all have a 11" LED backlit display so I assumed the image quality would be pretty uniform among the three. But the TZ blew them away in brightness and color reproduction. -
Jayayess1190 Waiting on Intel Cannonlake
arround here anyone looking at a sony, i would say is 100% prioritizing looks (even if he has to pay alot more) so that customer doesnt care how it performs as long as it browses the internet. so he can login to facebook in a cofe shop and show of his machine.. -
Actually I'm prioritizing performance with weight in mind. I want a 13 inch laptop, I don't want a broken graphics card, I want switchable graphics, I want DDR3 ram, and Sony has EVERYTHING. The only problem is at 2.2k I can't justify it when dell doesn't have it's competition out yet. Most likely dell will offer the same things. However at 13 inches Sony offers a completely decked out notebook that no company has matched feature wise. That isn't even looking at the beautiful style of a SonyStyle notebook (yes they are SonyStyle so you know you are paying a premium for the top quality materials and design).
And ya atbnet I'm hoping the dell will be a little more practical for me considering that is a lot of money to spend but if the dell doesn't hold up to the battery life that the Sony Z has I think I'll try and pick that up then I'll go for a U330 or a T400 and then a asus u6v if I don't like those 2. Only problem is my dad has a Sony and he would hate me to have one too. -
Buying Dell can be a panel lottery. I don't like that. -
someone posted that there was a ati 3650 for the studio 15 in europe i went to check things out in the german site.. i dont understand german, but apperently they got the montivena update...
edit (seems like only on the studio 15 at the moment)
Edit. about the quality part, sony just had a recall of about 400,000+ laptops, doesnt sound like quality to me. they just pay a little extra attention to detail/finishing -
ya but that attention to detail and finishing is what makes their products cost more. And they use higher quality materials like carbon fiber. That's what I mean. Sony tends to recall lots of things like batteries...
Uh each country is different. Way to be ignorant on that and only think the US site is the only one that matters.
Dell Studio XPS 13 and 16 - Coming Soon?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by NuKeDoG, Aug 26, 2008.