Soon i'll give up this never ending wait. I need a new lappy very very soon..
Come on Dell !!![]()
I'm not concerned about whether the price is higher than anticipated but I definitely believe it will be out in November. You miss November and the back to school season and you might as well not even be a company. If they debut the laptop at 2 grand then I just know I can buy a different laptop. I just don't want to order a T400 now and they release the XPS 13 inch model at the same price point and performance as the T400 and I'm annoyed and disappointed. I'm going to choose the company that gives the best performance in the 1500 price range and am definitely in no way locked into dell.
If I had to choose today, it would be the XPS over the T400 but the Studio XPS 13 is intriguing depending on the price point. The problem with Dell though is they overcharge and then later release coupons to bring the price back down to earth. While the Studio XPS 13 might be released in november, it might be another few months before we get any good deals on them. -
For the sake of adding something to the thread and doing all those hundreds of people a favor who, like me, come here to this thread at least three times a day...
I, too, am waiting for the release of the XPS 16. In the meantime, I came across the new Hewlett Packard HDX16, came out last month (in Germany at least). Go ahead and check it out, it's another addition to the 16" series that is being established by a lot of manufacturers.
(Sorry, can't post pics on other URLS yet as a newb)
And since we all have nothing to do but wait, what do you think on't?
(Hurry, DELL, hurry!) -
If the XPS isn't that great the HP dv3t is still pretty good and I think that's a good 13 inch one. I'm still thinking of the T400 though.
Does the HP dv3t even exist? I don't see it on HP's site.
- -
Dang, and here I just ordered an HDX16T.
I got it for a pretty good price, so unless the Studio 16 kills it in some area like GPU for less than $1,500 I'll be sticking with my purchase. -
I knew my post was worth it
The HDX16T is available with full HD (1920x1080). Wether it was Dual Lamp, I couldn't tell... (it only said Bright View; i guess that's not the Dual Lamp technology. However, that was a reseller's website. The official HP website does not have the HDX16T in stock yet. There, however, it did say: 16" Dual Channel LVDS FHD AG-Bildschirm mit zwei Lampen und Infinity BrightView" (That would be with two lamps.))
Well, it's time for DELL to move... -
I've liked the advent of the widescreen display, but even as someone who is somewhat regularly watching streaming TV and movies, I still find it hard to justify switching to a 16x9 "multimedia" (man I wish that word would go away) PC supposedly ready for Blu-Ray. In the computer world, I have not yet come across a display, sound system, or really even a decoding graphics solution that competes with what I already got in my living room.
Now the 13" - that looks like a laptop to dream about! sweet little computer. Does anyone else think that these new machines look a lot like the studio line (which looked a lot like XPS when it came out). -
I'm totally looking forward to the Studio XPS 13". >_<
I'm just praying it's as great as the hype... and that the price isn't as steep as the hype either. After that Latitude E4300 release... I just don't know what to expect from Dell anymore. >_< -
I checked out the HDX16 today at a store. Quite nice and shiny, but a huge drawback, at least for me, is the built in TV-Tuner (seems to be no choice in Germany of n o t having one built in; unfortunately we can't configure our own system at the HP website, only buy prefigured ones). Who needs TV on a laptop? Besides, there's extra fees/taxes for owning a TV.
Well, sigh, might as well keep waiting for the XPS 16. -
BTW does any wone now when studio 17 will be updated to montevina? -
But it has good speakers, I do gaming and listen to music and 2.1 >>> 2.0 even if it is only integrated, I don't want to spend extra money and room for external speakers :/
Are Dell's new models going to have integrated subwoofer? -
I forgot to add that I think the XPS 13 had BETTER take a lesson from the past and have adequate cooling this time. I would also be relieved to see a switch to ATI graphics at least until all this Nvidia blows over.
And, call me weird, but I'm not the duck-and-cover guy when it comes to legal requirements. In order to be able to have a tuner, not pay the GEZ fees, and keep a good conscience, I'd have to be able to guarantee that I wouldn't use it. And, frankly, I know myself. I'd use it.
Dang, I keep on waking up, thinking: Is it November yet? -
All that has to happen is this thing comes out with customization. I'm not one that will ever use a bluray player so I pray to god they don't make that standard. I just want the slimmest form factor possible with the highest battery life and at least the equivalent of a 9400 or a HD3470 in it.
As to the person who said they'd rather buy a current XPS over a T400 I don't understand why you would do that. The T400 offers faster processor and memory and same graphics at the same pricepoint. You get everything a faster computer at the same price which to me is worth it not to mention more battery life by a TON. Now if you brought up the size issue I'd understand since it's 1 inch bigger -
Having said that, you can apologize for the 'engineers' and tell the enthusiasts to shove it if you want to. But there would not be a market for the 1330 if it weren't for them. You should try not to insinuate that the failures of engineer's are somehow not the consumer's problem. It is their problem also and it can have serious ramifications.
You might assume that everyone in the world that is not an engineer is ignorant, but you can also assume that maybe companies do not actually put out enough valid information when these crises happen, preferring instead to try to brush it under the rug.
Maybe you think the problem is too complex for a regular joe to handle, but I and other people are not so easily duped by pitiless excuses and BS. Case in point: Laptops are complex products, even so, why do they reach the market defective? Why do solutions show up months or years later, or sometimes not at all? Gee, that's so complex I guess I'll just sit back down. -
The problem isn't Dell's fault. Again I would say it is too complex for a regular joe to understand for sure. If you just said the problem to a regular joe I doubt they would get it. I'm not saying I understand the problem completely too. Reading up on it and doing research and learning about underfills and bumps and power cycling can be confusing. But the problem isn't with Dell and it's not an "overheating" issue but the problem is with Nvidia and the way they put together the chips. Thus I don't think you should berate dell as while they have known the chips were defective for 1 full year they didn't know at the time they designed and chose nvidia for the XPS.
I do agree that companies don't provide enough information but it's not to their benefit to do so anyway. Why would nvidia tell you their chip is broken and completely spell out the problem and cannibalize their sales? It's ignorant to say that dell can just "make better cooling" to fix the problem since the problem isn't about cooling but with design choices. I only blame Dell for continuing to use Nvidia's faulty chips even now and Nvidia for not thoroughly testing a product. -
Sony SZ with identical configuration as Dell 1330 did not have any Nvidia GPU failing sofar, as far as I know.
So I do believe Dell's cooling plays a part in it. -
The Sony SZ has the Geforce 7400, not the affected GPU.
I was going off of this -
Yes SZ 4 does not have it. SZ5, SZ6 and SZ7 do.
But the amount of dells sold vs sony's sold is a much bigger difference. Sony's tend to cost an arm and a leg while Dell tends to sell stuff pretty cheap. The XPS was EXTREMELY popular while a Sony no matter how nice and good they are will always be above the pricepoint of a Dell.
tential... I really hope you're right. I hope the Studio XPS are priced ultra aggressively.
I just don't know what to believe anymore after the Latitude E4300 fiasco. IMO, that thing is overpriced more than VAIOs are by nature... AND it stinks. >_<
I know it's meant for businesses, but at least when you compare a VAIO Z to the E4300, the Z wins in every way possible, except for maybe customer support/warranty.
After reading a few Macbook reviews... I have to say though. I'm honestly impressed. Anandtech's review for the new Macbooks was thorough, and while MBs have a premium on them too, it might really be worth it this time. -
I just found out today that I got full-time at work so I'm looking to replace the Dell Inspiron e1505 I bought for work 2.5 years ago when I got hired.
I've been having trouble deciding though because of the differences. If the laptop isn't just plain ugly it's got keys in wierd spots or the display and graphics options suck.
My e1505 has a 15.4" 1680x1050 LCD and I love it while 1920x1200 is just too **** big. While the Studio XPS 16 is a similarly sized resolution, the screen is also a bit larger. It still sucks, but 16" is better than 15.4"
It should also have a decent graphics card to keep me happy.
And as long as Fn is NOT located where Ctrl should be (I'm looking at you, Lenovo, maker of fugly laptops stolen right out of the 90's) I will be happy. backlit keyboard would be awesome too, as well as fingerprint reader.
So while I wanted to buy right now, I can wait till November when this comes out. By then I can probably pay cash instead of applying for financing like last time. -
what day are the latest rumors for release or announcement?
any detailed news on xps 16? like rgb led lcd screen or 9800m series cards.
i do hope there is still a gaming laptop after xps m1730. -
I hope Dell releases an 18.4" laptop with WLED backlighting. A 16.4" system is obviously nice too, but for us people who don't move their systems, it would be nice to have a large screen laptop and not too expensive. Otherwise I might have to go with a different manufactuer like Sony. I like both Dell and Sony, so I am always tied between the two. I am hoping for an anouncement soon. Dell has been very hush hush lately releasing systems.
Most people are assuming the 16 inch one will only have a 9600GT
Of course most of this is speculation and wishful thinking, but I hope Dell comes out with a bang, because if not, it will probably destroy their reputation with customers. But then again, maybe not...
i think its the problems with their customer service and other things that are moreso ruining the reputation with customers
I got it!
Studio XPS is not coming in November. It's coming in spring of 09 with the refresh Montevina. Dell will suck it up and stick with the Studio line for the holidays.
End of discussion. I think :confused2: -
No, they wouldn't wait until Q3 09 for Capella that would be suicide for Dell.
It's not like they haven't kicked themselves in the groin already. They're already 2 months late on the high end market. Perhaps, they're smarter than we think. With the down turn in the economy there may not be a need for a high-end market.
Perhaps they wanted to focus on the Mini since netbooks are the fastest growing sector right now. Except they screwed that up too.
Santa Claus is coming to town!! Soon...
Jayson, how soon? Yes, your information may be correct, but how soon is soon?
1.) Dell Studio 17 getting Montevina and when if so?
2.) Will there be an 18.4" Dell Studio XPS or the like?
Also, let Dell know that the Dell Studio needs coupons much like that of the Inspirons and XPS's. We all have to carry the burden of overpriced Studio's without coupons, mine came to over $1600 for an average gaming set-up and now the ATI Card option is GONE. -
1. Yes it will eventually, same as the 15" but also needs to go through stock on hand first, i guess. So basically same situation.
2. I wouldnt know about a 18.4" all i do know is that XPS is getting a refresh. They may addon a 18.4 at the end... looking at competitors...
about the coupons, if you notice we have coupons on XPS and Inspiron due to stock on hand .. and objectives of future refreshes.. =) thats how business goes, I GUESS.
Dell Studio XPS 13 and 16 - Coming Soon?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by NuKeDoG, Aug 26, 2008.