Do yourself a favor and give them a call to confirm that it will indeed ship. While it's true we've all experienced getting as many different stories depending on how many different Reps we've spoken to, mine told me that even if he put in the order for it that it would never ship, explaining that the part number is only part of a bundle and the system wouldn't be able to process it as a standalone order. He said it would just sit there in 'production' status until someone went in and canceled it.
Who knows, he may be full of crap?? But I though I should at least let you know. If they confirm back that it will actually ship for you, let me know and I'll go back and try yet another time!
Not all reps are smart and know their way around the system.
From my case manager:
"I have gone a head and place the order for the part # A0691231 for the Remote and the new order #..."
So I am getting the bluetooth one instead of sitting there arguing over and over that I want a remote they can't ship me. Plus if I decide to sell it, it is a $59.99 remote from them, which translates to higher resale, meaning I can find someone on ebay that got the other remote I really wanted, buy it and still have some extra $$.I'm happy with this aspect at this point.
Pic of ordered remote -
Glad that worked out for you. Personally I want the IR remote and nothing else. It doesn't stick out of the slot at all like the BT does and won't drain the battery at all.
I would rather of had the other remote just due to the sticking out thing, but since it doesn't appear any one is really going to get it, at least I got something.
I also had a case manager e-mail me back finally who also placed an order for me (but immediately canceled it because she then saw that there was already an order in the system for the part). My ship date is 7/19/07 so I should receive it no later than Friday. -
Well good news, my remote has in fact shipped, or at least their is knowledge at DHL of my order
So I will now have a remote that I can stick in nefarious places until the finally decide to ship my
The remote I rec'd today controls nothing. Having recd no instructions or software with it, I went ahead and hooked up the IR sensor to my Latitude's USB (a laptop I use for work), hit the remote's power button and it promptly caused my laptop to shut down, thus losing about 2 hrs of work.
So, I guess I can't say it didn't actually control anything... -
its on the dell website people.... for $15 or something
Dude- have you considered joining Dell's Cust Service team??- just joking
One more time- the issue is for those who have already had their laptop shipped or ordered online b4 the remote was listed as an option. Many were told it would come automatically with the PC shipment. It wasn't AND there is no way for Cust Service to place an order specifically for the remote (ie unbundled).
get it? -
I received my 1520 yesterday and have been on the phone with Dell for the better part of today. the only thing I got out of it was a $50 credit for my inconvience.
Do you guys have any suggestions I had been trying to clear this issue up before I received the pc (over 5 days and 25 hours of my time).
PS "Dell, I will never stop tryingto get my remote...ever...."
Does this order discription include the dell travel remote... "FW331-Kit,Remote Control,Notebook Mobile 2008,Philips"
Or is it something entirely different? -
Nope, I don't think that's it...
I got my 1520 today - I am quite happy with it but did not get the IR Travel Remote. Called customer care and EPP sales and they say that there is no part number and cannot help me. I am even ready to pay the $15 if need be but no one can find the damn remote!!!!!
On a brighter note, I just received my Office 2007 for Students and Teachers that I only paid $88 shipped for.
The bad news though, is that the box was really too big for the mailbox but the mailman made it fit anyway, so in the process of removing the box, my mailbox fell over. Now I have to go out and fix it... -
I think that guy might work for Dell already, he gives the same responses they I dunno, you guys can continue to try to get that remote, but I just don't see it happening, so stick it to them, make them send you the $60 bluetooth remote just like I didAt least then you'll get something.
To the guy that his remote powered down his system, did you try the actual media buttons on it with media player running? Sorry to hear about your luck about it powering down on you. Next time make sure to save any work when you are trying a new product on any computer. -
The thing is that you are supposed to be using it with Media center, which already knows how to use it. Your system doesn't apparently. Hence the no software. You might want to do some searches online for "Media Center Remote Software" never know, it may work out for you after all. If not call em up, tell em it don't work, and you want the bluetooth remote. At least then you get something that works. That is if you ordered BT.
There's a whole LOT of people out there who were told they'd get a remote with shipment and didn't. The pathetic excuse that Dell can't find a part number to send it to us is simply unacceptable and would be laughable if it weren't so frustrating.
Yes, we're talking about a puny $15 piece of equip, but one that should be there and lack of it is a case of misrepresentation. Nothing alienates your customer base quicker than these kind of service gaffs.
Time to play hardball, dammit! Individually, no one seems to be getting anywhere. Who's a lawyer out there that can collectively represent us or in the media that can confront them with the prospect of doing a segment of Dell's continued woes in the area of service and not standing behind their product. That should go a long ways in nudging them to find a part number they can actually order!
Are y'all with me?? Are ya? Well, ARE ya?
Now where's my prozac.... -
Sure I will join, maybe I can get another free remote
I do agree that something should be done on a larger level, but it would only work if made massively publicly known. Someone needs to write engadget and places like that, and notify them of this injustice. The least Dell could do is to change there system to where that part could be ordered. What would of happened if I had received that remote with my system and it broke? That should be covered under warranty, so how would they have sent me another one? -
Yep- everyone needs to take the "I'm mad as hell and ain't gonna take it anymore" attitude.
Michael Dell is working on rebuilding the business from the ground up, but until that happens, this company is a textbook example of a dysfunctional, no-cohesive mess of various, overlapping depts all of which are in a hurry to kick you to another dept and none of which can help you on this matter. Kudos to anyone out there who makes it a hobby of getting all kinds of freebies. I personally can't stand that and this is clearly a different situation where several people simply aren't getting equipment they were promised. I would just pay for the remote if I could in spite of the fact my Rep guarenteed it would ship with my PC. But I can't. Unfortunately, the only thing that ultimately get them to remedy the situation is to unrelentlessly keep on them and continue to escalate as high as you can go.
Ultimately, we WILL work thru this bureaucracy- power to the PEOPLE! lol! -
Many people will think I am just trying to get freebies, due to the fact I got the remote, messenger bag, and have plans to get the $100 for my Geforce issue. I normally look down on trying to get something for nothing, but considering I have been waiting over 2 months for my laptop, I do feel I deserve some kind of compensation, and the remote, according to reviews we were supposed to get one. If they did not intend on sending me a remote, it should not have been in the reviewers hands either. The messenger bag is just for my pain and anguish over this whole issue, and honestly I would gladly give up the $100 credit for a higher powered graphics card. I paid an extra $200 to go from integrated to the 8600, which shows my willingness. Then to not get what i was promised? So there is method to my madness. And I ordered the original laptop to help me in my schooling, I have felt the effects of it not being here as there was many times it could have helped me out tremendously!!! So I do feel justified in the messenger bag, not to mention the arguing constantly with incredibly stupid dell reps about things that should be, "yes sir, here is the info you wanted... thank you, good bye" Instead they give me "I don't know, that doesn't show up, blah blah," When other reps did & could tell me what i wanted. Either they need to better train their reps, or tell them to get off their lazy... I will keep this clean, but you get the idea.
anyone know what happened to Monk and DMAK they were the main propietors of this in the beginning?
Liquid: Still don't have the right remote. Got the Media Center one. No one can find the 0961 part number one. I can't use bluetooth because I don't have it coming on my laptop.
Waiting till laptop ships, then hopefully they can order the remote properly. Bag will be sent for free once laptop ships for sure. -
hmm, what's another accessory we could get them to substitute for the remote that you could use? ....... Wireless mouse maybe? 22" WS LCD, Dell gift card? I dunno, just some ideas
that would be pretty funny if they become so wanted that it sells for like $100 on
Woop. Still have a 8/1 ship date, but just checked and i am now in production - testing stage. just have boxing to go then it's on the way.
I doubt it will take 2 weeks to test/box and ship, so it's coming earlier than i thought. -
congrats Monk. Hopefully it they get it sent quick! Just called again, and mine is still in build stage
. Oh well at least someone was made happy tonight.
Haha.. I gave up on the remote. My lappy is in testing. Media Center 2005 bulky remote is in my room. Laptop bag is waiting on lappy ship. Last try for the right damn expresscard remote is waiting on lappy ship.
did you get BT with your sys monk? If so try for that remote.
yea, SCREW the remote =) This thread has 29 PAGES already, about some 15-dollar remote that Dell is refusing to.... sell
no bluetooth, and i don't want a remote that sticks out of the pc, and sucks the battery down. i'd rather live without the remote at this point. it's such a hassle and stupid.
understandable. I will probably not keep mine stored in the laptop, but it will be in the bag. And I wanna know if it will drain the battery if it is already charged? meaning if I keep the lappy plugged in until the remote is charged, will it still suck down my batt?
Here's the case I am getting however.
Brown to Brown
Edit: Switching to this since they just put it on the site. I like the backpack feel, but without the double straps.. new one -
Could this work with the computer? -
Compatibility: HP Pavilion dv1000t, dv2000, dv5000, dv6000, dv8000, dv9000 notebook PCs and Compaq Presario V2000, V3000, V5000, V6000
Give it a shot and let us know -
I just called DELL Sweden. Got a vague answer that it should probably not come with the laptop. Then I called spare parts department who checked but could not find anything but the "remote control kit". I sent over more info to them via email asking whether it is possible to get hold of in Sweden and also my chances to get it for free with my current order. Let's see how it goes.
I gave 412-0781 and the less likely (to be correct) 412-0961 part numbers.
I sent over this picture and links the thread and also the link that describes it better.
Let us know how you make out. -
Ah, many thanks! I misread the thread then. Will keep you posted but I fear that Vostro being "business laptop" and me living in Sweden, nice but customer care is not the same as in US, will render me paying for it.
EDIT: could the "remote control kit" be 412-0961? She said she did not have a part number for that but promised to do some more research.
you never know guys, it's possible it might work.
This travel remote is a IR correct? Does the 1420 even support IR? Just wondering if this 412-0961 travel remote would even work with the 1420. At any rate, I called Dell a few times and they won't even acknowledge this remote exists.
By the way, is the IR port designed only for the remote or can I also use it with my cellphone, for example?
I like how my thread reached 30 pages.
Dell Inspiron Remote, I got it
Discussion in 'Dell' started by DMAK02, Jul 11, 2007.