Ha, excuse the 'snobby' remark. My 2 dorm-mates brag about their Macbook Pro's and taunt my dell :/
Anyway, I don't know about you but even if the basic model will be $2k w/ tax, which is half of what you could pay with similarly equip laptops.
Then again, if I had the money I'd probably get the Adamo too. So it all really breaks down to price.
$1800? sounds like a mistake to me. It better perform better than a Macbook Air.
I remember the Voodoo Envy coming out and there was a lot of buzz about it being better than the Air, but then it was found to be MUCH more expensive, which pretty much killed it. -
It will probably be more like $1500 for the entry level Adamo.
I had a dream last night and the starting price was $2,500.00
And, that I called the Dell Rep, and said I want the Adamo 13 badly, but I can't afford that starting price.
In my dream, he felt bad...gave me a great deal of $500, and a fully loaded Adamo 13~!!!
Then, I woke up.
It was a nice dream though..Can you imagine the Adamo 13 priced at $500???
It would be sold out, and so on backorder....
Cin -
No one thought that Hyundais would ever cross the $30K mark. Enter the Genesis. It can run closer to 40K fully loaded. Hah! -
dell mentioned that it would replace its current XPS line with the adamo, so my best guess is that, its starting price would be above the studio XPS. I think it would start at 1k3 at the very least. However, I highly doubt that it would start at 1k8 or 1k5 as others suggested.
Remember when the M1330 came out? it was expensive (right under 2000), but demand was high so they pushed the price higher. then the prices crashed. I think it will be similar with the Adamo because it's marketed as a high end product like the M1330. (I remember at one point the M1330 was over $2300 starting price!). So even Dell can charge ludicrous prices.
I'm not into the 13" i'm a 15" fan. I think just like waht hpened with the XPS couple of months down the road we will also see the Adamo 15" or 15.3"..
did any one hear about 15" Adamo???? -
Hey Dell finally got something up on the Adamo website. Nothing new though, just links to engadget and stuff.
Here's an article that showed up today that implies that it will be out this quarter...
I also don't think this will replace the XPS line, it will be for those who are looking for something distinctive and out of the price range of the normal consumer. Kind of an executive model. Perhaps for all the execs at the finance companies that received TARP money.
http://www.tgdaily.com/html_tmp/content-view-41410-135.html -
looks like this site is operational now - http://www.adamobydell.com
Cin -
I wonder if he comes with it <3 - ...the machine looks great too
... I cant wait till everyone gets over this current trend of making finger print magnets.
nystateofmind27 Notebook Consultant
Any speculations on screen resolution? Looks pretty high in the pics.
The Windows bubble in the pictures was pretty small, even considering that it was a 13" screen. I'm guessing 1440 by 900 or so. And shipping before the end of the month would be pretty sick. I'd take an Intel 4500 MHD, though an NVidia 9xxx would be so much nicer.
sonoritygenius Goddess of Laptops
I don't know if it will be that high, probably more along the lines of 1368x768.
1600x900 makes for too short a screen - the Vaio Z is quite oddly designed. From the pictures we've seen, the Adamo is sticking to a more sane form factor. More importantly, what about the video card? Do you guys thing it's going to be just another Intel integrated?
I still remain positive that this lappy' is gonna just Rock! :yes:
Cin -
I've been following the Adamo for quite some time now, in the hopes that it will provide some competition for Apple in the "It is pretty, but also functional" spectrum. As it stands currently, I can't see buying anything else but a MacBook Pro when the Core i5 revisions arrive. I'm hoping the Adamo can change that, as I hate Apple's corporate mentality and business practices.
Launching later this year, I really hope the Adamo contains a Core i3/5/7 processor and a 9400-or-better quality graphics card. I've become annoyed with intel integrated, and even my Atom powered Asus N10j has a dedicated 9300 GS 256 included. If the Adamo can do all this at a pricepoint equal or less than the MacBook Air/Pro, maybe other companies will finally "get it" that Apple shouldn't be the only ones making sleek, sexy machines instead of plastic crap. -
I would imagine the first Adamo is going to be non-core i7 since the Calpella chips aren't out until late this year. But I think it's safe to assume that if the Adamo brand is still around towards the end of the year, we'll see some pretty sick chips inside them.
Now where's that release!
Cin -
From some other stuff I've read, the Adamo 13 should be out before March (I can't find the article again, though...), especially considering that Dell put up a site for the Adamo with enough pretension to rival Sony. That said, there are a lot of articles saying that the machine won't go into mass production until the second half of the year. An explanation is that they will be selling Adamo 13s soon, but these will be premium items, whereas the more mainstream Adamo computers will come out in Q2.
I don't know why no one has done this... but assuming the resolution seen here in this image is native:
Then, you can figure out that the resolution is 1366x768.
With some middle (elementary?) school math...
the image there is showing the homepage of notebookreview.com, which is about 900px in width... with some fractions fun, you can get the 1366px width. I did the same thing using the side menu to verify the height.
I'm hoping that's not the native resolution in that picture... otherwise this lcd kind of stinks... -
the adamo is ohh so sexy
And, I won't get my hopes up. If you find that article you saw the info on this, can please post the link? A release w/in the next 3 months would be sweet!
Cin -
Oh gosh, if I had the money to spend on the Adamo I would! Unfortunately I don't have the cash, nor the need for it. My Vostro and Asus EEE do the job. I'll keep looking for an excuse, though
sonoritygenius Goddess of Laptops
I can imagine the Dell Adamo as a stud named Adam.....tall, muscular, blonde spikes, and blue eyes..
Anyway................................. [cough].............
THATS how laptops can be sexy -
Good grief...notebooks should be sexy...to one's taste..
But it's what's on the inside that counts....I'd love to have a sexy laptop..but I'd rather have the inside *beefed* up to work like the powerhorse it should.
And, yes I think the Adamo is sexy...but as just stated...it's got to have great *guts*, *brains* and be able to withstand my overworking it!!
Cin -
does anyone know why dell's holding off the release of adamo and mini 10? whats taking them so long?
The Mini 10 has been released.
Yeah, my girlfriend really wants one.
Cin -
The Adamo is hoooot. Probably going to be too expensive for what it is though, similar to the MB Air, VooDoo 133 and Lenovo U110 that it competes with. I'm guessing similar specs to the above as well.
Do we know any prelim specs on the Adamo 13, or at least have a decent general idea of what its gonna have? -
Welcome back to you!
There is no set info on the specs yet. However; here is the Official site: http://www.adamobydell.com/
After you get thru the music...there are links provided for some net' news sites providing information. I just check Engadget!
Cin -
Hmmm...I was thinking that later this week, possibly Friday (3/6)..or even into next week would be a great time to order the Adamo 13
If it were availi' then, would any of you be ordering?
Guess I will have to wait and see..............
Cin -
didnt read the whole thread but looks like no cd rom. so its thin for a reason. Lenovo was able to fit a cd rom into thier x301 which is thinner. so they should have tried. Ive had laptops in the past with no cd rom and its not a big deal, but its kinda nice to have.
the light up keyboard was a nice touch though. -
I'm really wanting a tablet. Either the Dell XT2 or Lenovo Thinkpad x200t, else the Adamo would be high on the list.
I sense that the release of the Adamo is very near...
Did anyone who subscribes to adamobydell receive this link in their e-mail early this morning: Adamo is Almost Here!
What an incredible video!Look's yummy to me!~
Here is the other video: (but, I like the first one much better)
And, my EPP rep told me yesterday ~ that he would be contacting me no later than 3/18/09 regarding something he couldn't discuss on the phone or via e-mail ~ at this time. So, I'm hoping it holds true that possibly in the next week or 2 we shall have some great news!!!
*fingers crossed*
Cin -
I didn't get the email, but I saw the video. Most exciting to me is that the first component we see floating is a graphics card. Like, a for reals, non-integrated, has-its-own-fan card. That'd be pretty sick.
***-->The Official Dell Adamo Thread<--***
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Cin', Jan 14, 2009.