I would recomend not using Norton internet security. The antivirus is good though.
I got my G1s on Tuesday and have had nothing but problems with Vista. There are a few threads around on putting XP on these rigs so I may give it a try if I have any more problems.
So far I've had to restore from hidden partition 3 times and start over loading programs. Some would crash or stop responding during installs. I experience an extremely long boot time to get past the black screen. 5 plus minutes. I'm going to try updating the video drivers and see if that doesn't help.
First thing I did was get rid of Norton. My company gives me an Enterprise edition for free and that was my first mistake and cause for my first restore. I currently am running AVG free for AV and Zonealarm for firewall. I also run Spyware Blaster and Ad-Aware to keep the bugs away.
Anyway... it's got a few things that are ticking me off... all Vista I'm sure... but once it's running it's really sweet. I just played World of Warcraft for a bit and loaded Battlefield 2142, Company of Heroes and Call of Duty 2. All play well. About to take an extended business trip and I hope I don't have problems while on the road. Really frustating having to start from scratch. Taking my XP OS disk and drivers with my just in case. -
I just cancelled my XPS M1330 order and ordered a G1S today from buy.com came out to around 1770 after everything which isnt terrible. Should get it in 3-5 days which isnt too bad.
I'd look at http://www.av-comparatives.org/ for anti virus comparisons.
How do you install the 165.01 graphics drivers? It keeps giving me the "Setup could not locate drivers..." error.
EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out. I now have a score of 3823 in 3dmark06, never tried it before, so I can't tell you if this was an improvement or not. It definitely beats 960 on my desktop's 6600GT. -
Well... looks like 4th time is a charm. I restored from hidden partition this morning and rebooted after loading each application. So far I haven't had any problems. I ended up downloading Avast for anti-virus. I've used AVG in the past but Avast looks pretty good so I'll give it a try.
Going to start loading the few games I plan on putting on it. Hopefully all will go well.
Finally!!!! -
Hey, Does anyone know how to make the Direct Messenger show new emails and IM messages and also is there a way to write commands for it manually?
a lot of ppl are listing the 'bloatware' as a con, which is understandable, but having just bought a g1s myself
, i'm curious as to which programs, if not all, are tending to be removed? in other words, i just don't want to remove something critical..thanks
This guy listed everything I removed:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=141156 -
Is there any way too change the fan-speed by yourself?
Is there any way to change the sound on the asus startup screen? The explosion sound is too loud.
Thanks Nightfox, appreciated!
Fourth try is definately better. I rebooted after each program I installed so if there was a problem I could isolate the offender. I think Adobe CS2 was the culprit on past attempts. I finally read the compatibility issues with Vista and did not load Acrobat Professional. Also this time around I used Avast for anti-virus.
Everything is finally running "normal" and my boot up time is not too bad. Surely beats the 5 to 10 minutes I was having prior.
I did uninstall quite a bit of the "bloatware". I kept NBProbe, Power4Gear, Live Update and Direct Console.
Apps now installed and running properly on my G1S are:
- Adobe Creative Suite 2 (sans Acrobat 7)
- Microsoft Office Professional 2003
- Avast Anti-Virus
- Picassa
- Firefox
- Spyware Blaster
- Spybot Search and Destroy
- World of Warcraft - Burning Crusade
- Call of Duty 2
- Company of Heroes
- Infernal
- Coffee Cup HTML 2007
- Filezilla
- iTunes
- VLC media player
- Anapod Manager
Maybe now I can enjoy this rig!!! -
any idea whats going on there?
So anyway, that could be causing your lower score in 3dmark. It should be fixed as soon as you recover. -
I think you problem is services running in the background. Make sure your AV is off and Firewall if it uses packet scanning. As well as any non-vital service (like Windows Side-bar, Auto Updates Etc.). If I run 3dmArk with my AV, and Firewall on I get around 3400 too!
*also make sure it's a fresh reboot
Ok I closed all the services and I got around 3700, but then I installed 165.01 and I ended up with 2800... I tried to uninstall the driver completely and used driver cleaner and I still get around 2800.
How come 2 hard drives (C and D) show up in "my computer" even though there is only 1 160 gb hard drive? Why not put all the storage together? Is there a reason/advantage to spreading it out? Or if not, how do you make it one?
Your harddrive comes stock just partitioned into two drives. You can reformat the computer and select to make it one partition, and I think theyre is another way to allocate space from one drive to another, although I'm not sure if this other method allows a total merger or just partial.
quick question here...i'm thinkin about getin a 2.0ghz over the 2.2 to save some money for a RAM upgrade to 3GBs. i assume that there isnt goin to be that big of a diff. in graphic performance?? and, it seems that alota folks are doing the 7200rpm HD, will that help more with the graphics as well? cheers
PS::: With the announcement of the new processors, how long do u all think g1s is gona stay hot on the market?? any predictions if asus is goin to integrate these new extreme processors??? -
o yea and a quick question for all u G1s owners. How does the G1 perform in terms of work (esp. for students) like writing papers and stuff. is the fan loud?? howd the keyboard? on the ASUS site it said that there can be WSXGA+ or some other kinds of screens, are there different ones to choose from when u purchase them? my w3v's screen and keyboard are pretty nice right now, just wonder how the g1s woud be like
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=132951 -
For the keyboard, thats the tricky part. Some G1 have a prefect keyboard. Some G1 ship with keyboard with flex. If yours has flex try this site.
Quite the decent LCD. Abit of light leakage for mine at the bottom. And the screens wobbles when begin used in a bus/car. -
I want to install OSX86 on my G1S. Have anyone done it sucessfully? Can you share your experience with us?
I'm realy near buying this laptop, but since I can see it in real before buying it, I would like to have more information about the solidity of this laptop. Are they cheepo or make to last?
they dont have it in canada
Warranty Claim Update:
As I mentioned, here is my feedback on Asus's warranty policy: From June 20th my laptop was sent out, and today, July 17th I got it back. A completely new G1s, I'm completely happy with Asus's services, and everytime I called they assisted me with little difficulty. I'm less then pleased with fedex, who left my package outside, with no notice, had it rained or someone wondered past my yard, and i would of been out 2000 dollars canadian. -
ilikeicehockey Notebook Evangelist
hey guys, just wondering if medieval 2 total war would work on the G1S cause its windows vista but the requirements on the game says 2000 or XP. would it still work?
Just a quick update on my G1s
I have had it for a month......it's simple....this machine is perfect!
Best choice I ever made!
I baby this thing like crazy, always wiping it down.....lol
The backpack is sweet! The laptop fits in it perfectly. I have had very little problems with games.....you know, just typical buggy type stuff that goes along with PC games. Nothing to do with the G1s.
Vista security can be annoying....but overall Vista is great as well.
Just wish I could stretch out the battery life some more. Any tips? -
lightning penguin Notebook Consultant
Hi guys I really like the G1s, and I think I will buy it at the end of this year (I hope).
I have a questions for it though:
1. Does it get very hot? Or just warm? Some people say it gets warm but others say it can get real hot.
2. What exactly is grainy screen? And does the G1 has that type of screen? How bad is it?
3. How bad is the light leakage in the display?
4. I'm very worried about the speakers...is it really bad? Can someone post a video of it?
5. Can the four usb slots at the back of the laptop be fully used up, as in like they will not obstruct the space in between and four usb things can be connected to the computer. -
2.- I'm not sure about what they call a grainy screen, mine works like a charm, no complaints at all.
3.- There's a noticeable light leakage in the bottom part of the display only on black background images. I mean, it will never bother you.
4.- The speakers are simply the WORST laptop speakers i have ever listened to. There's no explanation for it, i don't know why ASUS didn't notice that.
5.- The placement of the USB ports is not that bad. You can plug normal usb devices (like mouses, keyboards, printers, ipods) i mean, flat usb connectors with no problems at all... Now when it comes to pen drives, you can only use two, because they will eat up the other two slots. -
1. I've never tried it on my lap but it does get warm.
2. I guess if you look hard enough it is grainy but it doesn't bother me that much. Can't tell when playing games.
3. There is some leakage at the bottom - again, doesn't bother me.
4. I don't use the laptop speakers that much (does anyone?) but they're laptop speakers.
5. I actually prefer the usb ports bunched up in the back - better than a couple on the left side and a couple on the right side and then you end up with wires running all over the place. -
Well the USB ports at the back are better then those on the right/left as it will be hassle depending on which hand is ur master hand.
At least the cooling vents are a the back of the laptop. Definitely better then the fijutsu model with the vents on the left side of the laptop. Ouch to any left handers using that model. -
Anyone know if you can take your own cd's and DVD's to Best Buy to try out the G1S. I was messing around with it yesterday and love how it looks but I wanted to try out the screen to see if it's good enough for watching hi-def movies. Does Best Buy allow you to play around with their computers like this?
Had mine for a bit over a month now, and it's terrific. Only problem is Vista causing Installshield to crash when I try to install certain games or apps (Max Payne 2 or 3dmark06 are the two I am most annoyed with). So I'm waiting on XP to arrive so I can dual boot and use that entirely until Vista is easier to use.
Has anyone found a way to actually tell Vista to let you install programs like this, rather than telling the installer that the logged-in Administrator does not have permission to do so? -
mrwhere, any comment about the build quality of it?
So eager to purchasse mine
In control panel type in user account in the search box.
Click on the link for "Turn User Account Control (UAC) on or off"
Uncheck the box, reboot. -
lightning penguin Notebook Consultant
I really appreciate it.
What do you guys think when comparing the speakers of the psp to the speakers of the G1s? Which is better?
And what are pen drives?
~G1s Owners Lounge~
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by coriolis, May 29, 2007.