does anybody know how to install bluetooth for the f3sv-x1 on XP/Vista aka drivers or more specifically a utility so i can use the bluetooth...
but, in your situation sounds like it might be.
It is the 8600m gs. I dont think there is actually a "G" for the 8600 series only the 8400m G.
As for the difference, yes only the 1gb robson chip is what i found. I just bought one separately from and installed it was only $55 AUS. The F3SV has an extra unused slot for it.
I have yet to see any difference in performance. -
doesnt hte t7300 processor come with built in robson or something like that? or did that just mean that this processor can be upgraded to have it? (i actually thought mine had robson already, am i wrong?)
o yeah, and for all you guys that are looking for the f3sv battery, i got the info you need :O you can buy them at:
here are the emails i recieved from the estore, if you dont believe me you can always email them too.
Code:Dear Valued Customer, Please use the following information to purchase your battery: Name: F3J/F 6 cell battery Item#: 70-Ni11B1001 Price/ea. $110.00 Thank you, Amada Reyes ASUS Accessory Department - CSR Technical Support - 812-282-ASUS(2787) Option 3 Or Chat Online w/ Tech Support at ASUS's Live Support Tech Support Email: [email protected] Notebook Support: ~ (888) 678-3688 option 3 PDA Support ~ 866-732-7108 Bios Department - 812-282-ASUS(2787) Ext. 7172 RMA Email: [email protected] RMA STATUS CHECK ~ RMA Dept. ~ (510) 739-3777 ext 5105 Purchase Accessories for DeskTop and Notebook Products at
Code:Dear Valued Customer, Please use the following information to purchase your battery: Name: F3JA/JC/JM/F-1A BATT 9 CELL Item#: 70-NI11B2000 Price/ea. $180.00 Thank you, Amada Reyes ASUS Accessory Department - CSR Technical Support - 812-282-ASUS(2787) Option 3 Or Chat Online w/ Tech Support at ASUS's Live Support Tech Support Email: [email protected] Notebook Support: ~ (888) 678-3688 option 3 PDA Support ~ 866-732-7108 Bios Department - 812-282-ASUS(2787) Ext. 7172 RMA Email: [email protected] RMA STATUS CHECK ~ RMA Dept. ~ (510) 739-3777 ext 5105 Purchase Accessories for DeskTop and Notebook Products at
Thanks for the link Fittersman.
I personally am not willing to drop that much money for a slightly better battery at this stage. For my purposes I am pretty sure I will not need more than 2 hours of battery life at a time. I even managed 1 hour and a half at High performance.
Anyway for all of you using Rivatuner I suggest switching to Ntune, from nVidia's download site. It is much better and easier to use as well as being more stable and more functional. -
i wonder if those batteries will drop in price anytime soon....
but, an update for all those using winXP still, there are some new things on the asus site you may care for, may not, but it cant hurt to look. -
howdy, so my f3sv just cant shut down now...any ideas? it stays at the loggin off part in vista and never shuts down, unless i manually unplug it ect.. hope that it hasnt f-ed my lappy up yet!
FusiveResonance Notebook Evangelist
Note: THis will work on most f3sv systems, but once in a while the cam manufacturer will be different. Asus decided to use different manufacturers, so make sure you get the driver corresponding to your cam. You'll find more info on the asus support/troubleshoot page...if you still cant figure it out then pm me. -
since we are on the topic of webcam again, i got another problem...
after i updated my drivers for it, it was always in use by another program or something so i rolled the driver back. Now, i can start lifeframe but where the video is supposed to be its just a hole in the window (i can see whats behind it)
any ideas whats that about? hopefully i can get this working by the 4th of september so i can use it to take pictures of diagrams in class (if its a good enough camera that is) -
FusiveResonance Notebook Evangelist
hole in the
so even if you drag the lifeframe window around the hole is still their? or is it just acting as a screen capture utility?
also...try re-installing lifeframe -
yeah, right where the video is sposta be, i can see the window behind it, there is no video.
FusiveResonance Notebook Evangelist
did a re-install of lifeframe work?
quick update here....i just installed the 165.01 driver with the moded inf and it improved my scores by 150 on 3dmark....with oc it can break 3k
I've had my F3SV-AK118 for 3 weeks now.
Agree with everyone re great screen.
Not too bloody impressed with the length of time Vista takes to boot!
Have already uninstalled a bit of crap. Any suggestions re the following?
I didn't uninstall Nero. Somewhere in this thread someone mentioned to uninstall Nero. I have a copy of Roxio Creator from another laptop purchase. Will replacing Nero with Roxio speed up boot time?
Also... any tried connecting F3SV to external monitor? I spent 2 bloody hours piss farting around last night getting the laptop to talk to the Viewsonic LCD. I admit it was due to my inexperience with Vista. Finally got it working however the laptop screen stays off when connected to external one. I don't want to run extended desktop... just an exact clone. Is there a setting somewhere that I can have both screens on when the laptop lid is open, and when the laptop screen is shut only the external stays on?
Finally... any other ways to speed up Vista? I haven't updated any Asus drivers yet... which ones are recommended ASAP?!? -
Hi im new to the boards and i was wondering if any has gotten xp to work on the asus F3sv. Cause ive been trying for about 2 months now and haven't had any luck. Ive tried formating it so many ways and haven't had any luck and it getting to work. Its really annoying having to use vista. And i was wondering if anyone has had luck and could help me.
FusiveResonance Notebook Evangelist
go to the f3sv forum on the asus support site. You'll find a thread dedicated to this over there. Good luck
there is a new realtek driver, vista 1.75, can we use this?
asus hasnt updated the drivers list.
btw, official specs say the audio is of Intel HD audio but Sandralite says its realtek alc660, wc lead me to the realtek drivers. -
Hi Fittersman,
My F3SV came stock with already 2GB RAM. I assume that is 2 x 1GB sticks.
Are there actually more slots to allow more RAM? Or do I have to replace them with 2 x 2GB = 4GB Ram? -
but, remember that you need a 64bit OS to take advantage of 4GB RAM. My system only came with 32bit premium vista, so make sure you check into that too. -
Hi Fittersman,
My Asus model is F3SV-AK118G... sold in Aus only I think.
Specs say 2 x 1GB DDR2 667MHz SDRAM, expansion up to 4GB.
OS is Vista Ultimate... is that 64bit or 32bit? How to know? Specs don't say.
Thanks again. -
Finally worked out why Vista takes so bloody long to bootup over the last few weeks. It booted up reasonably fast out of the box...
... until I installed ZoneAlarm7.1 for Vista.
For Vista MY A*SE! Takes on average 3mins to boot up.
Do not talk to me about patience and anger management... 3mins is too long in this day and age!
To be honest and fair, once Vista has finally booted, all runs smoothly. Shutdown speed is faster than bootup.
I have been a user and fan of ZA for 4 years now. Runs perfectly on XP Pro on my XPSM1710... so it should.
Now just waiting for CheckPoint to fix ZA so I don't have to take a 3-5 minute coffee break or a No.2 while the bloody thing boots!
I feel better now that I know what's causing the slow bootup. It happens on all systems with Vista. I was starting to think the F3SV was a lemon decision! If I uninstall ZA, my system flies!
Any suggestions for a reliable/fast internet security suite/antivirus program? -
Hey again. I've recently been trying to install Ubuntu on my FS3v-B1 and have been having considerable difficulties. I've found workarounds for some of the problems I've faced, but right now I can't figure out how to resolve an issue I'm facing regarding the "x server". Upon beginning the installation, I'm greeted with the Ubuntu logo and a scrolling block, then the system runs some sort of diagnostic of my hardware, then I get this error message:
"Failed to start the X server. It is likely that it is not setup correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem"
I'm not a linux geek and have only a moderate understanding of computers, so I'm not sure where to proceed from here. Using Google has only served to confused me further. I'm hoping someone here knows of anything I can do to resolve this issue. -
sesshomaru Suspended Disbelief!
Which version are you using? I've faced this issue with 64 bit versions of both feisty and gutsy in quite a few laptops...Try the 32 bit once..
Also, the nvidia drivers may be at fault. configure x windows, and choose nv drivers instead of nvidia -
1) type nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the terminal (the terminal should be the only thing you are able to access right now) and go down to the part where it looks like this:Code:Section "Device" Identifier "Nvidia 8600M GS" Driver "nvidia" EndSection
Code:Driver "nvidia"
Please tell me what driver you are currently using.
2) go to the nvidia site and find the appropriate driver.
3) copy it to your ubuntu partition somehow.
4) you will need text mode to install the driver, so go to and then use text mode (hopefully that will work for ubuntu)
5) go to the folder where you copied the nvidia driver to and type 'sh [insert the name of the nvidia driver here'
you should now have the x server running
another thing, you should use the prereleases of ubuntu 7.10 if you arent (the wireless driver will work out of the box on 7.10 but not on 7.04), and keep in mind that this is what i did on fedora, not ubuntu.
if that didnt work, supply the error and i will do my best to help you. -
Just got my F3 for a week now and I put an extra 1GB of Ram in it. What else should I do? I also noticed that I cant watch any videos on the windows media player.
What extra programs should I dl for this laptop? what programs should i uninstall, such as all the asus programs that came with it? I dont wanna remove any programs i do need? Are there any adjustments i should make for this comp to function at its highest protential? -
Is anyone having issues with the video cards on Asus' website? Everything was fine with the last batch, but I upgraded to these ones a little while ago and they shot my video in CSS to hell. Everything else runs better so I don't want to give up the drivers. But in CSS, I get crazy weird video, like seeing decals, buildings, and yes occasionally players through walls and floors.
As potentially cool as that might sound on paper, seeing people through walls w/o a hack, its really really disorienting as I have no idea how many walls are between the two of us. Any advice? -
anyone else use the system and install hacks? (ive only had CSS for a month, so i dont know what the hacks and stuff are yet, other than aimbot, some guy came in the server with that and he was amazing lol)
EDIT: im on driver -
for the f3sv-a1, is "intel hi def audio" and "realtek alc660" the same thing or compatible products?
i installed the realtek alc660 driver, vista1.75, via update driver at the device manager.
i didnt notice this before but in my desktop with AC97, it supports EAX upto ver 2.0 as well as direct3d sound.
but using the new realtek vista drivers on the Alc660 (as reported by sandra), it only supports 1 format and not the usual direct3d and EAX. isnt the ALC660 a better device vs the Ac97? how come it supports less powerful options?
and shouldt the drivers be found with intel, as branded in the specs, and not realtek?
ps; i just couldnt stand asus slow updates on their driver downloads. it seems there are new drivers for the video and audio cards from the manufcturers. but asus hasnt officially recognized them as fully compatible with the f3sv. -
yeah im using the same drivers as you. Maybe it was the install? but itried redownloading and installing once already. HL2 seems to work fine with them though, its just CSS... thats the weirdest part!
I'll have to ask for some help on this issue:
Thanks! -
Question regarding Asus F3SV drivers... should I be using the ones from Aus website or ones from manufacturers? Eg. nVidia.
Anyone looking to snag some sweet DDR2 800 2 x1GB chips? I have a few kingston chips I need to sell
Hey can someone help me out...
I'm getting 15FPS on any setting in STALKER, and lots of other games play like crap..
I have the F3SV-X1, but I've had constant driver issues since booting it up and that exciting day when it arrived from NCIX.
When i try to install the 158.45 (seems to be the one evryone uses) i get an error even after copying the .INF file to the correct place. I think the error was "this is not vista 32 bit" (not verbitum).
So i need help trying to figure out how to get 40-50 FPS like everyone else lol -
Where are those drivers..... asus website or nvidia?
whats the version you use? -
well i cant tell you the version im using (on fedora right now, ill edit this post if i can remember when i get on windows though), but it will be the latest driver under VGA -
i use the drivers from laptopvideo2go -
does anybody know how to install the on board MIC or get it working in XP (ie. recognized)? aka drivers...???
Hey hey hey... heads up... although don't hold your breath!
After reading too may forums/threads on installing WinXP on F3SV, I thought I'd give Asus support (in Aus) a call... interesting coversation to say the least.
I told the tech support guy my concerns (more frustration) with Vista. He immediately jumped in and said "no, F3SV currently does not support XP yet."
"Currently? Yet?" I said.
Techy replied saying that Asus would be releasing support and drivers for F3SV soon. I asked how soon and was told around September/October, with full instructions on how to prepare F3SV for XP install with XP driver support to be available on Asus website.
This is comforting news as I gather there are may out there who would rather run XP than Vista. If Asus techy is telling the truth, then I'll install XP and once MS iron out Vista issues, then I'll consider reinstalling Vista. At least I'll have the Asus Vista image CD on hand for that!
~F3sv Owner's Lounge~
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Gautam, Jun 20, 2007.