RPC yes
RPC is Automatic
RPC Locator is Manual
Go into Group Policy, and then the Log On Tab. Make sure that the account is enabled and has permission to log on. If that doesnt work, use gpedit.msc, in the run dialog, alhtough I am not sure if it is avaiable in Vista Home. If that doesnt work just recreate the account.
ive also been having login troubles...
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=156033 -
Greetings from the UK. I shall be receiving the laptop tomorrow.
so what do i have to do when I get this beaut?
What do you recommend to uninstall/install?
Do I reformat?
Thanks in advance -
hope you like it -
I just bought my f3sv today at the last second against the g1s...it just seemed so much better to do so! Seems like a nice computer so far! I have a few questions tho!
1. Whats the best GPU driver right now for this baby?
2. Do I need any BIOS updates?
3. I extended my RAM to 3GBs...i ran CPU Z and it said that my RAM has 333mhz in the max bandwith place....with the PC2-5300....is that right? What tests shoud I run to ensure that everything's going properley?
4. Any bloatware or stuff that I shoud get rid of?(i have like 77 processes running....) any tweaks that can be useful?
5. How do I get all my Itunes music from my old laptop to here?
cheers -
First thing i would do is dump vist and put xp back on.
I am using Nvidia 162.5. Works well.
I also just updated to bios version 206. not really sure if i need to doesn't seem to make any difference.
Not sure about the ram thing I only have 2 gig.
As for boot ware just put xp on.
Don't use itunes so i can't help here.
Get the XP drivers form Ausus. There is a thead here about what to do. -
FusiveResonance Notebook Evangelist
4. get rid of nero, norton and asus live update (doesnt work). also check out the windows section of the forums and install the 2 updates. -
I would love to say this is a sweet laptop. Cheers people.
sesshomaru Suspended Disbelief!
Blimey my average fps for CS:S was 129.3. Excellent.
I have uninstalled the asus update thingy and nero. My experience score is 4.7. The fingerprint reader gets some getting used to. Overall Im pleased. I wonder who do I give a rep to?? -
cheers -
FusiveResonance Notebook Evangelist
I am running xp so i don't need to worry about them. -
yeah, the CSS fps average is really nice, but mine dropped down to 83 after installing the second GB of RAM, kinda a downer but hey, whats wrong with 83 anyway? -
sesshomaru Suspended Disbelief!
Actually, anything over 60 is redundant, since your refresh rate is fixed at 60.
whats the best video driver for the f3 right now? also...how does the 333mhz=667 DDR? cheers
and i think the best one is on the asus site, read back a bit (ten pages at most) and you will find a link probably
and now a question of my own:
for anyone who has gotten linux working, how did you get the wireless card to work? (right now im trying out Fedora, and i must say i like it)
the nvidia driver was a real sinch to get working actualy, nothing like the old ati card i had, that took alot of work.. -
aite...are there any crucial updates to the BIOS, chipset, audio, video drivers which i def need to update???
Hi All,
Picked up my F3SV-AK118G this week.
I have been using an Asus A25D for the last 3 years without a problem, so I didn't hesitate in getting another Asus. The F3SV with its specs seems to be the complete package for the price. The only factor that I thought long and hard was the Vista issue. I have no experience with Vista and do not really have the time to muck around getting things to work and understanding all new features... but though might as well.
I uninstalled Norton (with removal tool) and installed ZoneAlarm Security Suite. Runs fine.
I also uninstalled Asus Protect and Infineon TPM. Waste time and now I don't get that stupid message saying that TPM is not initialised.
I also uninstalled PowerForPhone... don't know what it is and don't care. Defender didn't wouldn't let it start anyway!
The only things that bugs me is the long time it takes Vista to bootup. My 3 yr old Asus A25D running XP boots faster. Any tips to speed up things? Would bumping up RAM from 2GB to 4GB help? How much is RAM? -
gona sound stupid but how do u install the new BIOS? i tried gettin the new driver from nvidia but it wont install!?
Just placed an order for a F3sv-X1. I wanted some suggestions on where I can get cheap RAM to put in it for Vista to work properly.
What RAM should I get, and where can i get it?
Please help -
I stumbled on this Intense Power Savings thread. One thing I thought was interesting was that Turbo Memory apparently helps out on battary consumption. Another thread I saw (I didn't save it though) was that it could add up to 20 minutes runtime. I'm thinking on getting the F3Sv but the battary life bums me out a bit. Any rumors on Asus releasing the 9cell in the US? I was somewhere that there is a 9cell in Austrailia for this laptop.
asking where i can get one, you might want to keep a tab on tthat post -
There are several online places in Austrlaia you can buy the 9 cell battery from. Most will ship overseas, it costs about AUD200 plus shipping.
Does anyone have any idea of the dimensions of the Battery pack. Does it stick out of the Laptop much. -
guys...whats teh difference between WXGA,WXGA+, and WSXGA+....i feel like my WXGA is REALLY bright...how can i adjust the gamma ?
I am primarily linux, and I don't have an asus yet, but I'm pretty positive you can change the gamma and the like in the nvidia control panel, or (if you kept it) Asus Splendid. Check out the G1S threads for some info on how they reduced the graininess by doing that. -
Tx for the battary info guys. A 9 cell isn't a deal breaker for me getting the F8S at all, but it would be nice to have more uptime for the few times I'm disconnected.
At this point, I'm more interested in seeing what the 2 sept intel price cuts may do to the Asus lines. -
sesshomaru Suspended Disbelief!
A memory clock of 333 MHz means data is transferred twice during the cycle, or 667 MHz, effectively(for any DDR RAM). DDR1 reached maximum clocks of 200 MHz(400 DDR), DDR2 reached 800 DDR, and DDR3 has so far reached 2400 MHz DDR.
Hope that cleared some things... -
i guess i was wrong about the price, but its still a good price $39.99CAD is a nice price for RAM, i bought mine for like $45.99 bout 2 months ago
i got Fedora to work 100% on this laptop, its running pretty well id have to say, so if anyone needs help with it ill try to help them
Hey, i just bought a new f3sv-b1... i downloaded windows live messenger it wudnt shut down properly, then someone told me that the webcam has to be disabled for the computer to shut down properly, so i did disable the cam, and it did shut down properly... so basically i cant use the cam unless i disable b4 i turn the computer off.. second problem, i enabled the TPM in the BIOS and wanted to use the fingerprint, the wizard did not start up like it said it wud after enabling TPM, any suggestions?
theres a bunch of camera drivers on the asus site, which one wud be the right one?
Wait, whats the name on the camera drivers? I've been having some issues with mine on Skype and stuff. Sometimes it says its supposed to be on, but it wont turn on and light up.
well if you dont want to pay for shipping your going to have to buy from somewhere local, where are you from?
Hello f3sv owners, I was wondering if anyone can help me with dvd-ram drive. I recently was able to dual boot xp and vista on the machine, but the optical drive in xp is sometimes fast, sometimes slow (ie: copying isos) . So I checked xp's device manager.. and the driver is dated 7/1/2001. Do I have an outdated driver?
If so, where can I find the latest driver for my hl-dt-st dvd ram gsa-t20L
thanks -
FusiveResonance Notebook Evangelist
Hi gang!
I'm real ****** off my battery has gone belly up after owning it for just two weeks
I was using me lappy on battery power when it run out of charge and shut down. So I plugged in the mains, powered up and carried on for a little bit. When I shut down again I left it on charge for about 8 hours, now when I have started it again I expected the battery to be full, but no the little icon in sys tray said I have 0% and also that it's not charging too.
So I rebooted again and it showed 100% charge and that it was charging. Excellent!
So I unplugged the mains and started surfin around, 2 minutes later the battery failled again. I'm thinking **** what no charge, bummer!
Today I called asus tech here in the uk about the problem and the tech support said it sounds like a knackered battery, so they sent me a RMA ticket to sort it out which is great, but do I send them the whole unit (laptop & battery) or just the battery?
I questioned the tech people again about what I should do and they said it sounds like a battery problem, but if I only send them the battery and it tests out ok then I'm back to square one and have to send them the laptop too.
What should I do, hope that its just a battery problem and send them that or do I sent them both to be on the safe side?
Do you guys know of some software to test the battery which would confirm my woes. Other than this problem I'm very impressed with the laptop.
Duncan -
I have the installed drivers as per the installation cd on vista, dated 21/06/2006 version 6.0.6000.16386. There is also a Gear software driver version but no date on this one. I hope this helps you out, but I dunno whether the drivers are the same from xp to vista!
Duncan. -
I found my camera type/model in the device manager > imaging devices > usb web cam properties > details tab > find the manufacture in the pull down.
Now find the correct driver on the usual asus support download site.
Duncan. -
(I have flashed my bios to the latest version last week!)
Thanks for the quick reply though.
Cheers mate
Duncan -
I recently purchased the F3SV A1 (North American), and while checking it out I found that the swivel camera did not have the led light. The ASUS web site says the swivel cam has a led light. Did any one get the led light? This is not the small dot that indicates the camera is on.
~F3sv Owner's Lounge~
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Gautam, Jun 20, 2007.