Try to avoid doing thatYou just need it on the square
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Sub-optimal cooling = almost-transparent layer + almost-transparent layer > 1 almost-transarent layer = optimal cooling
If that didn't hurt your head you're not human. -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Anyway, got a hold of a monitor with sufficient resolution to run a standard 3DMark06 test.
CPU at 1.350V (full voltage), overclocked to 3.408 GHz
GPU at 605/1510/990
Score: 12139
I bet I can push the CPU even further, but I'm not feelng brave enough for that yet. Picture will be posted once photobucket gets it's head out of its butt.
And it looks like Skii and this T9800 are beating me. -
that is an awesome score! I disable WLAN when i run 3dmark and check services to see if anything is running that shouldnt be.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Bah. I'm enough of a man to admit defeat.
It's not like a 12000+ is shameful or anything.
Pictures in signature, by the way. -
Yea, I got to a certain point and I realized that my machine was working like I wanted it to so no complaints with 12000+ either. I mean, you and I are one of the few with those scores with a 15 inch laptop. Unfortunately, I leave for Marine Corps basic training in October, so I only get a few more months with this baby!
On a side note, I am currently making a HTPC for the new Sony 46" HDTV my family got! And by HTPC, i mean budget gaming machine! lol -
Hey I've been looking at the G51vx-Rx05 for a while now and ill probably be buying it this week from best buy. I dont know much about computers overclocking and undervolting but if I were to change the cpu unit to the Q9100 but would I be able to follow TevashSzat's guide for the overclocking and undervolting step by step with a different cpu but taking into concideration ratios of the initial ghz?
i really hope that they release a screen with higher resolution, i would really like to get my hands on one!
Plus the performance is not half bad. I just played some Oblivion(the only game I had on me from my old laptop) and it was able to run it perfectly max settings and 8x aa, and it looked absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to see what games like Crysis are going to look like when I try them out on here...
I'm definitely not disappointed with this screen, I think I'm gonna stick with it. -
I also love the screen! Its just I also love to tinker with stuff, and getting a new screen seems like a cool project. The resolution is fine for me as well, I just would love to see what a 1080P screen actually looked like....
You're talking to someone who put led lit buttons and a cow fur cover on a 360 controller...;P -
AWESOME! pics?
Thats probably my favorite project. I rarely use it, only for special occasions such as lock-ins at LAN centers and tournaments and such. The cow print is actually furry, the and mod is actually a mix of two online-bought modifications, that had to be spliced together with some molding of the plastic. The idea of the cow print, of course, comes from my screen name, which I have been using consistently ever since the 6th grade...;P -
hahaha that is awesome! I was about to do that with my 360 controller too(lights) but after reading up on it I became overwhelmed -_- Fail for me
If you want to use a faceplate different from the one that it comes with, you're going to have to do some splicing, which could ruin the faceplate. See, to power the LED lights, there is a whole extra circuitboard that comes with the mod, and the buttons have different slider pieces that fit in differently, so normal faceplates arent compatable with them, but can be modded to be able to.
If you want to save yourself the hassle, and get just the LED lights, then there are a couple different styles of mods like the above posted that may already have a set-up and color you like. Then its as simple as swapping the faceplates out, soldering the new board to the power supply, and screwing the faceplate back more than 5 minutes of work.
but lets not get too into it, off topic...;P -
haha yea, that is quite the mod! looks like a lot of work but it turned out very good!
Back to the G51,
I tried out the demo for the new Batman Arkham Asylum game. Those graphics were awesome!!!! The GTX 260 worked flawlessly at max res.
Have any of you guys tried mass effect? i want to try it but im not sure about it.... -
May depend on different requirement. I got HTPC and sony 40inch 1080P TV to watch HD movies. my G51VX-RX05 is used to play online games like BF2142 on the bed before sleep. -
nice! i am making a HTPC for my family's new 46" 1080P. going to use old Q6600 and maybe new GTX 260. I had my Q6600 water cooled to like 3.8 or 3.9. then i spilled gatorade all over my comp one day.... and now im on my new laptop lol.
What is your CASE? GTX260 is so big, can not install in the HTPC case. My HTPC have all AMD-ati chips, motherbord, and video card. hardwares inside only cost me less than $250 but HTPC case cost me $350+with remote
I am waitting for my BB G51vx-RX05 shipping to New Zealand. two weeks plus 200 hours under using AS5. OH NO, I want it now. HAHAHAHA
some silverstone case i think. or maybe ill get a micro atx case. idk.
NZ huh? i spent three summers (your winters) down there in high school skiing. good ol' south island. wanaka and queenstown! sweet as! lol -
Do you guys think this lap would be able to run most o the games on an external monitor at 1600 x 1050 withour lagging or anything..?
ok folks. I didn't see this answered, but I'll look through again. How are your speakers on this computer? The ones I have used are all VERY quiet, to the point I can't even hear the speakers if I'm in a normal room with A/C, TV on etc..
Thanks.. -
you could run many games at that res. but i would think that some newer titles might lag abit. I played on my 1080P screen TF2 L4D and call of duty. all ran relatively well.
Yes, the speakers are quiet. I currently have the laptop hooked into my BOSE system, so i never use the stock speakers. I guess i bought this laptop knowing i wouldnt -
Thanks much for the answer. That's basically what I've been hearing, and is very disappointing. I need more portability than to carry extra speakers around. Ahhh well.. 71 maybe
I prefer the lower res screen, because I can keep it at very high settings and not kill my performance, considering a 1080p screen has twice the pixels the GTX 260 has to render...
But as far is in-game, try and imagine what the difference would be of watching a blu-ray movie to a regular dvd movie on two 15 inch TV's, one of them being 1080p and the other being 720p. It would be practically impossible to tell the difference... -
i like the screen the way it is. all my games look wonderful. I have played on a 22" 1680x1050 on a q6600 and 8800GTX before this, so that was nice, but for a laptop, i love the screen and resolution.
IMO, i would love to see what a blu ray movie looks like. I think that i may never go back to DVD after seeing my 1080P screen with 300 and Dark Knight. Both were awesome in HD -
Thanks for answering guys,on another topic would you guys recommend me to take this or the BB g71..?,also do you guys know when the g71 will be available again at BB..?
Well, the BB G71 is not at $1300. At that price, I'd definitely go for the BB G51. Heck, you can get a XA1 at that price.
,but i noticed it had a better processor if im not wrong
If your budget is $1400, you should ideally buy the $1300 G51 version on Newegg -
The New egg G51 seems like a good option, the only difference that i can see are
1) the CPU (P8700 same CPU the g71 comes with)
2) Different look to the body (white and black with blue painting)
3) Higher res screen (1920 x 1080), although this vary from each person, i personally prefer the lower resolution for all day working, and the performance imo is better as you dont need to draw so many pixels. Although you can lower it, LCDs always look best at their native resolution.
Weather that enough to justify the price its up to you, also remember you will also avoid the tax so might end up closer. -
Yeah im really considering the g71 now,unique thing is its not available at BB right now,someone knows how long it will take for BB to get stock..?
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
1-I dont live in USA
2-Im not buying this,my dad is buying this for me,and im not sure if he would like to buy online..
I know that the BB version isnt as good,but is much better then my 512mb ram 3 years old sony laptop hehe.. -
Not that you need to, but you should be able to hit 490FSB on that X9100 and 620 on the GPU for a total one-time banzai run.
That would probably get you over the top...
i'm planning on getting the same laptop
due to my tight budget, cant go for the higher end Full HD screen
wanted to ask before i bought it, does the Rx05 have an LED screen or just a normal LCD screen?
coz i've been reading forums and i've seen people say both, so just thought I'd ask..
also hw come its still giving ddr2 ram, is this motherboard compatible with ddr3??
for future upgrades..
thanks -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
What drivers from where are you guys currently using? I've been reading the Laptop2Go website for an hour and am thoroughly confused at this moment coming from ATI, and Desktops exclusively...
There seems to be a couple options I know... I'm looking for one that will retain all functionality, just a update. So whether thats Nvidia official, or L2GO I'm not sure. I don't wanna lose stuff like backlighting for the keys or w.e.
I think what I really need is a direct link at this point if someone can provide please.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for my laptop illiteracy!
Thanks in advance! -
In terms of gaming, these seem to provie the best performance - 185.85
You could also try the 186.42, users who have tested them repored they got very similar perf compred tot he 185.85
If you need help installing them, see Tev's guide. -
If you use the drivers from laptopvideo2go, they are official Nvidia desktop drivers that were modified to install on laptops too. They retain all functionality as official Nvidia mobile drivers.
Dox drivers are modified to get the maximum performance so they may have some issues with non-gaming things but those are probably minimal. -
Thanks for the info Tev & A3rox! I needed it in layman's terms, haha.
xcskiier23's G51VX-RX05 Review
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by xcskiier23, Jul 18, 2009.