I've decided to just remain very Zen about this - it'll come when it comes. lol
And I'm also without my own gaming computer, but do have my wife's to play on when I can pry it away from her!
I just got an idea, I am going to pre-order an Asus G74-A1, pay the full price in advance, wait until it is designed and maybe it will appear on my door step before the G73 I already ordered back in February. At least it should have USB 3, 1.5 Gig VRAM and an SSD as standard equipment (if USB 4 is not out by then). The OS, I would guess Win 8
I'm finally leaving the club! NCIX in Canada got product today and my A1 has been shipped and will be here on Monday! Woohoo!! The wait is over!
Now here's hoping it's not defective... -
I have ordered one here from a local shop about 3 weeks ago. They tell me that I should have it on 03/11. Here is to hoping, but it is worth the wait. It has to be much better than the Acer 8935G that I have right now.
There are 4 A2's in stock right now at NCIX if anybody is interested. Good luck!
I'm in! Maybe we can get a group rate!
Mine (like all the G74-A1s) will have an eSATA port as well.
The G74 wait is killing me! LMAO -
I'll ebay my G73 right away after receiving it, and then pre-order G74-A1 ASAP! -
I am wonder, Does All Asus G73JH will come with Recovery DVD,because I have heard that Asus will no longer going to provide Recovery DVD for notebook computer anymore. Can anyone tell me that is true or not.
1. Where did you purchase this from again?
2. And shouldn't it come with a recovery dvd? Was yours missing for a reason or was this a shipping mistake?
3. And lastly are you absolutely sure that you got the 1066 rather than the 1333? Cause if you did, that totally sucks for all the other A1 owners as we were the one that was waiting the longest and paid the most , and the other A2, X1, and X2 owners gets the freebee. A very nice thank you from asus if this is the case (I hope not!) -
Minus Respect, Asus.. -
Ken @ Gentech has said they no longer come with recovery disk, however you can always make your own.
I wonder if the 1033 CAS lat is 9-9-9-9-24? wouldnt that be sweet if it was less? -
I see... So then whats the 3 disc that comes with the laptop? Or did Asus minus one disc now?
Also, fellow A1-ers, please let us know what speed ddr ram you got. If it indeed is the 1066, I will be really, really upset as I could have got the laptop earlier, cheaper, and with the free upgrade of ram as JamesExtreme said. Thank you everyone, and still hoping for the best! -
It still comes with the driver disk for sure.
Ugh. I was hoping to leave this club today. PCCanada had a shipment scheduled for this morning, and there were less than a hundred in line for the A2. The date has been updated to the 16th, and nothing got shipped out to me at least. craptacular. The wait continues. I was tempted to jump on ncix when they had some stock this weekend, but I incorrectly assumed if they had stock then pccanada would get stock and I'd get mine shipped. I figure I'm about 35th in line out of 136 at this point.
Sadness. -
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
Well, the ASUS repair facility tech supervisor assured me that my replacement A1 would ship overnight to me today. Let's see if I get a tracking number.
FYI Just found the A1 in stock at Newegg
Got my A1 today! Everything is working great. No recovery DVD but there is a utility to backup the recovery partition. Too bad. Considering doing a clean install but I removed most of the bloatware and the computer is running nicely. Each disk was partitioned into two drives so there were four drives. First thing I did was deleted the extra partition on each disk and increased the primary partition size to create two large partitions which (aside from the recovery partition on the first drive) are the full drive size.
The display on this computer is beautiful and the computer is a beast! I was surprised that it actually fit in the backpack! -
X1 is showing stock at newegg as well.
I can not seem to add the A1 to 'my cart' does this mean they are gone already? If so AHHHHHHHH! -
I don't want to jinx it, but...
My pre-ordered A1 shipped yesterday from PNB!! Now within 300miles of my house!
I may just get to leave this group after all.
(I won't cancel my G74 pre-pre-order just yet hehe...)Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
Bye Guys, see you over in the owners thread. A1 arrived 10:30 this morning
See you there tomorrow afternoon! -
Still no word from my reseller. Fact is, there's still a person between me and the reseller. And that person is on vacation 'till saturday..
Getting depressed as i'll probably be the last one in here.. -
its so close...wish thursday came sooner...
anyone know if its 1066 or 1333 or its just luck of the draw
soo close... -
Status: shipped
See ya in the owners thread. -
oh my gross.. for the past 2 weeks i was being told that the next shipment would be on the 12th (friday), now I hear that they received a small order yesterday (I was 11th on the list, now I'm 8th), and the next one is looking to be an effing A2 in a few weeks. They also told me not to believe anyone (their own employees) who give out information on their shipping dates. NCIX is the retailer in question.
Mine shipped from PortableOne today! So off I go to the owners' lounge soon
Good luck to those left - and thanks for the counseling and support -
Earlier this after noon i e-mailed Justin @ ExoticPc. He said that i would most likely get my g73 by the next shipment if it were the same size as this first one
Anitec Canada has in stock for CAD 1713. -
I just join the club 3 days ago.....
*scream* After waiting 5 or 6 weeks, my A1's been less than 10 miles from me for 18 hours now, and UPS tracking doesn't show it as out for delivery!
They're just toying with me now....b*stards
*edit* Shows Out for Delivery now *whew* Now the wait until 3 or 4PM (it's only 10am).... -
I just missed mine! Fedex wouldn't deliver since I wasn't home and they didn't bring it to my work for me to sign like UPS does. I was fairly certain my work address was not on my card and I didn't want it to get denied, so I was forced to put my home address down for delivery.
Now, do I spend $25 in gas to go get it tonight? Or wait until tomorrow and get it at work? The driver wrote a note saying he would deliver tomorrow at my work, but what if he is sick or forgets? Then I'd miss it again.
Been waiting almost a freakin week since I ordered, this sucks! -
Almost a freakin week??? I've been waiting almost freakin 6 weeks hehe -
I have just cancel my order from GenTech and I have find on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220568131858&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT
I have just call them and they have A2 instock but very limited stock, I have order on 10th and shipped out on 10th in Afternoon. I am expecting to get my G73-A2 by monday beecause I live in UK.
Also they seller has a firm called Lu Computers -
Been playing on my A1 for over an hour.
Happily I'm leaving this group, hopefully for good!! -
For anyone who has been waiting a long time for a G73, I have a suggestion, contact ASUS through this link http://vip.asus.com/eservice/cus_suggest.aspx
and ask them to increase the allotment for your dealer. If enough of us do this maybe it will speed things up. -
its finally in my possession as of 3pm eastern standard time
good luck to all in this thread
i cant wait to get home from to open this bad boy up -
My A2 is in "Easter midland airport GB" waiting to be clear from custom, told it will be deliever by Tuesday because weekend coming up, cant wait any longer
I just bought one on 10th of March and arrive to UK on 11th of March, that is so quick from Lu computers...great job -
Two questions, fellow G73JH awaiters:
1. The bloatware that people have mentioned in this forum. Can somebody provide a list of this in this format:
what you (will) remove(d) why
It will provide me a handy list. Also, if you want it back, how do you put it back -- do we have all the media?
2. Is there anybody subscribing to this forum who has received their machine and 1) has the 1066 memory 2) has the 1333 memory. It would be interesting, while we wait, to see if the faster memory does make a difference by having a test of two machines similar in every way but this memory speed.
I look forward to your posts -
I just got my G73jh-A1 two days ago, and I will tell you , there is quite alot of bloatware on it. I looked for a guide to removing the bloatware, and I found this here : http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=380681
To be honest, it would be quicker to reinstall Win 7 and then DL the utilities you want to use from here http://support.asus.com/download/download.aspx?model=G73JH&os=30&SLanguage=en-us
Also, when you get yours, have a good look at the audio drivers, several people have reported both realtek and creative audio drivers installed. This caused my laptop to crash whenever I started programs like Ventrilo and certain games.
The solution is to remove the creative software completely, but leave the realtek stuff alone.
Took a few hours, but I have all the bloatware removed that I do not want, and I have the laptop working the way I want it. -
Oh, and I'm not sad or depressed, This laptop rocks! especially for 1800 bones Canadian
Ordered g73j-a2 from Amazon on 2/27
Received on 3/11
came with 1333
moving on to the owners forum now. -
I ordered A1 model from Bottom Line Telecomunications on the 20th of Feb and they just told me today it is shipping ! Also moving to owners thread, good luck everyone... Now I just hope I'm not one of the few that get a bad one.
The Sad/Depressed G73JH-A1 Future Owners Group
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by steve638, Feb 15, 2010.