Hmm, its honestly either this or an m15x. Can you switch out the gtx 260 for a 280? Why are your guys 3dmarks so low with such a beastly card, is the cpu bottleneckin? The m15x with a gtx 280m is getting same temps with a 8800 heatsink.
I used SetFSB to overclock the CPU, nTools for the GPU (RivaTuner does NOT work with Dox 185.85), and Crystal CPUID to undervolt. CPUID and SetFSB start at boot due to use of Task Scheduler and I'm still fiddling with nTools right now. Just let me know if you need to get anything to work and I'd be glad to help.
3DMark06 is very heavily reliant so yes, the CPU is a big bottleneck in artificial benchmarks, but the laptop plays games much faster than its 3DMark06 score might imply.
There is no way you go switch out for a 280M on the G51. It already is running a bit hot with the 260M. With a 280M you're just asking to fry your videocard or something like that. -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
When using nTools is there as a way to raise the shader clock? I notice there's only core and memory clocks. -
Heck, you can even set it up so that the GPU isn't OCed normally, but OCs when you start running a certain game and then downclock itself once it reaches a certain temperature.
Edit: Like in the other thread, here is nTools -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Hmm. I'll reinstall, since I don't see any shader bar at this moment.
And I've tested EVGA Precision. No performance gain with Dox 185.85. Even though I set my clocks higher, clocks did no exceed 540/1250/799.
NTools it is. -
TevashSzat, Thanks so much!!! I did buy it today and I will be trying this here pretty soon. I will hit you back if I need more info. Again, thanks!!
~Ibrahim~ -
TevashSzat, what were your settings on SETFSB set at?
I'm thinking about buying this laptop, but would probably upgrade the CPU to the Q9100.
How easily accessible is the CPU in this laptop? Can you replace it from the back or do you have to remove the keyboard, etc? -
@ Sparky222b
You can remove it from the back, you just have to unscrew the heat sync. Sunny has pic's of the backside open if the review and you can see the cpu. But I am not 100% sure that the computer is gonna take the CPU upgrade before another BIOS update. -
the cpu is pretty accessible by removing the back panel/plate from the laptop. so there is no need to remove the keyboard.
How do I turn on the lights on the back? I think I deleted the program off my desktop and I completely forgot what i was called.
Well there should be one soon because they are coming out with this computer on regular retail from Asus and you can customize it with any Quad Core. So the BIOS for those should be coming out.
hey all, I've just ordered the A1 model.. ditching my old 7900gtx laptop (core duo 2.0 ghz CPU). I keep reading about marginal improvements over the 9800.. and I keep second guessing the purchase.. but then I have to remind myself that the 260gtx is 3 generations ahead! And i become happy again.
can't wait to get it!! -
Clock Generator: ICS9LPR604AGLF
FSB/DDR/PCI-E/PCI: 230.0/460.0/26.6/8.9
Set it at 500/760 to get those settings. Thats a 2.3Ghz overclock, btw.
To quickly get your speed, look at the first number in the FSB/DDR/.... sequence and multiply it by 10 to get the number of MHz your CPU will be running at. -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
And since the A1 variant comes standard with a quad, it stands to reason that a BIOS revision will come out to correct the quad incompatibility.
If you don't mind waiting, try a find a good OEM quad. IF you WANT IT NAO, I think the BIOS supports all T and P series processors, as well as dual-core Xtremes. -
hm, so i played through the entire crysis demo on high settings and "only" got a max temp of 88c. considering the other posted temps and the fact that I don't have a cooler, i think that's a good sign.
twistamafoo, that is an awesome temperature! even with my cooler, mine gets to 90c.
I get 97c with 30min of crysis all on hight AA 4x with default drivers and native resolution
Meybe this is a termal paste problem... or something similar...
This laptop is awsome tho! -
Cooling pad from zelman NC1000 could help you 3-4c plus 2-3c from arctic silver m2x on gpu and cpu.
hm, I didn't have AA on since it was choppy enough during firefights without it.
but just as a heads up- keep your eye on your GPU temps for awhile.. they shouldnt be getting over 90c much at all according to all of our other reviews/testimonies. So 97c might be high.
'Grats -
I have a little portable USB fan that cools the video card about 5c.
I will use that when I game on-the-go and I'll get a cooling pad for work and home.
I'm possibly upgrading the CPU in the future... I will re-apply thermal paste to the GPU when that happens.
I hope there won't be any problems with this laptop. I can't send it back because I need it for work.
This laptop came with a tiny crack on the left of Express Gate button.
Everything I tested seems to be working 100% tho -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
From what I've seen when popping open my heatsink, applying AS5 to the GPU might be ill-advised. I noticed that my GPU has a thermal pad on it, used to bridge the few millimeters or so between the GPU and heatsink interface.
I haven't experimented with removing the pad, so maybe it does indeed sit flush without it, but just a warning.
And anglagard, personally I would replace it with a new G51. You paid $999+tax for something that shouldn't have those defects. -
I guess I can try to replace it if bestbuy has one in stock locally.
What should I tell them? GPU overheats and barely noticeable crack on the plastic next to express gate button.
Anyone has experience replacing stuff from bestbuy?
This one was shipped and I received it last Friday (day before yesterday) -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
I don't have much experience with Best Buy, unfortunately.
You can always walk in and ask them. Tell them you have a higher-than-normal GPU temps--which I'm pretty sure 97C would count as--and cosmetic defects. I doubt they'll demand you to play Crysis for half and hour and show them your temps.
Make sure to ask them how they would replace a laptop bought online. -
Haha, 97C too high? I get 102C and I am alright
I can't ask for much though. It is 11:23pm right now, and my ambient temp is 33.5C!
Everything is working fine for me, and I am really enjoying this machine
I noticed that it never gets over 102C so maybe it kicks the fans higher when it gets that hot? Anyways, I will try getting a cooler soon, then OC the GPU!
I guess I am a madman
I might even mod the laptop a bit, and add an additional fan for the GPU only -
Wow 102C? Mines doesn't go over 89C and Im in Iraq without a Notebook cooler (Zelman NC2000 on the way). Thats a little too high for me not to get nervious
I just played it for 45min. Crysis, native res, all set to high and no AA.
max temp 96c and an in game alt-tab shows between 89c and 94c and mostly on 93 for current value. I guess it’s a little bit better because of the weather in NY tonight.
I will call Best Buy and see what they can do...
Thanks. -
I still recommended to remove thermal pad from CPU and GPU (leave the thermal pad on ram and small piece that's fine) and replace with Arctic silver 5 or Mx-2 it could faster cool down the gpu and cpu very well. I think 89-96c it just normal when gpu working in full state, nothig could help to reduce temp at that moment because of very small heat pipe on monster.
I overclocked [email protected] to 3.28 idle = 31c fully load temp = 71c for CPU
GPU@500 mem@499 overclock to GPU@610 mem@1000 idle = 55c fully load temp = 90-98 this is my optimal setting which could run very stable. -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Well, since you know, I want to confirm something.
Will the heatsink interface sit flush, i.e. make full contact with the GPU? From what I saw in my computer, the thermal pad was a lot thicker than any layer of AS5 ought to be. -
PS. When you take heatsink off you should void the warranty too!!! beware of it.
goodluck -
Has anyone tested the NVIDIA® HybridPower™ technology yet? Nvidia is showing it off here (, anyone notice a huge benefit to battery life?
you need a notebook which has that technology such as the Studio XPS 13 and the BenQ Joybook S42 to use that feature
anyone else having blue screen problems. my panda anti virus seems to be causing the problem. anyone know how to fix that?
try another anti-virus like avast or avg they are free
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
install free avg, light on system and runs well with windows 7 and vista -
Hmm......I wonder if people would like a guide on how to overclock the CPU, GPU, and undervolt the G51 as well as make everything start at boot. I can probably create one without too much trouble and it would probably help out alot of people especially when the people getting the reseller version all come out.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Not if I beat you to it.
Just kidding. We already have some G51 reviews. A G51 optimization thread would rock.
I can write on how to install Dox drivers right. I know at least that much. -
That would be great guys.
Starting about 2 hours ago when i powered on before playing L4D, my fan kicked in quite audibly ... Nothing was running and it cooled the GPU to mid fifties. i was a little put off by the sudden run, but played L4D for the past 1.5 hours now, never broke 70c area.. Good for gaming but the fan is loud.. and now post-game, it is still running on high, GPU is at 54c, and im in "quiet office mode". The fan is LOUD right now. whats going on? trying a restart.. -
That happens sometimes. A restart does get rid of the issue. I noticed that it happens to me more often when coming out of sleep mode than right after a gaming session.
I think that is a great idea since, as in some days the A1 will come out and more people (which is great) will come to report bugs, problems, tweaks, etc, and it definitely will be nice to have all information organized in a thread. just my .02$ -
agreed. that would be very helpful.
Alright, after a restart the fan has started behaving itself again. Just got a little confuddled for a moment.
does anyone know how you can turn off the side & back lights on the cover of the laptop?
Guys, I have made an Asus G51 optimization guide here.
THANK YOU for your comments!
Sunny's G51VX-RX05 Review
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by sunnyc90, Jun 21, 2009.