So you're about on-par for my performance, then. Try FSB and see what you get then.
102? Yow. Definitely invest in a cooler. While I don't think there will be any meltdowns from that temperature--Asus knows the heat a 260m can generate--it isn't helping your health. I always use a cooler with my notebooks.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
I am from Monterrey too. I think that with such hot ambient temperature it won't really help, but I just wanted to make sure the 102C was... well expected.
My G50vt ran at 95C, which I used OC, so I expected similar performance.
It this temperature is normal then I won't worry, I will try to game in a not-so-hot enviroment, but meanwhile I will look into getting a cooler.
I am loving the performance so far, even with the 2.15Ghz turbo mode seems good enough for games right now. I wonder if we can OC the GTX a bit into stock levels... without melting down the machine of course. -
guys my laptop temperature in some of the hardware monitor are as much as 10 degrees higher than the pic posted by sunny. is that ok?
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
hey guys a quick question, I was checking my computer and I notice the W and Q keys area little lower than the e,r,t, is this normal, I thinks it might be because of the design which is a little bit curved, but i just want to make sure
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
You don't know what ambient temperature is or you don't know what the ambient temperature is?
Ambient temperature, is, well, the temperature where you have the computer. Where I live, the ambient temperature is about 65 F. What is yours?
Second, what were you doing before you compared your readings to Sunny's?
Third, where/on what is your laptop located? -
My ambient temperature on average is like 90-100F haha.
Okay my idle temps after an hour of non use:
So I think the GPU is... okay, despite the high temps when playing. The CPU is definetly hotter, but I guess it is passable.
What coolers do you recommend, that are not too expensive? -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Your computer temperatures seem normal for just sitting there. They're higher than mine, but then again I'm on top of an active cooler and my room is cooler than yours. Don't fret.
As for coolers, this plastic Targus from Best Buy has been serving me very well. I think an aluminum Zalman would be your best bet, since your region is warmer, but in any case a cooler of any brand will do wonders. -
Thanks Coderj, thank helped alot.
I know I asked alot but I am still having trouble finding the right 185.85 dox files for vista and the Phyxs drivers and downloading them.. -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Right here for Dox 185.85
Go to page 19 of that thread for the PhysX links. -
It seems a lot of folks are getting 9.4k-ish 3dMark06 scores on their G51s. I do hope it has a better 'in-game' performance than a 9800M GS with the same score because getting 9.8k score max is well, practically the same.
I'm getting my G51 in 2-3 weeks (with my G50VtX5 still in top shape, be giving it to my bro). I'm not sure if I should expect even a wee bit better performance with the G51, but i guess I should just expect the same, only with a hotter cpu/gpu.
I hope DOX or NVidia comes up with a newer, better driver that will really bring out the most juice out of the GPU. 7805-FX (with GTS) owners get some 10.2k after OC with only a slightly better (2.26Ghz) CPU. I might OC mine to 2.5ghz, hope it gets stable. Will also do the same BIOS flash to the gpu as I did with my X5, less than 10k 3DMark06 would be unacceptable for me, hehe. -
Since 3dMark06 is also very CPU dependent, having even a slightly better CPU does make a noticeable difference. Having it start out at 2.26Ghz means that they should easily be able to overclock it to 2.5Ghz and lots can probably even reach 2.6 to 2.7. Compare that to my 2.25Ghz. 0.35-0.45 Ghz will give you alot. -
Forge I follwed all your instructions on how to download the Dox driver before, but it still says it cannot download the driver to the computer. I uninstalled the driver/adapter,,safe mode,, driver sweeper on video driver,, went to go download normally and it wont let me.. what am I doing wrong?
I'll be getting my G51 anyway so will deal with that, hope mine doesn't turn out to be a lemon *knocks on wood* -
Well mczen
I can tell you I am getting better performance out of my G51 than my G50 with OC to GTS speeds. I am now able to play Crysis all high in a smoother way, something that the 9800M GTS struggled to do constantly.
I am still downloading games so I don't much to test it on, but I am more than pleased so far with the extra gaming performance.
Remember that even though this is a 260M GTX, it is still underclocked so yeah, you won't see a massive improvement, but you will in certain shader heavy games. -
Still waiting for that 'coming soon' results though.
How are your temps by the way, is it also getting 90C after some gaming? i hope that isn't true with all G51s, especially the new ones -
sooo none of you are having the same problem?
I may have to take this back to BB... -
I saw earlier in the posts that someone was asking about dead pixels. I am actually on my second G51xv as the first one had 6 bad pixels in a roughly oval shape on the left/center of the display.
Has anyone noticed that Core 1 seems to run 10deg C hotter at idle than Core 0 on their proc? Love the laptop, wish it was a little more robust, but not bad. Much faster than my aging desktop. (still running a 7800GTX 256M) -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
My temps are off charts, with highest being 102C. But then again I am not using a cooler, and my ambien temp is near 40C, around 90-100F heh. Nothing has stopped working.
My old 9800M GS used to get as hot as 96C, to give you an idea, so this is really not THAT much hotter.
Oh also tested RE5 just now. All high with vysinc no AA at 1360x768, with over 50fps on average. -
Yeah I meant install, I followed all your instructions, step by step, and it says "The Nvidia Setup cannot locate any drivers that are compatible with the current hardware. Setup will now exit" I must be doing something wrong, but I dont kno what.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
I want to be completely sure you did this.
1. In normal Vista, you go to device manager and uninstall the drivers.
2. you reboot into safemode and use Driver Sweeper to remove all nVidia Display files
3. You install Dox 185.85
4. You reboot into normal mode
5. You install PhysX and enable it in nVidia control panel.
6. Ta-da.
I'm assuming you're getting stuck on step 3, right? -
Yeah Its step 3.... I know im doing something wrong because we all have the same computer lol... I just dont know what
You seem to be in a hot desert with 40C as ambient, hmmm, it's great that your machines still work after a few months. I got the highest temp with my X5 (somewhere 97C+) playing GRID, I think Clutch2X said it makes the GPU hotter than Crysis or any other game for that matter. But my normal is 79-83 playing Street Fighter 4 and whatnot.
With your 'testimonials' on the 'feats' of the G51 owning a 9800 G(T)S yourself, i might just go back to expecting an upgrade when I get my G51 (and an revoir to my X5). -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Did you do anything special to this before this. Did you install a new OS? New drivers? Clean install?
Have you tried an earlier Dox driver, like 185.68? -
Forge I just tried it again, step by step, and still failed
It says "The Nvidia Setup cannot locate any drivers that are compatible with the current hardware. Setup will now exit" Can anyone make a step by step list of how to do it so I can see what Im doing wrong? I mean a hey idiot step by step list.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
EDIT: Never mind saw the new post.
So you've done nothing special to the computer, correct? -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Hold a second. What are you doing now, then? What display drivers are you using if Dox isn't even installing and you've clean uninstalled?
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Sent you a PM
Regarding the driver issue, are you sure you downloaded the file from this site?
There really shouldn't be any trouble, but make sure to download the 64bit version not the x86 version which is for 32bit OS only. -
Thanks to Forge I finally figured it out. I got it on there and raised my 3dmarks score to 9954
alot better
I didn't mess with any settings, I just let windows update do its job, after the latest update, it just started having thsese problems. -
Did you get that score by just installing the DOX drivers?
Thanks -
Need some help guys. I really like this computer but for a couple of hundred bucks more I can get the G71 which comes with more goodies. Another option is also the Gateway P-7805u FX which in comparison spanks the Asus G51. I finally got permission from my wife to buy a laptop and I don't know what to get. Please help!!
Well man I will tell you my opinion, I was in the same dilemma as you are right now, I also considered the G71 and the Gateway. But I think it all depends on what you are using you're computer for. Between the g71 and g51 in terms of size and weight I will recommend you to go to best buy and try them both. In went for the G51 since I am in college and I will be carrying this thing everyday. In terms of performance, well I don't have crysis, but I been playing some games I have to test the laptop, COD 4, NFS most wanted, spliter cell, medal of honor, never winter nights and all of them max out with no problems , and all of them just with the turbo extreme option that the computer comes with and with DOX drivers, which are very easy to install. But my main suggestion is to check the weight, because if you will be carrying this every day a 17 in laptop will be heavy, and I am telling you this by experience, my past laptop was a 17in and at first it seems light, but believe me it starts getting heavier everyday. -
The size is definitely something to consider. I'll be toting this thing to school as well. I think I'm going to go to BB right now and buy it. Worst case scenario, I don't like it, I can return it in 14 days. I would still like to know which one is better though. But again thanks for the info!!
I have a HP D9000, 17" and boy, carrying that thing everyday!! -
Tevashszat, I see you overclocked your G51. Is it running okay and did you use anything special. I will be attempting this in about 1 hour.
turning on the turbo extreme option is easy you right click on the battery power icon and get into power4gear utility, you need to select power4gear high performance on the application, in the bottom left side of the program it says turbo mode. You have 2 options. However this only works in high performance mode.
oh heh, thanks. so the turbo modes overclock the cpu? and by how much does each option overclock?
Alright. I'm new here and have one question.
I've been looking at both the G51 and the G50 X5.
The G50 is 300 bucks cheaper.
the G51 has the LED screen, GTX260 and slower CPU.
Bottom line.... I know they both are perfomers but if you had neither which would you go with.
Thanks -
Wait, the G51 has a LED screen? Where is this confirmed?
~Ibrahim~ -
But back to the OP question. Anyone... -
The turbo extreme mode overclocks by about 7.5%, that is approximately +-2.15
Sunny's G51VX-RX05 Review
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by sunnyc90, Jun 21, 2009.