100th post! Asus C90S rox!
Where can I find more info/rumors about the C91 and C80? What is known about them?
oh its have 10000 in NBR !!!!!
when its will be released friday or sunday ???
-Jabriiiz -
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
90 percent chance it will leave Asia tomorrow. 10 percent chance it will be "by the end of next week. or whenever the hell. Love, Asus"
Asus: You get it when I @#%! feel like it! (backhand slaps us away)
ha ha ha -
Oh well though, my card still hasnt been charged......guess ill have to wait longer...(shuffle feet and looks down)...
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
If it does ship from Asia tomorrow, expect it shipping next week. GenTechPC is charging when there is a computer in the warehouse with your name on it.
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
^ I'm confused. So they already have some?
I just got an email response back from GenTechPC, and they said that they will be receiving the shipments sometime next week.
So I would expect them to actually arrive in our hands the end of next week at the earliest, or more realistically the following week. -
damn ; ;
This is so painful.
Okay. If I do buy a C80S by Christmas time of 07, will I be able to upgrade it by the time I get into college (which is in 2 years)? Will the battery last, or would I have to buy a newer one by then?
Seriously, you know right, that there is gonna be a lot of happening in two years especially on the computer side.. -
you will probably want a new battery by then
well actually, i deon't guess it will matter haha since the battery will only last 20 minutes anyway -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
For Alex, and anybody else that likes it.
or more traditional with text on the right
sorry for the nub question, but this c90 will let me put a 2gb and 1 gb and have that partial dual channel thing or w/e it is <.< flex mode >.>;
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Not sure, but dont sweat it reguardless as its not a huge gain by any means and wont affect your performance outside of a memory benchmark or ~1 fps in a game.
b/c the FSB is what will be limiting it? {I don't understand.} {Help me out!}
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
no, just because asemetric dual channel is rather new so I dont know if the c90 has it. but like I said tho its not a big boost in performance.
In my opinion your better off with 3gb non dual channel than you are with 2 in dual channel. Esp for newer games and vista. -
oh ok thanks for hthe help vicious
I have a newphew that just go touf ot he marines, :>
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
Thx Vicious.
I'm sure most of you have already seen this, but here you go.
It's nice to see that someone has actually used one without saying anything negative about heat/noise. It seems like they took heat very seriously and are even OK with you overclocking by 30%, so I'm sure this thing should have no heat issues.I can't wait for it to be released!
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
The 8700M is more than just an overclocked 8600M. It has a greater Wattage rating and (like someone else said) that dual channel GDDR3 thing that no one has seen yet. So you can overclock the 8600M GT to be close to it, but the 8700M stock will probably still get 5ish more FPS in most games, at least.
well, i ve been waiting for a laptop like this for ages! now its so close! gonna order mine soon from gentech. (sold my macbook pro for this baby)
a few questions for you guys. i heard that the fan in the back is optional... so does that mean we can take it off if we dont plan to overclock?
and does anyone know if the motherboard will ever be upgradeable?
i just chatted with the cyberpowerpc guys and they said that it is in stock. not back order and NOT pre order. the ship date of 7/11/07 on there website is for the build times. i think you can pay more to have it shipped out faster than 2 weeks though. can't wait to see some reviews!
thanks alot! -
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
Fan in the back is not optional. What your thinking of is the c91 which uses a santa rosa (laptop) processor. The fan is needed to deal with the heat of the processor and gpu.
Mobos are not upgradeable as far as I know.
I would NOT trust cyberpowerpc while their prices are attractive they are not a good site to purchase from. A friend of mine bought a laptop off of their site a year and ago and he got it dirt cheap cuz well they do have the lowest prices. Then 3 more friends of mine ordered from that site and they got all jipped off. Faulty equipment and one of my friends laptop actually stopped working completely after a few months. If you see their reseller ratings they are generally good but they are alot of complaints also. All I'm saying is be wary cause my friends told me their customer service is crap and their warranty isn't really a waranty they find ways to weasel out of replacing your equipment. Buy it from btotech or 1toppc.com (gentech). I am purchasing from gentech and I saw cyberpowerpc and decided to to a point markup of the prices compared and found cyberpowerpc to have be less then 50 dollars cheaper and thats after their %5 instant rebate which is over soon. Gentech has very few complaints (if any at all) and Ken is great in helping you in any way possible. -
oh yeah - i didnt plan to buy from cyberpower - my friend had a horrible experience there too. i was just making sure that it was actually in stock somewhere - and not just on a boat "heading" to their warehouse.
plan on getting it at gentech too. they seem to have a really good deal and great rep. from this community.
and i read this " Jutting out from the back of the system is a large turbo fan (you can opt not to have this) for keeping the heat-prone components cool for overclockers. " here http://laptopmag.com/News/Notebooks/Hands-on-with-the-Asus-C90S-and-C91S.htm?page=1
so were they talking only about the c91? -
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
Hehe the C2D Conroe Extreme x6800 is now on gentech for a whopping $1049. I think on July 22nd they will cut the price of those by %50 so a $500-525 price tag sounds reasonable for a beast of a processor.
better wait and see...
and yeah....there are a lot of price cuts really really soon.. -
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
Cyberpower is absolutely lying. The C90s have not even been loaded on the plane from Taiwan yet. The product manager from Asus said it is practically 100 percent for this week (barring some major crysis/catastrophe or other retarding event). Expect the first end users to have them at the latest on Saturday (a week from tomorrow).
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
Yea I caught that
. I almost changed it before posting, but I figured you guys would appreciate my state of mind
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Why would you want the x6800?? for the C90 or for a desktop?
Its good for neather really.
In the c90 a 6700 or 6600 or even lower will still hit the same 2.93ghz level via its overclocking tool.
If its for a desktop, for 266$ you can get the 3.0ghz 1333mhz fsb e6850 instead or the 2.4ghz q6600.
Both of them are much better than the x6800. -
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
I agree with you completely.
Though it is an overclockers dream. It can go up to 3.5 ghz stable and upward bounds of 4 ghz. Just found it interesting no way am I recommending someone to get it unless they are major overclockers. Just found it funny thats all. -
the 6700 and 6600 will both oc to 2.9 with that little button?
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
yeah in gaming mode they both will be overclocked to 2.93ghz.
I only got the e6700 for my C90 because I got it really cheap and because I wanted a faster non overclocked speed.
as for overclocking limits the 6600, 6700, 6800 ect all have the same levels, some go higher than others.
some of the ES 6850's are hitting 4.5ghz on air!! (G0 steping)
also at the end of july the q6600 are starting to be made on that same G0 steping... thats what I will hunt for if I have the money to upgrade my desktop. Id go for a q6600 @ 3.0ghz for a 24/7 machine and it would probably easily clock 3.6ghz for benchmarks.
I need a new mobo, ram, and cpu for an upgrade tho since I am still using a Opteron 148... thats like half my computer so I think I'll keep saving and just build a whole new machine.
My old one is up for sale just for that reason in the for sale section.
Its possible the C90 will out preform my desktop... but im doubting it a 8600m GT probably cant keep up with my 7800gtx ^^ -
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
Wow impressive. Why are the new c2ds so low priced other then the typical "they are designed to coutner amd's star line". Makes no sense how they are so ridiculously low priced.
Seems they aren't that big of a leap in terms of performance which is expected but overclocks like a beast even the e6750 reaches 3.8 ghz stable well which isn't that big of a surprise since the e6600 can reach 3.4 but still the prices are what surprises me. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Yeah they have a good steping and they have pretty much mastered the 65nm process thats why they oc so high. The next step is the 45nm wich even the first ones are expected to do like 4.2-4.5ghz on air.
The thing to keep in mind with teh EXX50 cpus to come out next month is the really high fsb. 1333mhz fsb. To most people they think wow thats good! a even faster/high fsb.
That holds true if you run it at stock speeds (and id personally be very happy with 3ghz stock for a 266$ cpu, for the first time ever thats a killer stock performance cpu at a budget price) for an overclocker tho, it may actually limit your overclock unless you have good luck and some high end hardware. To hit those nice high OC speeds your looking at a 500mhz FSB due to the cpus very low mutliplier.
The P35 boards are doing quite well with it, as are most of the cpu's.
Id probably just stick with 3ghz stock and not worry about it and run a tight ram/fsb ratio.
If I found I needed more power I may push it to 3.4 for a 24/7 system.
But I prefer the quad core over any of them, it may only be 2.4ghz but it should do 3ghz fairly easy and it still has the high multi and low fsb.
Your going to raise the fsb via overclocking so... then you have 4 cores instead of 2, wich will definitly dominate the higher clocked dual core in any app that supports multi core cpus.
Most aps are moving in that direction rather fast if they are cpu depandant and so are some games (suppreme commmander and flight simulator x both support up to 24cores already)
The process of going from single threaded to multi threaded for dual core was slow, but its pretty easy to change any multithreaded app from 2 cores to X cores. So the movement should be faster now and its also standard for dual core cpus to come with a new computer so that will put alot of pressure on companies to make multi threaded apps. -
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
Actually the 6700 will overclock to 2.93, the 6600 will be slightly less (2.88). It will OC the FSB up to 1280 but maxes the total clock at 2.93. The 6700 would be close to 3.2 without the limiter.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Oh... very well then
(im sure we can mod it for the 6600 to go 2.93)
as for the prices. Well intel is just trying to kill AMD. There Pheome is due out soon, and if they eat up the entire market share with there stuff first, amd wont have any customers. Also intel needs to get all the 65nm stuff on market before they release the 45nm stuff.
AMD at this point will have to have a product that can beat the current C2D and Q2D in performance. I have faith that it will. AMD builds great cpus. But they are usually expensive (unless your smart and buy a low end model and overclock it) so to prevent AMD's comeback they are doing a price war.
Now AMD only stands a chance to regain there part of the market if they can produce both a better performing chip and sell it at a close price. Wich with them being behind like this will be hard for them to do.
Lets hope they dont kill AMD off entirly tho, with no competition intel prices will go higher. -
AMD's only hope right now is the fusion...but it's a strong hope at that...seems to me that they are the furthest along in the CPU/GPU combination technology, which will certainly be the technology of the future...
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
Yea, it looked like intel was down and out when the AMD64s came out 3 years ago, then the tables turned. Same thing here.
The c90 is freaking awesome
it's like a hybrid desktop + laptop
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
So the specs say the C90s only supports HDDs of 80/100/120/160 GB. Does anyone know for sure if this means there would be problems with trying to install one of those 250GB/5400 rpm HDDs? Seems like bottlenecking HD capacity on a machine like this is a bit odd.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
No there is no limit. (common sense but I double checked with Ken from gentech who got his answer from one of the Asus guys.)
I have a 250gb drive for it.
There seems to be a pretty firm 99.9% chance that 3gb of ram is the limit tho. So I may have waisted like 40$ getting a 2x2gb kit for ram.
I dont care tho as long as it doesnt have problems using the ram even if it only reads 3gb. -
Hey, now that someone actually owns the C90s, can the battery life be given on it? Will it last long enough to watch a movie or does it need to be constantly plugged in?
Also, After reading this thread it seemed as if the C91 will be out SOON, i'm just confused as to what was being said. I read a maximum PC article and they said the C91 will be using the Santa Rosa. It was supposed to be the more "mobile" solution than the C90s. Maybe things have changed? -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
c91 is still comming out.
nobody actually has a c90 yet I dont think they are on the way over the seas as we speak.
90min in power save mode means.... no movie. Unless its an anime
im sure down the road a bigger battery a 9cell for instance will get you thru a movie. -
I see, well from my understanding, the C91 was supposed to be the more "mobile" solution, so I'm hoping for atleast 4 hours of battery life out of that, with the upgradability of the C90S
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
4 hours... it wont happen, the cpu may use about half power vs the c90s in full power mode but the system as a whole wont.
you need 2 batteries to get 4 hours.
Its not a big deal, take 30 seconds to go into hybernate mode, swich batteries and come out of hybernate.
4 hours on a single battery wont happen with any notebook that I can think of with even close to these performance standards, or even those with much less. -
what did you decide about overclocking the x6800? can it go higher than the 2.9?
Official C90/C90S/C91/C80 Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by FrostFire, Jun 26, 2007.